2,569 research outputs found

    Rappresentare l?architettura - metodi di comunicazione e indagine

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    Metodi utilizzati in architettura per condurre l’indagine, lo studio e l’approfondimento delle tematiche che si intende trattare, e come strumento di comunicazione per trasmettere all'interlocutore, le informazioni necessarie a comprenderne gli aspetti che si vogliono sottolineare. Rappresentare un’idea progettuale è un tema che assume svariate sfaccettature e la scelta del metodo rappresentativo più adatto a concretizzare il trasferimento dell’idea da un piano puramente concettuale ad una rappresentazione che possa dare la possibilità di visualizzare e comprendere il risultato, è questione di non semplice e immediata soluzione. Così come non è immediato e semplice, nel caso dell’analisi di uno stato di fatto, trovare il modo più agevole per comunicare e indagare determinate informazioni dell’esistente. La presente tesi indaga appunto su queste tematiche e ne mostra un percorso che conduce all'esplorazione delle varie modalità di rappresentazione dell'architettura

    Fully digital intensity modulated LIDAR

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    AbstractIn several applications, such as collision avoidance, it is necessary to have a system able to rapidly detect the simultaneous presence of different obstacles. In general, these applications do not require high resolution performance, but it is necessary to assure high system reliability also within critical scenarios, as in the case of partially transparent atmosphere or environment in presence of multiple objects (implying multiple echoes having different delay times.) This paper describes the algorithm, the architecture and the implementation of a digital Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) system based on a chirped optical carrier. This technique provides some advantages compared to the pulsed approach, primarily the reduction of the peak power of the laser. In the proposed architecture all the algorithms for signal processing are implemented using digital hardware. In this way, some specific advantages are obtained: improved detection performance (larger dynamics, range and resolution), capability of detecting multiple obstacles having different echoes amplitude, reduction of the noise effects, reduction of the costs, size and weight of the resulting equipment. The improvement provided by this fully digital solution is potentially useful in different applications such as: collision avoidance systems, 3D mapping of environments and, in general, remote sensing systems which need wide distance and dynamics

    Participatory Guarantee System and Social Capital for Sustainable Development in Brazil: The Case Study of OPAC Orgânicos Sul de Minas

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    In recent years there has been a growing international interest in alternative certification strategies for organic products. Specifically, participatory guarantee systems (PGS) have proved to be particularly suitable not only to simplify bureaucratic procedures for small organic producers and reduce the cost of certification, but also to generate empowerment, social inclusion and mutual support among farmers. The purpose of this paper is to study the elements of social capital (SC) found in a PGS through the use of social network indicators using the Organizaçao Participativa de Acreditaçao e Certificaçao "Orgânicos Sul de Minas" (OPAC-OSM) as a case study. The research was carried out in the southern part of Minas Gerais, one of the states of the Brazilian Federation, where organic production represents a viable alternative for small and medium-sized farmers. In particular, a survey was carried out to capture the opinions of managers (presidents or directors) about their participation in the OPAC-OSM, and about the level of interaction and degree of trust between members. Relational skills, which are the basis of structural SC, were analyzed both at the level of individual units and at the level of the general network of the OPAC-OSM. An in-degree centrality score assigned to OPAC-OSM members was obtained from each network. These scores have been correlated with variables of the database that were chosen due to their relevance in assessing the level of social capital. According to the results, the factors that most reinforced the proof of SC among the OPAC-OSM members were the level of information and the degree of trust and collaboration networks, with special emphasis on female participation. From the analysis carried out, it is possible to conclude that PGS are powerful tools in the strengthening of SC far beyond the aspect of quality assurance, which remains the main objective of the OPAC

    Role of the Inflammasome, IL-1β, and IL-18 in Bacterial Infections

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    The inflammasome is an important innate immune pathway that regulates at least two host responses protective against infections: (1) secretion of the proinflammatory cytokines IL-1β and IL-18 and (2) induction of pyroptosis, a form of cell death. Inflammasomes, of which different types have been identified, are multiprotein complexes containing pattern recognition receptors belonging to the Nod-like receptor family or the PYHIN family and the protease caspase-1. The molecular aspects involved in the activation of different inflammasomes by various pathogens are being rapidly elucidated, and their role during infections is being characterized. Production of IL-1β and IL-18 and induction of pyroptosis of the infected cell have been shown to be protective against many infectious agents. Here, we review the recent literature concerning inflammasome activation in the context of bacterial infections and identify important questions to be answered in the future

    About latent roles in forecasting players in team sports

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    Forecasting players in sports has grown in popularity due to the potential for a tactical advantage and the applicability of such research to multi-agent interaction systems. Team sports contain a significant social component that influences interactions between teammates and opponents. However, it still needs to be fully exploited. In this work, we hypothesize that each participant has a specific function in each action and that role-based interaction is critical for predicting players' future moves. We create RolFor, a novel end-to-end model for Role-based Forecasting. RolFor uses a new module we developed called Ordering Neural Networks (OrderNN) to permute the order of the players such that each player is assigned to a latent role. The latent role is then modeled with a RoleGCN. Thanks to its graph representation, it provides a fully learnable adjacency matrix that captures the relationships between roles and is subsequently used to forecast the players' future trajectories. Extensive experiments on a challenging NBA basketball dataset back up the importance of roles and justify our goal of modeling them using optimizable models. When an oracle provides roles, the proposed RolFor compares favorably to the current state-of-the-art (it ranks first in terms of ADE and second in terms of FDE errors). However, training the end-to-end RolFor incurs the issues of differentiability of permutation methods, which we experimentally review. Finally, this work restates differentiable ranking as a difficult open problem and its great potential in conjunction with graph-based interaction models. Project is available at: https://www.pinlab.org/aboutlatentrolesComment: AI4ABM@ICLR2023 Worksho


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    Tanah yang tersedia di alam sering tidak dapat langsung digunakan karena secara alamiah tanah memiliki sifat-sifat fisis dan mekanis tertentu yang terbatas. Oleh karena itu diperlukan penelitian tentang tanah untuk mengetahui sifat-sifatnya dengan teliti sehingga dapat menyesuaikan dengan kebutuhan konstruksi sehingga menjamin stabilitas suatu konstruksi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penambahan abu ampas kayu yang digunakan sebagai bahan stabilisasi terhadap nilai CBR (California Bearing Ratio). Tanah yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berasal dari Desa Cot Seunong Kecamatan Montasik Kabupaten Aceh Besar. Abu ampas kayu yang diperoleh diambil dari sisa-sisa limbah perabot pembuatan kayu yang berada di daerah Desa Kajhu Aceh Besar. Tanah tersebut menurut klasifikasi AASHTO tergolong A-7-6 (tanah berlempung). Menurut USCS tanah Desa Cot Seunong termasuk golongan tanah lempung tak organik dengan plastisitas tinggi yang disimbolkan CH (Clay High) dengan indeks plastisitasnya adalah 33,69%. Persentase penambahan abu ampas kayu yaitu 0%, 5%, 10%, 15% dan 20% terhadap berat kering tanah. Hasil pengujian Standart Proctor tanpa campuran didapat nilai OMC (Optimim Moisture Content) 23,60% dengan berat isi kering maksimum (?dmax) 1,595 gr/cm3. Hasil pengujian CBR memperlihatkan bahwa nilai CBR pada persentase 0% sebesar 1,67%, pada persentase 5% sebesar 2,45%, pada persentase 10% sebesar 2,62%, pada persentase 15% sebesar 2,73%, dan pada persentase 20% sebesar 3,03%. Nilai CBR tertinggi terdapat pada persentase 20% dengan nilai CBR 3,03%, dengan demikian penggunaan abu ampas kayu pada tanah lempung Desa Cot Seunong sangat efektif karena semakin banyak campuran abu ampas kayu yang mengisi pori-pori kosong pada tanah, sehingga tanah menjadi padat dan dapat meningkatkan daya dukung tanah menjadi lebih baik.Banda Ace

    Interleukin-13 induces expression and release of interleukin-1 decoy receptor in human polymorphonuclear cells.

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    The aim of this study was to examine whether interleukin-13 (IL-13), a cytokine with anti-inflammatory activities, affected expression of interleukin-1 (IL-1) receptors (R) in human polymorphonuclear cells (PMN). Treatment with IL-13 augmented both type I and type II (decoy) R transcripts, with the latter being by far the most represented. The transcriptional inhibitor actinomycin D blocked the induction of IL-1 R mRNAs by IL-13. Nuclear run-off experiments demonstrated an augmented transcriptional rate of IL-1 decoy R in IL-13-treated B lymphoblastoid cells. The protein synthesis inhibitor cycloheximide blocked type I R expression but superinduced decoy R expression. IL-13 augmented the binding of radiolabeled IL-1 beta on the PMN surface with an increased number of IL-1 receptors and no change in Kd values. IL-13 induced the surface expression of IL-1 decoy R and the release by PMN of an IL-1-binding protein identified as a soluble version of the IL-1 decoy R. These results show that PMN is an important target for IL-13 and that induction of expression and release of the IL-1 decoy R, in concert with inhibition of cytokine synthesis, may represent an important mechanism by which IL-13 blocks IL-1, a central mediator of inflammatory reactions

    Cannabis Essential Oil: A Preliminary Study for the Evaluation of the Brain Effects

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    We examined the effects of essential oil from legal (THC <0.2% w/v) hemp variety on the nervous system in 5 healthy volunteers. GC/EIMS and GC/FID analysis of the EO showed that the main components were myrcene and β-caryophyllene. The experiment consisted of measuring autonomic nervous system (ANS) parameters; evaluations of the mood state; and electroencephalography (EEG) recording before treatment, during treatment, and after hemp inhalation periods as compared with control conditions. The results revealed decreased diastolic blood pressure, increased heart rate, and significant increased skin temperature. The subjects described themselves as more energetic, relaxed, and calm. The analysis EEG showed a significant increase in the mean frequency of alpha (8–13 Hz) and significant decreased mean frequency and relative power of beta 2 (18,5–30 Hz) waves. Moreover, an increased power, relative power, and amplitude of theta (4–8 Hz) and alpha brain waves activities and an increment in the delta wave (0,5–4 Hz) power and relative power was recorded in the posterior region of the brain. These results suggest that the brain wave activity and ANS are affected by the inhalation of the EO of Cannabis sativa suggesting a neuromodular activity in cases of stress, depression, and anxiety

    Gli uccelli della provincia di Novara (Piemonte, Italia): distribuzione, abbondanza e stato di conservazione

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    In questo lavoro viene riportato un elenco commentato degli uccelli noti per la provincia di Novara (1.340 km2) aggiornato al 31/12/2016 e vengono forniti dati di sintesi relativi alle attività di monitoraggio condotte in anni recenti (2009-2016). I dati sono stati raccolti sia attraverso revisione bibliografica sia attraverso attività di ricerca diretta sul campo. L'avifauna della provincia di Novara annovera o ha annoverato (dal 1860 al 2016) 304 specie delle quali 135 nidificanti certe o probabili in tempi recenti (dopo il 2000), 85 di interesse comunitario (Allegato I della Direttiva "Uccelli"), 116 SPEC - Species of European Conservation Concern secondo BirdLife International e 53 inserite nella European Red List of Birds. L'area è di importanza europea e/o nazionale per la nidificazione di specie di interesse conservazionistico quali Egretta garzetta (650-1.100 nidi), Nycticorax nycticorax (200-300 nidi), Botaurus stellaris (5-7 maschi cantori), Ciconia nigra (1-2 coppie), Ciconia ciconia (4-6 coppie), Himantopus himantopus (300-500 coppie), Vanellus vanellus (500-600 coppie), Columba oenas (20-30 coppie), nonché per la migrazione di Philomachus pugnax (5.000-7.000 ind.) e Tringa glareola (500-1.500 ind.). Negli ultimi anni (2009-2016) si segnalano in particolare: la nidificazione accertata per la prima volta nel Novarese di Ardea alba, Galerida cristata e Lullula arborea; il ritorno di Burhinus oedicnemus e Chlidonias niger in periodo riproduttivo dopo decenni di assenza; la colonizzazione da parte di Dryocopus martius degli ambienti forestali di collina e di pianura.</p