1,733 research outputs found

    Spin filtering in nanowire directional coupler

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    The spin transport characteristics of a nanowire directional electronic coupler have been evaluated theoretically via a transfer matrix approach. The application of a gate field in the region of mixing allows for control of spin current through the different leads of the coupler via the Rashba spin-orbit interaction. The combination of spin-orbit interaction and applied gate voltages on different legs of the coupler give rise to a controllable modulation of the spin polarization. Both structural factors and field strength tuning lead to a rich phenomenology that could be exploited in spintronic devices.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    Tuning hole mobility in InP nanowires

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    Transport properties of holes in InP nanowires were calculated considering electron-phonon interaction via deformation potentials, the effect of temperature and strain fields. Using molecular dynamics, we simulate nanowire structures, LO-phonon energy renormalization and lifetime. The valence band ground state changes between light- and heavy-hole character, as the strain fields and the nanowire size are changed. Drastic changes in the mobility arise with the onset of resonance between the LO-phonons and the separation between valence subbands.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Therapeutic Approaches Targeting MYC-Driven Prostate Cancer

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    The transcript encoding the proto-oncogene MYC is commonly overexpressed in prostate cancer (PC). MYC protein abundance is also increased in the majority of cases of advanced and metastatic castrate-resistant PC (mCRPC). Accordingly, the MYC-directed transcriptional program directly contributes to PC by upregulating the expression of a number of pro-tumorigenic factors involved in cell growth and proliferation. A key cellular process downstream of MYC activity is the regulation of ribosome biogenesis which sustains tumor growth. MYC activity also cooperates with the dysregulation of the phosphoinositol-3-kinase (PI3K)/AKT/mTOR pathway to promote PC cell survival. Recent advances in the understanding of these interactions through the use of animal models have provided significant insight into the therapeutic efficacy of targeting MYC activity by interfering with its transcriptional program, and indirectly by targeting downstream cellular events linked to MYC transformation potentialThis work was supported by Cancer Australia (CA 1084546 to Ross D. Hannan, Richard B. Pearson, and Luc Furic); Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia (YI 0310 to Luc Furic and CG 1511 to Richard B. Pearson, Ross D. Hannan, and Luc Furic); National Health and Medical Research Council (Program Grant 1053792 and Project Grant 1004881 to R.B. Pearson and Ross D. Hannan; Senior Research Fellowships to Richard B. Pearson and Ross D. Hannan) and the Department of Health and Human Services acting through the Victorian Cancer Agency (MCRF16007 to Luc Furic)

    Spin-polarization in quantum wires: Influence of Dresselhaus spin-orbit interaction and cross-section effects

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    We examine the effects of the full Dresselhaus spin-orbit coupling on laterally confined quantum wire states. An analysis of the relative contributions due to linear, quadratic, and cubic Dresselhaus spin-orbit terms on the energy levels, spin splitting, and spin polarization has been carried out. The effects of wire cross-sectional geometry shapes on the electronic structure are explored. In particular we compared the results of semicylindrical and cylindrical confinements and have found important differences between the spin degeneracy of the ground-state level and the spin-polarization dependence on sign inversion of the free linear momentum quantum number along the wire axis. Different from other symmetries, in both cases here considered, the stronger spin-splitting effects come from the quadratic Dresselhaus term. We report ideal conditions for realization of spin-field filter devices based on symmetry properties of the spin splitting of the ground state in semicylindrical quantum wires

    Nanothermometer based on resonant tunneling diodes : from cryogenic to room temperatures

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    The authors are grateful for financial support by the BMBF via national project EIPHRIK (FKZ: 13N10710), the European Union (FPVII (2007-2013) under grant agreement No. 256959 NANOPOWER and No. 318287 LANDAUER), and the Brazilian Agencies FAPESP (2013/24253-5, 2012/13052-6, and 2012/51415-3), CNPq and CAPES.Sensor miniaturization together with broadening temperature sensing range are fundamental challenges in nanothermometry. By exploiting a large temperature-dependent screening effect observed in a resonant tunneling diode in sequence with a GaInNAs/GaAs quantum well, we present a low dimensional, wide range, and high sensitive nanothermometer. This sensor shows a large threshold voltage shift of the bistable switching of more than 4.5 V for a temperature raise from 4.5 to 295 K, with a linear voltage-temperature response of 19.2 mV K-1, and a temperature uncertainty in the millikelvin (mK) range. Also, when we monitor the electroluminescence emission spectrum, an optical read-out control of the thermometer is provided. The combination of electrical and optical read-outs together with the sensor architecture excel the device as a thermometer with the capability of noninvasive temperature sensing, high local resolution, and sensitivity.PostprintPeer reviewe

    Photocurrent-voltage relation of resonant tunneling diode photodetectors

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    We have investigated photodetectors based on an AlGaAs/GaAs double barrier structure with a nearby lattice-matched GaInNAs absorption layer. Photons with the telecommunication wavelength λ = 1.3 µm lead to hole accumulation close to the double barrier inducing a voltage shift ΔV(V) of the current-voltage curve, which depends strongly on the bias voltage V. A model is proposed describing ΔV(V) and the photocurrent response in excellent agreement with the experimental observations. According to the model, an interplay of the resonant tunneling diode (RTD) quantum efficiency ƞ(V), the lifetime of photogenerated and accumulated charge carriers τ(V), and the RTD current-voltage relation in the dark determines best working parameters of RTD photodetectors. Limitations and voltage dependencies of the photoresponse are discussed

    Light sensitive memristor with bi-directional and wavelength-dependent conductance control

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    The authors gratefully acknowledge financial support from the European Union (FPVII (2007-2013) under Grant Agreement No. 318287 Landauer) as well as the State of Bavaria. The Brazilian authors acknowledge the support from CNPq. V.L.-R. acknowledges the support from FAPESP (Grant Nos. 2014/02112-3 and 2015/10765-0).We report the optical control of localized charge on positioned quantum dots in an electro-photo-sensitive memristor. Interband absorption processes in the quantum dot barrier matrix lead to photo-generated electron-hole-pairs that, depending on the applied bias voltage, charge or discharge the quantum dots and hence decrease or increase the conductance. Wavelength-dependent conductance control is observed by illumination with red and infrared light, which leads to charging via interband and discharging via intraband absorption. The presented memristor enables optical conductance control and may thus be considered for sensory applications in artificial neural networks as light-sensitive synapses or optically tunable memories.PostprintPeer reviewe

    Electron transport in quantum dot chains: Dimensionality effects and hopping conductance

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    Detailed experimental and theoretical studies of lateral electron transport in a system of quantum dot chains demonstrate the complicated character of the conductance within the chain structure due to the interaction of conduction channels with different dimensionalities. The one-dimensional character of states in the wetting layer results in an anisotropic mobility, while the presence of the zero-dimensional states of the quantum dots leads to enhanced hopping conductance, which affects the low-temperature mobility and demonstrates an anisotropy in the conductance. These phenomena were probed by considering a one-dimensional model of hopping along with band filling effects. Differences between the model and the experimental results indicate that this system does not obey the simple one-dimensional Mott\u27s law of hopping and deserves further experimental and theoretical considerations

    INSL3 Variation in Dogs Following Suppression and Recovery of the HPG Axis

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    Insulin-like peptide 3 (INSL3) is a constitutive product of mature, adult-type Leydig cells of the testes and consequently in most mammals is an ideal biomarker with which to monitor pubertal development. A new heterologous time-resolved fluorescence immunoassay was developed and validated to measure circulating INSL3 in the blood of adult male dogs. Compared to other species, INSL3 concentration is low with marked variation between individuals, which appears to be independent of breed, age, or weight. A model system was then used in which a cohort of beagle dogs was subject to a GnRH-agonist implant to suppress the HPG axis and spermatogenesis, followed by implant removal and recovery. Unlike testosterone, INSL3 levels were not fully suppressed in all animals by the GnRH agonist, nor was the recovery of Leydig cell function following implant removal uniform or complete, even after several weeks. In dogs, and dissimilar from other species (including humans), Leydig-cell INSL3 appears to be quite variable between individual dogs and only weakly connected to the physiology of the HPG axis after its suppression by a GnRH-agonist implant and recovery. Consequently, INSL3 may be less useful in this species for the assessment of testis function

    Temperature tuning from direct to inverted bistable electroluminescence in resonant tunneling diodes

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    The authors are grateful for financial support by the BMBF via national project EIPHRIK (FKZ: 13N10710), the European Union (FPVII (2007-2013) under grant agreement no. 318287 LANDAUER), and the Brazilian Agencies CNPq and CAPES. S. H. gratefully acknowledges support by the Royal Society and the Wolfson Foundation.We study the electroluminescence (EL) emission of purely n-doped resonant tunneling diodes in a wide temperature range. The paper demonstrates that the EL originates from impact ionization and radiative recombination in the extended collector region of the tunneling device. Bistable current-voltage response and EL are detected and their respective high and low states are tuned under varying temperature. The inversion bistability of the EL intensity can be switched from direct to inverted with respect to the tunneling current and the optical on/off ratio can be enhanced with increasing temperature. One order of magnitude amplification of the optical on/off ratio can be attained compared to the electrical one. Our observation can be explained by an interplay of moderate peak-to-valley current ratios, large resonance voltages, and electron energy loss mechanisms and thus could be applied as an alternative route towards optoelectronic applications of tunneling devices.PostprintPeer reviewe
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