34 research outputs found

    A model of heart rate kinetics in response to exercise

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    We present a mathematical model, in the form of two coupled ordinary differential equations, for the heart rate kinetics in response to exercise. Our heart rate model is an adaptation of the model of oxygen uptake kinetics of Stirling: a physiological justification for this adaptation, as well as the physiological basis of our heart rate model is provided. We also present the optimal fit of the heart rate model to a set of raw un averaged data for multiple constant intensity exercises for an individual at a particular level of fitness

    Comparación de los ritmos de juego en Liga Femenina y ACB.

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    En esta investigación se pretende comparar el ritmo de juego en baloncesto masculino y femenino analizando el número de posesiones que se realizan por partido, su duración y la influencia del uso de distintos tipos de ataque. Aplicando la metodología observacional se estudiaron las posesiones de 14 partidos de Liga ACB y 12 de Liga Femenina (LF) de la temporada 2009/10. Los análisis realizados ponen en evidencia que el ritmo de juego es un factor que distingue el baloncesto masculino y femenino,puesto que se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre las dos categorías en todas las variables analizadas. Los resultados muestran que el ritmo de juego en LF es mayor que en ACB por tener un número medio de posesiones por partido superior (ACB 172 - LF 180,58) y porque la duración media de las mismas es menor (ACB 12,73 seg. - LF 11,82 seg.). Además en LF se juega a un ritmo más elevado que en Liga ACB debido al mayor uso de contraataques (ACB 10% - LF 12,8% del total de posesiones)y transiciones (ACB 3,9% - LF 5,2%) y la menor duración de los ataques posicionales (ACB 14,11 seg. - LF 13,2 seg.)

    Analysis of men's and women's basketball fast-breaks

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    In the present study, the way basketball fast breaks are executed was analysed, while determining how the best results are obtained and studying the differences between the men's and women's game. Utilizing observational methodology, a total of 294 fast breaks were analysed from 30 games played at the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing. Eighteen of the games were high-level men's games and 12 were high-level women's games. Statistically significant differences were observed between the men's and the women's game in the following aspects with regard to fast breaks: (1) duration, (2) completion area, and (3) shot opposition. For men, some dependence relationships were found between the fast break result and the following variables: duration, completion area, and opposition to its completion. For women, the results revealed a weak association between the fast break result and the opposition to its completion

    EEDT - escala de evaluación de la decisión táctica: una aplicación al bloqueo directo en baloncesto

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    En el presente estudio se presenta el desarrollo y la validación de varios cuestionarios con el objetivo de evaluar la decisión táctica en situación de bloqueo directo en baloncesto, conociendo la actitud de los expertos ante ésta y comparándolo en situación real en un estudio piloto. El bloqueo directo está definido por la literatura especializada, como una de las situaciones ofensivas que más problemas y dificultades plantea a la defensa del equipo contrario (Dell Harris, 2007; Ratgeber, 2004; Ociepka, 2004; Messina, 2005; Ivanovic, 2006; Coello, 2006). Para llevar a cabo este estudio se confeccionó, a partir de una profunda revisión en base a la literatura especializada, la Escala de Evaluación de la Decisión Táctica (EEDT), formada por cinco cuestionarios, administrándose posteriormente a un grupo de expertos (N=10), par determinar la actitud de éstos ante nuestro objeto de estudio. En siguiente lugar, y dentro de un proyecto piloto, se elaboró una hoja de registro en base al cuestionario para proceder al visionado de partidos con el fin de analizar la toma de decisión en bloqueo directo en ataque posiciónales (N=632), comparando de este modo el criterio de los expertos y la realidad de los partidos

    Demographic trends of a reintroduced Iberian ibex Capra pyrenaica victoriae population in Central Spain

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    One reintroduced population of Iberian ibex was monitored between 2000 and 2007 in the Sierra de Guadarrama National Park (Central Spain) using the distance sampling method. The densities obtained from three samplings show a significant increase between 2000 (6.57 ind./km2 ) and 2007 (33.16 ind./km2 ) despite a range extension. After an initial period of balance, the sex ratio became unbalanced over time in favor of females. The age pyramid also changed after a dramatic population increase. The birth rate oscillated at relatively high values for the species (0.69–0.99 kids/female). The group size reduced significantly over time. Females with kids dispersed from the release area significantly less than males and mixed groups

    Perception of effort in minibasketball during small side games

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    It was analyzed in what measurement the characteristics of the task in small side games influence the perception of effort (RPE) and his relation between the time of game and the RPE the type of tasks. Ten minibasketball players performed 50 tasks (10 training sessions, 450 records RPE, 5 with duration of 8, 10 or 12 minutes). Based on the description 7 variables were codified: Aim: (Assault / Defense / Compound), Duration: (8 minutes / more than 8 minutes), Space: (Track completes / 1/2 Track / 1/4 of Track), numerical Equality: (Without rival / numerical Inequality / numerical Equality), Transition: (If / Not), Player of support: (If / Not), Relation between players: (attackers[n] x defenders[n]). No parametric analysis and an analysis of the variable RPE in function of the characteristics of the task with logistic multinomial regression from the RPE were used. RPE's average in all the variables were 6.87 ± 1.76. Four variables contribute the model: Time of the task (X2 = 183.49; df= 8; p < .001), Relation among players (X2 = 63.71; df= 10; p < .001), Transition (X2 = 15.37; df= 2; p < .01) and the Aim (X2 = 9.68; df= 4; p < .05). The % of classification of the model for the group RPE (8-9), 90.1 % and for the group RPE (0-6), 71.6 %. The total percentage of classification predicted was 66.4. The tasks of 8 minutes in the group of RPE (0-6) have more possibilities of having RPE lower than those of any more 10 or 12 minutes. The tasks of attack have more possibilities of having a lower RPE. The characteristics of tasks influence the RPE. More than 8 minutes favor a very high RPE when the presence of attackers and defenders in 1x1 and 2x2 exist.Con el objetivo de analizar en qué medida las características de las tareas en los juegos reducidos influyen en la percepción de esfuerzo (RPE), y su relación entre el tiempo de juego y la RPE de los diferentes tipos de tareas, diez jugadores de minibasket desarrollaron 50 tareas (10 sesiones de entrenamiento, 450 registros de RPE, 5 registros de 8, 10 o 12 minutos). Basado en la descripción de 7 variables codificadas: objetivo (ataque / defensa /transición), duración: (8 minutos / más de 8 minutos), espacio: (campo completo / medio campo, 1/4 de campo), igualdad numérica: (sin rival / igualdad numérica/ superioridad numérica), transición: (si / no), ayuda del jugador: (si /no), relación entre jugadores: (atacantes[n] x defensores[n]). El análisis no paramétrico y el análisis de la variable RPE en función de las características de la tarea, se aplicó con una regresión logística multinomial. La media de RPE en todas las variables fue de 6.87 ± 1.76. Cuatro de ellas, contribuyeron al modelo: El tiempo de la tarea (X2 = 183.49; df = 8; p < .001), relación entre jugadores (X2 = 63.71; df = 10; p < .001), transición (X2 = 15.37; df = 2; p < .01) y el objetivo (X2 = 9.68; df= 4; p < .05). El % de clasificación del modelo para el grupo RPE (8-9) fue del 90.1 % y para el grupo RPE (0-6), 71.6 %. El porcentaje total de clasificación fue un predictor del 66.4. Las tareas de 8 minutos tuvieron más posibilidades de presentar una RPE más baja que las de más de 10 o 12 minutos. Las tareas de ataque tuvieron más posibilidades de presentar una RPE más baja. Las características de las tares influyeron en la RPE. Más de 8 minutos favorecen una RPE más alta con presencia de atacantes y defensores en situaciones de 1x1 y 2x2

    Condición física y salud en el curriculum LOGSE y LOE.

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    En la etapa de Educación Primaria y Secundaria encontramos muchos objetivos que de forma más o menos directa hacen referencia al desarrollo de la condición física. En cuanto a los contenidos, no hay un bloque de contenido específico en primaria ni en el currículum LOGSE ni en el currículum LOE, sin embargo en secundaria sí existe un bloque específico. El conocimiento de los beneficios que tienen para la salud las prácticas físicas y el correcto análisis de las mismas, bajo el prisma de las capacidades físicas, son objetivos a destacar en la formación de los educadores en esta área, al igual que la capacidad para valorar e interpretar el nivel de condición física de su futuro alumnado, con relación a unas “zonas saludables”, para, si lo estima oportuno, posteriormente informar a las familias. Además deberán saber adaptar las prácticas físicas a las necesidades especiales de salud (asma, dolor de espalda, obesidad) más comunes de la población escolar. The three educational laws that has been approved in the last two decades: LOGSE (1990), LOCE (2002) and LOE (2006) are determinate the professional guidelines to teachers. The main objective of this article is to analyse the concept of motricity in this laws, which is contradictory in the three of them. We can see the lack of skill competencies between the common ones. The physical education curriculum is limited because in this one are specified the subjects and evaluation criteria in academic year. On the other hand are more importance in health in the curricula but with deficiencies. However there aren’t my differences in the subjects tips. Exist a sport demonstration critic. Also there isn’t a minimum quality in the motor skill and we can appreciated that evaluation criteria are leaded to the physical fitness and sport

    The role of basic psychological needs in predicting dispositional flow of basketball players in training : differences by sex

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    The objectives of this study were: a) analyze the influence of the satisfaction of basic psychological needs on dispositional flow in athletes in training and b) to study possible differences in the explanation of this relationship by sex of the participants. Questionnaires PNSE and FFS were administered to 131 basketball players in training. Results indicated that: a) boys showed higher levels of autonomy than girls; b) competence emerged as a predictor of flow in both samples, c) among boys, autonomy was also a predictor of flow.Los objetivos del presente estudio fueron: a) analizar la influencia de la satisfacción de las necesidades psicológicas básicas sobre el flow disposicional en deportistas en formación y b) estudiar posibles diferencias en la explicación de esta relación según el género de los participantes. Se administraron los cuestionarios PNSE y FFS a 131 jugadores de baloncesto en formación. Los resultados indicaron que: a) los chicos mostraron niveles superiores de autonomía que las chicas; b) la competencia emergió como predictor del flow en ambas muestras; c) en los chicos, la autonomía también fue un predictor del flow.Os objetivos deste estudo foram: a) analisar a influência da satisfação das necessidades psicológicas básicas sobre o fluxo disposicional em atletas em formação e b) estudar possíveis diferenças na explicação desta relação segundo o género dos participantes. Foram aplicados os questionários FFS PNSE a 131 jogadores de basquetebol em formação. Os resultados indicaram que: a) os rapazes apresentaram níveis superiores de autonomia comparativamente com as raparigas, b) a competência emergiu como um preditor do flow em ambas as amostras, c) nos rapazes, a autonomia também foi um preditor do flo

    Comparison of tactical offensive variables in different playing surfaces in sided games in soccer

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    In recent decades soccer has been analysed in great detail, enabling the technical and tactical aspects of the game to be improved through observation, analysis and training. However, there are not significant studies that particularly looked at the impact of the playing surfaces in depth. Thus the main aim of this study is to analyse and compare the quantitative and qualitative effect of the playing surface (grass, dirt or turf) on teams? and players? performances from a tactical perspective, through observing various sided games in youth soccer players. 54 games in three different formats (5v5, 7v7 and 9v9) were analysed, divided into two age groups (378 players of U-9 and U-14 categories) and filmed at three Spanish soccer clubs. This study used the observational and descriptive method and was carried out by systematic observation. This involved watching pre-recorded matches to observe and log different types of behaviour in previously defined categories. Results revealed that there were no significant differences for the different surfaces or game formats, and the study presents a description and analysis of the aspects that had considerable influence on the attacking moves for each surface and game format

    Quantification and analysis of offensive situations in different formats of sided games in soccer

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    There has been a lot of research that enabled soccer to improve: its technique, tactics and strategy through analysis and training. Nevertheless, players? need to interact with each other turns any defending or attacking situation into complex solutions with a wide range of variables to be considered, in which the player is never isolated and must make the move that has the most positive impact on play. Fifty-four sided games played in three different formats (5v5, 7v7 and 9v9) and with two age groups (U9 and U14) were filmed at three soccer clubs in Spain in order to identify the most relevant attacking moves, from a technical and tactical perspective. This study used the observational method; it is descriptive and is applied through well-prepared systematic quantitative observation in a natural environment. A key part of the method involved viewing the match recordings and logging moves that had been categorised beforehand. Cohen?s Kappa analysis showed that the results for the most representative variables presented a substantial degree of concordance (0.61-0.80). The results show that there were significant variations depending on the game format, and the following study will present a description and analysis of the aspects that had considerable influence on attacking moves in different formats of sided games (5v5, 7v7 and 9v9). The study also presents various practical applications for the area of training and analysing both youth and professional soccer