149 research outputs found

    Hormonal sex reversal of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) by ethynylestradiol-17α (EE2)

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    Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) females grow larger and mature later than males, making all-female stocks economically advantageous. The objective of this research was to develop methods for the production of monosex populations of trout through the use of sex steroids. The synthetic estrogen ethynylestradiol-17α (EE2) was administered in single period-immersion treatment of 400 µg/l for 1, 2, 4 and 8 h to groups of newly-hatched sac fries of rainbow trout and in a 30 day dietary treatment of 5, 10, 15 and 20 mg/kgf of newly swum up fries. 73.4 And 94.5% females were obtained with 1 and 2-h single-immersion of EE2 respectively (38% female in control). However, higher doses progressively reduced the survival drastically. Sex ratios of dietary treatment of fry were 60, 57.4, 78 and 94% females respectively. Treatments also resulted in a slight increase of both weight and length. This increase was related to the method of hormonal exposure (dietary > immersion), but not dosage-dependent for utilized hormone. This demonstrates that the direct feminization of rainbow trout can be achieved and resulted in sex reversal ratio effectively but not decreased the growth, as observed in hormonal sex reversed females, and it would be a noticeable approach to the direct feminization of trout

    First report of Bruchidius plagiatus (Col.: Bruchidae) from Iran, feeding on a new host plant

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    در طی بررسی‌های مربوط به فون سوسک‌های خانواده‌ی Bruchidae مرتبط با گیاهان تیره‌ی بقولات (Fabaceae) در آذربایجان‌ غربی, نمونه‌هایی از یک گونه سخت‌بال‌پوش از درون نیام‌های گیاه Astragalus caryolobus Bunge جمع‌آوری و به نام Bruchidius plagiatus (Reiche & Saulcy) شناسایی شد. برخی از مشخصات شکل‌شناسی و زیست‌شناسی این گونه ارائه شده است

    Machine Learning for Determining Interactions between Air Pollutants and Environmental Parameters in Three Cities of Iran

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    Air pollution, as one of the most significant environmental challenges, has adversely affected the global economy, human health, and ecosystems. Consequently, comprehensive research is being conducted to provide solutions to air quality management. Recently, it has been demonstrated that environmental parameters, including temperature, relative humidity, wind speed, air pressure, and vegetation, interact with air pollutants, such as particulate matter (PM), NO2, SO2, O3, and CO, contributing to frameworks for forecasting air quality. The objective of the present study is to explore these interactions in three Iranian metropolises of Tehran, Tabriz, and Shiraz from 2015 to 2019 and develop a machine learning-based model to predict daily air pollution. Three distinct assessment criteria were used to assess the proposed XGBoost model, including R squared (R2), Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE), and Mean Absolute Error (MAE). Preliminary results showed that although air pollutants were significantly associated with meteorological factors and vegetation, the formulated model had low accuracy in predicting (R2PM2.5 = 0.36, R2PM10 = 0.27, R2NO2 = 0.46, R2SO2 = 0.41, R2O3 = 0.52, and R2CO = 0.38). Accordingly, future studies should consider more variables, including emission data from manufactories and traffic, as well as sunlight and wind direction. It is also suggested that strategies be applied to minimize the lack of observational data by considering second-and third-order interactions between parameters, increasing the number of simultaneous air pollution and meteorological monitoring stations, as well as hybrid machine learning models based on proximal and satellite data

    Study of fish consumption per capita per year in rural and urban areas of Markazi Province, Iran

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    Survey method has been performed using questionnaire forms for study of fish consumption per capita per year in Markazi Province due to lack of enough data on this field in the said province. Each questionnaire was completed by asking questions from each of the families as a statistical population sample either in rural or urban areas. According to the national census in year 2008 by Iranian Statistical Center, there are 364564 families living in Markazi Province out of which 207802 (57%) families are urbanites and 156762 (43%) are ruralist. A sample with total population of 2525 families were chosen with 1455 families living in urban and 1075 families in rural areas. Systematic random sampling was adopted in both areas which show people consuming fish once in 25 days with 5.8 Kg as per capita and per year for the whole Markazi Province

    Comparison of growth and survival rate between import and native rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)

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    Rainbow trout is only species of cold water fishes which is rearing and propagation in Iranian fishery farms. Along of develop aquaculture industries increase request of best produces such as trout eyed eggs and larva. For this reason fishery farmers must be to provide that the way of import of other countries, such as: Denmark, Norway and France. As for this importance subject and unknown basic information about preference ratio for doing it, we needed to study about that to answer the suppliant questions. In this study carried out 3 test groups (3 treatments with 3 repetitions) and compared specific growth rate (SGR), condition factor (CF) and survival rate (SVR) between in this groups. Statistical analysis were significantly difference of increase rate of length and weight in French group with other groups (p<0.05). Compared of main factors (SGR, CF, SVR) in French test group were significantly difference with other groups (p<0.05). Survival rate percentage in Iranian treatments (SVR=%67) were significantly with the others (p<0.05). This ratio respectively in Danish and French treatment was %54 and %48

    Production of monosex female population of rainbow trout by use of 17-B estradiol as direct method

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    In many species of finfish, females exhibit higher growth rates than males and achieve larger sizes. In addition, in some species, males mature before reaching marketable size. Therefore, there is great interest from the fish farmers to produce all-female stocks. In this project tried to reversing the sex of rainbow trout larvae by 17 estradiol and direct method, further more finding the optimum dose of this natural estrogen for endocrine sex reversion of Rainbow trout (O. mykiss). Four experimental treatments were designed with doses of 10, 20, 30 and 40 mg/kgf. Trout which treated with 40 mg/kgf yielded 96% female and greatest growth

    Cryopreservation of rainbow trout (Onchorhynchus mykiss) semen

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    Breeding has moved beyond the point of simply propagating random stock. Genetic potential can be improved by establishing and crossing genetically defined strains, crossing species and manipulating gametes. Some of these activities require cryopreservation of semen. Cryopreserved sperm could also be a means of exchange of genetic material between locations and populations when transportation of live fish is restricted. In this study we had a survey on rainbow trout sperm quality in Genetic and Breeding Center for Coldwatwr Fishes, Shahid Motahari, Yasouj. Then Cryopreservation trials on rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) sperm were carried out using six basic extenders. Egg batches of 25 g were inseminated with semen frozen in five 0.5-ml straws. Thowing temperature of cryopreserved sperm also was tested. In anather trial we investigate different cryoprotectant. The result showd that the best period for sperm collection in this center was from Novamber to January. The best extender based on sperm motility parameters were extender 2 and 1 with 57.2 and 56.9% fertilisatin rates, respectively. So this two extender were used in the further experiments. The best thowing temperathre was 25°C in 30s. Testing different cryoprotectant, adding 10% methanol to extender 1 gave the highest fertilization rate (64.6%) among cryoprotectant that used with this extender. In the other extender (2) adding 5% DMSO and mixture of 5% DMSO and 1% glycerol gave the highest fertilization rates (64.8% and 67.0%, respectively). In conclusion using extender 1 and 2 with mentioned cryoprotectant and thowing rate of 25°C in 30 s was recammended for rainbow trout sperm cryopreservation

    The production of all-female in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) using indirect feminization

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    The sex reversal technique in fish is widespread in many countries. The development of these techniques is desirable because rainbow trout males reach their gonad maturity earlier compared to the females. Rainbow trout alevins were treated with 17α-methyltestosterone incorporated in the diet (0.5. 1.5, 3, 6 and 10 mg/kg) for 60 days from the beginning of first feeding. Sex was determined at 180 and 680 dpf by sampling fish (n = 20) from each group and examining gross gonadal morphology under a dissecting microscope. Also sex reversal ratio and growth performance were determined in hormone-treated groups. These sex reversed functional males were reared for brood stock until they attained sexual maturity. At the end of experiment, normal rainbow trout eggs were fertilized with the sperms taken from sex reversed males for producing all-female populations. Examination of the results showed that 17α- methyltestosterone was effective in all treatment. The highest sex reversal ratio with 100% was observed in group treated with 0.5, 1.5 and 3 mg/kg 17α- methyltestosterone. The highest live weight ratios were observed in groups fed with 6, 0.5 17α-methyltestosterone and control group. Female progeny produced from the sex reversed males were 100 % in all males that sired offspring. All female trout stocks produced by this method have advantage in rainbow trout culture since the fish is not meant for direct human consumption and is used to generate brood stock, therefore, difference of growth parameters do not influence the success

    Investigation of breeding and culture in Iranian cichlid (Iranocichla hormuzensis) as endemic and ornamental species

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    Iranian Cichlid is an invaluable ornamental species which is domesticated in Iran and called Iranocichla hormuzensis scientifically, is living in the Hormoz zone, Shahou River (between Bandar Abbas and Haji Abad). The first phase of the research project started in September of 2012 and lasted about 18 months, focused on adapting the wild cichlids to cope with the aquarium environment. Therefore, about 63 male and female of Iranian cichlids collected from the natural habitat, Shahou River, then moved to the nearest city, Bandar Abbas to and released in aquariums which were filled by water of River where they were living. After few days they moved to “innovative aquaculture technologies research station” and reared in 100 liter glass tanks to monitor their behaviors. By initial days, the Cichlids seemed to be stressed out significantly, they were flashing, hitting them to the aquarium, trying to jump out and get discolored due to strange environment. By days, the stressful treats decreased and the experiments coped with the new environment. At the next step, schools of 5-7 fish organized to pear up. The mortality rate collected daily and accidental biometry recorded fortnightly. The rearing temperature adjusted and was stable at 37˚C. Finally, the Cichlids were completely adopted and prepared for mating and breeding

    The creation of genetic basic population of rainbow trout (Onchorhynchus mykiss) based on study of genetic variation in brood stocks using microsatellite

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    In order to perform the project, 446 samples of rainbow trout (Onchorhynchus mykiss) from 24 different regions in Iran were collected. About 2-3 g of caudal fin samples was collected from each specimen and preserved in absolute ethyl alcohol and then transferred to the genetic laboratory. Genomic DNA was extracted using the phenol-chloroform method and then DNA content and quality was determined using spectrophotometry and agarose gel electrophoresis, respectively. Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) of genomic DNA fin samples was carried out using 10 pairs of microsatellite primers. All PCR products were electrophoresed on 6% polyacrylamide gel and stained with silver nitrate. Following the scoring of alleles, all parameters including allelic frequency, effective number of allele, observed and expected heterozygosity, shanon index, measurement of similarity and genetic distance and Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, Fst , Rst and gene flow were calculated using AMOVA analysis in the GenAlex and Popgene programs. The results showed that 8 pairs of microsatellite primers were polymorphic. In total, 50 alleles were determined with the range size of 64-280 bp. The locus omyf had maximum number of allele (26) and loci OTSG 474 and Strurruta58 had minimum number of allele (5). The observed heterozygosity was between 0.86 and 0.964. Hardy-Weinberg departure was observed for all loci from farms 18, 15, 4, E20 and 21 and were disequilibrium (P<0.05). The farms 14, 8, 7 and 6 were equilibrium at 3 loci, but showed disequilibrium in other loci. The other farms were equilibrium at 1 or 2 loci and disequilibrium at 8 or 9 loci. The FST results showed that maximum FST (0.24) were between farms 1 and 11in which had minimum of gene flow (3.7). Minimum FST (0.04) were between farms 8 and 9 in which had maximum of gene flow (346). Based on the results of AMOVA analysis, significant differences were detected between all farms (P<0.01). Furthermore, based on Nei 's standard (1972) maximum genetic distance (0.89) were observed between farms 2 and 11 and maximum genetic similarity (0.15) were detected between farms 3 and 4. This result suggests that the unique genetic variation of rainbow trout in hatchery farms of Iran represents a highly valuable genetic resource and provide useful information for creating a based population in the future breeding programs