24 research outputs found

    Noggin overexpression inhibits eyelid opening by altering epidermal apoptosis and differentiation.

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    NoContact of developing sensory organs with the external environment is established via the formation of openings in the skin. During eye development, eyelids first grow, fuse and finally reopen, thus providing access for visual information to the retina. Here, we show that eyelid opening is strongly inhibited in transgenic mice overexpressing the bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) antagonist noggin from the keratin 5 (K5) promoter in the epidermis. In wild-type mice, enhanced expression of the kinase-inactive form of BMPR-IB mediated by an adenovirus vector also inhibits eyelid opening. Noggin overexpression leads to reduction of apoptosis and retardation of cell differentiation in the eyelid epithelium, which is associated with downregulation of expression of the apoptotic receptors (Fas, p55 kDa TNFR), Id3 protein and keratinocyte differentiation markers (loricrin, involucrin). BMP-4, but not EGF or TGF-, accelerates opening of the eyelid explants isolated from K5-Noggin transgenic mice when cultured ex vivo. These data suggest that the BMP signaling pathway plays an important role in regulation of genetic programs of eyelid opening and skin remodeling during the final steps of eye morphogenesis

    Genetic factors in the pathogenesis of CPPD crystal deposition disease

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    Crystal deposition is a very complex process ruled by numerous factors. A small but important proportion of cases of chondrocalcinosis are monogenic, and many of the genes involved have been identified. These genetic findings strongly point to control of the level of extracellular inorganic pyrophosphate as the primary mechanism for their association with either calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate or hydroxyapatite deposition. However, effects on extracellular inorganic pyrophosphate levels do not explain the mechanism of association in all of these monogenic diseases. Further, there are likely to be several as yet unidentified genes that are important in this common condition. This review highlights what genetic studies have demonstrated about the processes involved in these diverse but related disorders. Copyrigh

    Development and validation of an OMERACT ultrasound scoring system for the extent of calcium pyrophosphate crystal deposition at the joint level and patient level.

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    The Calcium Pyrophosphate Deposition (CPPD) subgroup of the Outcome Measures in Rheumatology (OMERACT) Ultrasound working group was established to validate ultrasound as an outcome measure instrument for CPPD, and in 2017 has developed and validated standardised definitions for elementary lesions for the detection of calcium pyrophosphate crystals in joints. The aim of this study was to develop and evaluate the reliability of a consensus-based ultrasound scoring system for CPPD extent, representing the next phase in the OMERACT methodology. In this study the novel scoring system for CPPD was developed through a stepwise process, following an established OMERACT ultrasound methodology. Following a previous systematic review to gather available evidence on existing scoring systems for CPPD, the novel scoring system was developed through a Delphi survey based on the expert opinion of the members of the OMERACT Ultrasound working group-CPPD subgroup. The reliability of the scoring system was then tested on a web-based and patient-based exercise. Intra-reader and inter-reader reliability of the new scoring system was assessed using weighted Light's κ coefficients. The four-grade semiquantitative scoring system consisted of: grade 0 (no findings consistent with CPPD), grade 1 (≤3 single spots or 1 small deposit), grade 2 (>3 single spots or >1 small deposit or ≥1 larger deposit occupying ≤50% of the structure under examination in the reference image-ie, the scanning view with the highest grade of depositions), and grade 3 (deposits that occupy more than 50% of the structure under examination in the reference image). The score should be applied to the knee (menisci and hyaline cartilage) and the triangular fibrocartilage complex of the wrist. The intra-reader and inter-reader reliabilities on static images were almost perfect (κ 0·90 [95% CI 0·79-1·00] and κ 0·84 [0·79-0·88]), and on the eight patients recruited (four [50%] female and four [50%] male) were substantial (κ 0·72 [95% CI 0·47 to 0·96] and 0·66 [0·61 to 0·71]). This OMERACT ultrasound scoring system for CPPD was reliable on both static images and patients. The scoring system might be a valuable tool for ensuring valid and comparable results in clinical trials and could help monitor the extent of crystal deposition in patients with CPPD in clinical practice. The Italian Ministry of Health - Ricerca Corrente

    PENGARUH KOMUNIKASI INTERPERSONAL TERHADAP CITRA PERUSAHAAN DAN KINERJA KEUANGAN (Studi Kasus PT.Bank Pembiayaan Rakyat Syariah (BPRS) Lantabur Tebuireng Jl. A. Yani Ruko Citra Niaga Blok E No. 11 Jombang)

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    Komunikasi interpersonal berperan penting dalam sebuah organisasi atau perusahaan, kualitas komunikasi interpersonal yang baik perlu dimiliki oleh karyawan terutama yang berhubungan langsung dengan nasabah. Dengan adanya komunikasi interpersonal yang baik dapat dilihat dari sikap terbuka, empati, mendukung, positif dan sikap kesetaraan dapat menciptakan persepsi terhadap citra perusahaan. Komunikasi yang baik dapat menarik nasabah baru sehingga perusahaan dapat memperoleh laba yang berdampak pada kinerja keuangan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh komunikasi interpersonal terhadap citra perusahaan dan kinerja keuangan di PT.BPRS Lantabur Tebuiren g Jombang. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh nasabah PT.BPRS Lantabur Tebuireng Jombang yakni 980 nasabah dan sampel sebanyak 98 nasabah dengan menggunakan teknik random sampling. Selain itu juga menggunakan data laporan triwulan publikasi perusahaan tahun 2011-2016. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan menggunakan teknik analisis data regresi sederhana dengan signifikansi 5%. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa variabel komunikasi interpersonal berpengaruh signifikan tehadap citra perusahaan dengan nilai thitung sebesar 8,06 dan signifikansi 0,00. Sedangkan variabel komunikasi interpersonal tidak berpengruh terhadap kinerja keuangan karena nilai thitung sebesar 1,236 dengan signifikansi 0,236. Kata kunci: Komunikasi Interpersonal, Citra Perusahaan, Kinerja Keuanga