276 research outputs found

    Identifikasi Status Hara Dan Produksi Padi Pada Lahan Sawah Terasering Dan Non Terasering Di Kecamatan Onan Runggu Kabupaten Samosir

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi status hara tanah dan produksi padi pada sawah dengan sistem terasering dan membandingkannya dengan non terasering di Kecamatan Onan Runggu Kabupaten Samosir. Dilakukan pada bulan Mei sampai Juli 2016. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif dengan menggunakan metode survei. Teknik sampling berdasarkan metode startified sampling. Data diuji dengan uji t taraf 5%. Sampel tanah dianalisis di Laboratorium, parameter yang diamati C - Organik dengan metode Walkley and Black, pH Tanah dengan metode elektrometrik, Tekstur dengan metode Hydrometer Boyoucous, , N - Total dengan metode Kjeldhal, P, K, Zn (metode ekstrak HCl 25%). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Status hara C ā€“ organik, N, dan P pada lahan sawah terasering rendah sampai sangat rendah sedangkan hara K dan Zn sangat tinggi. pH pada teras atas lebih tinggi dibandingkan teras bawah. Kandungan hara K pada teras atas lebih tinggi dibandingkan teras lainnya. Ada kecenderungan produksi pada teras atas lebih tinggi dibandingkan teras lainnya. Status hara C ā€“ organik, N, dan P pada lahan sawah dengan sistem non terasering rendah sedangkan hara K dan Zn sangat tinggi. Terdapat perbedaan persentase fraksi pasir pada terasering dan non terasering. Kandungan hara N pada terasering lebih rendah dibandingkan non terasering. K pada teraserasering lebih tinggi dibandingkan non terasering. Ada kecenderungan produksi padi lebih tinggi pada terasering dibandingkan non terasering

    Kajian Pemanfaatan Konsentrat Limbah Cair Dan Abu Boiler Pabrik Kelapa Sawit Sebagai Sumber Unsur Hara Tanah Ultisol

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    Greenhouse study experiment aimed to study the utilization of waste liquid concentrates and boiler ash of palm oil mill as nutrient source of Ultisols. This study was using complete block randomized design with two factor and three replications, concentrate of waste liquid factor 0, 10, 20, 30 ton / ha and boiler ash factor 0, 50, 100, 150 kg K2O / ha. Parameters measured were soil pH, organic-C, total -N, available-P, and exchange K, plant height, shoot dry weight, root dry weight, and plant N, P, K uptake. The result of study showed that concentrate of waste liquid of palm oil mill can act as nutrient sources because increase all parameters, but boiler ash just increase soil pH, available P, exchange K and plant P uptak

    Tingkat Kecemasan Atlet Bola Pon Aceh Tahun 2016

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    Penelitian yang berjudul: ā€œTingkat Kecemasan Atlet Bola Voli PON Aceh Tahun 2016ā€. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat kecemasan pada atlet bola voli PON Aceh tahun 2016. Jenis pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kuantitatif dengan jenis deskriptif yaitu data yang diperoleh berbentuk angka-angka, di mana penulis mengungkapkan fakta-fakta dan data berupa persentase pada saat penelitian dilakukan. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah atlet bola voli PON Aceh tahun 2016 yang berjumlah 11 orang atlet. Mengingat jumlah populasi yang relatif sedikit maka semua anggota populasi dijadikan sampel penelitian (total sampling). Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan angket. Teknik analisis data menggunakan kategorisasi jenjang dengan tujuan untuk mendapatkan tingkat kecemasan dan selanjutnya menghitung persentase. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data dapat disimpulkan bahwa tingkat kecemasan atlet bola voli PON Aceh tahun 2016 dengan rata-rata 84,8% berada pada kategori sedang dengan rincian sebagai berikut: (1) sebanyak 2 responden (18,1%) berada pada kategori rendah dan (2) sebanyak 9 responden (81,9%) berada pada kategori sedang. Dengan demikian, tingkat kecemasan atlet bola voli PON Aceh tahun 2016 rata-rata menyatakan mengalami kecemasan sebelum bertanding yaitu sedang. Disarankan kepada pengurus atau pelatih agar dapat memberikan pengetahuan tentang psikologi pada semua atlet

    Prevalence of F. Gigantica and Pathological Changes in Liver of Simeulue Buffalo

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    The aim of this study was to identify the prevalence of fasciolosis of Simeulue's buffalo using macroscopic approach by observing pathological changes in the liver. The sample were obtained from slaughterhouse in Sinabang. A number of 60 livers were obtained on July to September 2015 based on post mortem examination. From this sample, a total of 57 livers were found positive indication of infested by F. gigantica (95%). The length and width of F. gigantica was 25 mm and 7 mm. The body was flat as a leaf, blunt on posterior, gray, brown, transparant and do not have a real shoulder shapes. The liver which were not infested with F. gigantica showed sharp edges and a very high degree of elasticity. On the other hand, in the infested liver was found F. gigantica in the bile duct and showed a color of pale, the dark brown exudate as well as objects looks like gravel. The buffaloes sample were supplied to the abattoir from the paddy fields or oil palm plantations area. In comparison, the buffaloes raised in both areas were not different on the pathological changes of liver. In conclusion, this study showed that simeulue's buffalo is very prevalence to F. gigantica

    Volatility spillover effect of pan-Asiaā€™s property portfolio markets

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    This study assesses the spillover effect of the listed property companies that cover pan-Asian countries, namely Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Singapore, Vietnam, South Korea, Japan, China, the Philippines, and Hong Kong. The impact of market integration will create a spillover effect to the countriesā€™ economic performances, in particular the property market. As macroeconomic factors have high correlation with the performance of property security markets, it is therefore important to study the spillover effect by integrating the macroeconomic factors. This study has employed the exponential generalised autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity (EGARCH) technique to develop the volatility spillover effect among pan-Asian countries. The results reveal high volatility of listed property companies recorded in Hong Kong and China, while Singapore, The Philippines and Japan have shown low volatility spillovers. In terms of macroeconomic factors, gross domestic product (GDP) and money supply (MS) are the most significant factors in influencing the volatility spillover effect among pan-Asian countries. From the standpoint of regional investors, the volatility spillover characteristics of pan-Asian countries will aid property stakeholders in the region in developing their own methods for making investment decisions in the property security market. Furthermore, in uncertain conditions of the financial market, this study will elevate the transparency of the pan-Asian property portfolio market by providing information on the property market volatility spillovers.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Physicochemical and sensory properties of traditional baked cake (kuih bakar) with coconut milk and soy milk

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    Coconut milk is widely used in Malaysia as one of the essential ingredients in preparing traditional baked cake or ā€˜kuih bakarā€™. Increased demand for coconut milk affects its availability and cost. Thus, it is important to study a possible alternative ingredient to ensure the continuity of this traditional dessert. This project aimed to determine the physicochemical and sensory properties of ā€˜kuih bakarā€™ produced with coconut milk and soy milk. In the present study, ā€˜kuih bakarā€™ was prepared with fresh coconut milk (FCM) (positive control), fresh soy milk (FSM), commercial coconut milk (CCM), commercial soy milk (CSM), and without milk (negative control). Proximate analysis showed that substitution of coconut milk with soy milk reduced the fat and increased the protein content of ā€˜kuih bakarā€™ significantly (p 0.05) on the colour properties and water activity of the sample. There were significant differences (p < 0.05) in scores during sensory evaluation between the samples but the ā€˜kuih bakarā€™ produced with FSM showed no significant difference (p < 0.05) as compared to FCM and CCM. This study demonstrated that physicochemical and sensory attributes of traditional ā€˜kuih bakarā€™ can be maintained by using FSM as a substitution of the traditional coconut milk used in producing ā€˜kuih bakarā€™

    Effects of indoor air quality on the occupant's health and productivity in an office building

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    Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) is an important parameter in deciding the status of Sick Bulding Syndrome (SBS). Poor IAQ which leads to SBS can result in adverse effect on the health of the occupant which causing lower productivity. This study was conducted to establish correlation between IAQ and employeeā€™s productivity. Five parameters of IAQ which include air velocity, air temperature, relative humidity, particulate matters ā‰„ 0.3 Ī¼m and CO2 were considered in this study. The values of these parameters were measured using Davis Anemometer, Particle Counter GT 521 and YES Plus LGA Meter. The measured data were then used as an input data for simulation model of the room using Comsol Multiphysics software. The simulation generated the indoor air velocity of the room and particle distribution. For validation purpose, only the predicted velocity was compared with the measured value, and found that the percentage difference were in the range of 1.5% to 8.45% (below than 10%). Once the model had been validated, the parametric study of air supply inlet position was conducted on the model and found that the position of air supply inlet with x = 2.5 ft, y = 10 ft and H = 6.5 ft give the most efficient air distribution model for diluting the impurities due to the particulate. The questionnaire survey distributed amongst the occupants of the room showed that the occupants were less satisfied (75%) with the IAQ which can lead to SBS problem. The analysis of correlation between IAQ and occupant's productivity depicted that both of the factors were correlated with Rank-Spearman value of 0.648. This study serves as a good platform in assessing IAQ based on the modelling and simulation approach

    Application of Cow Manure Waste and Calcium Oxide Lime (CaO) on Growth and Yield of Cowpea Plant (Vigna Sinensis L.)

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    Introduction: The research was aimed to obtain an appropriate dose of cow manure waste, calcium oxide lime, and interactions in increasing the growth and yield of cowpea. Material and Methods: The research was conducted in Secanggang Village, Secanggang Subdistrict, Langkat District in June until September 2017. The research was conducted using the Randomized Block Design Factorial, the first factor (cow manure waste) dose of L0 = 0 ton.ha-1; L1 = 10 ton.ha-1; L2 = 20 ton.ha-1. The second factor (calcium oxide lime) dose of K0 = 0 ton.ha-1; K1 = 3 ton.ha-1; K2 = 6 ton.ha-1; and K3 = 9 ton.ha-1. Data were analyzed using the F and followed by DMRT at level 5% using IBM SPSS Statistics v.20 software. Results: The cow manure waste dosages of 10 until 20 ton.ha-1 significantly increased the plant height at 4 Weeks After Planting (WAP) and yield.plot-1 of cowpea ranged from 2.14 to 2.50% and 13.00 to 15.98%, respectively and the dose of 20 ton.ha-1 significantly increased the yield.sample-1 of 17.44% compared to untreated. The application of calcium oxide lime at the dose of 9 ton.ha-1 significantly increased the plant height of cowpea at 4 WAP of 2.46%, and the dose of 6 until 9 ton.ha-1 significantly increased the yield.sample-1 and yield.plot-1, however the highest was found in the dosage 6 ton.ha-1 of 13.51% and 20.16% compared to untreated. The interaction of cow manure waste with calcium oxide lime were not significant effect on growth and yield of cowpea

    The Influence Of Viral Marketing And Social Media Marketing On Instagram Adds Purchase Decisions

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    The purpose of this study is to ascertain how viral marketing and social media advertising impact consumers' purchasing choices on the Instagram Adds platform. The study's sample is made up of Instagram Adds users. The 159 respondents who were sampled were employed in a purposive sampling procedure to get samples. Tests of validity and dependability were run on the research data. The hypothesis test in this study used multiple linear regression tests. According to the conclusions of the first hypothesis test, the test results show that (1) Viral marketing increases purchasing behaviour on the Instagram Adds platform. (2) The results of the testing of the second hypothesis show that social media marketing has an effect on consumers' decisions to make purchases through the Instagram Adds platform
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