5,785 research outputs found

    Factors controlling tropospheric O3, OH, NOx, and SO2 over the tropical Pacific during PEM-Tropics B

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    Observations over the tropical Pacific during the Pacific Exploratory Mission (PEM)-Tropics B experiment (March-April 1999) are analyzed. Concentrations of CO and long-lived nonmethane hydrocarbons in the region are significantly enhanced due to transport of pollutants from northern industrial continents. This pollutant import also enhances moderately O3 concentrations but not NOx concentrations. It therefore tends to depress OH concentrations over the tropical Pacific. These effects contrast to the large enhancements of O3 and NOx concentrations and the moderate increase of OH concentrations due to biomass burning outflow during the PEM-Tropics A experiment (September-October 1996). Observed CH3I concentrations, as in PEM-Tropics A, indicate that convective mass outflux in the middle and upper troposphere is largely independent of altitude over the tropical Pacific. Constraining a one-dimensiohal model with CH3I observations yields a 10-day timescale for convective turnover of the free troposphere, a factor of 2 faster than during PEM-Tropics A. Model simulated HO2, CH2O, H2O2, and CH3OOH concentrations are generally in agreement with observations. However, simulated OH concentrations are lower (∼25%) than observations above 6 km. Whereas models tend to overestimate previous field measurements, simulated HNO3 concentrations during PEM-Tropics B are too low (a factor of 2-4 below 6 km) compared to observations. Budget analyses indicate that chemical production of O3 accounts for only 50% of chemical loss; significant transport of O3 into the region appears to take place within the tropics. Convective transport of CH3OOH enhances the production of HOx and O3 in the upper troposphere, but this effect is offset by HOx loss due to the scavenging of H2O2. Convective transport and scavenging of reactive nitrogen species imply a necessary source of 0.4-1 Tg yr-1 of NOx in the free troposphere (above 4 km) over the tropics. A large fraction of the source could be from marine lightning. Oxidation of DMS transported by convection from the boundary layer could explain the observed free tropospheric SO2 concentrations over the tropical Pacific. This source of DMS due to convection, however, would imply in the model free tropospheric concentrations much higher than observed. The model overestimate cannot be reconciled using recent kinetics measurements of the DMS-OH adduct reaction at low pressures and temperatures and may reflect enhanced OH oxidation of DMS during convection. Copyright 2001 by the American Geophysical Union

    Seasonal differences in the photochemistry of the South Pacific: A comparison of observations and model results from PEM-Tropics A and B

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    A time-dependent photochemical box model is used to examine the photochemistry of the equatorial and southern subtropical Pacific troposphere with aircraft data obtained during two distinct seasons: the Pacific Exploratory Mission-Tropics A (PEM-Tropics A) field campaign in September and October of 1996 and the Pacific Exploratory Mission-Tropics B (PEM-Tropics B) campaign in March and April of 1999. Model-predicted values were compared to observations for selected species (e.g., NO2, OH, HO2) with generally good agreement. Predicted values of HO2 were larger than those observed in the upper troposphere, in contrast to previous studies which show a general underprediction of HO2 at upper altitudes. Some characteristics of the budgets of HOx, NOx, and peroxides are discussed. The integrated net tendency for O3 is negative over the remote Pacific during both seasons, with gross formation equal to no more than half of the gross destruction. This suggests that a continual supply of O3 into the Pacific region throughout the year must exist in order to maintain O3 levels. Integrated net tendencies for equatorial O3 showed a seasonality, with a net loss of 1.06×1011 molecules cm-2 s-1 during PEM-Tropics B (March) increasing by 50% to 1.60×1011 molecules cm-2 s-1 during PEM-Tropics A (September). The seasonality over the southern subtropical Pacific was somewhat lower, with losses of 1.21×1011 molecules cm-2 s-1 during PEM-Tropics B (March) increasing by 25% to 1.51×1011 molecules cm-2 s-1 during PEM-Tropics A (September). While the larger net losses during PEM-Tropics A were primarily driven by higher concentrations of O3, the ability of the subtropical atmosphere to destroy O3 was ∼30% less effective during the PEM-Tropics A (September) campaign due to a drier atmosphere and higher overhead O3 column amounts. Copyright 2001 by the American Geophysical Union

    NLL{'} resummation of jet mass

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    Starting from a factorization theorem in effective field theory, we present resummed results for two non-global observables: the invariant-mass distribution of jets and the energy distribution outside jets. Our results include the full next-to-leading-order corrections to the hard, jet and soft functions and are implemented in a parton-shower framework which generates the renormalization-group running in the effective theory. The inclusion of these matching corrections leads to an improved description of the data and reduced theoretical uncertainties. They will have to be combined with two-loop running in the future, but our results are an important first step towards the higher-logarithmic resummation of non-global observables.Comment: 32 pages, 12 figures. v2: journal versio

    Allometric models for liana aboveground biomass in old-growth and secondary tropical forests of Tanzania

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    \ua9 2024 The AuthorsLianas are common in tropical forests, where they influence forest dynamics, thus impacting the global carbon sink, with implications for climate change mitigation. Despite their increasing competitiveness with trees at the global scale, robust measurements of liana aboveground biomass (AGB) have been limited. Here we use data from destructive sampling to develop two separate allometric equations for estimating liana AGB from stem diameter in old-growth (n = 15 lianas) and secondary forests (n = 22 lianas). We compared estimates of AGB using our equations for 3141 lianas (≥ 1 cm diameter) in Tanzania\u27s Kilombero Valley against estimates from previously published equations in other tropical regions. Our equations demonstrated stronger correlations between diameter and destructively measured AGB, than those from previously published equations (R2 = 0.86–0.89, versus R2 = 0.82–0.88). Across all stems, the average stem-level liana AGB estimated using the equation for old-growth forests was 52 % higher than that estimated by the equation for secondary forests, showing that lianas have lower biomass per unit diameter in forests impacted by disturbance. In such forests, liana stems are damaged, deformed, or cannot reach maximum height due to reduced structural support. At the scale of the forest stand, our equations estimated a mean liana AGB of 3.25 Mg ha−1 (95 % Confidence Interval: 1.52–6.96) in old-growth forests and 10.19 Mg ha−1 (5.91–17.64) in secondary forests. These estimates roughly aligned with estimates from other equations, although there was considerable variation. Depending on the equation used, mean stand-level estimates of liana AGB ranged from 2.49–9.76 Mg ha−1 in old-growth forests and 10.19–20.74 Mg ha−1 in secondary forests. Our findings show the variability in liana allometry and AGB with disturbance and successional stage, further underscoring a need for caution when comparing estimates of liana biomass across studies and regions

    Belga B-trees

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    We revisit self-adjusting external memory tree data structures, which combine the optimal (and practical) worst-case I/O performances of B-trees, while adapting to the online distribution of queries. Our approach is analogous to undergoing efforts in the BST model, where Tango Trees (Demaine et al. 2007) were shown to be O(loglogN)O(\log\log N)-competitive with the runtime of the best offline binary search tree on every sequence of searches. Here we formalize the B-Tree model as a natural generalization of the BST model. We prove lower bounds for the B-Tree model, and introduce a B-Tree model data structure, the Belga B-tree, that executes any sequence of searches within a O(loglogN)O(\log \log N) factor of the best offline B-tree model algorithm, provided B=logO(1)NB=\log^{O(1)}N. We also show how to transform any static BST into a static B-tree which is faster by a Θ(logB)\Theta(\log B) factor; the transformation is randomized and we show that randomization is necessary to obtain any significant speedup

    Suggested Improvements for the Allergenicity Assessment of Genetically Modified Plants Used in Foods

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    Genetically modified (GM) plants are increasingly used for food production and industrial applications. As the global population has surpassed 7 billion and per capita consumption rises, food production is challenged by loss of arable land, changing weather patterns, and evolving plant pests and disease. Previous gains in quantity and quality relied on natural or artificial breeding, random mutagenesis, increased pesticide and fertilizer use, and improved farming techniques, all without a formal safety evaluation. However, the direct introduction of novel genes raised questions regarding safety that are being addressed by an evaluation process that considers potential increases in the allergenicity, toxicity, and nutrient availability of foods derived from the GM plants. Opinions vary regarding the adequacy of the assessment, but there is no documented proof of an adverse effect resulting from foods produced from GM plants. This review and opinion discusses current practices and new regulatory demands related to food safety

    A latent trait approach to measuring HIV/AIDS related stigma in healthcare professionals: application of mokken scaling technique

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    The attitudes of healthcare professionals towards HIV positive patients and high risk groups are central to the quality of care and therefore to the management of HIV/AIDS related stigma in health settings. Extant HIV/AIDS stigma scales that measure stigmatising attitudes towards people living with HIV/AIDS have been developed using scaling techniques such as principal component analysis. This approach has resulted in instruments that are often long. Mokken scale analysis is a nonparametric hierarchical scaling technique that can be used to develop unidimensional cumulative scales. This technique is advantageous over the other approaches; as the scales are usually shorter, while retaining acceptable psychometric properties. Moreover, Mokken scales also make no distributional assumptions about the underlying data, other than that the data are capable of being ordered by item and by person. In this study we aimed at developing a precise and concise measure of HIV/AIDS related stigma among health care professionals, using Mokken scale analysis