67 research outputs found

    Intrauterine Growth Restriction Is a Direct Consequence of Localized Maternal Uropathogenic Escherichia coli Cystitis

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    Despite the continually increasing rates of adverse perinatal outcomes across the globe, the molecular mechanisms that underlie adverse perinatal outcomes are not completely understood. Clinical studies report that 10% of pregnant women will experience a urinary tract infection (UTI) and there is an association of UTIs with adverse perinatal outcomes. We introduced bacterial cystitis into successfully outbred female mice at gestational day 14 to follow pregnancy outcomes and immunological responses to determine the mechanisms that underlie UTI-mediated adverse outcomes. Outbred fetuses from mothers experiencing localized cystitis displayed intrauterine growth restriction (20–80%) as early as 48 hours post-infection and throughout the remainder of normal gestation. Robust infiltration of cellular innate immune effectors was observed in the uteroplacental tissue following introduction of UTI despite absence of viable bacteria. The magnitude of serum proinflammatory cytokines is elevated in the maternal serum during UTI. This study demonstrates that a localized infection can dramatically impact the immunological status as well as the function of non-infected distal organs and tissues. This model can be used as a platform to determine the mechanism(s) by which proinflammatory changes occur between non-contiguous genitourinary organ

    Diet quality is positively associated with 100% fruit juice consumption in children and adults in the United States: NHANES 2003-2006

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>One hundred percent fruit juice (100% FJ) has been viewed by some as a sweetened beverage with concerns about its effect on weight. Little regard has been given to the contribution of 100% FJ to diet quality.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>In this study data from the 2003-2006 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey were used to examine the association of 100% FJ consumption with diet quality in participants 2-5 years of age (y) (n = 1665), 6-12 y (n = 2446), 13-18 y (n = 3139), and 19+y (n = 8861). Two 24-hour dietary recalls were used to determine usual intake using the National Cancer Institute method. Usual intake, standard errors, and regression analyses (juice independent variable and Healthy Eating Index-2005 [HEI-2005] components were dependent variables), using appropriate covariates, were determined using sample weights.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The percentage of participants 2-5 y, 6-12 y, 13-18 y, and 19+y that consumed 100% FJ was 71%, 57%, 45%, and 62%, respectively. Usual intake of 100% FJ (ounce [oz]/day) among the four age groups was: 5.8 ± 0.6, 2.6 ± 0.4, 3.7 ± 0.4, and 2.4 ± 0.2 for those in age groups 2-5 y, 6-12 y, 13-18 y, and 19+y, respectively. Consumption of 100% FJ was associated with higher energy intake in 6-12 y, 13-18 y, and 19+y; and higher total, saturated, and discretionary fats in 13-18 y participants. Consumption of 100% FJ was associated with higher total HEI-2005 scores in all age groups (< 0.0001). In 100% FJ consumers, total and whole fruit consumption was higher and intake of added sugars was lower in all age groups.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Usual intake of 100% FJ consumption exceeded MyPyramid recommendations for children 2-5 y, but was associated with better diet quality in all age groups and should be encouraged in moderation as part of a healthy diet.</p

    Identification of Antifungal Compounds Active against Candida albicans Using an Improved High-Throughput Caenorhabditis elegans Assay

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    Candida albicans, the most common human pathogenic fungus, can establish a persistent lethal infection in the intestine of the microscopic nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. The C. elegans–C. albicans infection model was previously adapted to screen for antifungal compounds. Modifications to this screen have been made to facilitate a high-throughput assay including co-inoculation of nematodes with C. albicans and instrumentation allowing precise dispensing of worms into assay wells, eliminating two labor-intensive steps. This high-throughput method was utilized to screen a library of 3,228 compounds represented by 1,948 bioactive compounds and 1,280 small molecules derived via diversity-oriented synthesis. Nineteen compounds were identified that conferred an increase in C. elegans survival, including most known antifungal compounds within the chemical library. In addition to seven clinically used antifungal compounds, twelve compounds were identified which are not primarily used as antifungal agents, including three immunosuppressive drugs. This assay also allowed the assessment of the relative minimal inhibitory concentration, the effective concentration in vivo, and the toxicity of the compound in a single assay

    Laparoscopic management of appendicitis and symptomatic cholelithiasis during pregnancy

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    BACKGROUND: Laparoscopic surgery during pregnancy is a challenging procedure that most surgeons are reluctant to perform. The objective of this study was to evaluate whether laparoscopic appendectomy and cholecystectomy is safe in pregnant women. The management of these situations remains controversial. We report a single center study describing the successful management of 16 patients during pregnancy. METHODS: More than 3,356 laparoscopic procedures were performed in our institutions between May 1990 and June 2005. Sixteen of these patients were operated on in the second and third trimester between 22 and 32 weeks of estimated gestational age. We performed 11 laparoscopic appendectomies and 5 laparoscopic cholecystectomies. We also reviewed the management and operative technique used in these patients. RESULTS: In this study, the laparoscopic appendectomy or cholecystectomy was performed successfully in all patients. Three patients were in their second trimester, weeks 22, 23, and 25, and 13 were in the third trimester, weeks 27 (three patients), 28 (five patients), 31 (three patients), and 32 (two patients). No maternal or fetal morbidity occurred. Open laparoscopy was performed safely in all patients and all patients delivered healthy babies. CONCLUSION: From our experience laparoscopic management of appendicitis and biliary colic during pregnancy is safe, however the second trimester is preferable for laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Pregnancy is not a contraindication to the laparoscopic approach to appendicitis or symptomatic cholelithiasis. We believe that laparoscopic operations, when performed by experienced surgeons, are safe and even preferable for the mother and the fetu

    Prostate carcinoma metastatic to the skin as an extrammamary Paget's disease

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    Aim: The current paper describes a case of prostatic adenocarcinoma metastatic to the skin presenting as an extrammamary Paget's disease, a very rare and poorly characterised morphological entity. We report a case of prostatic carcinoma metastatic to skin showing a pattern of extramammary Paget's disease which has not been clearly illustrated in the literature Case presentation: A 63 year-old man with prostatic adenocarcinoma developed cutaneous metastases after 16 years. The inguinal metastases were sessile and 'keratotic.' The tumour displayed solid, glandular areas as well as a polypoid region suggestive of extramammary Paget's disease were identified.Discussion and conclusions: We review the diagnostic criteria that have led to the correct histopathological diagnosis in this case. A differential diagnosis of the pagetoid spread in the skin and various forms of cutaneous metastases determined by a prostatic adenocarcinoma as well as the role of immunohistochemistry in establishing the prostatic origin are presented in the context of this case. Although, morphologically the cells presented in the skin deposits were not characteristic for adenocarcinoma of prostate, immunohistochemistry for PSA and PSAP suggested a prostatic origin.Virtual Slides: The virtual slide(s) for this article can be found here: http://www.diagnosticpathology.diagnomx.eu/vs/1395450057455276. © 2012 Petcu et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd

    Laparoscopic management of a spontaneous 12th week heterotopic tubal pregnancy: a case report

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    Here we present a spontaneously-developed case involving 12th week heterotopic tubal pregnancy. In the preoperative period, the diagnosis was confirmed both by ultrasonographic examination and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The patient was treated successfully using a laparoscopic salpingectomy technique without jeopardizing the intrauterine pregnancy

    Appendicitis During Pregnancy

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    Apendicectomia laparoscópica na gestante

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    OBJETIVO: A apendicite aguda é a doença cirúrgica não-obstétrica mais comum da gravidez e pode ocorrer em qualquer idade gestacional. O seu diagnóstico freqüentemente é tardio, o que pode acarretar alto índice de perfuração e complicações. O presente estudo visa apresentar os resultados da videolaparoscopia no tratamento da apendicite aguda na gravidez. MÉTODO: São analisados retrospectivamente quatro casos de pacientes com suspeita de apendicite aguda avaliadas em serviço de cirurgia de urgência e submetidas à cirurgia videolaparoscópica no segundo trimestre da gestação. RESULTADOS: A videolaparoscopia confirmou o diagnóstico de apendicite aguda em três casos e o outro tratava-se de cisto ovariano roto. Todas foram tratadas pelo método laparoscópico, sem necessidade de conversão, e receberam alta hospitalar em cerca de 72 horas. Não houve complicações pós-operatórias. As pacientes foram acompanhadas no restante da gestação, e os partos ocorreram na data prevista, sem complicações maternas ou para os recém-nascidos. CONCLUSÃO: A apendicectomia laparoscópica na gravidez revelou-se um procedimento seguro, que possibilita uma recuperação pós-operatória mais rápida e sem evidências de que interfira com o curso da gestação. Entretanto, estudos com maior número de casos são necessários para estabelecer o seu real valor