2,809 research outputs found

    Luis Bu\uf1uel, Sergej Ejzen\u161tejn e Georges Bataille. Il taglio dell\u2019occhio: un montaggio delle attrazioni in chiave surrealista

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    Prendendo le mosse dalla sceneggiatura di Un chien andalou, ideata e scritta da Luis Bu\uf1uel e Salvador Dal\uec a Figueras tra il Natale del 1928 e l\u2019inizio del 1929, si tenter\ue0 di analizzare il montaggio del celebre prologo del film, provando a metterne in luce alcuni importanti risvolti teorici

    Optimizing multiple truck trips in a cooperative environment through MILP and Game Theory

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    Today, the challenge of economy regarding freight transport is to generate flows of goods extremely fast, handling information in short times, optimizing decisions, and reducing the percentage of vehicles that circulate empty over the total amount of transportation means, with benefits to roads congestion and the environment, besides economy. Logistic operators need to pose attention on suitable planning methods in order to reduce their costs, fuel consumption and emissions, as well as to gain economy of scale. To ensure the maximum efficacy, planning should be also based on cooperation between the involved subjects. Collaboration in logistics is an effective approach for business to obtain a competitive edge. In a successful collaboration, parties involved from suppliers, customers, and even competitors perform a coordinated effort to realize the potential benefit of collaboration, including reduced costs, decreased lead times, and improved asset utilization and service level. In addition to these benefit, having a broader supply chain perspective enables firms to make better-informed decisions on strategic issues. The first aim of the present Thesis is to propose a planning approach based on mathematical programming techniques to improve the efficiency of road services of a single carrier combining multiple trips in a port environment (specifically, import, export and inland trips). In this way, in the same route, more than two transportation services can be realized with the same vehicle thus significantly reducing the number of total empty movements. Time windows constraints related to companies and terminal opening hours as well as to ship departures are considered in the problem formulation. Moreover, driving hours restrictions and trips deadlines are taken into account, together with goods compatibility for matching different trips. The second goal of the Thesis is to define innovative planning methods and optimization schemes of logistic networks in which several carriers are present and the decisional actors operate in a cooperative scenario in which they share a portion of their demand. The proposed approaches are characterized by the adoption both of Game Theory methods and of new original methods of profits distribution

    Sergei Eisenstein and Jean Painlev\ue9. Science is Animation

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    Cinema astratto e sinestesia. Dal ritmo colorato alla musica audiovisiva

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    This paper aims at analyzing the concept of \u201csynaesthesia\u201d \u2013 a simultaneous mix of sensations normally experienced separately \u2013 as a phenomenon at the roots of the genealogy of abstract cinema. It approaches this body of animated abstract images from its origins in Germany after World War I, to the rise of National Socialism and the escape to the United States of some of the key members of the German school (Walter Ruttmann, Oskar Fischinger), to computer art in the 1960s and beyond. The aim is to present the role of the cinematic abstract culture in the historical and political context that saw the birth of both the European avant-gardes and mass commercial culture in the US. One of the main goals is to show how the works of abstract cinema, realized between the 1920s and \u201840s, were at the origins of the experiments with electronic animation during the \u201860s (carried out, among others, by John and James Whitney), and of the studies in computer art and synthetic sound developed in the Bell Telephone Laboratories in the early \u201870s

    Le temps du remontage: entre cin\ue9ma et installation. The Clock de Christian Marclay

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    Afin d\u2019aborder la dimension hybride de l\u2019\u153uvre d\u2019art cin\ue9matographique \ue0 l\u2019\ue9poque de l\u2019installation vid\ue9o et les rapports entre le temps v\ue9cu par le spectateur et celui de l\u2019\u153uvre, il semble int\ue9ressant d\u2019interroger aussi la question de la temporalit\ue9 par rapport \ue0 l\u2019acte du remontage. Quel est donc le mod\ue8le de temps d\u2019une \u153uvre de remploi des images-temps diff\ue9rentes, projet\ue9e dans un mus\ue9e d\u2019art contemporain, comme The Clock de Christian Marclay, o\uf9 le temps virtuel de l\u2019\u153uvre est \ue0 la fois remont\ue9 et greff\ue9 sur le temps r\ue9el v\ue9cu par les visiteurs-spectateurs\u2009

    Leadership, Organizational Turnarounds, and Gil Hodges\u27s 1969 New York Mets

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    The impact of the 2008 global financial crisis, shifting market demands, and prolonged underperformance has forced organizations to devise and implement turnaround strategies or risk business failure. Researchers have pointed to the importance of leadership in the turnaround process, yet there are a limited number of research studies identifying characteristics of successful turnaround leaders. Using the full range leadership model, the purpose of this nonexperimental, ex post facto study was to examine the leadership style of Gil Hodges, manager during the 1969 New York Mets successful turnaround season and explore the organization\u27s culture and climate. Data were collected using the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire, Denison Organizational Culture Survey, and Organizational Climate Measure. A small response rate of 7 yielded low statistical power which led to treating the findings as exploratory. The findings suggest that Hodges\u27s leadership showed strong transformational and transactional characteristics, and that the players perceived an agile organizational culture and a climate in which leaders stressed high levels of performance. Results from multiple linear regression analysis and Spearman correlations showed a strong positive relationship between transactional leadership and the consistency culture trait, yet no association between leadership and organizational climate. Findings also showed the adaptability culture trait had a strong positive influence on the pressure-to-produce climate dimension and a significant negative correlation with the effort dimension. The findings from this study may affect positive social change by providing insights into successful turnaround leadership styles and organizational strategies to support such efforts

    First evidence of achiasmatic male meiosis in the water bears Richtersius coronifer and Macrobiotus richtersi (Eutardigrada, Macrobiotidae)

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    Chromosome behaviour during male meioses has been studied in two bisexual amphimictic populations of two tardigrade species, namely Richtersius coronifer and Macrobiotus richtersi (Eutardigrada, Macrobiotidae). Both bisexual populations exhibit a diploid chromosome number 2n = 12 and no sex chromosomes were identified. DAPI staining and C-banding data indicate that all chromosomes of the bisexual population of R. coronifer are acrocentric. In both species, at male meiotic prophase, all six bivalent homologous chromosomes are aligned side by side along their length and show no evidence of chiasmata. However, in the oocytes of both species a chiasma is generally present in each bivalent at diplotene stage. Lack of recombination is previously unknown in tardigrades, but is a well known phenomenon in many other metazoans where it is always restricted to the heterogametic sex. In tardigrades there is no evidence of heterochromosomes, but it does not mean that in tardigrades, the heterogametic sex does not exist. The adaptive and evolutionary significance of achiasmatic meiosis is discussed

    A model study for tardigrade identification

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    Using tardigrades from a single moss sample as a case study, we propose a new method for tardigrade species identification, which is often problematic, due to the low number of morphological characters. Identification at generic level was carried out on adults, while morphological analyses were performed on animals (LM) and eggs (LM and SEM), including hologenophores, vouchers used also for molecular analysis of COI mtDNA. This multi-approach method revealed the presence of three species of the “Macrobiotus hufelandi group” instead of the two species identified in a previous study. The validity of the method is shown, indicating that it could be applied to studies of problematic meiofauna taxa

    Effects of synthetic acid rain and organic and inorganic acids on survival and CaCO3 piercing stylets in tardigrades

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    Long-term environment acidifications due to decrease pH of the rainwaters affect both soils and water bodies. The organisms most likely to be affected by acid rain are the ones that possess vital organs made of calcium carbonate; among them are tardigrades, presenting aragonite piercing stylets in feeding apparatuses. A positive relationship between acidic rainfall and loss of tardigrades diversity has been already shown, but there is lack of knowledge of its lethal and sublethal effects. This study quantifies the effects of the acute exposure of three eutardigrade, Acutuncus antarcticus, Hypsibius exemplaris, and Macrobiotus cf. hufelandi, to synthetic acid rains and to organic and inorganic acids (hydrochloric, acetic, sulfuric, and nitric acids) naturally occurring in the environment. The cumulative proportion of dead animals in respect of exposition time was fitted to cumulative Weibull Distribution using a Bayesian framework. At the end of the experiments, animals were observed to investigate damages to their piercing stylets. Besides, stylets were finely morphologically described with Scanning Electron Microscopy. This study shows that acid rains and the other tested acids negatively affect tardigrades accordingly with pH, time of exposure, and tardigrade species. Freshwater species show a better resistance to acidity than the moss dwelling species, which can better acclimate over the time to low pH. The stylets resulted unaltered in almost all of the alive specimens. The results suggest that the tested tardigrades taxa have the ability to buffer the environmental proton change and the negative effect on their populations could be counteracted

    Combining multiple trips in a port environment for empty movements minimization

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    Road transportation represents the most used transportation mode to cover short distances. However, structural lack of planning and optimization in road transportation creates negative effects both for companies and for the social community, such as environmental pollution, economic loss and road congestion. These effects are mainly due to the fact that a lack of planning can yield the necessity of a huge number of empty trips. Usually trucks that pick up or deliver a full container in a port must return back the empty container to the place where the trip started, so performing one leg of the total trip without payload. The aim of the present paper is to propose a mathematical approach for combining multiple trips in a port environment (specifically, import, export and inland trips) by considering the opportunity of carrying two 20 ft containers simultaneously on the same truck and by using the same load unit if possible. In this way, in the same route, more than two nodes can be visited with the same vehicle thus significantly reducing the number of total empty movements. Time windows constraints related to companies and terminal opening hours as well as to ship departures are considered in the problem formulation. Moreover driving hours restrictions and trips deadlines are taken into account, together with goods compatibility for matching different trips. An experimental campaign based on real data is discussed in the paper
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