1,125 research outputs found


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    Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana bentuk-bentuk sengketa setelah pemutusan hubungan kerja dan bagaimana aspek hukum prosedur penyelesaian sengketa setelah pemutusan hubungan kerja berdasarkan Undang- Undang Nomor 13 Tahun 2003. Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian nyuridis normatif, disimpulkan: 1. Bentuk-bentuk sengketa setelah Pemutusan Hubungan Kerja adalah  perbedaan pendapat yang mengakibatkan pertentangan antara pengusaha atau gabungan pengusaha dengan pekerja/buruh atau serikat pekerja/serikat buruh karena adanya perselisihan mengenai hak yaitu perselisihan yang timbul karena salah satu pihak tidak memenuhi isi perjanjian kerja, peraturan perusahaan, perjanjian perburuhan, atau ketentuan perundangan ketenagakerjaan, perselisihan kepentingan, perselisihan pemutusan hubungan kerja serta perselisihan antara serikat pekerja/serikat buruh hanya dalam satu perusahaan. 2. Prosedur penyelesaian sengketa setelah Pemutusan Hubungan Kerja adalah berdasarkan Undang-Undang Nomor 2 Tahun 2004 tentang Penyelesaian Perselisihan Hubungan Industrial yang merupakan dasar hukum penyelesaian perselisihan, tidak hanya berlaku untuk menyelesaikan perselisihan hubungan industrial pada perusahaan swasta dan perusahaan di lingkungan Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN), tetapi juga pada usaha-usaha sosial serta usaha-usaha lain yang tidak berbentuk perusahaan tetapi mempunyai pengurus dan mempekerjakan orang lain dengan membayar upah. Ada 4 (empat) tahap prosedur penyelesaian perselisihan hubungan industrial antara lain penyelesaian secara Bipatrit, Konsiliasi, Arbitrase, Mediasi dan Pengadilan Hubungan Industrial.Kata kunci: Aspek Hukum, Prosedur Penyelesaian Sengketa, Pemutusan Hubungan Kerja

    Decoding Data Products – Through the Lens of Work System Theory

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    Data products are seen as important levers in repurposing the large volumes of data that are captured in organizations and in satisfying the increasing demand for analytics. Despite the increasing popularity of the data product concept, it remains unclear how data can be productized. This article proposes work system theory to study the implications data products have for how organizations manage their data. Adopting a multimethod approach involving case studies and focus groups, we identify three types of data products and analyze how organizations coordinate their resources to build work systems around each data product type. Our findings contribute to the ongoing discourse on scaling data and analytics capabilities to repurpose and consume data effectively

    Understanding Data Products: Motivations, Definition, and Categories

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    As the volume of data exponentially increases, organizations are looking for smarter ways to create the most value from their data. One approach to achieve this is through developing data products. Although the idea was initially presented in the 1990s, the concept remains nascent, leading to different groups forming their own interpretations about data products. Leveraging the literature and multiple case studies, we aim to harmonize the understanding of data products and identify their characteristics. Additionally, our empirical findings shed light on the motivations to develop data products as well as the emerging data product categories. By clarifying the foundations of data products, our study contributes to the ongoing discourse around scaling data and analytics in enterprises to repurpose and consume data efficiently and cost-effectively. For practitioners, our study provides insights into different motivations and priorities associated with data products, which can help them scope their data product initiatives

    Quantum transport at the Dirac point: Mapping out the minimum conductivity from pristine to disordered graphene

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    The phase space for graphene's minimum conductivity σmin\sigma_\mathrm{min} is mapped out using Landauer theory modified for scattering using Fermi's Golden Rule, as well as the Non-Equilibrium Green's Function (NEGF) simulation with a Monte Carlo sampling over impurity distributions. The resulting `fan diagram' spans the range from ballistic to diffusive over varying aspect ratios (W/LW/L), and bears several surprises. {The device aspect ratio determines how much tunneling (between contacts) is allowed and becomes the dominant factor for the evolution of σmin\sigma_{min} from ballistic to diffusive regime. We find an increasing (for W/L>1W/L>1) or decreasing (W/L<1W/L<1) trend in σmin\sigma_{min} vs. impurity density, all converging around 128q2/π3h4q2/h128q^2/\pi^3h\sim 4q^2/h at the dirty limit}. In the diffusive limit, the {conductivity} quasi-saturates due to the precise cancellation between the increase in conducting modes from charge puddles vs the reduction in average transmission from scattering at the Dirac Point. In the clean ballistic limit, the calculated conductivity of the lowest mode shows a surprising absence of Fabry-P\'{e}rot oscillations, unlike other materials including bilayer graphene. We argue that the lack of oscillations even at low temperature is a signature of Klein tunneling

    Data Product Canvas: A visual inquiry tool supporting data product design

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    Data products (DP) are considered a key enabler of data-driven innovation. However, suitable methodologies and tools supporting DP design are still scarce. The emerging body of practitioner literature mostly focuses on analytics based products and their technical design and architecture but lacks a more comprehensive product perspective on data. To address this gap, we propose the Data Product Canvas (DPC) as a visual inquiry tool that supports cross-functional teams in understanding, designing, and analyzing DPs. The DPC was developed in an iterative design science process involving focus groups with 15 global companies and demonstrations for selected DPs. Building on the core ideas of the Business Model Canvas, the DPC outlines the critical elements for designing DPs around three key themes: desirability from the customer perspective, feasibility from the technical perspective and viability from an economic perspective. The DPC instantiates the design principles for visual inquiry tools and comprises a conceptual model, shared visualization, and directions for use. The DPC is the first step towards a systematic approach and shared language to design DPs in ways that technical experts and business users understand

    Molecular analysis of cross-bacterial contamination detected in biotin-free buffers during diagnosis of HCVinfections

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    In a routine work to determine Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) molecules in human infected serum with biotin/streptavidine enzyme linked immunosorbant assay (ELISA) technique, unexpected false positive was observed. No positive signals were noticed after changing all ELISA buffers. Subsequently, contaminated buffers were screened and analyzed for microbial contamination. Out of fifty-five, five randomly selected bacterial colonies were examined for biosynthesis of biotin using ELISA and/or Western blot binding biotin techniques in both supernatants and cell pellets. In compare to the E.coli reference strain a strong biotin signals in all examined isolates were recorded. All isolates were then examined for their genetic heterogeneity by PCR-RFLP technique of 23S rDNA genes. While, isolate BP(R2) which gave the highest biotin signal, was subjected for molecular identification. Comparative sequence analysis of the 16S rDNA gene (~1440 bp) revealed that this isolate is a member of the bacterial genus Delftia exhibiting a similarity value of 99.3% with Delftia acidovorans . In conclusion, a soluble biotin is secreted by the isolate Delftia acidovorans BP(R2) and it is also coupled to protein with molecular weight 25-26 KDa.As well as, this bacterial contaminationwas the reason for the false positive results observed during the detection of HCV infections. @JASE