17 research outputs found

    A Radial Basis Function Finite Difference Scheme for the Benjamin–Ono Equation

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    A radial basis function-finite differencing (RBF-FD) scheme was applied to the initial value problem of the Benjamin–Ono equation. The Benjamin–Ono equation has traveling wave solutions with algebraic decay and a nonlocal pseudo-differential operator, the Hilbert transform. When posed on ℝ, the former makes Fourier collocation a poor discretization choice; the latter is challenging for any local method. We develop an RBF-FD approximation of the Hilbert transform, and discuss the challenges of implementing this and other pseudo-differential operators on unstructured grids. Numerical examples, simulation costs, convergence rates, and generalizations of this method are all discussed

    Atmospheric Propagation of High Energy Lasers: Thermal Blooming Simulation

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    High Energy Laser (HEL) propagation through turbulent atmosphere is examined via numerical simulation. The beam propagation is modeled with the paraxial equation, which in turn is written as a system of equations for a quantum fluid, via the Madelung transform. A finite volume solver is applied to the quantum fluid equations, which supports sharp gradients in beam intensity. The atmosphere is modeled via a coupled advection-diffusion equation whose initial data have Kolmogorov spectrum. In this model the combined effects of thermal blooming, beam slewing, and deep turbulence are simulated

    A Hybrid Technique applied to the Intermediate-Target Optimal Control Problem

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    The DoD has introduced the concept of Manned-Unmanned Teaming, a subset of which is the loyal wingman. Optimal control techniques have been proposed as a method for rapidly solving the intermediate-target (mid-point constraint) optimal control problem. Initial results using direct orthogonal collocation and a gradient-based method for solving the resulting nonlinear program reveals a tendency to converge to or to get `stuck’ in locally optimal solutions. The literature suggested a hybrid technique in which a particle swarm optimization is used to quickly find a neighborhood of a more globally minimal solution, at which point the algorithm switches to a gradient-based nonlinear programming solver to converge on the globally optimal solution. The work herein applies the hybrid optimization technique to rapidly solve the loyal wingman optimal control problem. After establishing the background and describing the loyal wingman particle swarm optimization algorithm, the problem is solved first using the gradient-based direct orthogonal collocation method, then re-solved using a hybrid approach in which the results of the particle swarm optimization algorithm are used as the initial guess for the gradient-based direct orthogonal collocation method. Results comparing the final trajectory and convergence time, demonstrate the hybrid technique as a reliable method for producing rapid, autonomous, and feasible solutions to the loyal wingman optimal control problem

    Implementing Conditional Inequality Constraints for Optimal Collision Avoidance

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    Current Federal Aviation Administration regulations require that passing aircraft must either meet a specified horizontal or vertical separation distance. However, solving for optimal avoidance trajectories with conditional inequality path constraints is problematic for gradient-based numerical nonlinear programming solvers since conditional constraints typically possess non-differentiable points. Further, the literature is silent on robust treatment of approximation methods to implement conditional inequality path constraints for gradient-based numerical nonlinear programming solvers. This paper proposes two efficient methods to enforce conditional inequality path constraints in the optimal control problem formulation and compares and contrasts these approaches on representative airborne avoidance scenarios. The first approach is based on a minimum area enclosing superellipse function and the second is based on use of sigmoid functions. These proposed methods are not only robust, but also conservative, that is, their construction is such that the approximate feasible region is a subset of the true feasible region. Further, these methods admit analytically derived bounds for the over-estimation of the infeasible region with a demonstrated maximum error of no greater than 0.3% using the superellipse method, which is less than the resolution of typical sensors used to calculate aircraft position or altitude. However, the superellipse method is not practical in all cases to enforce conditional inequality path constraints that may arise in the nonlinear airborne collision avoidance problem. Therefore, this paper also highlights by example when the use of sigmoid functions are more appropriate

    Approximate Integrals Over Bounded Volumes with Smooth Boundaries

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    A Radial Basis Function Generated Finite-Differences (RBF-FD) inspired technique for evaluating definite integrals over bounded volumes that have smooth boundaries in three dimensions is described. A key aspect of this approach is that it allows the user to approximate the value of the integral without explicit knowledge of an expression for the boundary surface. Instead, a tesselation of the node set is utilized to inform the algorithm of the domain geometry. Further, the method applies to node sets featuring spatially varying density, facilitating its use in Applied Mathematics, Mathematical Physics and myriad other application areas, where the locations of the nodes might be fixed by experiment or previous simulation. By using the RBF-FD-like approach, the proposed algorithm computes quadrature weights for N arbitrarily scattered nodes in only O(N logN) operations with tunable orders of accuracy

    Smooth_Closed_Surface_Quadrature_RBF-julia: v1.0

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    Julia implementation of the algorithm described in J. A. Reeger, B. Fornberg, and M. L. Watts "Numerical quadrature over smooth, closed surfaces", which can be used to compute quadrature weights for computing surface integral

    Numerical Quadrature over Smooth Surfaces with Boundaries

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    This paper describes a high order accurate method to calculate integrals over curved surfaces with boundaries. Given data locations that are arbitrarily distributed over the surface, together with some functional description of the surface and its boundary, the algorithm produces matching quadrature weights. This extends on the authors\u27 earlier methods for integrating over the surface of a sphere and over arbitrarily shaped smooth closed surfaces by also considering domain boundaries. The core approach consists again of combining RBF-FD (radial basis function-generated finite difference) approximations for curved surface triangles, which together make up the full surface. The provided examples include both curved and flat domains. In the highly special case of equi-spaced nodes over a regular interval in 1-D, the method provides a new opportunity for improving on the classical Gregory enhancements of the trapezoidal rule