308 research outputs found

    Experiential learning and cognitive tools:The impact of simulations on conceptual change in continuing healthcare education

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    Conceptual change involves the acquisition of new cognitive resources (e.g., mental models) for thinking, problem solving, and decision making. Conceptual change, especially the development of robust mental models related to complex phenomena, is essential in continuing healthcare education (including medicine, nursing, public health, and social work). Jonassen’s work related to mindtools (also known as cognitive tools) and conceptual change has been influential in the development of interactive simulations designed to foster experiential learning opportunities for healthcare professionals. Experiential learning results when people engage in purposeful reflection about their experiences. The experiences that foster the kind of reflection and meaning making necessary for new conceptual change can occur in the real world (e.g., stitching a wound) or in a virtual world (managing a cancer patient within an interactive multimedia simulation). Cognitive tools are ‘‘technologies that enhance the cognitive powers of human beings during thinking, problem solving, and learning’’ (Jonassen & Reeves, 1996, p. 693). This chapter reviews the literature on simulations as cognitive tools that enable experiential learning in support of conceptual change in continuing healthcare education. In addition, the chapter prescribes an educational design research agenda to advance the state-of-the-art of simulation development and theory in this area

    Liminal Living at an Extended Stay Hotel: Feeling Stuck in a Housing Solution

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    As a result of unaffordable housing, many of America\u27s working poor are forced to seek shelter in hotels to avoid homelessness. The concept of liminality has been used in discussions of place to describe the subjective experience of feeling in-between two states of being. Research is scant on the liminal experiences of low-income hotel residents, who are culturally invisible in society. This paper draws from data qualitatively collected via semi-structured interviews from ten low-income residents living in an extended-stay hotel. Descriptions of these residential experiences are presented along with recommendations for social workers practicing with families in this liminal situation

    Dancing As Gracefully As I Can : A Developmental Model Of Coping Strategies In Successfully Adapting To Hiv Infection

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    The purpose of this study was to understand the use of coping strategies in successfully adapting to HIV infection. Data analyzed from 18 interviews revealed that coping strategies employed immediately after diagnosis differed from those used later. An underlying developmental process in the use of coping strategies was also uncovered

    Adult Education Adrift in a Net: Making Waves or Clutching a Lifering?

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    The Internet and World Wide Web exemplify values advanced by heroic adult education theorists such as Ivan Illich. They have also triggered a deluge of hyperbole and surfeit of false dichotomies (e.g. online versus face-to-face education). But, in the chorus of critics and advocates, adult educators have been noticeably silent. This symposium is designed to rectify this situation by interrogating Internet and Web learning and education from an adult education perspective

    Perspective Transformation Over Time: A Two-year Follow-up Study of HIV-Positive Adults

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    This study investigated the stability of a perspective transformation over time. The findings confirmed that perspective transformations, at least in our sample, are irreversible; we also discovered that meaning schemes continue to change

    The human-animal relationship and its influence in our culture: the case of donkeys

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    Os jumentos (Equus asinus) estão enfrentando uma crise global. A saúde, o bem-estar e, principalmente, a sobrevivência dos jumentos está sendo comprometida à medida que a demanda por suas peles aumenta. Essa demanda por peles de jumento visa abastecer a indústria de ejiao. Ejiao é um remédio tradicional feito de colágeno de pele de jumento. Alguns acreditam que possui propriedades medicinais. Estima-se que o setor exija aproximadamente 4,8 milhões de peles de jumento por ano. Independentemente do futuro que os jumentos terão, devemos garantir uma vida com o mínimo de dignidade aos animais sob nossa responsabilidade. A preocupação ética também inclui o papel cultural dos jumentos. Os jumentos desenvolveram um papel essencial no Brasil, especialmente na Região Nordeste do país, carregando nas costas todo o tipo de material de construção, água e comida e, como consequência, ajudando o ser humano a construir as cidades no sertão. Devido à estreita relação com os seres humanos, os jumentos também estão participando da cultura. Essa importância central foi reconhecida por vários artistas brasileiros ao longo da história. Temos muitos exemplos de músicas, livros, “cordéis” (literatura típica brasileira), poemas, documentários, filmes, xilogravuras e esculturas feitos em homenagem a esse importante ator. Aqui descrevemos alguns exemplos dessa relação humano-jumento e sua influência em nossa cultura.Donkeys (Equus asinus) face a global crisis. Their health, welfare, and even their local survival are compromised as the demand for their skins increases. Such demand for donkey skins aims to supply the ejiao industry. Ejiao is a traditional remedy made from the collagen of donkey skins. Some people believe it has medicinal properties. It is estimated that the ejiao industry currently requires approximately 4.8 million donkey skins per year. Although the future of the donkeys is still uncertain, we must guarantee a life free from suffering to the animals under our responsibility. The trade of donkey skins also undermines the cultural role of donkeys. Donkeys have developed an essential role in Brazil, especially in the Northeast region of the country, carrying on their backs construction materials, water, and food, and, as a consequence, helping people build cities in the deepest hinterland. The close relationship between people and donkeys affords donkeys a unique place in the local culture. This central importance has been recognized by Brazilian artists throughout history. We have many examples of songs, books, “cordeis” (typical Brazilian literature), poems, documentaries, movies, woodcuts, paintings, and sculptures, created to honor this important actor. Here we describe some examples of this human-donkey relationship, and its influence on our culture

    Dual Master of Social Work / Master of Public Health Degrees: Perceptions of Graduates and Field Instructors

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    Despite growing interest in Master of Social Work/Master of Public Health (MSW/MPH) programs, limited research literature is available on MSW/MPH graduates and none has examined field instructors’ perceptions of MSW/MPH students. This study describes the perceptions and experiences of MSW/MPH alumni and field instructors from a recently implemented MSW/MPH program at the University of Georgia. Electronic surveys were administered to 32 alumni and 34 field instructors; response rates were 71.9% (n=23) and 70.6% (n=24), respectively. Alumni reported satisfaction with the dual degree and utilization of both social work and public health skills in the workplace. Field instructors underscored the complementary skill sets of dually-trained students and noted the added value of MSW/MPH professionals in their agencies. Dually-trained MSW/MPH practitioners are uniquely prepared to address the need for transdisciplinary and interprofessional collaborations to address long-standing social and health issues

    Rapid growth of HFC-227ea (1,1,1,2,3,3,3-Heptafluoropropane) in the atmosphere

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    We report the first measurements of 1,1,1,2,3,3,3-heptafluoropropane (HFC-227ea), a substitute for ozone depleting compounds, in remote regions of the atmosphere and present evidence for its rapid growth. Observed mixing ratios ranged from below 0.01 ppt in deep firn air to 0.59 ppt in the northern mid-latitudinal upper troposphere. Firn air samples collected in Greenland were used to reconstruct a history of atmospheric abundance. Year-on-year increases were deduced, with acceleration in the growth rate from 0.026 ppt per year in 2000 to 0.057 ppt per year in 2007. Upper tropospheric air samples provide evidence for a continuing growth until late 2009. Fur- thermore we calculated a stratospheric lifetime of 370 years from measurements of air samples collected on board high altitude aircraft and balloons. Emission estimates were determined from the reconstructed atmospheric trend and suggest that current "bottom-up" estimates of global emissions for 2005 are too high by more than a factor of three