128 research outputs found

    My Left Side Hurts, Mom

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    The Impact of Virtual Learning Environments on Student Achievement

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    The purpose of this research was to investigate whether or not there is a correlation between scholastic achievement, level of involvement, and level of satisfaction with Virtual Learning Environments (VLEs) among undergraduate students. The participants (N = 200) filled out self-report questionnaires regarding their scholastic achievement, involvement, level of contentment with virtual learning environments (VLEs), and punctuality. According to the findings, a student's level of contentment with their virtual learning environments was substantially associated with both their scholastic achievement (r =.53, p .001) and their level of involvement (r =.47, p .001). On the other hand, there was only a moderately strong association between punctuality and scholastic achievement (r =.25, p .01). These findings indicate that virtual learning environments (VLEs) can have a beneficial influence on the learning outcomes of students when they are successfully developed and implemented. The findings shed light on how critical it is to effectively create and implement VLEs in order to foster student involvement, inspiration, and scholastic achievement. These findings have significant repercussions for instructors and instructional programmers who work toward the goal of improving the learning outcomes of students by utilizing various forms of technology

    Creative Spark layihəsinin görüşü keçirildi

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    A comparative study of supine lying, side lying and prone positioning on oxygen saturation, in mechanically ventilated patients, in acute respiratory failure

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    Background: Body positioning refers to optimize O2 transport by manipulating effect of gravity on cardiopulmonary and cardiovascular function. Positioning should be an integral part of respiratory care, especially when prophylaxis is aim. Turning patient supine to lateral to prone to lateral, at least hourly makes a difference between living and dying for intensive care patient. Positioning reduces atelectasis and improves gas exchange.Methods: Total 33 subjects aged between 15-73 years, 21 male and 12 female patients were selected for study from ICU, Neurological trauma unit Pune. Inclusion criteria: All subjects with respiratory failure due to different pathologies like ARDS, Pulmonary edema, pneumonia, tuberculosis, collection of fluid in pleural cavity with underlying lung collapse. Exclusion criteria: Unstable cardiac conditions, unstable fractures, unstable hemodynamic, recently operated cardiac subjects. The patients were kept in supine position, lateral and prone and vitals like BP, HR, RR and oxygen saturation with help of pulse oximeter noted just before position. Thorough ET or tracheostomy suction was done. Before turning patient if any intercostal drain present was clamped. Results: Paired t-test was used. p values for prone and bilateral side lying positions was < 0.05 showing its significance for above mentioned 3-positions. p value for supine was not < 0.05 showing its non-significance. Conclusion: The study concluded that oxygen saturation improves in prone lying and side lying position as compared to supine lying. But this improvement is quiet significant in prone position as compared to side lying.

    Le rôle de la femme dans la société de l’Asie centrale sous les Timourides et les Sheybanides

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    La femme a toujours joué un rôle non négligeable dans la vie politique et économique de la société centre-asiatique à toutes les étapes de son développement. Le travail féminin occupe également une place importante dans l’économie. Pourtant, de nos jours encore et même dans les ouvrages scientifiques, on a tendance à ne présenter la femme musulmane que comme une épouse confinée dans un harem et à sous-estimer sa place dans la vie sociale et privée de l’Orient. En fait, du point de vue juridiq..

    Les routes caravanières entre villes de l’Inde et de l’Asie centrale : déplacements des artisans et circulation des articles artisanaux

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    Tout au long de son histoire, l’économie de l’État de Timour et des Timourides, puis des Chaybanides a reposé sur ses importantes relations commerciales avec de nombreux pays, voisins et lointains. Des liens qui se sont perpétués en suivant toujours les mêmes routes, pourtant difficiles sur certains tronçons. Mais les revenus des marchands, énormes, compensaient toutes les embûches et tous les obstacles de ces itinéraires. Les artisans du Mawarannahr utilisaient simultanément des matières pre..

    IV phenobarbitone shock

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    Deficiency of Folate in Pregnancy on Diverse Subjects Using FTIR Spectroscopy

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    This study is an attempt to assess, evaluate and compare the spectral difference in saliva and serum between healthy and anomalies pregnant women because of deficiency of folate by utilizing Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy. Folate is required for the development of healthy embryo and plays vital role in the fetus spinal cord and brain development. The present work is to study the folate deficiency in pregnancy-Anomalies (open neural defect) and contrast the outcome of the result with normal healthy pregnant women. The outcome of the results showed that there is a significant difference or contrast between the folate of healthy pregnant and anomalies (open neural defect) in pregnant women, both in the sample of saliva and serum. From the spectral analysis, the intensity ratio parameters have been computed and introduced. The result of the outcomes shows that for both qualitative and quantitative investigation of biological fluids and to distinguish between the sample sets from healthy and anomalies-diseased groups, FTIR is utilized. The internal standard method is described in characterizing the samples quantitatively