76 research outputs found


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    This paper has a background of polemics about the role of Islam in Malay history and civilization. The polemic begins with the accusations of some Orientalists who claim that Islam is a religion that does not contribute significantly to the progress of civilization in Malay land. This paper describes the strong denial of Syed Naquib Al-Attas against the accusation. Al-Attas shows evidence that Islam has an important role in advancing the development of Malay society and nation both in aspects of culture, thought, philosophy, science and Malay. This paper also presents the Al-Attas view of the contemporary world of Islam which has experienced backwardness in various aspects. Al-Attas identified various causes of the weakness of the Islamic ummah, especially the Malay people and the solution that must be done. For Al-Attas the progress of Islamic civilization and the Malay world can be done by: building various aspects of Malay Islamic civilization, improving the education system and applying the concept of Islamization of science

    Gender Dalam Tinjauan Tafsir Maudhu’i

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    Abstrak: Artikel dengan judul ‘Gender Dalam Tinjauan Tafsir Maudhu’I’ ini berupaya menelusuri sejarah serta asumsi-asumsi metodologis yang membangun kedua meta-narasi (wacana kesetaraan dan keserasian gender). Pada bagian selanjutnya akan dihadirkan sejumlah ayat kontroversial terkait isu keadilan gender, berikut garis-garis besar penafsiran dari kedua kubu wacana, disertai analisis penulis mengacu pada teori worlview yang diperkenalkan oleh Hamid Fahmi Zarkasyi. Metode yang digunakan dalam kajian ini menggunakan metode atau pendekatan kepustakaan (library research). Studi pustaka dapat diartikan sebagai serangkaian kegiatan yang berkenaan dengan  metode  pengumpulan  data pustaka,  membaca  dan  mencatat  serta  mengolah bahan  penelitian.  Temuan  dari  penelitian  ini  menunjukkan adanya wacana keadilan gender menjadi tarik menarik di antara dua kubu besar dalam Islam: kubu kesetaraan dan kubu keserasian. Kubu keserasian hanya menginginkan pola penafsiran yang dianggap tidak bias gender, betapapun mereka abai terhadap sisi-sisi teologis, sementara kubu keserasian percaya bahwa mereka harus mempertahankan ashalah (otentisitas) sebab agama ini dipercaya sebagai haqq yang berasal dari Dzat yang Maha Haqq. Tidak sama sekali terbayangkan oleh kelompok terakhir untuk melestarikan penindasan terhadap perempuan, seperti selama ini dituduhkan. Lantas wacana tafsir manakah yang betul-betul mencerminkan nilai-nilai al-Quran? Kedua belah pihak akan mendaku diri sebagai yang paling sesuai. Satu hal jelas, yang semestinya dilawan barangkali bukan penafsiran itu, sebab setiap orang berhak untuk berpolemik secara ilmiah. Yang perlu dimusuhi sebetulnya adalah pikiran-pikiran jahat, entah itu penindasan maupun eksploitasi perempuan, yang sama-sama beroperasi di sebalik kedua narasi. Kata Kunci: Gender, Tafsir Maudhu’i   Abstract: This article with the title Gender in Maudhu'I Tafsir Review seeks to trace the history and methodological assumptions that build both meta-narratives (discourse of gender equality and harmony). In the next section, a number of controversial verses related to the issue of gender justice will be presented, along with outline interpretations of the two camps of discourse, accompanied by the author's analysis referring to the Worlview theory introduced by Hamid Fahmi Zarkasyi. The method used in this study uses a library research method or approach. Literature study can be interpreted as a series of activities relating to methods of collecting library data, reading and taking notes and processing research materials. The findings of this study indicate that the discourse of gender justice has become a tug of war between two major camps in Islam: the camp of equality and the camp of harmony. The harmony camp only wants a pattern of interpretation that is considered gender-unbiased, no matter how much they ignore theological aspects, while the harmony camp believes that they must maintain ashalah (authenticity) because this religion is believed to be haqq that comes from the Supreme Haqq. The last group never imagined to perpetuate oppression of women, as it has been alleged. So which interpretive discourse truly reflects the values ​​of the Koran? Both parties will claim to be the most compatible. One thing is clear, perhaps not that interpretation should be challenged, because everyone has the right to polemicize scientifically. What really needs to be hostile to is evil thoughts, be it oppression or exploitation of women, which both operate behind the two narratives. Keywords: Gender, Tafsir Maudhu’i &nbsp

    Telaah Konseptual Komunikasi Transendental Dalam Perspektif Komunikasi Islam

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    Abstract: This article discusses the interrelationship of transcendental communication as part of Islamic communication. Transcendental communication is part of communication practices that are never separated from the daily life of a Muslim in carrying out the commands of Allah SWT. By using a descriptive qualitative method, this paper presents a narrated study through the collection of data from relevant references. The results of the study show that transcendental communication in Islam can be carried out through various media known as rituals of worship, both obligatory worship and sunnah worship. Worship which describes the concept of transcendental communication in the practice of communication carried out by Muslims with Allah SWT. Transcendental communication in prayer can be likened to God as the receiver (communicant), while the actor acts as the sender of the message (communicator), the source is the perpetrators or the events experienced, the medium (channel) is prayer, (effect) is the peace of mind that we will get or other symbols and signs that God sends to humans. The focus of the discussion is on matters relating to the application of transcendental communication which is associated with worship behavior which is a means of communication with Allah SWT.  Artikel  ini membahas tentang keterkaitan komunikasi transendental sebagai bagian dari komunikasi Islam Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis konsep dan bentuk-bentuk komunikasi transendental dalam persepektif komunikasi Islam.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Komunikasi transendental merupakan bagian dari praktik komunikasi yang tidak pernah terlepas dalam kehidupan sehari-hari seorang muslim dalam menjalankan perintah Allah Swt. Dengan menggunakan metode pendekatan deskriptif kualiatif, tulisan ini menyajikan kajian yang dinarasikan melalui pengumpulan data-data dari referensi yang relevan. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa komunikasi trasendental dalam Islam dapat dilakukan melalui berbagai macam media yang dikenal dengan ritual ibadah, baik ibadah wajib maupun ibadah sunnah. Ibadah yang mendeskripsikan konsep komunikasi transendental dalam praktik komunikasi yang dilakukan umat muslim dengan Allah Swt. Komunikasi trasendental dalam shalat dapat diibaratkan bahwa Tuhan adalah sebagai penerima (communican), sedangkan pelaku bertindak sebagai pengirim pesan (communicator), sumbernya (source) adalah dari para pelakunya atau kejadian yang dialami, medianya (channel) adalah shalat atau doa, (effect) adalah ketenangan jiwa yang akan kita dapatkan atau simbol-simbol dan tanda-tanda lainnya yang Tuhan kirimkan kepada manusia. Fokus pembahasannya mengenai hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan penerapan komunikasi transendental yang dikaitkan dengan perilaku ibadah yang menjadi sarana komunikasi dengan Allah Swt


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    Da'wah and politics have a very big role in the repair process ummah. This study aims to analyze the history by using a comparative approach whose goal is to assess, examine and compare the leaders of Islamic modernist thinking about dakwah and political role in the process of repair people. Almost agreed that the process of repair people need the right method in dealing with the problems of Muslims is so complex. Syumuliah principle in Islam is not only at the level of concepts and doctrine alone, but also in the level of implementation of political and dakwah must be emphasis as community improvement efforts. The combination of theory Top-Down and Buttom-Up as one of the repair process is applied to the appropriate community improvement efforts and thorough. Top-Down Theory through political channels is implemented by setting up the system, improved legislation, thus leading to the making of policies that support the implementation of Islamic laws and facilitate the implementation of dakwah as people repair process. Implementation of the dakwah of significant improvement over the system either through parliament to fight for the implementation of Islamic law, while the theory Buttom-Up in the mission is the process of preparing the people to accept the system that has been fought through politics, the process of awareness, training, and raising awareness about the importance of returning to the teachings of Islam as perfect religion. Meeting of the implementation of these two theories would generate a society that is ready to implement Islam as rahmatan lil 'aalamin

    Role of the SÅ«fis During the Pandemic in a Society: COVID-19 in Nigeria as a Case Study

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    COVID – 19 is the code given to an infectious disease called Coronavirus. It was on 31st December 2019 that World Health Organization (WHO) was kept informed of its discovery. It was speculated that the disease was first discovered in the Republic of China. It then spread from there to other countries of the world, including Nigeria. Multiple efforts were put in place in an attempt to halt its spread in the country, i.e., Nigeria. One of such was to lockdown the country. The pandemic and lockdown had various effects on society and its people in multiple ways. As a result, people found themselves in a state of frustration and anxiety, looking forward to a remedy and solution. This paper, therefore, determines to examine the role of the Sūfis during this kind of situation with the hope of bringing the role of the Sūfis into the limelight and to put it on record the Sūfi resilience and effort on the spiritual being of the Sūfi adherents at a particular time. The method adopted in this research is based on the interpretative approach in line with the disciplines of Islamic Studies, especially Sufism and history.  The main result of the study reveals that the pandemic has both positive and negative effects on people generally. Finally, through its teachings, Sufism provides resilience to the public, especially its adherents

    Role of the SÅ«fis During the Pandemic in a Society: COVID-19 in Nigeria as a Case Study

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    COVID – 19 is the code given to an infectious disease called Coronavirus. It was on 31st December 2019 that World Health Organization (WHO) was kept informed of its discovery. It was speculated that the disease was first discovered in the Republic of China. It then spread from there to other countries of the world, including Nigeria. Multiple efforts were put in place in an attempt to halt its spread in the country, i.e., Nigeria. One of such was to lockdown the country. The pandemic and lockdown had various effects on society and its people in multiple ways. As a result, people found themselves in a state of frustration and anxiety, looking forward to a remedy and solution. This paper, therefore, determines to examine the role of the Sūfis during this kind of situation with the hope of bringing the role of the Sūfis into the limelight and to put it on record the Sūfi resilience and effort on the spiritual being of the Sūfi adherents at a particular time. The method adopted in this research is based on the interpretative approach in line with the disciplines of Islamic Studies, especially Sufism and history.  The main result of the study reveals that the pandemic has both positive and negative effects on people generally. Finally, through its teachings, Sufism provides resilience to the public, especially its adherents

    Telaah Konseptual Komunikasi Transendental Dalam Perspektif Komunikasi Islam

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    Abstract: This article discusses the interrelationship of transcendental communication as part of Islamic communication. Transcendental communication is part of communication practices that are never separated from the daily life of a Muslim in carrying out the commands of Allah SWT. By using a descriptive qualitative method, this paper presents a narrated study through the collection of data from relevant references. The results of the study show that transcendental communication in Islam can be carried out through various media known as rituals of worship, both obligatory worship and sunnah worship. Worship which describes the concept of transcendental communication in the practice of communication carried out by Muslims with Allah SWT. Transcendental communication in prayer can be likened to God as the receiver (communicant), while the actor acts as the sender of the message (communicator), the source is the perpetrators or the events experienced, the medium (channel) is prayer, (effect) is the peace of mind that we will get or other symbols and signs that God sends to humans. The focus of the discussion is on matters relating to the application of transcendental communication which is associated with worship behavior which is a means of communication with Allah SWT.  Artikel  ini membahas tentang keterkaitan komunikasi transendental sebagai bagian dari komunikasi Islam Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis konsep dan bentuk-bentuk komunikasi transendental dalam persepektif komunikasi Islam.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Komunikasi transendental merupakan bagian dari praktik komunikasi yang tidak pernah terlepas dalam kehidupan sehari-hari seorang muslim dalam menjalankan perintah Allah Swt. Dengan menggunakan metode pendekatan deskriptif kualiatif, tulisan ini menyajikan kajian yang dinarasikan melalui pengumpulan data-data dari referensi yang relevan. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa komunikasi trasendental dalam Islam dapat dilakukan melalui berbagai macam media yang dikenal dengan ritual ibadah, baik ibadah wajib maupun ibadah sunnah. Ibadah yang mendeskripsikan konsep komunikasi transendental dalam praktik komunikasi yang dilakukan umat muslim dengan Allah Swt. Komunikasi trasendental dalam shalat dapat diibaratkan bahwa Tuhan adalah sebagai penerima (communican), sedangkan pelaku bertindak sebagai pengirim pesan (communicator), sumbernya (source) adalah dari para pelakunya atau kejadian yang dialami, medianya (channel) adalah shalat atau doa, (effect) adalah ketenangan jiwa yang akan kita dapatkan atau simbol-simbol dan tanda-tanda lainnya yang Tuhan kirimkan kepada manusia. Fokus pembahasannya mengenai hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan penerapan komunikasi transendental yang dikaitkan dengan perilaku ibadah yang menjadi sarana komunikasi dengan Allah Swt


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    Dalam perjalanan hidupnya, tentu manusia akan menghadapi suatu musibah yang akan dapat berdampak pada fisik dan rohani dari seorang manusia. Apabila ia tidak mampu untuk bertahan dalam keimanan kepada Allah swt., maka ia dapat terpuruk dan menjadi seorarng yang berputus asa. Namun, apabila manusia yakin bahwa musibah yang menimpanya tidak lain adalah bukti bahwa Allah swt. memberikan pelajaran kepadanya agar ia kembali atau tetap di jalan yang benar yaitu jalan menuju Rabbnya. Tujuan dari penulisan ini adalah memberikan pemahaman mengenai musibah dalam pandangan Islam. Adapun hasil dari pembahasan pada artikel ini yaitu bahwa musibah merupakan segala sesuatu yang menimpa manusia baik itu berupa kesenangan atau kenikmatan duniawi maupun kesusahan, kemalangan, atau peristiwa-peristiwa yang tidak mengenakan dan tidak diinginkan seperti terjadinya bencana pada manusia dan bencana pada alam semesta. Adapun musibah itu sendiri dapat disebabkan karena beberapa hal seperti karena kehendak Allah swt., akibat perbuatan dari manusia, serta karena telah tertulis dalam kitab (Lauhul Mahfuzh). Selanjutnya, musibah dapat dibedakan berdasarkan objeknya, akibat yang ditimbulkannya, serta tujuannya. Kemudian, setiap manusia yang ditimpa musibah hendaklah ia bersabar, bersyukur, serta bertawakkal kepada Allah swt. sebab terdapat banyak hikmah dibalik musibah yang ia alami

    Secondary School Enrollment Impact on the Economic as An Essential Input of Civilization

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    The study aims to examine the impact of education on the economy as an essential input of civilization by comparing the two major groups of countries in the world, Islam and the West. These two major groups of countries that are often opposed, including in terms of the economic system implemented in both groups of countries. Since it is argued that Islamic nations apply a specific system of financial in the economy, namely the Islamic financial system, hence this research investigated the effect of both group nations (Islamic or non-Islamic) comparatively to the economy. The research method used in this research is quantitative approach by using statistical analysis, multiple linear regression, as the method of data analysis, in order to obtain results that can be drawn conclusions as a result in this study. Based on the findings, it can be concluded that education has a positive and significant impact to the economy, as an input of civilization, although there are no different economic conditions between the Islamic (OIC member) Countries and non-Islamic one. Keywords: education, economics, civilizationJEL Classification: H52; Z1
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