38 research outputs found


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    Ikan toman memang dikenal sebagai ikan yang mirip dengan gabus/ haruan. Ikan toman juga kurang diminati masyarakat karena rasa dagingnya yang kurang gurih dibandingkan ikan yang sejenisnya seperti gabus/haruan. Mengatasi hal ini maka dilakukan pengolahan produk ikan toman yaitu Nugget. Daging ikan toman ditambahkan pada pengolahan Nugget yang umumnya hanya dari daging giling dan daging ayam. Pada umumnya ikan toman hanya sebagai ikan konsumsi. Kemudian, dilkakukan pengolahan nugget ikan toman. Umumnya pengolahan nugget dengan penambahan tepung tapioka sebagai pengikat daging ikan dan bumbu, tetapi tekstur kurang disukai karena sangat alot, maka pada penelitian diganti dengan penambahan tepung terigu yang disubtitusikan dengan kentang.  Perlakuan yang terbaik untuk organoleptic adalah  pengolahan nugget dengan perbandingan ikan toman dan kentang berbanding 1:4. Kadar air nugget ikan dengan penambahan kentang memenuhi standard, karena  berdasarkan SNI 7758 :2013 pesyaratan mutu nugget ikan untuk kadar air yang dikandung maksimal 60%. Red snakehead is known as a fish similar to cork / haruan. Red snakehead is also less popular with the public because of the taste of the meat that is less savory than fish of the like such as cork / haruan. Overcoming this, the processing of toman fish products is Nugget. Toman fish meat is added to nugget processing which is generally only from ground meat and chicken meat. In general toman fish only as fish consumption. Then, the processing of red snakehead nuggets. Generally processing nuggets with the addition of tapioca flour as a binder of fish meat and seasoning, but the texture is less preferred because it is very tough, so in the study replaced with the addition of wheat flour substituted with potatoes.  The best treatment for organoleptics is the processing of nuggets with a ratio of red snakeheadtoman  and potatoes versus 1:4. The moisture content of fish nuggets with the addition of potatoes meets the standard, because based on SNI 7758: 2013 the quality requirements of fish nuggets for the maximum water content contained are 60


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    Cumi-cumi (Loligo sp.) merupakan binatang lunak dengan tubuh berbentuk silindris. Sirip-siripnya berbentuk triangular atau radar yang menjadi satu pada ujungnya. Pada kepalanya disekitar lubang mulutnya terdapat 10 tentakel yang dilengkapi dengan alat penghisap (sucker) dan merupakan sumber protein hewani yang mana komponen utama penyusun proteinnya adalah asam amino. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh lama waktu penggaraman yang berbeda pada proses pengolahan cumi-cumi terhadap kadar protein dan profil asam amino. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan lama waktu penggaraman yang berbeda memberikan pengaruh yang tidak berbeda nyata terhadap kadar protein berdasarkan hasil Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) α 5%.  Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah pengaruh lama waktu penggaraman cumi yang berbeda tidak berpengaruh terhadap kadar protein, Hasil analisa kadar protein tertinggi ada pada perlakuan C yaitu penggaraman selama 5 hari sebesar 15,09% sedangkan untuk profil asam amino lisin  sebesar 1,38% dari perlakuan 0 yaitu cumi-cumi segar merupakan jenis asam amino esensial tertinggi dari profil asam amino penyusun protein cumi, sedangkan jenis asam amino non esensial tertinggi adalah asam glutamat sebesar 2,79% dari perlakuan 0 yaitu cumi-cumi segar.   The squid (Loligo sp.) Is a soft animal with a cylindrical body. The fins are triangular or radar-shaped which are joined at the ends. On the head around the mouth opening there are 10 tentacles which are equipped with a sucker (sucker) and are a source of animal protein where the main component of protein is amino acids. This study aims to determine the effect of different salting times in the processing of squid on protein content and amino acid profile. The results showed that the different salting time treatments had no significant effect on protein content based on the results of the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) α 5%. The conclusion of this study is that the effect of different salting time of squid has no effect on protein content.The results of the analysis of the highest protein content were in treatment C, namely salting for 5 days at 15.09%, while for the lysine amino acid profile of 1.38% of the treatment. 0, namely fresh squid is the highest type of essential amino acid from the amino acid profile of squid protein, while the highest type of non-essential amino acid is glutamic acid at 2.79% from treatment 0, namely fresh squid


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    Ikan sepat rawa merupakan salah satu bahan makanan yang memiliki sumber protein relatif murah dibandingkan dengan sumber protein lainnya. Sebagai salah satu pengawetan dari ikan sepat rawa, teknik penggaraman digunakan karena kebanyakan bakteria, fungi dan organisme patogenik lainnya tidak dapat bertahan hidup dalam sebuah lingkungan dengan kadar garam yang tinggi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh konsentrasi garam yang berbeda terhadap prosil asam lemak ikan sepat rawa. Rancangan penelitian ini bersifat eksperimental dengan penambahan konsentrasi garam yang berbeda memberikan pengaruh terhadap prosil asam lemak ikan sepat rawa. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa konsentrasi garam yang berbeda memberikan pengaruh yang berbeda nyata terhadap profil asam lemak ikan sepat rawa. Jumlah kadar asam lemak tertinggi yaitu B dengan konsentrasi garam 10% sebesar 65,74 % dan untuk profil asam lemak terdapat 29 jenis dengan asam lemak terbanyak yaitu asam palmitat (asam lemak jenuh) sebesar 20,89 %, asam oleat (asam lemak tak jenuh tunggal) sebesar 17,86% dan asam linolenat (asam lemak tak jenuh jamak) sebesar 3,70%.   Sepat rawa fish is a food that has a relatively cheap source of protein compared to other protein sources. As one of the preservation of three sepat rawa fish, the salting technique is used because most bacteria, fungi and other pathogenic organisms cannot survive in high salinity environments. This study aims to determine the effect of different salt concentrations on the fatty acid prosyl of three sepat rawa fish. The design of this research was experimental with the addition of different salt concentrations to affect the fatty acid prosyl of sepat rawa fish. The results showed that the difference in salt concentration had a significant effect on the fatty acid profile of three sepat rawa fish. The most fatty acid content is B with a salt concentration of 10% of 65.74% and for the fatty acid profile there are 29 types with the most fatty acids, namely palmitic acid (saturated fatty acid) of 20,89%, oleic acid (monounsaturated fat acids) by 17,86% and linolenic acid (poly unsaturated fatty acid) by 3,70%

    Tabel Kehidupan Daphnia pulex Setelah Aplikasi Pupuk Organik = Life Table of Daphnia pulex After Organic Fertilizer Application

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    ABSTRACT Daphnia pulex is one of zooplankton species which has been used frequently in fish larvae rearing as a natural food, because it can be cultured easily, has high reproductive potential, and contain high nutrition value as well. To increase its population growth rate organic fertilizer is necessary. However, the best introducing time of Daphnia pulex into culture system after organic fertilizer application is not known yet. The purpose of this experiment was to assess the best time to introduce Daphnia pulex into the culture system after organic fertilizer application. Neonates of Daphnia pulex were individually dispenses into culture tubes (erlenmeyer 50 mL) suspended in aquarium (60 litre). Each culture tubes (contain 10 neonates 0 day old) tied by plankton net 75 mm mesh size around the mouth. Four treatments representing different days (0, 5, 10, and 15 days) after organic fertilizer (cattle manure, poultry droppings, dried rice stalks, stem of banana, 1 :1 :1 :1, at the rate of 0.263 kg.m.5) application and control (without organic fertilizer) in four replications were tested. Daphnia pulex population in the culture tubes were examined daily to construct life table. Water quality parameters measured were temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, NH3-N, NO3-N, PO4-P, and turbidity. Application of organic fertilizer into culture media of Daphnia pulex resulted in increasing survival rate, intrinsic rate of natural increase (r), net reproductive rate (R), and decrease average generation time (T) significantly than that of control, but not to time to first reproduction (A), peak reproduction (I), and life span (W). Among the time after organic fertilizer application treatment, except 0 day, there were no significant differences. All Daphnia pulex population dynamic parameters in 0 day after application treatment showed low response compared to 5 days after application because of water quality (ammonia, DO, and pH) deterioration. The best time to introduce Daphnia pulex after organic fertilizer application was 5 day. Key words : Daphnia pulex, organic fertilizer, introducing time, deterioration


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    Ikan Belut (Monopterus albus) secara maksimal dirubah bentuknya sehingga disukai menjadi bentuk olahan nugget. Nugget merupakan makanan siap saji yang sudah merakyat dan berupa olahan berbahan baku daging dan dilapisi dengan tepung dalam bentuk potongan-potongan kecil berwarna kuning keemasan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memanfaatkan ikan belut menjadi bahan olahan, secara maksimal merubah bentuk tubuh belut yang kurang disukai menjadi olahan yang disukai, mendapatkan karakteristik nugget yang baik dan nilai kadar air sesuai SNI. Kesimpulan penelitian nugget belut berdasarkan keempat parameter dalam uji organoleptik dengan menggunakan 20 orang panelis tak terlatih yang menujukkan kualitas optimal adalah pada perlakuan B dengan penambahan tepung tapioka 10%, tepung terigu 10% dan  kandungan kadar air, yaitu 48.32%.   Eel (Monopterus albus) is maximally transformed so that it is preferred to be a processed nugget. Nugget is a fast food that is populist and consists of processed ingredients made from meat and contains flour in the form of small pieces of golden yellow. This study aims to utilize eels into processed materials, maximally change the body shape of the eels that are less preferred to processed high protein, get good nugget characteristics and water content values according to SNI. The conclusion of the study of eel nuggets based on the fourth parameter in the organoleptic test using 20 untrained panelists who showed optimal quality was in treatment B with the addition of 10% tapioca flour, 10% wheat flour and water content, which was 48.32%

    Hematological Response Studies of Climbing Perch (Anabas testudineus) Fed with Fermented Feed on the Fermentation of Kelakai Leaves (Stenochlaena palustris)

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    The purpose of this study was to analyze the nutritional value of fermented feed on kelakai leaves that are feasible as climbing perch feed and the hematological response of climbing perch raised by fermentation-based feeding of kelakai leaves. The study was carried out using an experimental method on the maintenance of climbing perch which was fed based on fermented leaves with 5 treatments and 3 tests. The parameters observed are the nutritional content of feed based on fermented leaves and hematological responses which include erythrocyte, leukocyte, hemoglobin, and hematocrit values. The results of the research on the nutritional content of feed showed that fermented feed on kelakai leaves has a protein content of 27%-31%, crude fiber content of 4%-7%, water content of 12%-14%, ash content of 11%-13%, fat content of 4%-6%. It was concluded that there was a decrease in fiber content and fat content and an increase in protein content, water content, and ash content. It happens gradually in line with the increase in probiotic dose. The results of the study on the hematological response of climbing perch are erythrocytes range from 1.65-3.91, leukocytes range from 223.23-287.43, hematocrit ranges from 15.30-35.07 and hemoglobin ranges from 5.37-10.33. The results of the proximate analysis of feed based on the fermentation of kelakai leaves showed that the values of water content, ash content, crude fiber, protein, and fat were in the recommended range. The hematological response of climbing perch shows good results and is in the normal range

    Le rôle du modèle d'innovation ouverte dans la diffusion des innovations en logiciel : le cas de la technologie MTH

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    Ce mémoire s'intéresse aux liens qui peuvent exister entre le modèle d'innovation ouverte et l'adoption d'une innovation logicielle. Pour comprendre quel pourrait être le rôle des activités entourant le modèle d'innovation ouverte sur l'adoption d'une innovation logicielle, une étude de cas a été conduite auprès d'une entreprise qui a utilisé ce modèle pour diffuser une innovation complexe en intelligence artificielle. L'étude révèle que certaines activités du modèle d'innovation ouverte ont contribué dans le choix des adopteurs à utiliser cette innovation logicielle. Il s'avère aussi, que l'innovation ouverte permet aux adopteurs de mieux considérer une innovation complexe. Ceci est dû principalement aux mécanismes de transfert de connaissances et le travail collaboratif (alliance et partenariat). Ces facteurs contribuent efficacement à diminuer les efforts nécessaires aux adopteurs pour bien intégrer une nouvelle technologie logicielle dans leur propre produit et ceci, malgré le niveau de difficulté élevé et la complexité que l'innovation peut présenter. L'étude révèle aussi que bien que l'allègement des conditions d'utilisation (licences) de l'innovation logicielle est un élément important pour son adoption, ceci ne s'applique qu'aux licences quasi gratuites liées à la phase d'expérimentation et de développement de l'innovation. L'entreprise innovante doit trouver un compromis pour maintenir cette dynamique lorsque le produit devient plus mature. Le modèle d'innovation ouverte semble permettre à l'entreprise innovante de développer son potentiel d'innovation tout en réduisant le temps pour faire parvenir l'innovation aux marchés et d'être concurrentielle. Ce délai réduit est possible par un nombre d'activités favorisant entre autres l'intégration des besoins de l'utilisateur et le travail collaboratif étroit entre innovateurs et adopteurs.\ud ______________________________________________________________________________ \ud MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : management de l'innovation, innovation ouverte, adoption, innovation logicielle


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    Upaya untuk memanfaatkan hasil budidaya ikan patin yang banyak yaitu dengan diversifikasi olahan hasil perikanan. Penelitian ini mensubtitusikan daging ikan patin pada pengolahan kue kembang goyang untuk menjadikan kudapan yang bergizi. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui persentase yang optimal substitusi daging ikan patin pada pengolahan kue kembang goyang dan untuk mengetahui penerimaan panelis terhadap kue kembang goyang yang disubtitusi dengan daging ikan patin. Uji penerimaan panelis diuji dengan mengguakan Uji Tanda dan hasil uji organoleptik secara keseluruhan panelis menyukai kue kembang goyang perlakuan A dengan nilai 7 (suka) terhadap spesifikasi kenampakan, warna, bau/aroma, tekstur dan rasa Efforts to utilize the results of catfish farming are banyal by diversifying processed fishery products. This study substituted catfish meat in the processing of rocking flower cakes to make nutritious snacks. The purpose of this study was to determine the optimal percentage of catfish meat substitution in the processing of rocking flower cakes and for catfish. The panelists' acceptance test was tested by using the Mark Test and organoleptic test results as a whole, panelists liked the rocking flower cake treatment A with a value of 7 (likes) against the specifications of appearance, color &nbsp

    Long jump training emphasizing plyometric exercises is more effective than traditional long jump training: A randomized controlled trial

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    The aim of the study was to evaluate the impact of an 8-weeksplyometric training program on the sprint and jump performance. The intervention study employed a controlled experimental design with two parallel groups of male long jumpers. While the experimental group (n = 18) trained with plyometric exercises, the control group (n=10) performed classical long jump training. Both groups were examined for athletic performance (30m sprint, standing long jump, vertical jump) and biomechanical parameters of a long-jump movement (max vertical height, horizontal and vertical velocity at take-off, flight time, take-off duration) prior and following the intervention. The experimental group demonstrated significantly better developments than the control group in most of the physical and biomechanical parameters respectively and improved their long jump records. Combining an 8-weeksplyometricprogram with athletics training significantly develops long jump and general athletic performance as well as biomechanical parameters. Therefore, plyometric training can be recommended to athletics coaches as an additional training alternative to improve sprint and long jump abilities in athletes