107 research outputs found

    A new perspective on meso-scale shoreline dynamics through data-driven analysis

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    The twin ambits of climate change and coastal development have raised public awareness of shoreline management. Simultaneously, they have highlighted a gap in our understanding of sediment transport and morphodynamic processes at time and space scales appropriate for shoreline management purposes. Here, we analyse an exceptional set of beach surveys gathered over a period of twenty-two years along the Suffolk coast, eastern UK, that extends over approximately 80 km to investigate the meso-scale shoreline variations. The surveys have been made biannually along fixed transects spaced at approximately 1 km intervals as part of a strategic monitoring exercise undertaken by the coastal authorities to assist in shoreline management planning. Changes in beach volume, foreshore slope and shoreline position have been computed to investigate both spatial and temporal changes. The analysis reveals some distinct responses to the physical processes of tides and waves, anthropogenic interventions and geological controls. Neither a clear relationship between the presence of sea defences and beach response nor an ordered regional-scale shoreline movement are evident. Temporal variations in beach volumes and position provide a similarly complex picture with recessionary, accretionary and stable behaviour all apparent within the study site. There is evidence of quasi-cyclic behaviour at some locations as well as a reduction in variability over time-scales beyond approximately five years

    Measurement of Lambda polarization from Z decays

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    Search for excited leptons at 130-140 GeV

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    Search for supersymmetric particles in e+ee^+e^- collisions at centre-of-mass energies of 130 and 136 GeV

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    Measurement of Lambda polarization from Z decays

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    Four-jet final state production in e+ee^+e^- collisions at center-of-mass energies of 130 and 136 GeV

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    Search for supersymmetry in the photon(s) plus missing energy channels at s\sqrt{s}=161 GeV and 172 GeV

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    Searches for supersymmetric particles in channels with one or more photons and missing energy have been performed with data collected by the ALEPH detector at LEP. The data consist of 11.1 \pb\ at s=161 GeV\sqrt{s} = 161 ~\, \rm GeV, 1.1 \pb\ at 170 \gev\ and 9.5 \pb\ at 172 GeV. The \eenunu\ cross se ction is measured. The data are in good agreement with predictions based on the Standard Model, and are used to set upper limits on the cross sections for anomalous photon production. These limits are compared to two different SUSY models and used to set limits on the neutralino mass. A limit of 71 \gevsq\ at 95\% C.L. is set on the mass of the lightest neutralin o (τχ10\tau_{\chi_{1}^{0}} \leq 3 ns) for the gauge-mediated supersymmetry breaking and LNZ models

    Mineral nutrition of vegetable crops: XXV - Mineral nutrition of new zealand spinach plant (Tetragonia expansa Murr.)

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    The present work was carried out in order to study: a - the effect of omission and presence of the macronutrients and boron on the growth of the plants; b - deficiency symptoms of macronutrients, as well of boron; c - the effect of the deficiency of each nutrient on the chemical composition of the plants. Young spinach plants were grown in pots containing pure quartz sand. Several times a day the plants were irrigated by percolation with nutrient solutions. The treatments were: complete solution and deficient solution, in which each one of the macronutrients was omitted as well boron. Soon as the malnutrition symptoms appered, the plants were harvested and analysed chemically. - symptoms of malnutrition are easily observed for N, K, Ca and B. - symptoms of malnutrition for P, S and Mg are not easily identified. - the nutrient content, in dry matter, in deficient leaves and healthy leaves is:O trabalho teve como objetivo estudar alguns aspectos da nutrição mineral do espinafre (Tetragonia expansa Murr.) no que concerne: 1 - Efeitos da omissão dos macronutrientes e do boro, na obtenção de um quadro sintomatológico; 2 - Efeitos das carências na produção de matéria seca e composição química da planta. Mudas com trinta dias de idade foram transplantadas para soluções nutritivas carentes nos macronutrientes e/ou em boro. A coleta das plantas foi realizada quando os sintomas de deficiência se tornaram evidentes. No material seco procedeu-se a análise química. Os dados mostram que: 1 - os sintomas visuais de deficiência de N, K, Ca e B apresentam-se bem definidos; sendo que os de P, Mg e S são de difícil caracterização ; 2 - os teores dos nutrientes em plantas sadias e deficientes são