601 research outputs found

    A Wright-Fisher graph model and the impact of directional selection on genetic variation

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    We introduce a multi-allele Wright-Fisher model with non-recurrent, reversible mutation and directional selection. In this setting, the allele frequencies at a single locus track the path of a hybrid jump-diffusion process with state space given by the vertex and edge set of a graph. Vertices represent monomorphic population states and edge-positions mark the biallelic proportions of ancestral and derived alleles during polymorphic segments. We derive the stationary distribution in mutation-selection-drift equilibrium and obtain the expected allele frequency spectrum under large population size scaling. For the extended model with multiple independent loci we derive rigorous upper bounds for a wide class of associated measures of genetic variation. Within this framework we present mathematically precise arguments to conclude that the presence of directional selection reduces the magnitude of genetic variation, as constrained by the bounds for neutral evolution

    CO₂ -based assessment for sustainable production planning in the metal processing industry

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    By assessing the emissions of greenhouse gases of finished goods over their entire lifecycle, it can be seen that a significant part of the emissions is caused in production and related upstream processes. A strong focus on resource-efficient production techniques could provide possibilities for significant emission reduction in these processes. This causes the need of a quantitative comparison of different production techniques and processes by their total CO2-eq.-emissions. Especially small enterprises may not be able to provide information on energy and resource flows and resulting emissions on a level that is detailed enough to reveal emission reduction potentials. The assessment model introduced is applicable for every enterprise to quantify production-related emissions of their finished goods and to compare them with other possible production techniques and processes, in order to facilitate CO2-based production planning. The model is highly flexible, as calculations are based on a process database that can easily be modified. Moreover, the input of country-specific and manufacturer-specific data like country-specific electricity-mix or material-manufacturer-specific CO2-eq.-emissions enables a high customization level

    An Integrated Material Flows, Stakeholders and Policies Approach to Identify and Exploit Regional Resource Potentials

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    Material flows in the construction and demolition (C&D) sector remain high in many countries. But, their changes or reductions are essential for successful circular economies. Existing material flow analyses do not cover regional characteristics, stakeholders and impacts of policy measures and interactions. We contribute a new, unprecedented way of integrating regional building and infrastructure material stock and flow modelling with stakeholders, policy measures, their impacts and mutual interactions. Stakeholders are considered with their objectives, influences, interactions, willingness to act, to cooperate or contribute to resource conservation. 31 policy measures are crystallized from literature and evaluated in two surveys regarding their expected impact, their bundling and temporal effects. The integrated bottom-up simulation model was tested for the federal state of Baden-Württemberg (Germany). The results show that until 2030 net stock piling can be expected and secondary raw materials from building stock will be sufficient to supply future recycling concrete production until 2030. Most effective policy measures are additional cost/taxes on primary resources, increased disposal fees and curriculae adaption. Bundling these leads to a combined RESPOT of 30.8%. The results are useful for political decision makers, educational institutions, disposal site operators as well as primary and secondary raw material extraction industries

    Rolle des Phosphors als Steuerungsgröße des Stickstoffertrages und der Phytodiversität ökologisch bewirtschafteter Dauergrünlandbestände

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    In einem konzeptionellen Projektansatz, der sowohl Felderhebungen, Feldversuche, Gefäßversuche und Laboranalysen umfasste, wurde der Frage der Bedeutung der Bodenphosphor-Trophie für die Präsenz, die Entwicklung und die Leistungsfähigkeit von Grünlandleguminosen im Ökologischen Landbau nachgegangen. Ziel der Untersuchungen war es, die Bivalenz des Phosphors, der einerseits die Leguminosen und damit den N-Ertrag fördern kann und andererseits die Phytodiversität zu reduzieren vermag, näher zu ergründen. Es zeigte sich, dass die Präsenz von Grünlandleguminosen auf heterogenem Dauergrünland weder vom Gehalt an pflanzenverfügbarem P noch den einzelnen P-Fraktionen hinreichend erklärt werden konnte. Demnach spielen erratische bzw. weitere nicht kontrollierte Umweltbedingungen eine mindestens ebenso wichtige Rolle bei der kleinräumigen Verbreitung der Leguminosen auf dem Dauergrünland. Bei überhöhten P-Gehalten war tendenziell eine Verringerung der Phytodiversität zu konstatieren, wobei diese Beziehung im Bereich moderater P-Level weniger stark ausgeprägt war als in internationalen Studien, die sich nicht auf Öko-Grünland beschränkten. Offenbar vermochte der Phosphor aufgrund der N-Co-Limitierung im System des Ökologischen Landbaus keine vergleichbar verdrängende Wirkung via Förderung konkurrenzstärkerer, aber auch Nährstoff-bedürftigerer Florenvertreter zu entfalten. Beide Befunde weisen auf die realistische Möglichkeit hin, unter hiesigen Bedingungen eine moderate P-Düngung zur Förderung der Grünlandleguminosen ohne markant negative Auswirkungen auf die Phytodiversität zu rechtfertigen und damit auch zu praktizieren. Hierfür stehen verschiedene Düngemittel zur Verfügung, von denen sich in unseren Feldversuchen der zugelassene Standarddünger ‚Physalg‘ besonders für die kurzfristige Behebung von P-Defiziten sowie für die Unterstützung der Leguminosenetablierung empfahl, wohingegen das mit elementarem Schwefel versetzte Knochenkohle- Präparat seine Stärken in der Langzeitstabilisierung der Leguminosenanteile hatte und weniger zur Bodeneutrophierung neigte, was es zum Einsatz in floristisch wertvollen, artenreichen Grünlandbeständen prädestiniert. Die potenziellen P-Alternativen, die Recycling-Präparate ‚Leachphos‘ und ‚AshDec‘, erwiesen sich in ihrer Ertragswirkung der der für den Ökolandbau zugelassenen P-Dünger als ebenbürtig. Insgesamt waren die Ertragseffekte aller geprüften P-Dünger jedoch gering und daher auch selten abzusichern. Die in einigen Aufwüchsen festgestellte Interaktion Leguminosenart x Art des P-Düngers kann mit der unterschiedlichen Wurzelmorphologie und dem damit einhergehenden unterschiedlichen P-Aneignungsvermögen auch bei geringen PDL-Werten erklärt werden

    Integrating site-specific environmental impact assessment in supplier selection: exemplary application to steel procurement

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    In times of fast-growing stakeholder interest in sustainability, the ecological and social perspective of industrial companies and its products is gaining increasing importance. In particular, the emission of greenhouse gases (GHG) in the automotive industry has come to the forefront of public and governmental attention. The transport sector accounts for 27% of all European GHG emissions and constitutes the largest emitter of CO2e (CO2 equivalents) among all energy demanding technologies. Due to increasingly efficient combustion engines and technology innovation towards e-mobility, the emissions from car manufacturing gain in importance. So far little focus has been laid upon the emissions created throughout the production process in automotive supply chains from a purchasing perspective. The purchasing of raw material from environmentally efficient suppliers can constitute a possibility to significantly reduce CO2e emissions in automotive supply chains and thus contribute to the two degrees global warming goal. Supplier selection decisions, which cover approximately 75% of the value adding process of a car, are today mainly cost and quality-driven. In order to integrate CO2e as decision criterion for supplier selections, site-specific and comparable data on CO2e emissions from the upstream supply chain is necessary, but currently lacking. To estimate CO2e emissions of steel suppliers’ production sites, a model has been developed to estimate manufacturing processes on a site-specific level without the necessity of confidential primary data. The model is applied on 22 integrated steel mills in EU-15. The results, which can be transferred and used for various products and industries, e.g. the construction industry, demonstrate the partially large disparities of manufacturing efficiency regarding CO2e emissions among steel manufacturers due to different levels of process integration and internal process know-how. A range between 1879 and 2990 (kg CO2e/t crude steel) has been revealed. Finally, the estimated data on CO2e performance of suppliers is applied in a case study of supplier selection of a German automobile manufacturer in order to simulate environmental as well as economic effects

    Impact of laughter on air trapping in severe chronic obstructive lung disease

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    Static and dynamic hyperinflation is an important factor of exertional dyspnea in patients with severe COPD. This proof-of-concept intervention trial sought to study whether laughter can reduce hyperinflation through repetitive expiratory efforts in patients with severe COPD. For small groups of patients with severe COPD (n = 19) and healthy controls (n = 10) Pello the clown performed a humor intervention triggering regular laughter. Plethysmography was done before and up to 24 hours after intervention. Laughing and smiling were quantified with video-analysis. Real-time breathing pattern was assessed with the LifeShirt™, and the psychological impact of the intervention was monitored with self-administered questionnaires. The intervention led to a reduction of TLC in COPD (p = 0.04), but not in controls (p = 0.9). TLC reduction was due to a decline of the residual volume. Four (22 [CI 95% 7 to 46] %) patients were ≥10% responders. The frequency of smiling and TLC at baseline were independent predictors of TLC response. The humor intervention improved cheerfulness, but not seriousness nor bad mood. In conclusion, smiling induced by a humor intervention was able to reduce hyperinflation in patients with severe COPD. A smiling-derived breathing technique might complement pursed-lips breathing in patients with symptomatic obstruction

    Research of spectral and luminescent properties of humic acids of various genesis

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    The spectral-luminescent properties isolated by means of aqueous-alkaline extraction humic acids of various origin have been studied. A comparative analysis of humic acids obtained from brown coal with "Fluka" humic acids standard sample was carried out. It is shown that the obtained samples of humic acids have their own unique properties and differences due to the complexity of their structure

    A Stakeholder-Based Assessment Model (SAM) for Resource -Efficiency Measures in the Construction Industry

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    In recent decades, the shortage of natural resources like primary raw materials has increasingly shifted into the focus of public discussion and research. Especially in the resource-intensive construction sector the implementation of a circular economy can strongly contribute to a reduction of primary resource demand. Positive developments can be noticed already, but the desired goal of an effective circular economy is still not being reached. For instance, the usage of recycled raw materials as substitutes for primary resources could be significantly higher. In order to implement the protection of resources in the construction sector, it is essential to assess resource-saving measures and their impact on conservations as well as stakeholders motivation to implement them. For this purpose, a Stakeholder-based Assessment Model (SAM) is introduced to provide recommendations for political actions and potent measures to foster the circular economy in the construction sector that lead to increased reuse and recycling of construction materials. In the SAM, relevant actors are identified and their characteristics and preferences as well as the level of influence on each other are modelled and validated for Germany. Moreover, available resource-conserving measures concerning the construction sector are identified and related measures are grouped together. Thereupon the influence of measures on stakeholders and their willingness to take positive actions in terms of a circular economy have been investigated and modelled. Relevant model data has been gathered by intensive literature review, surveys and expert interviews. The results show that measures regarding lifecycle oriented planning of buildings as well as the development of stakeholder cooperation are the most effective ones to save resources and to reduce the disposal of construction material. Furthermore the results demonstrate that a leading role of public authorities is crucial to foster a circular economy

    Techno‐economic assessment and comparison of different plastic recycling pathways: A German case study

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    Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions need to be reduced to limit global warming. Plastic production requires carbon raw materials and energy that are associated today with predominantly fossil raw materials and fossil GHG emissions. Worldwide, the plastic demand is increasing annually by 4%. Recycling technologies can help save or reduce GHG emissions, but they require comparative assessment. Thus, we assess mechanical recycling, chemical recycling by means of pyrolysis and a consecutive, complementary combination of both concerning Global Warming Potential (GWP) [CO2e], Cumulative Energy Demand (CED) [MJ/kg], carbon efficiency [%], and product costs [€] in a process‐oriented approach and within defined system boundaries. The developed techno‐economic and environmental assessment approach is demonstrated in a case study on recycling of separately collected mixed lightweight packaging (LWP) waste in Germany. In the recycling paths, the bulk materials polypropylene (PP), polyethylene (PE), polyvinylchloride (PVC), and polystyrene (PS) are assessed. The combined mechanical and chemical recycling (pyrolysis) of LWP waste shows considerable saving potentials in GWP (0.48 kg CO2e/kg input), CED (13.32 MJ/kg input), and cost (0.14 €/kg input) and a 16% higher carbon efficiency compared to the baseline scenario with state‐of‐the‐art mechanical recycling in Germany. This leads to a combined recycling potential between 2.5 and 2.8 million metric tons/year that could keep between 0.8 and 2 million metric tons/year additionally in the (circular) economy instead of incinerating them. This would be sufficient to reach both EU and German recycling rate targets (EC 2018). This article met the requirements for a gold‐silver JIE data openness badge described at http://jie.click/badges

    High-level competition exercise and related fatigue are associated with stride and jumping characteristics in eventing horses.

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    BACKGROUND Fatigue and related injuries to the musculoskeletal system are among the most frequent reasons for the withdrawal of high-level eventing horses from the sport. The safety of both horse and rider is very important, and early detection of fatigue is crucial. OBJECTIVES To investigate elite eventing horses in competitive events focusing on biomechanical, cardiovascular and metabolic variables across the cross-country test and to identify their potential associations with fatigue. STUDY DESIGN Prospective observational exploratory field study. METHODS Observations on 54 cross-country tests of 33 horses at five competitive, high-level events were evaluated using sternal accelerometric analysis of stride parameters between and at the jumps. Blood lactate concentration and heart rate were determined 10 min after finishing. The differences in kinematic parameters between the course start and end were analysed with mixed models for repeated measures. Associations between blood lactate and heart rate recovery with the kinematic variables were quantified with Pearson correlation coefficients. RESULTS We observed numerous stride characteristics between the jumps and the jumps changing over time during the courses. Blood lactate concentrations were positively correlated with the mean maximal strike power at the jumps in the last minute of the course (r = 0.41; p < 0.001), and the latter was negatively correlated with the mean stride height over the jumps (r = -0.41; p = 0.003). MAIN LIMITATIONS The sample contained horses of varying breeds, sexes and ages, and different horses participated in different events. CONCLUSIONS We identified several kinematic changes during a cross-country test depending on event, speed and fatigue