3,146 research outputs found
Linguagem, cognição e argumentatividade: a construção de sentidos no modelo de espaços mentais
Enfoca os processos e operações subjacentes à produção de significados pela mente humana, à luz da Teoria da Integração Conceptual
Percepções de pacientes sobre catarata
OBJECTIVE: To identify in adult patients suffering from cataract the perceptions regarding the disease and its surgical treatment. MATERIALS AND METHODS: An exploratory survey was conducted among adult patients suffering from cataract and participating in a large-scale cataract management program at the University of São Paulo General Hospital in 2004. The interviews were conducted by research assistants previously trained to pose questions and record answers. RESULTS: The sample consisted of 170 men and women (43.5% and 56.5%, respectively), aged between 40 and 88 years. Of the 170 participants, 43.5% were from the State of São Paulo, 14.7% from the State of Bahia, 12.4% from the State of Minas Gerais, 5.9% from the State of Pernambuco, 1.8% from other countries, and the remaining 21.7% were from other Brazilian states. Of those who were actively working (n = 87), 43.7% had an occupational level corresponding to nonspecialized manual labor, 27.6% were in specialized manual labor jobs, 25.3% had routine nonmanual occupations, 1.1% supervised manual labor, and 2.3% had low-ranking supervision or inspection jobs over nonmanual occupations. Of those who were not actively working (n = 82), 53.6% were retired, 45.2% were housewives, and 1.2% were unemployed. Concerning conceptions about cataract, 79.0% referred to it as "a small skin fold that gradually covers the eye" and 32.4% mentioned, in addition, other conceptions. Concerning the cause, of the alternatives presented to them, 80% reported aging, 47.1% blamed "overusing the eyes in the workplace or at home", 7.1% believed they had cataract due to some kind of "spell." Of the associated answers, 94.1% referred to "blurred vision" in people suffering from cataract, 72.4% thought the person may become blind, and 66.5% believed that the patients suffering from cataract are depressed because they cannot see. Regarding surgery, 28.8% were afraid of undergoing surgery; of those, 16.3% cited with the fear of dying during surgery, 55.1% thought they might become blind, 40.8% believed the surgery would be painful, and 8.2% followed religious practices that do not permit surgery. CONCLUSION: Some misconceptions were identified, and the fear of blindness was the most mentioned reason for not seeking cataract surgery, which indicates the need for orientation.OBJETIVO: Identificar percepções de adultos portadores de catarata em relação à doença e ao tratamento cirúrgico. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Foi realizada uma pesquisa exploratória entre pacientes adultos portadores de catarata presentes em mutirão em hospital universitário no ano de 2004. Auxiliares de pesquisa previamente treinados para formulação das questões e registros das respostas, encarregaram-se das entrevistas. RESULTADOS: A amostra foi composta por 170 sujeitos de ambos os sexos (43,5% do sexo masculino e 56,5% do sexo feminino) com idade entre 40 e 88 anos. Dos 170 participantes, 43,5% eram nascidos no estado de São Paulo, 14,7% na Bahia, 12,4% em Minas Gerais, 1,8% nasceram em outros paises e os demais sujeitos, em outros estados brasileiros.Da população ativa no mercado de trabalho (n=87), encontravam-se em nÃvel de ocupação manual não especializada 43,7%; ocupação manual especializada 27,6%; ocupação de rotina não manual 25,3%; supervisão de trabalho manual 1,1%; posição baixa de supervisão ou inspeção , considerando ocupações não manuais,2,3 %. Entre a população inativa no mercado de trabalho (n=82), 53,6% eram aposentados, 45,2% donas de casa e 1,2% desempregados. Em relação a concepção sobre catarata, 79,0% referiram ser uma "pelezinha que vai cobrindo os olhos" e 32,4% além da "pelezinha", mencionaram outras concepções. Em relação a causa , entre as opções fornecidas, 80% relacionam a velhice; 47,1% "por usar muito as vistas no serviço ou em casa"; 7,1% acreditam que tem catarata devido a "mau olhado". Dentre as respostas associadas, 94,1% referiram que a "visão fica embaçada" na pessoa que tem catarata, 72,4% acham que a pessoa pode ficar cega e 66,5% acham que os portadores de catarata ficam com depressão por não enxergarem. Vinte e oito por cento tem medo de se submeter a cirurgia, desses, 16,3% atribuem ao fato de poderem morrer na cirurgia; 55,1% acham que podem ficar cego; 40,8% crêem que a cirurgia dói e 8,2% tem medo de operar pois a religião não permite. CONCLUSÃO: Foram evidenciados alguns conhecimentos incorretos, o medo de ficar cego se fez presente entre as razões para não operar a catarata, indicando necessidade de provimento de orientação
Evolução dos pacientes com condrossarcoma grau I em relação ao tipo de tratamento cirúrgico
PURPOSE: To evaluate the oncological outcome of patients with grade I chondrosarcomas according to the type of surgical treatment performed, since there is still controversy regarding the need for aggressive resections to reach a successful outcome. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The records of 23 patients with grade I chondrosarcomas were reviewed. The mean age was 38.4 years, ranging from 11 to 70 years; 52% were men and 48% were women. The femur was the site of 13 tumors. The tumors were staged as IA (17, 74%) and IB (6, 26%). Regarding tumor location, 74% (17) were medullary, 22% (5) were peripheral, and 4% (1) was indeterminate. Tumor size ranged from 2 to 25 cm, mean 7.9 cm. Regarding the surgical procedure, 11 patients underwent intralesional resection, 9 patients underwent wide resection, and 3 underwent radical resection. The follow-up period ranged from 24 to 192 months. RESULTS: None of the patients developed local recurrence or metastases; 7 patients had other general complications. CONCLUSIONS: This data supports the use of less aggressive procedures for treatment of low-grade chondrosarcomas.OBJETIVO: Avaliar a evolução oncológica de portadores de condrossarcomas grau I de acordo com o tipo de tratamento cirúrgico efetuado. Existe controvérsia em relação à necessidade de ressecções agressivas para obtenção de uma evolução clÃnica favorável. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Os prontuários de 23 portadores de condrossarcoma grau I foram analisados. A idade dos pacientes variou de 11 a 70 anos com média de 38,4 anos, 52% eram homens e 48% mulheres. O local mais acometido foi o fêmur com 13 pacientes. Dezessete lesões (74%) foram classificadas como IA e seis (26%) como IB. Setenta e quatro por cento dos tumores eram medulares, 22% eram periféricas e uma lesão indeterminada. O tamanho dos tumores variou de 2 a 25 cm, média de 7,9 cm. Onze pacientes foram submetidos a ressecção intralesional, nove a ressecção ampla e três a ressecção radical. O seguimento variou de 24 a 192 meses. RESULTADOS: Complicações não oncológicas ocorreram em sete pacientes. Nenhum dos pacientes apresentou recidiva local ou metástase. Estes dados sugerem que os procedimentos cirúrgicos menos agressivos são seguros para o tratamento dos pacientes com condrossarcoma grau I
Human papillomavirus in oral squamous cells carcinoma in a population of 75 Brazilian patients
In the present study, we investigated the presence of human papillomavirus (HPV) DNA and viral types in 75 cases of oral squamous cells carcinoma from Brazil to obtain data that would contribute to a better understanding of the role of HPV in the pathogenesis of this tumor.
Materials and methods
DNA was extracted from paraffin-embedded tissue and amplified by polymerase chain reaction using a pair of primers designated PCO3+ and PCO4+ for the detection of a fragment of the human β-globin gene, followed by polymerase chain reaction for the detection of HPV DNA using a pair of generic primers, GP5+ and GP6+. Viral typing was performed by dot blot hybridization.
Human papillomavirus DNA was detected in 18 (24%) of the 75 cases positive for the human β-globin gene. No significant association was observed between HPV and age, sex, or anatomical location of the tumor. The most prevalent viral type was HPV-18 (77,8%).
The low frequency of detection of HPV DNA in oral epidermoid carcinomas suggests a possible participation of the virus in the development and progression of only a subgroup of these tumors
Regeneração medular: a ação do neurotrophin-3 sobre a lesão medular de ratos
OBJECTIVE: For many years, it was believed that medullary regeneration could not occur, although currently there are many trials using neurotrophic factors, stem cells, fetal medulla grafts, peripheral nerve grafts, and antibodies against myelin-associated proteins that demonstrate the existence of the possibility of spinal cord regeneration. The purpose of this study was to investigate the action of neurotrophin-3, a novel neurotrophic factor. METHODS: The New York University impactor, a standardized device for delivery of spinal cord injuries was used on 33 rats, which were divided into 2 groups: a control group receiving distilled water intraperitoneally and a treatment group receiving neurotrophin-3 intraperitoneally. RESULTS: Using the Basso, Beattie, and Bresnahan scale, the locomotor recovery curve for the neurotrophin-3 treated group was superior to that of the control group (P < 0.05); the administration of neurotrophin-3 was associated with the absence of deaths, while the control group showed a 28.5% (P = 0.026) mortality rate. Other parameters (hematuria rate and histological analysis) showed no significant differences. CONCLUSIONS: Based on these results, it appears that a strong relationship exists between the use of neurotrophin-3 in rats with spinal cord injury and better functional recovery.OBJETIVO: Por muitos anos acreditou-se que a regeneração medular não fosse factÃvel. Atualmente porém, existem várias experiências utilizando fatores neurotróficos, células troncos, enxerto de medula fetal, enxerto de nervo periférico e anticorpos contra proteÃnas associadas a mielina que sugerem o contrário. Esta pesquisa estudou a ação de um dos mais novos neurotróficos, o Neurotrophin-3. MÉTODOS: As lesões medulares foram realizadas através do New York University impator, método experimental de produção de lesão medular padronizada. Foram utilizados 33 ratos divididos em 2 grupos. Um grupo controle com administração intraperitoneal de água destilada e um grupo tratamento, tratado com Neurotrophin-3 por via intraperitoneal. RESULTADOS: Observamos que a curva de recuperação locomotora, segundo a escala de Basso, Beattie e Bresnahan, do grupo Neurotrophin-3 foi superior à do grupo controle (p < 0,05); a administração de Neurotrophin-3 determinou ausência de mortes no grupo tratamento, enquanto o grupo controle apresentou taxa de mortalidade de 28,5% (p = 0,026). Os outros parâmetros (taxa de hematúria e análise histológica) não apresentaram diferenças estatisticamente significantes. CONCLUSÕES: Existe forte relação entre a aplicação de Neurotrophin-3 em ratos com lesão medular e melhor recuperação funcional
Distribuição da cigarrinha-das-pastagens Deois flavopicta Stal (Homoptera: Cercopidae) em hospedeiras nativas e cultivadas na região do Distrito Federal
Eleven species of native or naturalized grasses were found hosting spittlebug nymphs in the natural grassland areas around BrasÃlia in the Fe-deral District of Brazil. A large number of nymphs were found on the species Axonopus marginatus (Trin.) Chase. Out of a total of 224 observed nymphs, 85.7% were found feeding on A. marginatus. Apparently the presence of the spittlebug nymphs in the cerrado vegetation, the Brazilian savanna, was associated with any form of disturbance, such as cattle grazing and partial deforestation. Nymphs were found only in disturbed areas of the cerrado campo sujo and in the cerrado sensu strictu. The densities of spittlebug nymphs in the cerrado were lower than the density found in the cultivated pasture. The nymphal density in the cerrado sensu strictu was approximately 105 times lower than the densities in Brachiaria ruziziensis Germain & Evrard area. In two sites of campo sujo form of cerrado the densities were, approximately, 2,273 and 1,212 times lower than the densities in B. ruziziensis areas. The distribution and density of the spittlebug in the natural vegetation were influenced by the presence of adjacent infested areas of cultivated pasture. This fact indicates that areas of Brachiaria are the source of infestation for other host plants.Onze espécies de gramÃneas nativas ou naturalizadas foram encontradas hospedando ninfas da cigarrinha-das-pastagens em áreas de cerrado na região de BrasÃlia, Distrito Federal. Grande número de ninfas foi encontrado na espécie Axonopus marginatus (Trin.) Chase. Do total de 224 ninfas observadas, 85,7% foram encontradas alimentando-se nessa espécie de gramÃnea. Aparentemente a presença da cigarrinha-das-pastagens nas gramÃneas do cerrado estava associada com qualquer forma de perturbação, tais como pastejo pelo gado ou desmatamento parcial. Ninfas foram encontradas somente em áreas perturbadas de cerrado do tipo campo sujo e sensu strictu. As densidades de ninfas no cerrado foram muito mais baixas do que as densidades encontradas em pastagens cultivadas. O número de ninfas/m² no cerrado sensu strictu foi aproximadamente 105 vezes mais baixo do que as densidades encontradas nas áreas de Brachiaria ruziziensis Germain & Evrard . Em dois sÃtios de cerrado do tipo campo sujo as densidades foram, aproximadamente, 2.273 e 1.212 vezes mais baixas do que as densidades nas áreas de B. ruziziensis. A distribuição e as densidades populacionais da cigarrinha-das-pastagens em áreas de vegetação natural foram influenciadas pela presença de pastagens cultivadas infestadas por este inseto nas adjacências, sugerindo que áreas de Brachiaria são focos de infestação para outras hospedeiras.401412Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento CientÃfico e Tecnológico (CNPq
Prognostic Factors and Expression of MDM2 in Patients with Primary Extremity Liposarcoma
OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to investigate MDM2 (murine double minute 2) protein expression and evaluate its relationship with some anatomical and pathological aspects, aiming also to identify prognostic factors concerning local recurrence-free survival, metastasis-free survival and overall survival in patients with primary liposarcomas of the extremities. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Of 50 patients with primary liposarcomas of the extremities admitted to a Reference Service, between 1968 and 2004, 25 were enrolled in the study, following eligibility and exclusion criteria. RESULTS: The adverse factors that influenced the risk for local recurrence in the univariant analysis included male sex (P = 0.023), pleomorphic histological subtype (P = 0.027), and high histological grade (P = 0.007). Concerning metastasis-free survival, age less than 50 years (P = 0.040), male sex (P = 0.040), pleomorphic subtype (P < 0.001), and high histological grade (P = 0.003) had a worse prognosis. Adverse factors for overall survival were age under 50 years (P = 0.040), male sex (P = 0.040), pleomorphic subtype (P < 0.001), and high histological grade (P = 0.003). CONCLUSIONS: There was no correlation between immunohistochemically observed MDM2 protein expressions and the anatomical and pathological variables studied. The immunohistochemical expression of MDM2 protein was not considered to have a prognostic value for any of the surviving patients in this study (local recurrence-free survival, metastasis-free survival, or overall survival). The immunoexpression of MDM2 protein was a frequent event in the different subtypes of liposarcomas
Pareceristas ad hoc 2017
Esta seção destina-se a publicar a lista dos nomes dos avaliadores que colaboraram com a PARC em 2017. Esta seção é publicada ao final do quarto fascÃculo do ano
Dual action of chronic ethanol treatment on LPS-induced response in C6 glioma cells
AbstractIn this study we investigated the anti-inflammatory effects of chronic ethanol (EtOH) treatment on lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-stimulated C6 glioma cells. The cells were chronically treated with 200mM EtOH; coincubation with LPS and EtOH was obtained upon addition of 2μg/ml LPS to the incubation medium in the last 24h of EtOH exposure. We found that EtOH prevented the LPS-induced production of tumor necrosis factor α (TNFα) without decreasing cell viability. Either LPS treated or EtOH plus LPS treated cells presented upregulated glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) and downregulated vimentin levels characterizing a program of reactive astrogliosis. Also, EtOH plus LPS stimulation greatly increased the oxidative stress generation evaluated by DCF-DA measurement, while either EtOH alone or LPS alone was unable to induce oxidative stress. Western blot analysis indicated that either EtOH, LPS or EtOH plus LPS treatments are unable to affect Akt/GSK3β signaling pathway. However, LPS alone and EtOH plus LPS co-treatment inhibited Erk phosphorylation. A dramatic loss of stress fibers was found in EtOH exposed cells, evaluated by cytochemistry using phalloidin-fluorescein. However, LPS alone was not able to disrupt actin organization. Furthermore, cells co-incubated with LPS and EtOH presented reversion of the disrupted stress fibers provoked by EtOH. Supporting this action, RhoA and vinculin immunocontent were upregulated in response to EtOH plus LPS. Interestingly, EtOH suppresses the inflammatory cascade (TNFα production) in response to LPS. Concomitantly it sustains Erk inhibition, increases oxidative stress generation and induces reactive astrogliosis in the presence of LPS, conditions associated with neurotoxicity. The effects observed were not supported by actin reorganization. Altogether, these findings suggest that Erk signaling inhibition could play a role in both suppressing TNFα production and inducing oxidative stress generation and astrogliosis, therefore modulating a dual action of EtOH plus LPS in glial cells
Estudo de usuários da informação contida em patentes
Estudo exploratório objetivando conhecer o grau de utilização da literatura de patentes no Brasil, bem como de promover o seu uso entre aqueles que ainda não a utilizam
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