48 research outputs found

    Four genomic islands that mark post-1995 pandemic Vibrio parahaemolyticus isolates

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    BACKGROUND: Vibrio parahaemolyticus is an aquatic, halophilic, Gram-negative bacterium, first discovered in 1950 in Japan during a food-poisoning outbreak. Infections resulting from consumption of V. parahaemolyticus have increased globally in the last 10 years leading to the bacterium's classification as a newly emerging pathogen. In 1996 the first appearance of a pandemic V. parahaemolyticus clone occurred, a new O3:K6 serotype strain that has now been identified worldwide as a major cause of seafood-borne gastroenteritis. RESULTS: We examined the sequenced genome of V. parahaemolyticus RIMD2210633, an O3:K6 serotype strain isolated in Japan in 1996, by bioinformatic analyses to uncover genomic islands (GIs) that may play a role in the emergence and pathogenesis of pandemic strains. We identified 7 regions ranging in size from 10 kb to 81 kb that had the characteristics of GIs such as aberrant base composition compared to the core genome, presence of phage-like integrases, flanked by direct repeats and the absence of these regions from closely related species. Molecular analysis of worldwide clinical isolates of V. parahaemolyticus recovered over the last 33 years demonstrated that a 24 kb region named V. parahaemolyticus island-1 (VPaI-1) encompassing ORFs VP0380 to VP0403 is only present in new O3:K6 and related strains recovered after 1995. We investigated the presence of 3 additional regions, VPaI-4 (VP2131 to VP2144), VPaI-5 (VP2900 to VP2910) and VPaI-6 (VPA1254 to VPA1270) by PCR assays and Southern blot analyses among the same set of V. parahaemolyticus isolates. These 3 VPaI regions also gave similar distribution patterns amongst the 41 strains examined. CONCLUSION: The 4 VPaI regions examined may represent DNA acquired by the pandemic group of V. parahaemolyticus isolates that increased their fitness either in the aquatic environment or in their ability to infect humans

    Exposure to bile leads to the emergence of adaptive signalling variants in the opportunistic pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa

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    The chronic colonization of the respiratory tract by the opportunistic pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa is the primary cause of morbidity and mortality in cystic fibrosis (CF) patients. P. aeruginosa has been shown to undergo extensive genomic adaptation facilitating its persistence within the CF lung allowing it to evade the host immune response and outcompete co-colonizing residents of the lung microbiota. However, whilst several studies have described the various mutations that frequently arise in clinical isolates of P. aeruginosa, the environmental factors governing the emergence of these genetic variants is less well characterized. Gastro-oesophageal reflux has recently emerged as a major co-morbidity in CF and is often associated with the presence of bile acids in the lungs most likely by (micro) aspiration. In order to investigate whether bile may select for genetic variants, P. aeruginosa was experimentally evolved in artificial sputum medium, a synthetic media resembling environmental conditions found within the CF lung. Pigmented derivatives of P. aeruginosa emerged exclusively in the presence of bile. Genome sequencing analysis identified single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in quorum sensing (lasR) and both the pyocyanin (phzS) and pyomelanin (hmgA) biosynthetic pathways. Phenotypic analysis revealed an altered bile response when compared to the ancestral P. aeruginosa progenitor strain. While the recovered pigmented derivatives retained the bile mediated suppression of swarming motility and enhanced antibiotic tolerance, the biofilm, and redox responses to bile were abolished in the adapted mutants. Though loss of pseudomonas quinolone signal (PQS) production in the pigmented isolates was not linked to the altered biofilm response, the loss of redox repression could be explained by defective alkyl-quinolone (AQ) production in the presence of bile. Collectively, these findings suggest that the adaptive variants of P. aeruginosa that arise following long term bile exposure enables the emergence of ecologically competitive sub-populations. Altered pigmentation and AQ signaling may contribute to an enhancement in fitness facilitating population survival within a bile positive environment

    Coumarin: a novel player in microbial quorum sensing and biofilm formation inhibition

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    Antibiotic resistance is a growing threat worldwide, causing serious problems in the treatment of microbial infections. The discovery and development of new drugs is urgently needed to overcome this problem which has greatly undermined the clinical effectiveness of conventional antibiotics. An intricate cell-cell communication system termed quorum sensing (QS) and the coordinated multicellular behaviour of biofilm formation have both been identified as promising targets for the treatment and clinical management of microbial infections. QS systems allow bacteria to adapt rapidly to harsh conditions, and are known to promote the formation of antibiotic tolerant biofilm communities. It is well known that biofilm is a recalcitrant mode of growth and it also increases bacterial resistance to conventional antibiotics. The pharmacological properties of coumarins have been well described, and these have included several that possess antimicrobial properties. More recently, reports have highlighted the potential role of coumarins as alternative therapeutic strategies based on their ability to block the QS signalling systems and to inhibit the formation of biofilms in clinically relevant pathogens. In addition to human infections, coumarins have also been found to be effective in controlling plant pathogens, infections in aquaculture, food spoilage and in reducing biofouling caused by eukaryotic organisms. Thus, the coumarin class of small molecule natural product are emerging as a promising strategy to combat bacterial infections in the new era of antimicrobial resistance

    Rethinking the bile acid/gut microbiome axis in cancer

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    Dietary factors, probiotic agents, aging and antibiotics/medicines impact on gut microbiome composition leading to disturbances in localised microbial populations. The impact can be profound and underlies a plethora of human disorders, including the focus of this review; cancer. Compromised microbiome populations can alter bile acid signalling and produce distinct pathophysiological bile acid profiles. These in turn have been associated with cancer development and progression. Exposure to high levels of bile acids, combined with localised molecular/genome instability leads to the acquisition of bile mediated neoplastic alterations, generating apoptotic resistant proliferation phenotypes. However, in recent years, several studies have emerged advocating the therapeutic benefits of bile acid signalling in suppressing molecular and phenotypic hallmarks of cancer progression. These studies suggest that in some instances, bile acids may reduce cancer phenotypic effects, thereby limiting metastatic potential. In this review, we contextualise the current state of the art to propose that the bile acid/gut microbiome axis can influence cancer progression to the extent that classical in vitro cancer hallmarks of malignancy (cell invasion, cell migration, clonogenicity, and cell adhesion) are significantly reduced. We readily acknowledge the existence of a bile acid/gut microbiome axis in cancer initiation, however, in light of recent advances, we focus exclusively on the role of bile acids as potentially beneficial molecules in suppressing cancer progression. Finally, we theorise that suppressing aggressive malignant phenotypes through bile acid/gut microbiome axis modulation could uncover new and innovative disease management strategies for managing cancers in vulnerable cohort

    Structural modification of the Pseudomonas aeruginosa alkylquinoline cell–cell communication signal, HHQ, leads to benzofuranoquinolines with anti-virulence behaviour in ESKAPE pathogens

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    Microbial populations have evolved intricate networks of negotiation and communication through which they can coexist in natural and host ecosystems. The nature of these systems can be complex and they are, for the most part, poorly understood at the polymicrobial level. The Pseudomonas Quinolone Signal (PQS) and its precursor 4- hydroxy- 2-heptylquinoline (HHQ) are signal molecules produced by the important nosocomial pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa. They are known to modulate the behaviour of co-colonizing bacterial and fungal pathogens such as Bacillus atropheaus, Candida albicans and Aspergillus fumigatus. While the structural basis for alkyl-quinolone signalling within P. aeruginosa has been studied extensively, less is known about how structural derivatives of these molecules can influ-ence multicellular behaviour and population- level decision-making in other co-colonizing organisms. In this study, we investigated a suite of small molecules derived initially from the HHQ framework, for anti-virulence activity against ESKAPE pathogens, at the species and strain levels. Somewhat surprisingly, with appropriate substitution, loss of the alkyl chain (present in HHQ and PQS) did not result in a loss of activity, presenting a more easily accessible synthetic framework for investigation. Virulence profiling uncovered significant levels of inter-strain variation among the responses of clinical and environmental isolates to small-molecule challenge. While several lead compounds were identified in this study, further work is needed to appreciate the extent of strain- level tolerance to small-molecule anti-infectives among pathogenic organisms.National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education SFI/12/IP/1315, US Cystic Fibrosis Foundation SFI/12/RC/2275, National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) of Australia SFI/12/RC/2275_P2, UCC Strategic Research Fund and Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) SSPC-3 12/RC/2275_2, Synthesis and Solid State Pharmaceutical Centre (SSPC) HRB-ILP-POR-2019-004, MRCG-2018-16, Universidade do Algarve TL19UCC1481/02, OGARA1710, APP1183640 2020-5,info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Characterisation of Non-Autoinducing Tropodithietic Acid (TDA) Production from Marine Sponge Pseudovibrio Species.

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    The search for new antimicrobial compounds has gained added momentum in recent years, paralleled by the exponential rise in resistance to most known classes of current antibiotics. While modifications of existing drugs have brought some limited clinical success, there remains a critical need for new classes of antimicrobial compound to which key clinical pathogens will be naive. This has provided the context and impetus to marine biodiscovery programmes that seek to isolate and characterize new activities from the aquatic ecosystem. One new antibiotic to emerge from these initiatives is the antibacterial compound tropodithietic acid (TDA). The aim of this study was to provide insight into the bioactivity of and the factors governing the production of TDA in marine Pseudovibrio isolates from a collection of marine sponges. The TDA produced by these Pseudovibrio isolates exhibited potent antimicrobial activity against a broad spectrum of clinical pathogens, while TDA tolerance was frequent in non-TDA producing marine isolates. Comparative genomics analysis suggested a high degree of conservation among the tda biosynthetic clusters while expression studies revealed coordinated regulation of TDA synthesis upon transition from log to stationary phase growth, which was not induced by TDA itself or by the presence of the C10-acyl homoserine lactone quorum sensing signal molecule

    Dissecting the regulation of bile-induced biofilm formation in Staphylococcus aureus

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    Aspiration of bile into the cystic fibrosis (CF) lung has emerged as a prognostic factor for reduced microbial lung biodiversity and the establishment of often fatal, chronic pathogen infections. Staphylococcus aureus is one of the earliest pathogens detected in the lungs of children with CF, and once established as a chronic infection, strategies for its eradication become limited. Several lung pathogens are stimulated to produce biofilms in vitro in the presence of bile. In this study, we further investigated the effects of bile on S. aureus biofilm formation. Most clinical S. aureus strains and the laboratory strain RN4220 were stimulated to form biofilms with sub-inhibitory concentrations of bovine bile. Additionally, we observed bile-induced sensitivity to aminoglycosides, which we exploited in a bursa aurealis transposon screen to isolate mutants reduced in aminoglycoside sensitivity and augmented in bile-induced biofilm formation. We identified five mutants that exhibited hypersensitivity to bile with respect to bile-induced biofilm formation, three of which carried transposon insertions within gene clusters involved in wall teichoic acid (WTA) biosynthesis or transport. Strain TM4 carried an insertion between the divergently oriented tagH and tagG genes, which encode the putative WTA membrane translocation apparatus. Ectopic expression of tagG in TM4 restored a wild-type bile-induced biofilm response, suggesting that reduced translocation of WTA in TM4 induced sensitivity to bile and enhanced the bile-induced biofilm formation response. We propose that WTA may be important for protecting S. aureus against exposure to bile and that bile-induced biofilm formation may be an evolved response to protect cells from bile-induced cell lysis

    Exploring the synthetic potential of a marine transaminase including discrimination at a remote stereocentre.

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    The marine transaminase, P-ω-TA, can be employed for the transamination from 1-aminotetralins and 1-aminoindanes with differentiation of stereochemistry at both the site of reaction and at a remote stereocentre resulting in formation of ketone products with up to 93% ee. While 4-substituents are tolerated on the tetralin core, the presence of 3- or 8-substituents is not tolerated by the transaminase. In general P-ω-TA shows capacity for remote diastereoselectivity, although both the stereoselectivity and efficiency are dependent on the specific substrate structure. Optimum efficiency and selectivity are seen with 4-haloaryl-1-aminotetralins and 3-haloaryl-1-aminoindanes, which may be associated with the marine origin of this enzyme

    Identification of an esterase isolated using metagenomic technology which displays an unusual substrate scope and its characterisation as an enantioselective biocatalyst

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    Evaluation of an esterase annotated as 26D isolated from a marine metagenomic library is described. Esterase 26D was found to have a unique substrate scope, including synthetic transformations which could not be readily effected in a synthetically useful manner using commercially available enzymes. Esterase 26D was more selective towards substrates which had larger, more sterically demanding substituents (i.e. iso‐propyl or tert‐butyl groups) on the β‐carbon, which is in contrast to previously tested commercially available enzymes which displayed a preference for substrates with sterically less demanding substituents (i.e. methyl group) at the β‐carbon

    Genome mining and characterisation of a novel transaminase with remote stereoselectivity

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    Microbial enzymes from pristine niches can potentially deliver disruptive opportunities in synthetic routes to Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients and intermediates in the Pharmaceutical Industry. Advances in green chemistry technologies and the importance of stereochemical control, further underscores the application of enzyme-based solutions in chemical synthesis. The rich tapestry of microbial diversity in the oceanic ecosystem encodes a capacity for novel biotransformations arising from the chemical complexity of this largely unexplored bioactive reservoir. Here we report a novel omega-transaminase discovered in a marine sponge Pseudovibrio sp. isolate. Remote stereoselection using a transaminase has been demonstrated for the first time using this novel protein. Application to the resolution of an intermediate in the synthesis of sertraline highlights the synthetic potential of this novel biocatalyst discovered through genomic mining. Integrated chemico-genomics revealed a unique substrate profile, while molecular modelling provided structural insights into this 'first in class' selectivity at a remote chiral centre