114 research outputs found

    Lutando com o arroz: construção do conhecimento agroecológico e resistência camponesa no Assentamento Filhos de Sepé em Viamão – RS.

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    O processo de construção do conhecimento Agroecológico tem auxiliado a fortalecer a gestão da base de recursos de agricultores familiares criando sinergia entre diferentes formas de produção de conhecimento e dinâmicas sociais de desenvolvimento local. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo refletir sobre como o processo de construção do conhecimento agroecológico das famílias Assentadas em Viamão dialoga com o processo de recampesinização proposta por Ploeg. O Assentamento existe desde 1998, no distrito de Águas Claras, município de Viamão, RS. Nele vivem 376 famílias, vindas de 115 municípios do estado e representando uma diversidade de experiências em relação à agricultura e às formas de produção e de tipos de cultivo. É o maior assentamento de reforma agrária no estado, com 9.450 hectares, dos quais 2.543,46 hectares são destinados ao Refúgio da Vida Silvestre Banhado dos Pachecos, o que condiciona as famílias a produzir de forma orgânica desde 2008 por uma portaria do Estado. Apesar dos desafios, atualmente o assentamento é reconhecido pela produção de arroz agroecológico. Foram entrevistadas nove famílias diretamente envolvidas com o plantio e os dados foram os analisados a luz das teorias utilizadas buscando identificar as percepções, os discursos e as práticas. Ainda que o processo de transição seja recente, pela narrativa das famílias é possível constatar que o envolvimento com a agricultura de base ecológica a tem se mostrando mais adequado para a condição camponesa em se encontram, permitindo a ampliação da autonomia e melhoria da qualidade de vida em vários contextos. Há um reconhecimento do Estado sobre a relevância da Agroecologia e da agricultura familiar, dedicando a estas políticas públicas específicas que facilitam os processos de transição e de inserção de produtos nos mercados. No entanto, a atuação do Estado no que diz respeito a leitura e aplicação da legislação ambiental, tem contribuído para a reprodução e ampliação de um contexto de restrição sobre o uso dos recursos, colocando em risco o trabalho e modo de vida das famílias. Apesar de haver posicionamentos divergentes, ainda que o engajamento das famílias na transição agroecológica tenha sido influenciado por uma imposição legal, a permanência tem sido uma escolha

    Metodologia da análise seminal para pacientes azoospérmicos no Laboratório Fleury

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    ResumoA azoospermia é definida como a ausência de espermatozoide no líquido seminal ejaculado pelo homem depois de aplicada a técnica de centrifugação em pelo menos duas amostras. Dada a importância de um diagnóstico correto da análise seminal para os casais, toda amostra que não apresentar espermatozoides no exame a fresco deve seguir em avaliação laboratorial. Com isso, o presente estudo tem como objetivo analisar os resultados de centrifugação de uma alíquota do sêmen ejaculado ou de todo o volume ejaculado de pacientes com diagnóstico de azoospermia para determinar qual o melhor método a ser empregado na análise seminal para esse grupo de pacientes.AbstractThe azoospermia is defined as the absence of sperm in the ejaculate by the seminal fluid man after centrifugation technique conducted in at least two samples. Given the importance of a correct diagnosis of the seminal analysis for couples, all sample no sperm present in fresh examination should follow in laboratory tests. Thus the present study aims to analyze the results of a spin rate of ejaculate or all of the ejaculate volume of patients with azoospermia to determine the best method to be used in semen analysis for this group of patients

    Quantitative TaqMan® real-time PCR assays for gene expression normalisation in feline tissues

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    ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Gene expression analysis is an important tool in contemporary research, with real-time PCR as the method of choice for quantifying transcription levels. Co-analysis of suitable reference genes is crucial for accurate expression normalisation. Reference gene expression may vary, e.g., among species or tissues; thus, candidate genes must be tested prior to use in expression studies. The domestic cat is an important study subject in both medical research and veterinary medicine. The aim of the present study was to develop TaqMan(R) real-time PCR assays for eight potential reference genes and to test their applicability for feline samples, including blood, lymphoid, endocrine, and gastrointestinal tissues from healthy cats, and neoplastic tissues from FeLV-infected cats. RESULTS: RNA extraction from tissues was optimised for minimal genomic DNA (gDNA) contamination without use of a DNase treatment. Real-time PCR assays were established and optimised for v-abl Abelson murine leukaemia viral oncogene homolog (ABL), beta-actin (ACTB), beta-2-microglobulin (B2M), beta-glucuronidase (GUSB), hydroxymethyl-bilane synthase (HMBS), hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase (HPRT), ribosomal protein S7 (RPS7), and tryptophan 5-monooxygenase activation protein, zeta polypeptide (YWHAZ). The presence of pseudogenes was confirmed for four of the eight investigated genes (ACTB, HPRT, RPS7, and YWHAZ). The assays were tested together with previously developed TaqMan(R) assays for feline glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) and the universal 18S rRNA gene. Significant differences were found among the expression levels of the ten candidate reference genes, with a ~10;6-fold expression difference between the most abundant (18S rRNA) and the least abundant genes (ABL, GUSB, and HMBS). The expression stability determined by the geNorm and NormFinder programs differed significantly. Using the ANOVA-based NormFinder program, RPS7 was the most stable gene in the tissues studied, followed by ACTB and ABL; B2M, HPRT, and the 18S rRNA genes were the least stable ones. CONCLUSION: The reference gene expression stability varied considerably among the feline tissues investigated. No tested gene was optimal for normalisation in all tissues. For the majority of the tissues, two to three reference genes were necessary for accurate normalisation. The present study yields essential information on the correct choice of feline reference genes depending on the tissues analysed

    Therapeutic group approach and the fearful scenes of learning in children and adolescents

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    The research aims at studying the fearful scenes of learning in therapeutic groups of children and adolescents between 11 and 13 years old. During the process of the groups and by identifying the "fearful scenes" of learning it was possible to reflect the obstacles of each participant. The authors of the project created play activities to allow the reflection of each one's own difficulties and capacities in order to recognized one's own creative processes. In this article we show how the scenes were thought and performed. The authors point to the importance of the group intervention mainly when the manifestations and recognition of creativity are hidden for the participants of the group.Esta investigación tubo como objetivo estudiar las escenas temidas en el apredizaje de niños y adolescentes, de 11 a 13 anõs, que estabam en tratamiento psicopedagógico en grupo. A partir de la identificación de las "escenas temidas" en el grupo fué posible pensar sobre los obstáculos encontrados por los participantes. El equipo de psicopedagogos estructuró actividades lúdicas para provocar la confrontación de cada articipante con él mismo y en relación al otro, con el objetivo de hacerlo pensar sobre sus dificultades y permitir que asumieran sus capacidades creativas. Relatamos algunas de las escenas y la forma como fueron pensadas por el equipo de psicopedagogos. Se percibió la importancia de la intervención psicopedagógica grupal sobre las manifestaciones de ocultación del sujeto creador/autor. Estas manifestaciones fueron las que más caracterizaron la forma como los participantes se relacionabam con el objeto del conocimiento.Esta pesquisa teve por objetivo o estudo das cenas temidas na aprendizagem no atendimento grupal psicopedagógico de crianças e adolescentes de 11 a 13 anos. A partir da identificação das "cenas temidas" no grupo, foi possível refletir sobre os obstáculos que os participantes encontraram. Coube à equipe estruturar atividades lúdicas que provocassem a confrontação do participante com ele mesmo e em relação ao outro, fazendo-o refletir sobre suas dificuldades, e provocando-os a assumirem suas capacidades criativas. Relatamos algumas cenas e de que forma foram pensadas pela equipe. Percebeu-se a importância da intervenção psicopedagógica grupal sobre as manifestações de ocultamento do sujeito criador/autor, que foram as que mais caracterizaram os modos como os participantes se relacionavam com o objeto de conhecimento

    Impact of variation in functions and delivery on the effectiveness of behavioural and mood management interventions for smoking cessation in people with depression:Protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Tobacco is the world's leading preventable cause of disease and death. People with depression are twice as likely to smoke and are less responsive to standard tobacco treatments as compared with the general population. A Cochrane systematic review of randomised controlled trials of smoking cessation treatment for smokers with current or historical depression found that adding mood management to usual smoking treatment improved quit rates. However, the review did not examine if variation in intervention delivery or intervention functions impacted on treatment effectiveness.With the aim of providing information to develop tailored approaches to treating smoking for people with current depression, we will add-on to the Cochrane review in three ways: (1) use the Template for Intervention Description and Replication checklist to determine if variations in mood management delivery have impact on intervention effectiveness, (2) use the Taxonomy of Behaviour Change techniques for smoking cessation to examine which behaviour change functions are most effective for smoking cessation in people with current depression and (3) examine the difference in change in depression scores between intervention and control arms.We will include randomised controlled trials of smokers with current depression as identified by a previous Cochrane review and the in-progress update of this Cochrane review. We will use meta-regression to examine (1) if variations in delivery of mood management impact on smoking cessation intervention effectiveness, (2) determine which behaviour change functions are most effective for smoking cessation and (3) use meta-analysis of the difference in change in depression scores between treatment arms from baseline to follow-up to determine if offering smoking cessation treatment causes psychological harm.Ethical approval is not required for this study. We will disseminate the findings of this work at national and international conferences, and to relevant patient panels.CRD42017070741

    Molecular cytogenetic evaluation of chromosomal microdeletions : the experience of a public hospital in southern Brazil

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    Introduction: During the past few decades, the number of diseases identified to be caused by chromosomal microdeletions has increased quickly, bringing a new and crucial role for cytogenetics on the diagnosis of these conditions. The purpose of this study was to identify and characterize chromosomal microdeletions associated with malformation syndromes and intellectual disability. Methods: We retrospectively evaluated a consecutive series of samples from a cohort of 598 subjects with clinical symptoms of a microdeletion syndrome, including the deletion of chromosomes 4p16.3, 5p15.2, 5q35, 7q11.23, 8q24.12, 15q11.2, 16p13.3, 17p13.3, 17p11.2,2, and 22q11.2, as investigated by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). Array-based comparative genomic hybridization (array-CGH) was performed on 25 samples with microdeletions. Results: A total of 598 samples were evaluated from patients whose clinical phenotypes were most indicative of 22q11.2 deletion syndrome (29.10%), Prader-Willi syndrome (23.41%), Angelman syndrome (16.89%), and Williams-Beuren syndrome (14.72%). In 142 of the samples (23.75%), a chromosomal imbalance associated with phenotypic abnormalities was found. The deletion of 7q11.23 was the most frequent (8.03%), followed by del22q11.2 (5.68%) and del15q11.2 (5%). Conclusion: Our study reinforces the idea that the effort to improve the capacity to perform molecular cytogenetic investigations associated with a qualified clinical evaluation is crucial for the detection and precise characterization of submicroscopic chromosome deletions, bringing benefits to patients, relatives, and genetic counselors. It also contributes to the continuing education of cytogeneticists and to the knowledge of chromosomal rearrangements associated with genomic disorders


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    The article focuses on the analysis of poems and songs and emphasizes their structural aspects, focusing on the graphic-visual, sound, morphosyntactic and semantic levels, in order to reach interpretation, in which the reader's involvement is exposed. To demonstrate that the poetic text results, as stated by Vinícius de Moraes, from a construction work that does not depend on literary periods, the chosen poems reflect a progression within the scope of Brazilian literature and cover texts ranging from the 19th century to modernity. The theoretical framework used finds in Norma Goldstein, Juracy Assmann Saraiva, Ernani Mügge, Gabriela Hoffmann Lopes and Tatiane Kaspari the bases for the analysis and interpretation of texts, whose method is inductive. The article concludes that the exploration of poetic texts is not limited to the playful exercise of language, as it encourages the reader to look at himself, his relationship with the other and the social context he inhabits.O artigo detém-se na análise de poemas e de canções e valoriza seus aspectos estruturais enfocando os níveis gráfico-visual, sonoro, morfossintático e semântico, para chegar à interpretação, na qual se expõe o envolvimento do leitor. Para demonstrar que o texto poético resulta, como afirma Vinícius de Moraes, de um trabalho de construção, que independe de épocas literárias, os poemas escolhidos traduzem uma progressão no âmbito da literatura brasileira e abrangem textos que vão do século XIX até a modernidade. O referencial teórico utilizado encontra em Norma Goldstein, Juracy Assmann Saraiva, Ernani Mügge, Gabriela Hoffmann Lopes e Tatiane Kaspari as bases para a análise e para a interpretação dos textos, cujo método é indutivo. O artigo conclui que a exploração de textos poéticos não se esgota no exercício lúdico da linguagem, pois estimula o leitor a voltar-se sobre si mesmo, sobre sua relação com o outro e sobre o contexto social que habita

    Involvement of NMDA receptor complex in the anxiolytic-like effects of chlordiazepoxide in mice

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    In the present study, we demonstrated that low, ineffective doses of N-methyl-d-aspartic acid (NMDA) receptor antagonists [competitive NMDA antagonist, CGP 37849, at 0.312 mg/kg intraperitoneally (i.p.), antagonist of the glycineB sites, L-701,324, at 2 mg/kg i.p., partial agonist of glycineB sites, d-cycloserine, at 2.5 mg/kg i.p.] administered jointly with an ineffective dose of the benzodiazepine, chlordiazepoxide (CDP, 2.5 mg/kg i.p.), significantly increased the percentage of time spent in the open arms of the elevated plus-maze (index of anxiolytic effect). Furthermore, CDP-induced anxiolytic-like activity (5 mg/kg i.p.) was antagonized by NMDA (75 mg/kg i.p.) and by an agonist of glycineB sites of the NMDA receptor complex, d-serine [100 nmol/mouse intracerebroventricularly (i.c.v.)]. The present study showed a positive interaction between γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and glutamate neurotransmission in the anxiolytic-like activity in the elevated plus-maze test in mice and this activity seems to particularly involve the NMDA receptors