27 research outputs found
The Impact Of Pandemic Covid-19 On Online Learning Activities From April To July 2020 In Institut Stiami, Jakarta
Many people have known that Covid-19 has changed the world in all aspects. One of the aspect is education. It has made a lot of changing in transferring knowledge drastically, because lecturing was given online, attendance list was checked by program, examination was done by application. This research will describe about teaching and learning activities during the Pandemic of Covid 19 in Institut Stiami, Jakarta. Data collection was taken by interviewing some students by using zoom, google meet, WhatsApp, SSO (Single Sign On) of Institut Stiami or other Application. WhatsApp and Zoom are the application that often used in the Teaching and Learning Process. One of the biggest problem during online learning is about internet pulse or quota and connection is up and down sometimes. However, most of the students concluded that they enjoy learning online and during pandemic (Covid-19) and the teaching-learning activities ran quite well. During the lesson, some problem appeared such as technology, technical problem, internet connection, communication, etc., but all can be solve
Pengaruh Foto Dan Video Produk Terhadap Jumlah Pengunjung Di Media Sosial Pada UMKM Di DKI Jakarta
Berbagai cara promosi dilakukan oleh para penjual agar produk jualannya dibeli oleh pelanggan, baik secara offline atau online. Banyak pembeli yang tertarik untuk membeli produk hanya dengan melihat foto-foto produk atau video yang lewat di beranda social media, e-commerce, flyer, dan lain-lain, sehingga cara membuat foto yang menarik atau video produk yang menggelitik ini dibutuhkan ilmu tentang photography, karena mungkin masih banyak para penjual membuat foto produk ala kadarnya, padahal tampilan foto atau video yang menarik bisa membuat pelanggan atau calon pembeli untuk memutuskan melakukan pembelian. Berdasarkan latar belakang tersebut, dalam upaya meningkatkan kualitas foto atau produk yang akan digunakan sebagai promosi demi meningkatkan penjualan secara offline atau online, Dinas Perindustrian, Perdagangan, Koperasi, Usaha Kecil dan Menengah (PPKUKM) DKI Jakarta berkolaborasi dengan Institut Ilmu Sosial dan Manajemen STIAMI mengadakan pendampingan kepada pelaku UKM binaan DKI Jakarta atau Jakpreneur dalam berbagai bidang (disiplin ilmu), dan salah satunya bidang Foto dan Video Produk. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif yang hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa foto dan video produk  dapat meningkatkan pengunjung di media sosial, terutama penjualan online, dan disarankan foto produk dibuat lebih besar
Training in Writing Scientific Works and Popular Science Books for Teachers at SMKN 34, Central Jakarta
Some vocational teachers still need help writing scientific papers and publications or writing textbooks and general books, which can be used as one of the requirements for promotion or position. This writing training aims to share knowledge with teachers at SMKN 34 Jakarta about techniques for writing scientific papers, textbooks, and general books, as well as the systematics of writing and how to publish scientific papers. The method is through the sharing method by giving lectures to the participants, discussions, presentations, and questions and answers. Outside of the training session, writing assistance is also given to several teachers who are ready with their articles so they can publish a work or publish it in journal form. The result of this training is that the participants are very enthusiastic about participating in the training. It can be seen from the attendance of participants as much as 100% from the opening to the final session. After the training, the participants can understand how to write and publish scientific articles in accredited national journals. Participants also understand how to make a reference book or general book so that national publishers can publish it. This training was supposed to be successful because their understanding of the world of writing increased, the participant's response to this activity was very positive, and several teachers had prepared articles from previous research to be published in one of the accredited national journals
Strategi Diversifikasi Produk Sebagai Upaya Meningkatkan Penjualan Studi Pada CV. Harjaya Enam Makmur
To reach more consumers, develop company value, and win the competition, a product must be attractively different from similar products on the market in terms of size, type, color and model variety, and shapes. This research was conducted at CV Harjaya Enam Makmur with a qualitative approach in which data were obtained through interviews. The results show that the product diversification strategy carried out by CV Harjaya Enam Makmur has a significant effect on its sales volume. In addition, the product diversification strategy also affects the competitiveness, quality of service, and products offered by CV Harjaya Enam Makmur
The objective of this study is to find out process of handling of importation through freight forwarder. This study used a descriptive qualitative research methodology. The data was collected from interview, observation, documentation and library study. Result of this study identified that process of handling of importation through freight forwarder is very far different from general process. Process of handling of importation at PT.Surya Cemerlang Logistik can be described briefly as follows: Forwading agent in exporter country appointed PT. Surya Cemerlang Logistik as a forwarding agent in importer country, and then forwading agent submitted House B/L to PT. Surya Cemerlang logistik, Forwading agent in shipper country delivered Master B/L to PT Surya Cemerlang logistik, if M B/L has been accepted, then PT. Surya Cemerlang logistik contacted shipping agent to ask the vessel arrival time, if there is no delay PT Surya Cemerlang logistik gives Delivery order to the consignee, and then preparing PIB (Notification of Imported Goods) until release of goods from customs and excise and process of shipment of goods to the consignee warehouse, and then PT Surya Cemerlang logistik issued bill to the consignee. The obstacles in process of importation through freight forwarder that is occurrence of the vessel delay, mistake in preparing PIB, a long proces in arrangement of goods release document. One solution carried out by PT. Surya Cemerlang Logistik as a freight forwarder company is replacing shipping line partners, readdressing manifest, earlier document arrangement when the goods arrived at the port. PT. Surya Cemerlang logistik has solved the obstacles mentioned above in order to attract customer’s interest in using service of handling of importation in this company.
Pelatihan TOEIC untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Bahasa Inggris Siswa Kelas XI SMK Negeri 5 Jakarta
Test of English for International Communication atau yang disingkat dengan TOEIC merupakan tes bahasa inggris untuk komunikasi internasional. Tujuan kegiatan pelatihan TOEIC offline ini adalah untuk meningkatkan kemampuan bahasa inggris siswa guna persiapan di dunia kerja. Peserta dari kegiatan pelatihan ini adalah siswa dan siswi kelas XI, di SMK Negeri Negeri 5 Jakarta. Jumlah peserta yang hadir sebanyak 126 siswa dari beberapa jurusan. Pelaksanaan kegiatan tatap muka ini dilaksanakan dengan tetap mematuhi protokol kesehatan. Kegiatan pelatihan sebanyak 5 kali pertemuan. Untuk pertemuan pertama dan kedua diisi dengan materi Listening dan latihan soal, untuk pertemuan ketiga dan keempat diisi dengan Reading dan latihan soal, sedangkan pelaksanaan tes dilaksanakan pada pertemuan ke 5. Kegiatan tersebut berjalan lancar dan siswa mengikuti kegiatan dengan antusias. Berdasarkan hasil tes siswa diperoleh hasil bahwa skor TOEIC tertinggi 780 dan skor terendah 190. Siswa yang memperoleh skor di atas 500 ada 13 siswa (10%), yang memperoleh skor antara 400 – 449 ada 19 siswa (15%), yang memperoleh skor antara 300 – 399 ada 56 siswa (44%), dan yang mendapat skor di bawah 300 ada 38 siswa (30%). Batas minimum skor TOEIC siswa SMK secara umum diharapkan bisa mencapai 400. Siswa dapat lebih semangat lagi untuk belajar bahasa inggris guna meningkatkan kemampuan Bahasa inggris dalam menghadapi dunia kerja