347 research outputs found

    Brownfields in Indiana Successful and Profitable Development Indiana\u27s Brownfields Program

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    Dana Michele Murphy and Christopher Reed Norris in a Joint Senior Recital

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    This is the program for the joint senior voice recital of mezzo-soprano Dana Michele Murphy and tenor Christopher Reed Norris. Pianist Mary Worthen accompanied Murphy; pianist Christy Burleson accompanied Norris. The recital took place on October 26, 1989, in the Mabee Fine Arts Center Recital Hall

    The Use of Resistant Starch in Colorectal Cancer Prevention

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    With 108,000 new diagnoses each year, colorectal cancer (CRC) is the third most prevalent cancer amongst both genders. Diet, including fiber intake, is a significant factor relating to colorectal cancer risk. Resistant Starch (RS), a type of fiber, escapes normal digestion in the small intestine and is available for bacterial fermentation in the colon, producing short-chain fatty acids. This fermentation is hypothesized to benefit colonic epithelial tissues by inhibiting carcinogenesis in colorectal cells. However, it is not known how much or what type of RS is best for this prevention. Therefore, the purpose of this research project is to study the correlation between increasing the resistance of starch and reducing CRC lesions. This study uses rodent models to compare the effects of two experimental diets against a control starch: control starch (CS), resistant starch 2 (HA7), and RS5. CS is the least digestion-resistant, while RS5 has the highest resistance. We hypothesize that the diet with the highest amount of RS will have the greatest inhibition of colorectal cancer. The completion of this study will aid in the process of determining dietary methods of CRC prevention

    Perceptions of the Role of West Virginia’s Cooperative Extension Service in Tobacco Control Coalitions

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    Despite the fact that the consequences of tobacco use are well identified and known, it remains the single most preventable cause of disease and death in the United States. In West Virginia alone, the adult prevalence of cigarette smoking is 26.8%. This study researches the perceptions of the Cooperative Extension Service’s involvement and role in county-level coalitions that address tobacco use in West Virginia. The research findings provide practical areas to increase the role of the Extension Service in these vital efforts to save lives, reduce economic hardships on families, and reduce the health-care burden on the state governmen

    How Can Universities Best Encourage Women to Major in Information Systems?

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    Despite both government and industry initiatives, the under-representation of women in information systems (IS) continues. Can academia help right this imbalance by helping fill the pipeline for technically qualified female employees? We analyze the results of four experimental interventions based on empirical studies and prior surveys designed to address this issue. We conducted these interventions as projects in an introductory undergraduate IS class in a public university in the western US. Sadly, none were effective in encouraging more female students to consider majoring in IS

    Knowledge and attitudes of men to prostate cancer

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    Objective: To ascertain the current level of understanding about prostate cancer (PCa), including treatment options and potential side effects of treatment, among older men. Design and Setting: Questionnaires administered by general practitioners (GPs) in 5 general practices in the Perth metropolitan and regional areas of Western Australia. Participants: Convenience sample of men aged 40-80 years (n=503) with or without prostate cancer presenting for routine consultations. Main outcome measures: Knowledge and attitudes of men to prostate cancer Results: Eighty percent of men did not know the function of the prostate and 48% failed to identify PCa as the most common internal cancer in men. Thirty-five percent had no knowledge of the treatments for PCa and 53% had no knowledge of the side effects of treatments. Asked how they would arrive at a decision about treatment, 70% stated they would ask the GP/specialist for all their options and then decide themselves. Conclusion: This study confirms a deficit in knowledge of the disease among men in the at risk age group. Lack of knowledge encompassed areas which could delay diagnosis and hence treatment. Overall the population preferred some GP/specialist involvement in treatment decision making

    On the Spectrum of the Resonant Quantum Kicked Rotor

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    It is proven that none of the bands in the quasi-energy spectrum of the Quantum Kicked Rotor is flat at any primitive resonance of any order. Perturbative estimates of bandwidths at small kick strength are established for the case of primitive resonances of prime order. Different bands scale with different powers of the kick strength, due to degeneracies in the spectrum of the free rotor.Comment: Description of related published work has been expanded in the Introductio

    Audit Committee Effectiveness: A Synthesis of the Empirical Audit Committee Literature

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    The article describes the factors that contribute to audit committee effectiveness. An effective audit committee has qualified members with the authority and resources to protect stakeholder interests by ensuring reliable financial reporting, internal controls, and risk management through its diligent oversight efforts. The determinants of audit committee effectiveness includes the audit committee composition, authority, resources and diligence. The major U.S. stock exchanges require that audit committees be composed of at least three independent, financially literate directors. Team issues also are relevant when considering audit committee composition. The audit committee derives its authority from the full board of directors, federal law and exchange listing requirements. Authority is viewed as a function of the audit committees responsibilities and influence. Audit committee authority also depends on the audit committees relationships with management, external and internal auditors and the board as a whole. The resource component of audit committee effectiveness highlights that effective oversight is contingent upon the audit committee having adequate resources to do its job. Diligence is the process factor that is needed to achieve audit committee effectiveness

    Theoretical Study of Oxocyclohexadienylidene Isomers: Electronic Structures and Molecular Properties

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    The molecular properties and electronic structures for three isomers of oxocyclohexadienylidene were investigated using multiconfiguration SCF (MCSCF) wave functions. The ground electronic states of the ortho and para isomers are the open shell triplet, whereas the meta isomer has a singlet ground state with significant open shell character. The structural features of the ground states of all three isomers are close to the quinoid type structure. Several molecular properties such as the electron spin density, electron affinity (EA), acidity and bond dissociation energy for the three isomers and/or their corresponding radicals are also considered and are compared with experimental values. In particular, the MCSCF(8,8)/6-31+G* electron spin densities for both ortho and para isomers are very close to the experimental values of the phenoxyl radical

    Opportunistic Screening in General Practice for Chlamydia Trachomatis in Young Men

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    Study Objective: There is little information available regarding the prevalence of Chlamydia Trachomatis in young men in the general population. The community based rate of infection is estimated to be 4.6%, but this is thought to reflect an over-representation of high-risk groups. The aims of this study were to1) estimate the rate of Chlamydia infection in young men attending general practitioners in the Perth metropolitan area, 2) assess behavioural factors associated having the disease and 3) assess GP management of patients testing positive. Methodology: Sexually active men (15-29 years) were recruited from 8 general practices in Perth, Western Australia. Participants were required to complete a questionnaire concerning their sexual orientation, history, behaviours and genital symptoms and provide a urine sample for PCR testing for Chlamydia. If a participant returned a positive PCR result, the treating doctor was contacted by a researcher 2 weeks following the test to assess patient follow up. Results: 401 men were recruited. 373 had urine results available. Of these 3.8% (95% CI, 2.1-6.2) returned a positive PCR result for Chlamydia Trachomatis. There were no remarkable differences between the sexual practices and behaviours of positive and negative participants, although we cannot exclude sampling bias given the small number of positive participants. All patients were followed up by their treating doctor once results were received. Despite the small number of positive participants, there was little relationship between self reported sexual behaviour or symptoms and incidence of Chlamydia in young men. Details of these findings will be provided at presentation. Conclusion: Given the asymptomatic nature, it may be appropriate to offer screening for at risk individuals, thereby moving towards curbing the increasing infection rate for this disease