5,860 research outputs found

    The ideal of the certainty in law: the skin and the heart of law

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    The doubt about certainty like an absolute value in law and as an ideal full in legal system (argument about impossibility) is a controversial fact in contemporary legal theory. In this text I examine some contemporary doctrines about the classic understanding (in critical sense) of this ideal. I have selected the most representative doctrines: doctrine about "open texture of Law" (H.L.A. Hart), starting point in this discussion; doctrine about "Il Diritto mite" (G. Zagrebelsky), from the continental European legal tradition at present; and doctrine about "vagueness in Law" (T.A.O. Endicott), this doctrine is the most recent, from the Anglo-Saxon legal tradition. Finally, in Conclusions, I analyze if this doubt (argument about impossibility) contaminates (in some sense) to the concept of law or to the characteristics that describe law in the contemporary Constitutional State

    Corruption and entrepreneurship: A bibliometric analysis

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    The impact of corruption on entrepreneurial dynamics became an attractive topic for scholars after the appearance of public scandals that led to the delegitimization of many governments in the last 40 years. The research that explored the relationship between corruption and entrepreneurship has produced controversial results. It appears that the interaction of these two constructs is influenced by contextual factors both at an individual and national level of analysis. By using a bibliometric methodology and a fractional counting method to analyse the scientific literature on corruption and entrepreneurship, this paper identifies and analyses 180 articles recorded in the Scopus database. It represents a contribution by showing the state of the art of research on corruption and entrepreneurship and proposes future lines of research. Important results have been found about the evolution of the volume of articles and citations on this topic over time. Significant academic interest in this field commenced in the 21st century, and more specifically in the last ten years. This work also provides findings about the most prolific journals, institutions and authors, as well as the most relevant countries, with the United States and United Kingdom leading in terms of the number of publications. In addition, an in-depth analysis of authors' keywords has identified different trends, such as institutions, economic growth, shadow economy, regulation, Africa, culture, economic development, business environment, and informal economy. Finally, some future research lines are proposed, such as institutional theory, tax morale, corruption perceptions, European regions, risk aversion and institutional entrepreneurship

    Random attractors for stochastic 2D-Navier-Stokes equations in some unbounded domains

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    We show that the stochastic flow generated by the Stochastic Navier-Stokes equations in a 2-dimensional Poincar\'e domain has a unique random attractor. This result complements a recent result by Brze\'zniak and Li [10] who showed that the flow is asymptotically compact and generalizes a recent result by Caraballo et al. [12] who proved existence of a unique pullback attractor for the time-dependent deterministic Navier-Stokes equations in a 2-dimensional Poincar\'e domain

    El órgano y los organistas de la Iglesia Mayor de Montblanc

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    En 1976 Francisco Bonastre publicó un interesante trabajo sobre el actual órgano de la iglesia parroquial de Montblanc en el que dio a conocer todos los datos que había conseguido reunir sobre el particular. En el artículo se hace un estudio técnico del órgano tal como ha llegado a nosotros, se presentan las referencias documentales encontradas rehaciendo con ellas el proceso histórico y se termina con la relación de los organistas y maestros de capilla de los que tenía noticia. Buen trabajo el de Bonastre, pese a las dificultades surgidas, y de las que él mismo se lamenta, al haberse perdido la mayor parte de las fuentes documentales del municipio y ser escasa la que se conserva en la parroquia. Esta situación de carencia y consiguiente sensación de desánimo, que yo mismo experimenté en su dia cuando quise hacer la historia de la casa y familia Desclergues, la salvé lanzándome a una búsqueda más laboriosa e ingrata como es la de leerse, uno por uno los protocolos notariales existentes. De allí he recogido los detaIles que forman este escrito y que pueden ser complemento y suplemento del trabajo de Francisco Bonastre

    Kinetics and Mechanism of Hydrolysis of Benzimidazolylcarbamates

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    Synthesis of new 2-aminobenzimidazole-1-carbamates was accomplished by carbamoylation of 2-aminobenzimidazole using different substituted phenyl chloroformates. The aqueous hydrolysis of the new compounds was examined in the pH range 1-13 at 25 oC. The evaluated kinetic parameters led to the conclusion that up to pH 4 reaction proceeds by a bimolecular attack of water to the N-protonated substrate. This is the first time this behavior is described for carbamates, and can be ascribed to the higher basicity of the benzimidazolyl moiety when compared with the carbonyl oxygen. For higher values of pH, the results are consistent with a BAc2 mechanism with nucleophilic catalysis, but while between pH 4 and pH 7 water acts as the nucleophile, for pH> 7 the hydroxide ion is the acting species

    Study of the mitigation of tram-induced vibrations on different track typologies

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    Nowadays there is a growing development of urban tram and underground networks with the aim of improving resident’s mobility and reducing the environmental impact. Among the issues related to this fact one finds the vibration generated by the vehicles and transmitted through the track and the ground. This may cause an important impact for both residents and structures. In order to study this phenomenon, a comprehensive campaign of measurements has been carried out in certain sections of the tram network in Alicante (Spain). In addition, an analytical model has been developed and calibrated with part of the data obtained. Using both experimental measures and the computer model vibration within the track is analyzed. Special attention is paid to the alleviation capability of the different materials and typologies present in the track. From this study, a strong relation between the Young Modulus and the frequency range alleviated by each material is obtained, and more rigid typologies are shown to be more efficient for low frequency vibrations which are the ones potentially disturbing for humans

    Smart and networking underwater robots in cooperation meshes : the swarms ECSEL : H2020 project

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    The work presented on this paper is aimed to explain the role that unmanned underwater vehicles (AUVs/ROVs) plays in the ECSEL-H2020 SWARMS project. The main goal of the project is to reduce the operational cost and increase the safety of tasks assigned to divers in these operations. This will be achieved enabling the AUVs/ROVs to work in a cooperative mesh. The challenge is to design and develop an integrated platform (a set of Software/Hardware components), incorporated into the current generation of underwater vehicles in order to improve autonomy, cooperation, robustness, cost-effectiveness, and reliability of the offshore operations. The first demonstration of the project will be performed at PLOCAN (Oceanic Platform of the Canary Islands) where these technologies will be validated on its first stage.Peer Reviewe

    Design and validation of a railway inspection system to detect lateral track geometry defects based on axle-box accelerations registered from in-service trains

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    Metropolitan railway transport has become an efficient solution to the mobility necessities in urban areas. Railway track maintenance tasks have to be improved and adjusted to metropolitan requirements, in particular the few hours available to operate due to the high frequency service offered. This paper describes and proposes an inertial monitoring system to detect and estimate track irregularities by using in-service vehicles. A new maintenance strategy is established, based on the railway track conditions and continuous monitoring is provided to do so. The system proposed consists of at least two accelerometers mounted on the bogie axle-box and a GPS (Global Positioning System). Lateral accelerations have been analyzed to study gauge and lateral alignment deviations. Accelerations have been treated and processed by high-pass filtering and validation has been carried out by comparison with measurements provided by a track monitoring trolley. Measurements were made on Line 1 of the Alicante metropolitan and tram network (Spain)

    Sobre la indeterminación del derecho y la ley constitucional. El caso del término «nacionalidades» como concepto jurídico indeterminado

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    SUMARIO: Planteamiento: 1. Notas acerca de la indeterminación del Derecho y el operador jurídico. 2. En torno a la indeterminación de la Ley Constitiucional y el término jurídico «nacionalidades»Publicad

    Methodology to Evaluate Forage Legumes for Oversowing Grasslands in the Basaltic Region of Uruguay

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    A methodology used to evaluate around 300 temperate and subtropical forage legumes for oversowing the native grasslands of the Basaltic Region of Uruguay is presented in a four-year plan using the minimum amount of seeds per accession and resources. Row-column experimental designs are used to reduce the error variance existing due to the large soil heterogeneity intrinsic to the Region. The ability of the species to grow and reproduce was measured and adjusted least square means were estimated to rank them. Cluster analysis was also useful to group species with similar behaviour overall traits. Preliminary results for the temperate species showed that the methodology is useful for ranking and grouping a large number of forage legumes according to their overall trait performance