326 research outputs found

    Quantum vacuum and dark matter

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    Recently, the gravitational polarization of the quantum vacuum was proposed as alternative to the dark matter paradigm. In the present paper we consider four benchmark measurements: the universality of the central surface density of galaxy dark matter haloes, the cored dark matter haloes in dwarf spheroidal galaxies, the non-existence of dark disks in spiral galaxies and distribution of dark matter after collision of clusters of galaxies (the Bullet cluster is a famous example). Only some of these phenomena (but not all of them) can (in principle) be explained by the dark matter and the theories of modified gravity. However, we argue that the framework of the gravitational polarization of the quantum vacuum allows the understanding of the totality of these phenomena.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astrophysics and Space Scienc

    Simulating Turbulence Using the Astrophysical Discontinuous Galerkin Code TENET

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    In astrophysics, the two main methods traditionally in use for solving the Euler equations of ideal fluid dynamics are smoothed particle hydrodynamics and finite volume discretization on a stationary mesh. However, the goal to efficiently make use of future exascale machines with their ever higher degree of parallel concurrency motivates the search for more efficient and more accurate techniques for computing hydrodynamics. Discontinuous Galerkin (DG) methods represent a promising class of methods in this regard, as they can be straightforwardly extended to arbitrarily high order while requiring only small stencils. Especially for applications involving comparatively smooth problems, higher-order approaches promise significant gains in computational speed for reaching a desired target accuracy. Here, we introduce our new astrophysical DG code TENET designed for applications in cosmology, and discuss our first results for 3D simulations of subsonic turbulence. We show that our new DG implementation provides accurate results for subsonic turbulence, at considerably reduced computational cost compared with traditional finite volume methods. In particular, we find that DG needs about 1.8 times fewer degrees of freedom to achieve the same accuracy and at the same time is more than 1.5 times faster, confirming its substantial promise for astrophysical applications.Comment: 21 pages, 7 figures, to appear in Proceedings of the SPPEXA symposium, Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering (LNCSE), Springe

    Limits on the WIMP-nucleon scattering cross-section from neutrino telescopes

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    Neutrino-telescopes like Super-Kamiokande and IceCube have started to explore the neutrino fluxes from WIMP annihilations in the Sun. The non-observation of a signal can put constraints on the WIMP properties. We here focus on the neutrino signal from WIMP annihilation in the Sun and show that under reasonable assumptions, the non-observation of a signal from IceCube puts a much tighter constraint on the spin-dependent WIMP-proton scattering cross-section than current direct detection experiments like COUPP and KIMS. For the spin-independent scattering cross-section, the limits from IceCube and current direct detection experiments like XENON10 and CDMS place similar constraints. We here go through the assumptions being made and the uncertainties that arise in converting from limits on the muon flux from the Sun to limits on the WIMP-proton cross-section, and present our results as easy to use conversion factors.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures. Accepted for publication in JCA

    Dark Matter Direct Detection Signals inferred from a Cosmological N-body Simulation with Baryons

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    We extract at redshift z=0 a Milky Way sized object including gas, stars and dark matter (DM) from a recent, high-resolution cosmological N-body simulation with baryons. Its resolution is sufficient to witness the formation of a rotating disk and bulge at the center of the halo potential. The phase-space structure of the central galactic halo reveals the presence of a dark disk component, that is co-rotating with the stellar disk. At the Earth's location, it contributes to around 25% of the total DM local density, whose value is rho_DM ~ 0.37 GeV/cm^3. The velocity distributions also show strong deviations from pure Gaussian and Maxwellian distributions, with a sharper drop of the high velocity tail. We give a detailed study of the impact of these features on the predictions for DM signals in direct detection experiments. In particular, the question of whether the modulation signal observed by DAMA is or is not excluded by limits set by other experiments (CDMS, XENON and CRESST...) is re-analyzed and compared to the case of a standard Maxwellian halo, in both the elastic and the inelastic scattering scenarios. We find that the compatibility between DAMA and the other experiments is improved. In the elastic scenario, the DAMA modulation signal is slightly enhanced in the so-called channeling region, as a result of several effects. For the inelastic scenario, the improvement of the fit is mainly attributable to the departure from a Maxwellian distribution at high velocity.Comment: 39 page

    Inelastic Dark Matter, Non-Standard Halos and the DAMA/LIBRA Results

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    The DAMA collaboration have claimed to detect particle dark matter (DM) via an annual modulation in their observed recoil event rate. This appears to be in strong disagreement with the null results of other experiments if interpreted in terms of elastic DM scattering, while agreement for a small region of parameter space is possible for inelastic DM (iDM) due to the altered kinematics of the collision. To date most analyses assume a simple galactic halo DM velocity distribution, the Standard Halo Model, but direct experimental support for the SHM is severely lacking and theoretical studies indicate possible significant differences. We investigate the dependence of DAMA and the other direct detection experiments on the local DM velocity distribution, utilizing the results of the Via Lactea and Dark Disc numerical simulations. We also investigate effects of varying the solar circular velocity, the DM escape velocity, and the DAMA quenching factor within experimental limits. Our data set includes the latest ZEPLIN-III results, as well as full publicly available data sets. Due to the more sensitive dependence of the inelastic cross section on the velocity distribution, we find that with Via Lactea the DAMA results can be consistent with all other experiments over an enlarged region of iDM parameter space, with higher mass particles being preferred, while Dark Disc does not lead to an improvement. A definitive test of DAMA for iDM requires heavy element detectors.Comment: 22 pages, 10 figures, PDFLaTex Additional analysis of Via Lactea simulation include

    Thermodynamics of an Anyon System

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    We examine the thermal behavior of a relativistic anyon system, dynamically realized by coupling a charged massive spin-1 field to a Chern-Simons gauge field. We calculate the free energy (to the next leading order), from which all thermodynamic quantities can be determined. As examples, the dependence of particle density on the anyon statistics and the anyon anti-anyon interference in the ideal gas are exhibited. We also calculate two and three-point correlation functions, and uncover certain physical features of the system in thermal equilibrium.Comment: 18 pages; in latex; to be published in Phys. Rev.