16 research outputs found

    Auditees’ Perception on Accountability Index: A Study in a Malaysian Public University

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    Studies have shown that success implementation of a system could affect users’ perception towards the system and in turn influence their acceptance or reluctance towards the system. This study examines auditees’ perception toward Accountability Index, an audit rating system. This study also examines whether auditees’ demographic profile influences their perception on the audit rating system. A questionnaire survey was adopted on 116 top and middle management staff in a Malaysian public university. The results show that auditees were receptive towards the idea of the Internal Audit Department to implement Accountability Index. The results also show that three demographic profile, namely, position, service years in the current department and the university contributed towards the variation in auditees’ perception on Accountability Index. The findings in this study provide further understanding on the importance of an audit rating system for organisational success. Keywords: Accountability Index; Internal Audit Department; Auditees; Perception; MalaysiaRésumé: Des études ont montré que la mise en œuvre réussie d'un système pouvait affecter la perception des utilisateurs envers le système et influence, à son tour, leur acceptation ou réticence envers ce système. Cette étude examine la perception des auditeurs de l'indice de la responsabilisation, un système de notation de l'audit. Elle examine également si le profile démographique des auditeurs influe sur leur perception du système de notation de l'audit. Une enquête par questionnaire a été appliquée sur 116 personnel de direction de haut niveau et de niveau moyen dans une université publique malaisienne. Les résultats montrent que les auditeurs étaient réceptifs à l'idée d'un département de l'Audit Interne pour mettre en oeuvre l'indice de responsabilisation. Les résultats montrent également que trois profil démographiques, à savoir la position, les années de service l'actuel département et l'université ont contribué à la variation dans la perception des auditeurs de l'indice de la responsabilisation. Les conclusions de cette étude permettent de comprendre davantage l'importance d'un système de notation de l'audit pour la réussite organisationnelle. Mots-clés: indice de responsabilisation; département de l'audit interne; auditeurs; perception; Malaisi

    Penderaan Ekonomi Mangsa Keganasan Rumah Tangga: Perspektif Pengamal

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    Keganasan rumah tangga merupakan satu fenomena global dalam masyarakat sejak sekian lama yang begitu kompleks dan perlu ditangani dengan sebaiknya. Artikel ini cuba membincangkan salah satu hasil dapatan daripada keseluruhan kajian yang dilaksanakan bagi meneliti isu penderaan ekonomi dan kesejahteraan kewangan mangsa keganasan rumah tangga. Ia cuba meneroka isu ekonomi yang dihadapi oleh wanita yang menjadi mangsa keganasan rumah tangga daripada perspektif pengamal yang mengendalikan keskes sebegini. Data kajian kualitatif ini diperoleh semasa temubual dan perbincangan kumpulan berfokus (FGD) dilaksanakan dengan menggunakan analisis tematik. Seramai lima belas orang kakitangan atau pengamal di Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat telah diminta untuk berkongsi pengalaman mereka berkenaan isu pengendalian kes mangsa keganasan rumah tangga serta konflik kewangan dan kesejahteraan ekonomi wanita yang menjadi mangsa penderaan. Hasil kajian mendapati bahawa isu-isu penderaan ekonomi dan kewangan tertumpu kepada isu pekerjaan dan sumber pendapatan serta kebergantungan si pelaku dan mangsa, isu gaya hidup negatif pelaku dan kawalan pelaku kepada sumber kewangan yang dijana oleh mangsa

    Selecting the most effective plant growth-promoting bacteria from oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq) roots

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    A total of 30 bacterial isolates were isolated from soil, rhizoplane, and internal tissue of oil palm roots. The isolates were qualitatively tested for their potential to fix N2, solubilize inorganic P and K, and produce phytohormone indole-3-acetic acid. Of the 30 isolates, six isolates were able to exhibit multiple beneficial traits. All six isolates were then identified based on fatty acid methyl esters profile as Escherichia coli strain EX2, Serratia sp. strain EN1, Pantoea ananatis strain EN3, Bacillus sp. strain EN5, Pantoea ananatis strain EN8 and Pantoea sp. strain EN9. Subsequently, all shortlisted isolates were evaluated for plant growth-promoting potential by using shallot as a test plant. The plant test showed no significant difference (p>0.05) between inoculated and uninoculated plants except for Pantoea sp. strain EN9 inoculation which increased significantly (p<0.05) total root length over uninoculated control. Host specificity and IAA capacity of the isolates may be among the important factors affecting their effectiveness in plant growth promotion

    Ameliorative effects of Aquilaria malaccensis leaves aqueous extract on reproductive toxicity induced by cyclophosphamide in male rats

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    Background: Cyclophosphamide (CP) is a widely used anti-neoplastic and immunosuppressive agent that is associated with adverse side effects including reproductive toxicity. Aquilaria malaccensis (AM) is a traditional medicinal plant which was reported to exhibit high anti-oxidant and free radical scavenging properties. The present study was aimed to evaluate the protective effects of AM leaves extract on sperm quality following toxic exposure to CP. Methods: Forty-eight male Sprague Dawley rats were allocated into eight groups of six rats (n = 6): control, CP only (200 mg kg−1 ), AM only (100 mg kg−1 , 300 mg kg−1 and 500 mg kg−1 ) and CP + AM (100 mg kg−1 , 300 mg kg−1 and 500 mg kg−1 ). Animals were sacrificed after 63 days of treatment and the sperm from the caudal epididymis was taken for sperm analysis. Results: The body and the reproductive organs weight, sperm count and motility did not differ between CP and other groups (P > 0.05). A significant increase (P < 0.05) in percentage of the dead and abnormal sperm were seen in the CP alone treated group compared to the control group. Co-administration of AM to the CP exposed rats significantly reduced the (P < 0.05) percentage of abnormal sperm as compared to the CP only group. Conclusion: Overall, the present results represent the potential of AM to protect against CP induced reproductive toxicity

    Adolescent to Adolescent Transformation Program- Nurturing, Enhancing and Promoting Adolescents’ Healthy Habit (ATAP-NEPAH): Curbing Social Problems Among Adolescents in Kelantan Through Peer-To-Peer Health Education

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    The objectives of ATAP-NEPAH are to enhance and nurture healthy habits among adolescents as well as to empower adolescents in inculcating these healthy habits among them. Health education through peer-to-peer approach is used to instill the knowledge on important areas such as sexual and reproductive health, smoking, substance abuse, illegal street racing (rempit) and mental health. Specific modules were developed by experts (lecturers) in multidisciplinary fields in collaboration with Malaysian Association for Adolescent Health (MAAH), National Population and Family Development Board (NPFDB), Reproductive Health Association of Kelantan (REHAK) and Rhaudatus Sakinah Kelantan. The trained Medical Students Facilitator Team (MSFT) of USM became trainers to secondary one school students. The selected school students were trained by the medical students to become peer educators to their juniors and peers. There was improvement in the readiness level of peer educators, knowledge and attitude towards healthy habits and risky behaviors of other school students after the intervention

    Social integration among multi-ethnic students at selected Malaysian universities in Peninsular Malaysia: a survey of campus social climate

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    Institutions of higher education are expected to be beacons for harmony, bridging racial differences and promoting an atmosphere of reason, inquiry and collegiality. Institutions of higher education are in a unique position to address the teaching and learning of diversity by creating an environment that will allow positive interaction among students from different ethnicities and backgrounds. Thus, the purpose of this article is to report the results of an empirical study on campus social climate as perceived by Þrst- and Þnal-year undergraduates. The Campus Social Environment Survey is employed to gauge various aspects of cross-racial interaction among undergraduates in both private and public institutions of higher learning. The initial analysis focuses on descriptive data on four main constructs of racial integration ― accommodation, acculturation, assimilation and amalgamation. Implications and recommendations for teaching and learning as well as for future research are presented and discusse

    Influence of physical environment towards leisure time physical activity (LTPA) among adolescents

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    The purpose of this study is to identify the influence of physical environment towards leisure physical activities among adolescents. As many as 913 respondents aged between 13 to 17 years old from four districts (Seremban, Muar, Kota Star, Kuantan) in Peninsular Malaysia, were chosen through a layered cluster random sampling technique. The results show that the safety of the environment is in moderate level (busy road: M=3.51, SP=1.31; stray dog: M=3.46, SP=1.38; crime: M=3.23, SP=1.33) and it has no connection with the involvement of youth in LTPA (r=-0.01, p>0.05). It is also discovered that sports facilities limit them from undergoing physical activities during leisure hours. However, facilities are easy to be used (75%) by youth and this leads to a significant relationship with LTPA (r=0.10, p<0.05). The implication of research shows that physical environment is pivotal in order to increase the amount of youth involvement in overall free time physical activities. Thus, it is suggested that these physical activities can only take more of the teenagers’ time if they are carried out in environments which are creative, comfortable, safe and user-friendly

    A survey of social interaction among diverse students in Malaysian Higher Learning Institutions

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    Polarisation among diverse ethnic groups in higher learning institutions is becoming a delicate matter in many multiracial societies. Higher education institutions are expected to be the beacon for harmony by bridging racial differences, given the atmosphere of reason, inquiry and collegiality. Higher Education institutions are in unique position to address diversity issues by creating environment that will allow positive interaction among students from different ethnicities and backgrounds. Thus, the purpose of this article was to report results of an empirical study on ethnic relation as perceived by first andfinal year undergraduates. The Campus Social Environment Survey was designed to gauge various aspects of cross racial interaction among the undergraduates in selectedprivate and public institutions of higher learning in Malaysia. The initial analysis focuses on descriptive data on four main constructs of racial integration -accommodation, acculturation, assimilation and amalgamation. Implications and recommendations for teaching and learning as well as for future research are presented and discussed

    Application of response surface methodology for optimization of urea grafted multiwalled carbon nanotubes in enhancing nitrogen use efficiency and nitrogen uptake by paddy plants

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    Efficient use of urea fertilizer (UF) as important nitrogen (N) source in the world's rice production has been a concern. Carbon-based materials developed to improve UF performance still represent a great challenge to be formulated for plant nutrition. Advanced N nanocarrier is developed based on functionalized multiwall carbon nanotubes (f-MWCNTs) grafted with UF to produce urea-multiwall carbon nanotubes (UF-MWCNTs) for enhancing the nitrogen uptake (NU) and use efficiency (NUE). The grafted N can be absorbed and utilized by rice efficiently to overcome the N loss from soil-plant systems. The individual and interaction effect between the specified factors of f-MWCNTs amount (0.10-0.60 wt%) and functionalization reflux time (12-24 hrs) with the corresponding responses (NUE, NU) were structured via the Response Surface Methodology (RSM) based on five-level CCD. The UF-MWCNTs with optimized 0.5 wt% f-MWCNTs treated at 21 hrs reflux time achieve tremendous NUE up to 96% and NU at 1180 mg/pot. Significant model terms (p value < 0.05) for NUE and NU responses were confirmed by the ANOVA. Homogeneous dispersion of UF-MWCNTs was observed via FESEM and TEM. The chemical changes were monitored by FT-IR and Raman spectroscopy. Hence, this UF-MWCNTs' approach provides a promising strategy in enhancing plant nutrition for rice

    The effects of Aquilaria malaccensis leaves aqueous extract on sperm of sprague dawley rats towards early embryogenesis.

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    Introduction: Oxidative stress induced by excessive and unopposed levels of reactive oxygen species in male reproductive system results in impaired sperm quality, fertilization capacity and poor embryo development. Our goal is to assess the potential effects of Aquilaria malaccensis (AM) leaves, a plant with strong antioxidant property on early embryo development in vitro and embryo quality following fertilization with cyclophosphamide (CP) exposed rat sperm. Materials and Methods: Twenty four male Sprague Dawley rats were allocated into eight groups of three rats (n = 3): control, CP only (200 mg/kg), AM only (100 mg/kg, 300 mg/kg and 500 mg/kg) and CP + AM (100 mg/kg, 300 mg/kg and 500 mg/kg). Animals were sacrificed after 63 days of treatment and sperm from caudal epididymis were taken for in vitro fertilization (IVF) with oocytes from untreated female. Fertilization, embryo division and embryo morphology were examined at 8 and 48 hours post insemination and compared between groups. Statistical evaluations were performed using Chi-Square test and Fisher’s exact test and p-value<0.05 was considered significant. Results: Administration of AM leave extract at 100 mg/kg/day to normal rats and CP-exposed rats has significantly increased (p<0.05) the fertilization rate, early cleavage rate and embryo quality when compared to CP only treated group. However, other groups showed no significant differences. Conclusion: Overall, the present results indicate the potential of AM leave extract supplementation to improve the fertility and early embryo development in male rat exposed to CP by inhibiting the oxidative processes and scavenging free radicals