219 research outputs found

    A mediação do olhar : estratégias de apreciação artística no Museu Nogueira da Silva

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    Tese de mestrado em Estudos da Criança, especialização em Comunicação Visual e Expressão Plástica.O objectivo desta investigação foi contribuir para melhorar as actividades do serviço educativo do Museu Nogueira da Silva no contacto do público infantil com a obra de arte, pesquisando sobre modelos e estratégias de apreciação artística. Nesta investigação o serviço educativo foi avaliado na sua relevância para a educação artística ao nível do pré-escolar, primeiro e segundo ciclos do Ensino Básico e para a formação do público ao nível do conhecimento e valorização do património artístico. Foi estudado um programa educativo para o Museu Nogueira da Silva no domínio da apreciação artística, os recursos e as visitas de estudo (organização, conteúdo e modo de realização), utilizando o modelo de Taylor (1988) para a leitura da obra de arte. A pesquisa começou com uma revisão de literatura sobre o papel educativo dos museus, alguns aspectos do funcionamento dos serviços educativos e sobre modelos e estratégias de apreciação artística. Posteriormente uma investigação-acção foi conduzida, usando técnicas de observação e de questionário, com o apoio de professoras de três níveis de escolaridade. Os dados recolhidos durante os três ciclos da acção foram suscitando uma reflexão e avaliação sistemática de forma a ir verificando a alteração de atitudes, comportamentos e obstáculos que iam surgindo em todos os intervenientes e a forma como reagiam ao modelo de apreciação testado. O estudo concluiu que a dinamização de actividades de leitura da obra de arte apoiadas num modelo de apreciação artística facilitam e aprofundam o contacto do aluno com a obra de arte dando-lhe instrumentos de leitura e sensibilizando o seu olhar para aspectos de conteúdo, forma, processo e emoção. Também permitiu concluir que essas actividades implicam o envolvimento dos professores e técnicos de museu num processo de pesquisa e formação para a escolha, aplicação e avaliação de modelos de apreciação artística. Esta investigação recomenda a continuação de outras pesquisas sobre a aplicação deste e de outros modelos e estratégias de apreciação artística no museu e noutros contextos, gerindo e articulando recursos e formação dos técnicos envolvidos.The present work focused on models and strategies of artistical appreciation, aiming to improove the educational service of the Nogueira da Silva Museum, specially in what concerns the contact between children and the work of art. The educational service was evaluated on its relevance to the artistical formation of pre-school and basic teaching levels, as well as the general public, at the levels both of knowledge and valorization of the artistical heritage. Taylor’s (1988) model of reading a work of art was used to study an educational program for the Nogueira da Silva Museum on the subject of artistic appreciation, that would take into account the resources of the museum, and the planning, organization and content of group visits. Literature was reviewed on the educational role of museums, on the functionality of the educational services and on models of artistic appreciation. Research was then conducted, recurring to observation techniques, and questionnaires posed to teachers of the several teaching levels analyzed. Data gathered through the three cycles of action gave rise to a continuous and systematic reflection and evaluation that allowed the verification (ou check) of the attitudes, behaviors and obstacles arising in the intervenients, and their reaction to the applied model. It was possible to conclude from this study that, based on a model of artistic appreciation, the dynamization of activities for the reading of a work of art allow a deeper and easier understanding of it by the student. This is done by providing the child with reading tools, sensitizing his regard for content, shape, process and emotion aspects of the work of art. It was also possible to conclude that the involvement of the teachers and museum technicians on the choice, application and evaluation of the artistic appreciation models is crucial for the process. This work recommends further research on the application of these and other models and strategies of artistic appreciation in a museum, by managing and articulating resources and promoting the formation of the involved technicians

    Hacking cell differentiation: transcriptional rerouting in reprogramming, lineage infidelity and metaplasia

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    Initiating neoplastic cell transformation events are of paramount importance for the comprehension of regeneration and vanguard oncogenic processes but are difficult to characterize and frequently clinically overlooked. In epithelia, pre-neoplastic transformation stages are often distinguished by the appearance of phenotypic features of another differentiated tissue, termed metaplasia. In haemato/lymphopoietic malignancies, cell lineage ambiguity is increasingly recorded. Both, metaplasia and biphenotypic leukaemia/lymphoma represent examples of dysregulated cell differentiation that reflect a history of trans-differentiation and/or epigenetic reprogramming. Here we compare the similarity between molecular events of experimental cell trans-differentiation as an emerging therapeutic concept, with lineage confusion, as in metaplasia and dysplasia forecasting tumour development

    Masticatory muscle activity evaluation by electromyography in subjects with zygomatic implants

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    Zygomatic implants are an alternative treatment in the rehabilitation of atrophic maxilla to promote stability in the stomatognathic system. The aim of this study was to compare the electromyographic (EMG) activity of masseter and temporalis muscles in controls and in individuals with complete implant-supported dentures anchored in the zygomatic bone. Fifty-four volunteers of both genders (mean age 52.5 years) were selected and distributed into two groups: Individuals with zygomatic implant (ZIG; n=27) and fully dentate patients (CG; n=27). MyoSystem-BR1 was used to assess masseter and temporalis muscles EMG activity in different mandibular movements: protrusion, clenching, maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) with Parafilm M®, right and left laterality and chewing (peanuts and raisins). Data was processed, normalized (MVC) and analyzed using the SPSS 21.0. Student t-test (P ? 0.05) was used for group comparison. The results were statistically significant (P ? 0.05) for protrusion, clenching, right and left laterality and raisin chewing. For the mandibular posture conditions, the ZIG obtained higher EMG activity patterns when compared to CG. For the masticatory performance during chewing of peanuts and raisins, the ZIG showed higher EMG mean values when compared to CG. The zygomatic implant promoted an active response of the muscle fibers (hyperactivity) during both mandibular posture and chewing conditions, probably due to the absence of periodontal receptors, which play a significant role for preparing a bolus for swallowing

    Principais desafios de governance nas empresas familiares : a preponderância do planeamento sucessório

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    Family businesses are unquestionably a pillar of the world economy. Its preponderance is confirmed by the millions of jobs created and by the contribution to GDP of each country. It is estimated that a significant majority of the world's business community is present in this area, encompassing small, medium and large companies, whether regional, national or multinational. They are the heart of capitalism and drivers of global development in the most diverse areas of activity. Family businesses have characteristics that easily demarcate themselves from the others. Especially in the succession process, there are other factors than economic and management that have to be weighed to ensure its success. Succession is a critical success factor, constituting precisely one of the most differentiating chapters between family and non-family businesses. It is where the interests and values of the family intersect (and frequently collide) with the needs of the company. The existing studies are consensual in confirming that there are only a few companies that survive the passage of the second generation, and even more scarce those that surpass the barrier in the third generation. For the foregoing, it is important to understand where and why family businesses fail in succession planning. Once this analysis is done, it is important to reiterate the importance of timely planning as an efficient solution to address the problems identified. It is necessary to respond to a set of complex issues and therefore clarify the steps that must be followed in order to do so. The challenge is to anticipate the future by developing mechanisms for more than securing the company's longevity, ensuring that during that time they remain within the stable and prosperous family

    Impact of chronic allergic rhinitis on bite force and electromyographic activity of masseter and temporalis muscles of adult women

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    The aim of this study was to analyse the stomatognathic system of adult women with chronic allergic rhinitis by means of molar bite force and electromyographic activity of the masseter and temporalis muscles. A total of 26 subjects were screened and divided into two distinct groups: chronic allergic rhinitis group (n = 13) and healthy control group (n = 13). Subjects were assessed by maximal molar bite force (right and left) and normalized electromyographic activity of mandibular tasks (rest, right and left laterality, protrusion and maximal voluntary contraction). Data were submitted to Student?s t test (p< .05). There was significant difference in right (p = .03) and left (p = .04) maximal molar bite force with force reduction in the chronic allergic rhinitis group. There was significant difference in normalized electromyographic activity in maximal voluntary contraction in the right (p =.01) and left (p = .01) temporalis muscles, with increased electromyographic activity in the masticatory muscles for the chronic allergic rhinitis group. The results suggest that chronic allergic rhinitis in adult women promoted negative changes in the electromyographic activity of temporalis muscles in maximal voluntary contraction and maximal molar bite force

    Analysis of the sleep period and the amount of habitual snoring in individuals with sleep bruxism

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    The literature does not report any association between habitual snoring and sleep bruxism, but these situations can be a reason for frequent complaints of individuals, impairing the quality of life. This study was performed to investigate the sleep period and amount of habitual snoring in individuals with sleep bruxism observing expiratory, inspiratory, and mixed snoring. A total of 90 individuals were screened and divided into the following groups: with sleep bruxism (n=45) and those without sleep bruxism (n=45). Single night sleep polysomnography was performed to diagnose sleep bruxism, quantify habitual snoring and sleep period. The results were tabulated and submitted to a Multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) to compare the means of the two independent groups, considering the affected diagnosis of sleep bruxism, snoring (independent variables) and age as covariate. For the post hoc, was used correcting for multiple comparisons (Bonferroni test, P <.05). There was statistically significant difference among the groups ( p =.001) in the sleep period, in that individuals with sleep bruxism slept for a longer duration (with sleep bruxism group: 460 minutes and without sleep bruxism group: 401 minutes). There were no statistically significant differences among the groups for the number of inspiratory, expiratory and mixed snores, but was observed greater amount of snoring in the with sleep bruxism group. The main finding of this study is that individuals with sleep bruxism slept longer than the control group. It may also be suggested that individuals with sleep bruxism tended to increase the amount of habitual snoring during sleep

    Control y simulación del Péndulo de Furuta

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    El presente trabajo consiste en la simulación y estudio del control de un péndulo invertido rotatorio, conocido como péndulo de Furuta, un sistema que contiene una dinámica muy rápida cuyo control es muy interesante dentro del campo de la automática. En la primera parte del proyecto, se realiza un modelo del péndulo en Simulink previa obtención de las ecuaciones de movimiento, se explicará cómo hacer un modelo en 3D gracias a la herramienta V Realm de Matlab para visualizar mejor el péndulo en las simulaciones y se estudian diversas formas de controlarlo ya estemos cerca o lejos del punto de operación. En la segunda parte trabajamos sobre un péndulo real, Qube-Servo, cuyos parámetros identificamos y posteriormente controlamos. El objetivo del documento es realizar un estudio amplio de las técnicas de control que se pueden aplicar a este sistema altamente inestable.This work involves the study of simulation and control of a rotary inverted pendulum known as Furuta pendulum, a system containing a very fast dynamic whose control is very interesting in the field of automatic control. In the first part of the project, a model of the pendulum in Simulink is made after obtaining the equations of motion, it will be explained how to make a 3D model thanks to the V Realm tool Matlab in order to display better the pendulum during simulations and it will be studied various ways of control either we are close or far from the point of operation. In the second part we work on a real pendulum, Qube-Servo, whose parameters are identified and subsequently controlled. The aim of the paper is a comprehensive study of control techniques that can be applied to this highly unstable system.Universidad de Sevilla. Grado en Ingeniería de las Tecnologías Industriale

    Exaustão emocional no setor da restauração: Implicações das redes sociais (TripAdvisor)

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    O presente estudo tem como principal objetivo contribuir para o estudo dos recursos humanos na restauração. Pretende-se testar o sentido e intensidade da relação entre exaustão emocional (burnout) e a evolução (ou não) dos restaurantes na rede social TripAdvisor. Com uma amostra de 90 indivíduos, foram elaborados questionários no sentido de testar a relação das variáveis supramencionadas. Foram feitos dois questionários, um para as chefias e um para os trabalhadores. Estes questionários foram entregues e recolhidos em mão no Distrito de viseu, num total de 30 restaurantes que se encontram em primeiro e segundo lugar na aplicação TripAdvisor. Os resultados obtidos rejeitam a hipótese da exaustão emocional depender linearmente da atuação, mas comprovam a hipótese que propõe que a relação entre a atuação e a evolução no TripAdvisor é mediada pelo nível de exaustão dos indivíduos, e a hipótese de que em zonas onde existem mais restaurantes, a perda de lugares no ranking no TripAdvisor encontra-se fortemente associada a níveis elevados de exaustão emocional. Por fim foram apontadas algumas limitações e implicações práticas sugeridas pelos resultados obtidos que poderão contribuir para a literatura nesta área.The main goal of this study is to contribute to the study of human resources in the catering industry. It is intended to test the meaning and intensity of the relationship between emotional exhaustion (burnout) and the evolution (or not) of restaurants in the TripAdvisor social network. With a sample of 90 individuals, two questionnaires were designed in order to test the relation of the above variables, one for managers and one for workers. These questionnaires were delivered and collected by hand in Viseu district, out of a total of 30 restaurants ranked first and second in the TripAdvisor application. The results reject the hypothesis that emotional exhaustion depends linearly on performance, but confirm the hypothesis that proposes that the relationship between performance and evolution on TripAdvisor is mediated by the level of exhaustion of individuals, and the hypothesis that in areas where there are a larger number of restaurants, the loss of places in the TripAdvisor ranking is strongly associated with high levels of emotional exhaustion. Lastly were pointed out some limitations and practical implications suggested by the results obtained that may contribute to the literature in this area

    Effect of dry needling and instrumental myofascial release on masticatory, facial, and cervical muscles of patients with temporomandibular disorders of muscular origin

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    To evaluate the effectiveness of dry needling (DN) and instrumental myofascial release (IMR) therapies in the cervico-cranio-mandibular system through pain, bite force, and distribution of occlusal contacts in patients with muscular temporomandibular disorders. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Thirty patients were divided into treatment groups: DN (n=15) and IMR (n=15). Therapeutic efficacy regarding pain perception and tolerance of masticatory, facial, and cervical muscles, bite force, and distribution of occlusal contacts were analyzed in this observational longitudinal clinical study pre/post-intervention and pre/post one month of therapeutic intervention. The data were tabulated and statistically analyzed (repeated measures and Bonferroni post-hoc test, p<0.05). RESULTS: There was a statistically significant difference in pain between the groups in the comparison of pre- and post-intervention with effect on time versus intervention in the head and neck. Pain perception and tolerance showed a statistical effect of time on the temporal, suboccipital, sternocleidomastoid, mental (right and left), right masseter, and left trapezius muscles. There was a statistically significant effect of the intervention on the mentalis, supraorbital, and infraorbital (right and left) muscles. There was a statistically significant effect of the interaction on the upper masseter (right and left), anterior temporal (left), suboccipital, sternocleidomastoid, and mentalis (left) muscles. There was an increase in post-intervention molar bite force in the groups, with a statistical effect on time versus intervention in the right and left regions. Contact of occlusal forces at the maxilla/mandible interface showed a difference between the mean times on teeth 26-36 after versus 1 month after the intervention. CONCLUSIONS: The two therapeutic techniques are viable for the treatment of muscular temporomandibular disorders; however, IMR proved to be more effective immediately after the intervention and after one month. Key words:Temporomandibular disorders, pain, masticatory muscles, facial muscles, cervical muscles, dry needling, instrumental myofascial release

    Sistemas Híbridos para la Simulación de Técnicas de Control y Modulación para un Inversor Trifásico de Tres Niveles con Topología ANPC

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    La energía eléctrica en nuestros hogares es algo a lo que se está acostumbrados y se da por sentado, cada vez se exige una mayor calidad en la red, y, por otro lado, la preocupación por el uso de energías limpias ha ido calando en la consciencia colectiva, siendo cada vez mas demandadas para proteger el medioambiente. Es en este contexto donde la electrónica de potencia juega cada vez más su importante papel, los convertidores de potencia son fundamentales en la transferencia de energía eléctrica en sectores claves como el fotovoltaico, donde la inyección energética a red va ligada obligatoriamnete al uso de inversores, que tienen que cumplir con unos estándares de calidad y a la vez minimizar las pérdidas energéticas derivadas de la conversión. También se encuentran otras aplicaciones industriales, como el control de motores trifásicos a través de variadores de frecuencia o fuentes de alimentación ininterrumpidas (UPS) entre otras. En el presente trabajo, se muestran diversas técnicas de control aplicadas a un inversor trifásico de tres niveles de tipología ANPC (Active Neutral-Point-Clamped), y se comparan los resultados que proporciona cada una de ellas a nivel de distorsión armónica y frecuencia de conmutación, que va ligada directamente con las pérdidas, que son los aspectos claves para tener en cuenta en los inversores. Se estudiarán en primer lugar técnicas clásicas de modulación, como PS-PWM (phase-shifted PWM) y SVM (space vector modulation), luego se aplicará una técnica de mitigación de ciertos armónicos (SHM), que cada vez se está haciendo más importante en aplicaciones de media y alta potencia para cumplir con las normativas de calidad de red. Finalmente se aplicarán dos técnicas de control predictivo, una con frecuencia de conmutación fija (PS-MPC) y otra variable (FCS-MPC), por la cada vez mayor importancia de estas en el control de convertidores de potencia. Es también la intención de este trabajo, hacer lo más didáctico posible el estudio de los inversores y técnicas de control, a la vez que usar todo el potencial que ofrece la herramienta Simulink de Matlab para llevar a cabo las simulaciones, usando todas las ventajas de programar en lenguaje C los algoritmos de control.Electric energy in our homes is something that we take for granted, we demand more and more quality on the grid, and, on the other hand, the concern about the use of clean energy has been pervading the collective consciousness, being increasingly demanded to protect the environment. It is in this context where power electronics play its important role, power converters are essential in the transfer of electrical energy in key sectors such as photovoltaic, where energy injection to the grid is mandatory linked to the use of inverters, that they have to comply with quality standards and at the same time minimize the energy losses derived from the conversion. We also find other industrial applications, such as the control of three-phase motors through variable speed drives or uninterruptible power supplies (UPS), among others. In the present work, the aim is to compare several control techniques applied to Active Neutral-PointClamped (ANPC) converter to compare the results provided by each one at the level of harmonic distortion and switching frequency, which is directly linked to losses, which are the key aspects to consider in power converters. Classical modulation techniques such as phase-shifted PWM (PS-PWM) and space vector modulation (SVM) will be studied first, then a selective harmonic mitigation (SHM) technique will be applied, which is becoming increasingly important in medium and high-power applications to meet network quality regulations. Finally, two predictive control techniques will be applied, one with a fixed switching frequency (PS-MPC) and another variable (FCS-MPC), due to the increasing importance of these in the control of power converters. It is also the intention of this work, to make the study of inverters and control techniques as didactic as possible, while using the full potential offered by Matlab’s Simulink tool to carry out simulations, using all the advantages of program the control algorithms in C language.Universidad de Sevilla. Máster en Ingeniería Industria