4,673 research outputs found

    Hochschild cohomology via incidence algebras

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    Given an algebra A we associate an incidence algebra A(\Sigma) and compare their Hochschild cohomology groups.Comment: 16 pages, Section 3.2 deleted, Section 4 adde

    Cartan-Leray spectral sequence for Galois coverings of linear categories

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    We provide a Cartan-Leray type spectral sequence for the Hochschild-Mitchell (co)homology of a Galois covering of linear categories. We infer results relating the Galois group and Hochschild cohomology in degree one

    Cohomology of the Grothendieck construction

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    We consider cohomology of small categories with coefficients in a natural system in the sense of Baues and Wirsching. For any funtor L: K -> CAT, we construct a spectral sequence abutting to the cohomology of the Grothendieck construction of L in terms of the cohomology of K and of L(k), for k an object in K.Comment: 13 page

    On the first Hochschild cohomology group of a cluster-tilted algebra

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    Given a cluster-tilted algebra B, we study its first Hochschild cohomology group HH^1(B) with coefficients in the B-B-bimodule B. If C is a tilted algebra such that B is the relation extension of C, then we show that if C is constrained, or else if B is tame, then HH^1(B) is isomorphic, as a k-vector space, to the direct sum of HH^1(C) with k^{n\_{B,C}}, where n\_{B,C} is an invariant linking the bound quivers of B and C. In the representation-finite case, HH^1(B) can be read off simply by looking at the quiver of B.Comment: 30 page

    On universal gradings, versal gradings and Schurian generated categories

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    Categories over a field kk can be graded by different groups in a connected way; we consider morphisms between these gradings in order to define the fundamental grading group. We prove that this group is isomorphic to the fundamental group \`a la Grothendieck as considered in previous papers. In case the kk-category is Schurian generated we prove that a universal grading exists. Examples of non Schurian generated categories with universal grading, versal grading or none of them are considered.Comment: Final version to appear in the Journal of Noncommutative Geometry, 21 page

    Fundamental group of Schurian categories and the Hurewicz isomorphism

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    Let k be a field. We attach a CW-complex to any Schurian k-category and we prove that the fundamental group of this CW-complex is isomorphic to the intrinsic fundamental group of the k-category. This extends previous results by J.C. Bustamante. We also prove that the Hurewicz morphism from the vector space of abelian characters of the fundamental group to the first Hochschild-Mitchell cohomology vector space of the category is an isomorphism.Comment: Final version to appear in Documenta Mathematica, 14 page
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