342 research outputs found

    Maximal Commutative Subalgebras Invariant for CP-Maps: (Counter-)Examples

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    We solve, mainly by counterexamples, many natural questions regarding maximal commutative subalgebras invariant under CP-maps or semigroups of CP-maps on a von Neumann algebra. In particular, we discuss the structure of the generators of norm continuous semigroups on B(G) leaving a maximal commutative subalgebra invariant and show that there exists Markov CP-semigroups on M_d without invariant maximal commutative subalgebras for any d>2.Comment: After the elemenitation in Version 2 of a false class of examples in Version 1, we now provide also correct examples for unital CP-maps and Markov semigroups on M_d for d>2 without invariant masa

    The Carina Nebula and Gum 31 molecular complex: II. The distribution of the atomic gas revealed in unprecedented detail

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    We report high spatial resolution observations of the HI 21cm line in the Carina Nebula and the Gum 31 region obtained with the Australia Telescope Compact Array. The observations covered \sim 12 deg2^2 centred on l=287.5deg,b=1degl= 287.5\deg,b = -1\deg, achieving an angular resolution of \sim 35 arcseconds. The HI map revealed complex filamentary structures across a wide range of velocities. Several "bubbles" are clearly identified in the Carina Nebula Complex, produced by the impact of the massive star clusters located in this region. An HI absorption profile obtained towards the strong extragalactic radio source PMN J1032--5917 showed the distribution of the cold component of the atomic gas along the Galactic disk, with the Sagittarius-Carina and Perseus spiral arms clearly distinguishable. Preliminary calculations of the optical depth and spin temperatures of the cold atomic gas show that the HI line is opaque (τ\tau \gtrsim 2) at several velocities in the Sagittarius-Carina spiral arm. The spin temperature is 100\sim100 K in the regions with the highest optical depth, although this value might be lower for the saturated components. The atomic mass budget of Gum 31 is 35%\sim35 \% of the total gas mass. HI self absorption features have molecular counterparts and good spatial correlation with the regions of cold dust as traced by the infrared maps. We suggest that in Gum 31 regions of cold temperature and high density are where the atomic to molecular gas phase transition is likely to be occurring.Comment: 20 pages, 1 table, 16 Figures, Accepted for Publication in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Journa

    Neutrino masses and mixing parameters in a left-right model with mirror fermions

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    In this work we consider a left-right model containing mirror fermions with gauge group SU(3)CSU(2)LSU(2)RU(1)Y_{C} \otimes SU(2)_{L} \otimes SU(2)_{R} \otimes U(1)_{Y^\prime}. The model has several free parameters which here we have calculated by using the recent values for the squared-neutrino mass differences. Lower bound for the mirror vacuum expectation value helped us to obtain crude estimations for some of these parameters. Also we estimate the order of magnitude of the masses of the standard and mirror neutrinos.Comment: 13 pages, version submitted to European Physical Journal

    ALS skeletal muscle shows enhanced TGF-β signaling, fibrosis and induction of fibro/adipogenic progenitor markers

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    Indexación: Web of Science; Scopus.Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a fatal neurodegenerative disease in which upper and lower motoneurons degenerate leading to muscle wasting, paralysis and eventually death from respiratory failure. Several studies indicate that skeletal muscle contributes to disease progression; however the molecular mechanisms remain elusive. Fibrosis is a common feature in skeletal muscle under chronic damage conditions such as those caused by muscular dystrophies or denervation. However, the exact mechanisms of fibrosis induction and the cellular bases of this pathological response are unknown. We show that extracellular matrix (ECM) components are augmented in skeletal muscles of symptomatic hSOD1G93A mice, a widely used murine model of ALS. These mice also show increased TGF-β1 mRNA levels, total Smad3 protein levels and p-Smad3 positive nuclei. Furthermore, platelet-derived growth factor receptor-α (PDGFRα), Tcf4 and α-smooth muscle actin (α-SMA) levels are augmented in the skeletal muscle of symptomatic hSOD1G93A mice. Additionally, the fibro/adipogenic progenitors (FAPs), which are the main producers of ECM constituents, are also increased in these pathogenic conditions. Therefore, FAPs and ECM components are more abundant in symptomatic stages of the disease than in pre-symptomatic stages. We present evidence that fibrosis observed in skeletal muscle of symptomatic hSOD1G93A mice is accompanied with an induction of TGF-β signaling, and also that FAPs might be involved in triggering a fibrotic response. Co-localization of p-Smad3 positive cells together with PDGFRα was observed in the interstitial cells of skeletal muscles from symptomatic hSOD1G93A mice. Finally, the targeting of pro-fibrotic factors such as TGF-β, CTGF/CCN2 and platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) signaling pathway might be a suitable therapeutic approach to improve muscle function in several degenerative diseases. © 2017 Gonzalez et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.017764

    Controlling for contamination in re-sequencing studies with a reproducible web-based phylogenetic approach

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    Polymorphism discovery is a routine application of next-generation sequencing technology where multiple samples are sent to a service provider for library preparation, subsequent sequencing, and bioinformatic analyses. The decreasing cost and advances in multiplexing approaches have made it possible to analyze hundreds of samples at a reasonable cost. However, because of the manual steps involved in the initial processing of samples and handling of sequencing equipment, cross-contamination remains a significant challenge. It is especially problematic in cases where polymorphism frequencies do not adhere to diploid expectation, for example, heterogeneous tumor samples, organellar genomes, as well as during bacterial and viral sequencing. In these instances, low levels of contamination may be readily mistaken for polymorphisms, leading to false results. Here we describe practical steps designed to reliably detect contamination and uncover its origin, and also provide new, Galaxy-based, readily accessible computational tools and workflows for quality control. All results described in this report can be reproduced interactively on the web as described at http://usegalaxy.org/contamination

    Superefficient microcombs at the wafer level

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    Photonic integrated circuits utilize planar waveguides to process light on a chip, encompassing functions like generation, routing, modulation, and detection. Similar to the advancements in the electronics industry, photonics research is steadily transferring an expanding repertoire of functionalities onto integrated platforms. The combination of best-in-class materials at the wafer-level increases versatility and performance, suitable for large-scale markets, such as datacentre interconnects, lidar for autonomous driving or consumer health. These applications require mature integration platforms to sustain the production of millions of devices per year and provide efficient solutions in terms of power consumption and wavelength multiplicity for scalability. Chip-scale frequency combs offer massive wavelength parallelization, holding a transformative potential in photonic system integration, but efficient solutions have only been reported at the die level. Here, we demonstrate a silicon nitride technology on a 100 mm wafer that aids the performance requirements of soliton microcombs in terms of yield, spectral stability, and power efficiency. Soliton microcombs are reported with an average conversion efficiency exceeding 50%, featuring 100 lines at 100 GHz repetition rate. We further illustrate the enabling possibilities of the space multiplicity, i.e., the large wafer-level redundancy, for establishing new sensing applications, and show tri-comb interferometry for broadband phase-sensitive spectroscopy. Combined with heterogeneous integration of lasers, we envision a proliferation of high-performance photonic systems for applications in future navigation systems, data centre interconnects, and ranging

    Differential phase reconstruction of microcombs

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    Measuring microcombs in amplitude and phase provides unique insight into the nonlinear cavity dynamics but spectral phase measurements are experimentally challenging. Here, we report a linear heterodyne technique assisted by electro-optic downconversion that enables differential phase measurement of such spectra with unprecedented sensitivity (-50 dBm) and bandwidth coverage (> 110 nm in the telecommunications range). We validate the technique with a series of measurements, including single cavity and photonic molecule microcombs

    Propuesta de un programa de promoción de la salud con actividad física en funcionarios públicos / Proposal for a health promotion programme with physical activity for public officials

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    A “Move” programme was proposed in order to increase public officials’ phy-sical activity level and to know their opi-nions about the active break programme. 15 - minute active breaks were carried out twice a week, for 4 months at their workplace. The International Physical Ac­tivity Questionnaire (IPAQ) and another test designed by ourselves were adminis­tered to all participants to assess the ac­tive break programme. Results revealed that there was a significant difference after intervention, increasing physical activity level (t = -1.391, with 95% of reliance level). Participants who initially classified as Low PA level, showed a decrease from 68.9% to 59%; those classified as Mo-derate PA showed a decrease from 18.3% to 16.9%, and those classified as High PA level increased from 17.8% to 24%. In addition, the active break programme was highly valued, obtaining more than a 90% acceptance from public officials.Se propuso el programa “Muévete” te­niendo como objetivos: aumentar el nivel de actividad física y conocer su opinión sobre el programa de pausas activas. Las pausas activas fueron de 15 minutos dos veces por semana por 4 meses, en el lu­gar de trabajo. Se aplicó el Cuestionario Internacional de Actividad Física, y un cuestionario de elaboración propia para evaluar el programa de pausas activas. Al término de la intervención se registró un aumento significativo en el nivel de AF (t=-1.391) con un 95% de nivel de con­fianza. La población que inicialmente cla­sificó en nivel de AF Leve 68.9% baja a un 59%, los Moderados pasan de un 18.3% a un 16.9%, y los clasificados con AF intensa que son un 17,8% aumenta­ron a un 24%. Fue altamente valorado el programa de pausas activas obteniendo más de un 90% de aprobación por parte de los funcionarios. 