121 research outputs found

    Borrowings and xenisms in modern linguistics: congolese french

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    The article discusses the problem of language contacts and their outcomes. Deviations from recognized standards which take place in the local variants of the French language are consequent upon the transfer of the structural peculiarities of local African languages into the French languag

    Contribution of the Myosin Binding Protein C Motif to Functional Effects in Permeabilized Rat Trabeculae

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    Myosin binding protein C (MyBP-C) is a thick-filament protein that limits cross-bridge cycling rates and reduces myocyte power output. To investigate mechanisms by which MyBP-C affects contraction, we assessed effects of recombinant N-terminal domains of cardiac MyBP-C (cMyBP-C) on contractile properties of permeabilized rat cardiac trabeculae. Here, we show that N-terminal fragments of cMyBP-C that contained the first three immunoglobulin domains of cMyBP-C (i.e., C0, C1, and C2) plus the unique linker sequence termed the MyBP-C “motif” or “m-domain” increased Ca2+ sensitivity of tension and increased rates of tension redevelopment (i.e., ktr) at submaximal levels of Ca2+. At concentrations ≥20 μM, recombinant proteins also activated force in the absence of Ca2+ and inhibited maximum Ca2+-activated force. Recombinant proteins that lacked the combination of C1 and the motif did not affect contractile properties. These results suggest that the C1 domain plus the motif constitute a functional unit of MyBP-C that can activate the thin filament

    History-Dependent Mechanical Properties of Permeabilized Rat Soleus Muscle Fibers

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    AbstractPermeabilized rat soleus muscle fibers were subjected to repeated triangular length changes (paired ramp stretches/releases, 0.03 l0,±0.1 l0 s−1 imposed under sarcomere length control) to investigate whether the rate of stiffness recovery after movement increased with the level of Ca2+ activation. Actively contracting fibers exhibited a characteristic tension response to stretch: tension rose sharply during the initial phase of the movement before dropping slightly to a plateau, which was maintained during the remainder of the stretch. When the fibers were stretched twice, the initial phase of the response was reduced by an amount that depended on both the level of Ca2+ activation and the elapsed time since the first movement. Detailed analysis revealed three new and important findings. 1) The rates of stiffness and tension recovery and 2) the relative height of the tension plateau each increased with the level of Ca2+ activation. 3) The tension plateau developed more quickly during the second stretch at high free Ca2+ concentrations than at low. These findings are consistent with a cross-bridge mechanism but suggest that the rate of the force-generating power-stroke increases with the intracellular Ca2+ concentration and cross-bridge strain

    Микробиологическое исследование эффективности обработки корневого канала эрбиевым лазером

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    Mechanical and drug treatment of the root canal are the most important components of the success of endodontic treatment. This work presents the results on the effectiveness of the root canal disinfection using an erbium laser in combination with a 17% solution of ethylene diaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) in vitro and in clinical studies. An in vitro study was carried out on removed intact teeth infected with strains of Enterococcus faecalis, Streptococcus sanguinis, and Candida albicans. An experimental group of teeth was treated medically according to a standard protocol using 3% solution of sodium hypochlorite and 17% solution of EDTA followed by irradiation with erbium laser. The control group was treated similarly but without laser irradiation. The treatment effectiveness was evaluated by the reduction of CFU. After the treatment, in the control group after the mechanical and drug treatment, the CFU amount lowered by 4 times, while the complete sterilization was observed in the experimental group. The clinical studies included two groups of 35 patients each diagnosed with chronic periodontitis. In the experimental group of patients, at the final stage, treatment with erbium laser for 1 min using endodontic piece (40 mJ power, 2940 nm wavelength, 10 Hz pulse rate) and a 17% EDTA solution was performed before filling. Periodontitis treatment in the control group was carried out without the laser treatment. The control group of patients saw the reduction on CFU after the mechanical and drug treatment by 3–6 times, while the experimental group achieved the complete sterilization of the root canals. The obtained results prove that the modification of the root canal treatment by the inclusion of erbium laser irradiation is a promising direction in endodontics.Механическая и медикаментозная обработка корневого канала – важнейшие составляющие успеха эндодонтического лечения. В статье представлены результаты исследования эффективности дезинфекционной обработки корневого канала 17%-ым раствором этилендиаминтетрауксусной кислоты (ЭДТА) в сочетании с эрбиевым лазером (Er:YAG) in vitro и в клинических исследованиях. Исследование in vitro выполнено на интактных удаленных зубах, инфицированных штаммами Enterococcus faecalis, Streptococcus sanguinis и Candida albicans. Опытную группу зубов обрабатывали медикаментозно по стандартному протоколу с использованием 3%-го раствора гипохлорита натрия и 17%-го раствора ЭДТА с последующим облучением эрбиевым лазером. Обработку контрольной группы зубов проводили анало гичным образом, но без облучения лазером. Эффективность обработки оценивали по уменьшению титра КОЕ. В контрольной группе титр КОЕ после механической и медикаментозной обработки снизился в 4 раза, а в опытной группе была достигнута полная стерилизация корневых каналов. В клинические исследования были включены две группы пациентов по 35 человек с диагнозом хронический пародонтит. В опытной группе пациентов на последнем этапе лечения проводили обработку корневых каналов эрбиевым лазером в течение одной минуты эндодонтической насадкой с энергией 40 мДж с длиной волны 2940 нм, при частоте импульса 10 Гц с 17%-ым раствором ЭДТА и обтурировали. В контрольной группе проводили лечение периодонтита без обработки лазером. В контрольной группе пациентов титр КОЕ после механической и медикаментозной обработки снизился в 3–6 раз, а в опытной группе была достигнута полная стерилизация корневых каналов. Полученные результаты доказывают, что модификация протокола обработки корневого канала излучением эрбиевого лазера является перспективным направлением в эндодонтии

    Анализ структурно-функциональной организации хлоропластного генома карельской березы на основании данных высокопроизводительного секвенирования

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    The sequencing and annotation of the curly birch chloroplast genome were carried out. A high level of similarity of the structural and functional organization of cpDNA among the species of the Betulaceae family was revealed. A set of primers was developed to assess the level of expression of EST markers of the curly birch cpDNA by the real time PCR method.Проведено секвенирование и аннотация хлоропластного генома карельской березы. Выявлен высокий уровень сходства структурно-функциональной организации хпДНК среди видов семейства Betulaceae. Разработан набор праймеров для оценки уровня экспрессии EST-маркеров хпДНК карельской березы методом ПЦР-РВ

    Role of turbulence and electric fields in the formation of transport barriers and the establishment of improved confinement in tokamak plasmas through inter-machine comparison

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    Over the past decade new regimes of tokamak operation have been identified, whereby electrostatic and magnetic turbulence responsible for anomalous transport, can be externally suppressed, leading to improved confinement. Although turbulence measurements have been performed on many confinement devices, the insight gained from these experiments is relatively limited. To make further progress in the understanding of plasma turbulence in relation to improved confinement and transport barriers, an extensive experimental and theoretical research programme should be undertaken. The present INTAS project investigates the correlations between on the one hand the occurrence of transport barriers and improved confinement in the tokamaks TEXTOR & T-10 and Tore Supra as well as on the smaller-scale tokamaks FT-2, TUMAN-3M and CASTOR, and on the other hand electric fields, modified magnetic shear and electrostatic and magnetic turbulence using advanced diagnostics with high spatial and temporal resolution. This is done in a strongly coordinated way and exploiting the complementarity of TEXTOR and T-10 and the backup potential of the other tokamaks, which together have all the relevant experimental tools and theoretical expertise. Advanced theoretical models and numerical simulations are used to check the experimental results.За останні десять років було отримано нові режими роботи токамаків, у яких електростатична і магнітна турбулентність, відповідальна за аномальний перенос, могла заглушатися шляхом зовнішнього впливу, і тим самим досягалося поліпшене утримання. Незважаючи на те, що дослідження турбулентності проводилися на багатьох установках, розуміння цих процесів залишається досить обмеженим. Для досягнення подальшого прогресу в розумінні плазмової турбулентності з погляду поліпшеного утримання і транспортних бар'єрів необхідні інтенсивні експериментальні і теоретичні дослідження. Проект INTAS спрямовано на з'ясування кореляції між виникненням транспортних бар'єрів і поліпшеного утримання в токамаках TEXTOR, Т-10 і Tore Supra, а також у токамаках малих розмірів ФТ-2, ТУМАН-3М и CASTOR, з одного боку, і електричними полями, модифікованим магнітним широм і електростатичною і магнітною турбулентністю, з іншого боку, з використанням передових діагностичних засобів з високим просторовим і тимчасовим розділенням. Дослідження проводяться з високим ступенем координації робіт і використанням взаємодоповнюваності установок TEXTOR і Т-10, і можливостей інших токамаків, що в сукупності забезпечить необхідну експериментальну і теоретичну перевірку. Для перевірки експериментальних результатів буде використано нові теоретичні моделі і чисельне моделювання.В последние десять лет были получены новые режимы работы токамаков, в которых электростатическая и магнитная турбулентность, ответственная за аномальный перенос, могла подавляться путём внешнего воздействия, и тем самым достигалось улучшенное удержание. Несмотря на то, что исследования турбулентности проводились на многих установках, понимание этих процессов остаётся весьма ограниченным. Для достижения дальнейшего прогресса в понимании плазменной турбулентности с точки зрения улучшенного удержания и транспортных барьеров необходимы интенсивные экспериментальные и теоретические исследования. Проект INTAS направлен на выяснение корреляции между возникновением транспортных барьеров и улучшенного удержания в токамаках TEXTOR, Т-10 и Tore Supra, а также в токамаках малых размеров ФТ-2, ТУМАН-3М и CASTOR, с одной стороны, и электрическими полями, модифицированным магнитным широм и электростатической и магнитной турбулентностью, с другой стороны, с использованием передовых диагностических средств с высоким пространственным и временным разрешением. Исследования проводятся с высокой степенью координации работ и использованием взаимодополняемости установок TEXTOR и Т-10, и возможностей других токамаков, что в совокупности обеспечит необходимую экспериментальную и теоретическую проверку. Для проверки экспериментальных результатов будут использованы новые теоретические модели и численное моделирование

    23rd IAEA Fusion Energy Conference: summary of sessions EX/C and ICC

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    An overview is given of recent experimental results in the areas of innovative confinement concepts, operational scenarios and confinement experiments as presented at the 2010 IAEA Fusion Energy Conference. Important new findings are presented from fusion devices worldwide, with a strong focus towards the scientific and technical issues associated with ITER and W7-X devices, presently under construction

    Dermacentor reticulatus: a vector on the rise

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    Dermacentor reticulatus is a hard tick species with extraordinary biological features. It has a high reproduction rate, a rapid developmental cycle, and is also able to overcome years of unfavourable conditions. Dermacentor reticulatus can survive under water for several months and is cold-hardy even compared to other tick species. It has a wide host range: over 60 different wild and domesticated hosts are known for the three active developmental stages. Its high adaptiveness gives an edge to this tick species as shown by new data on the emergence and establishment of D. reticulatus populations throughout Europe. The tick has been the research focus of a growing number of scientists, physicians and veterinarians. Within the Web of Science database, more than a fifth of the over 700 items published on this species between 1897 and 2015 appeared in the last three years (2013–2015). Here we attempt to synthesize current knowledge on the systematics, ecology, geographical distribution and recent spread of the species and to highlight the great spectrum of possible veterinary and public health threats it poses. Canine babesiosis caused by Babesia canis is a severe leading canine vector-borne disease in many endemic areas. Although less frequently than Ixodes ricinus, D. reticulatus adults bite humans and transmit several Rickettsia spp., Omsk haemorrhagic fever virus or Tick-borne encephalitis virus. We have not solely collected and reviewed the latest and fundamental scientific papers available in primary databases but also widened our scope to books, theses, conference papers and specialists colleagues’ experience where needed. Besides the dominant literature available in English, we also tried to access scientific literature in German, Russian and eastern European languages as well. We hope to inspire future research projects that are necessary to understand the basic life-cycle and ecology of this vector in order to understand and prevent disease threats. We conclude that although great strides have been made in our knowledge of the eco-epidemiology of this species, several gaps still need to be filled with basic research, targeting possible reservoir and vector roles and the key factors resulting in the observed geographical spread of D. reticulatus. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s13071-016-1599-x) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

    Evaluation of anatomy and root canal morphology of the maxillary first molar using the cone-beam computed tomography among residents of the moscow region

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    Background: The success of endodontic treatment depends on the knowledge of root canal system. The root canals have complex morphology and wide individual variations. The aim of this study was to evaluate the root canal morphology of the maxillary first molars among residents of the Moscow region using cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) scanning. Materials and Methods: Three hundred CBCT images of patients aged 20-70 years old were analyzed to study the root canal system (the number of canals and the configuration according to Vertucci's classification) of the maxillary first molars. The prevalence of a second mesiobuccal (MB2) in the mesiobuccal root (MB) was recorded in each age group. Results: three separated roots of the maxillary first molar were observed in 100% of cases. MB2 canals were found in 59.8% of cases. A second distobuccal canal was observed in 0.5% of cases. The canal morphology in the MB root was 40.2% in Type I, 22.4% in Type II, and 37.3% in Type IV. Conclusion: The prevalence of MB2 canals was 59.8%, and the most common canal morphology was Vertucci's Type I. Using CBCT scanning is a useful technique to evaluate and analyze the root canal system. © 2018 Contemporary Clinical Dentistry | Published by Wolters Kluwer - Medknow