2,296 research outputs found

    Analisis Rasio Keuangan Perusahaan Yang Go Publik Di Bursa Efek Indonesia

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    This research was aimed to test the financial ratio capability of Liquidity, Solvability, and Profitability in predicting the probability of appearing the financial distress condition in manufacturing companies that go public in Indonesia Stock Exchange. This research was based on the quantitative approach using the prediction technique of group membership, which tested statistically to hypothesis research using logistic regression backward stepwise method. The result showed that the financial ratio can be used to predicting financial distress condition in manufacturing companies that go public in Indonesia Stock Exchange. This was based on accuracy level shown in overall classification rate about 97.1%. But, this result was also indicating that not the entire financial ratio used, capable of predicting financial distress condition in companies. The ratio that dominated explaining the financial distress condition were Liquidity that proxy by QR and Solvability that proxy by DTAR


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    This research was aimed to test the financial ratio capability of Liquidity, Solvability, and Profitability in predicting the probability of appearing the financial distress condition in manufacturing companies that go public in Indonesia Stock Exchange. This research was based on the quantitative approach using the prediction technique of group membership, which tested statistically to hypothesis research using logistic regression backward stepwise method. The result showed that the financial ratio can be used to predicting financial distress condition in manufacturing companies that go public in Indonesia Stock Exchange. This was based on accuracy level shown in overall classification rate about 97.1%. But, this result was also indicating that not the entire financial ratio used, capable of predicting financial distress condition in companies. The ratio that dominated explaining the financial distress condition were Liquidity that proxy by QR and  Solvability that proxy by DTAR. Keywords: financial distress, financial ratio, logistic regression

    Politik Kesehatan Gratis di Indonesia

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    Kesehatan gratis telah menjadi hot and sexy issue dalam berbagai event pilkada tanah air. Kesehatan gratis seringkali dipolitisir dan dimainkan oleh para calon bupati/walikota dan bahkan gubernur untuk meraih simpati masyarakat. Apa benar gratis, mengapa harus gratis dan apa peranan politik dalam kesehatan gratis menjadi sejumlah pertanyaan dalam Politik Kesehatan Gratis di Indonesia

    Agriculture for Food and Nutrition Security: A Must For Achieving the Millennium Development Goals in Africa

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    The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) underscore an overriding importance of human development for sustained economic, social, political and other development, and nutrition is the beginning of human development. Nutrition has, however, not been viewed as a development imperative in many African countries. Agricultural and health policies, projects and programmes and the conduct of agricultural and health research in most African countries do not consider nutrition to any significant degree. The paper argues that food production, poverty, malnutrition and health are very intricately linked and the result of that linkage is probably the most important determinant of development and, thus, the realization of the MDGs in Africa. It also argues that it is a misconception that food security implies or is synonymous with food and nutrition security. The paper proposes that food policies, projects, programmes and research should focus on food and nutrition security and not just food security. In that regard, the paper proposes that the following interlinked processes must be taken into consideration in agricultural policies, projects, programmes and research: (1) Effective marriage of indigenous and “scientific” knowledge in food production, processing, preservation, preparation and consumption. (2) Promotion of agrobiodiversity, including the domestication of known nutritionally-rich semi-wild plants. (3) Development of sustainable farming systems, including effective crop-livestock integration systems. (4) Development of food production-marketing-consumption-nutrition linkage processes at community levels. National and local level nutrition policy research and advocacyAgricultural and Food Policy, Community/Rural/Urban Development, Environmental Economics and Policy, Farm Management, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety, Food Security and Poverty, International Relations/Trade, Marketing, Production Economics, Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies,

    Pengaruh Pelatihan Motivasi Berbasis Otak Terhadap Kekuatan Limbik , Abilitas, Kreatifitas Dan Kemauan Siswa

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    Penelitian ini untuk bertujuan membuktikan pengaruh pelatihan motivasi berbasis otak terhadap kekuatan limbik, abilitas, kreatifitas dan kemauan siswa kelas III SMPN 9 Kabupaten Sijunjung. Penelitian ini merupakan aplikasi neurosains dalam bidang pendidikan yang telah diteliti selama lima tahun. Metodeyang digunakan adalah metode Kinesiologi yang merupakan ilmu yang mempelajari tentang saraf-saraf pada lengan yang telah dikembangkan oleh ahlinya untuk deteksi berbagai penyakit dan mampu menjelaskan secara ilmiah penyebab hal tersebut dengan mekanisme gelombang elektromagnetis tubuh.Selanjutnya, metode perrmainan motivasi (game motivation) dapat mengukur abiliotas, kreativitas dan kemauan siswa. Hasil penelitianmenunjukkan pengaruh yang nyata, dimana85.30 % kondisi limbik siswa SMPN9 pada taraf yang lemah. Sementara, sisanya dalam kondisi agak lemah 11.77% dan limbik yang kuat dengan prosentase 0.03%.pada saat sebelum pelatihan.Setelah pelatihan, limbik level kuatmenjadi 0.06%. Kondisi limbik yang lemah berkurang menjadi 42.42%.Selanjutnya, sebelum pelatihan, nilai kreatifitas, abilitas dan kemauan masing-masing adalah 12-109, 12-93 dan 16-82. Setelah pelatihan tingkat kreativitas, abilitas dan kemauan siswa meningkat dengan rentang masing-masing 38-137, 22-96 dan 29-150. Terbukti, pelatihan motivasi berbasis otak mempengaruhikekuatan limbik, abilitas, kreatifitas dan kemauan siswa kelas III SMPN 9 Kabupaten Sijunjung, Sumatera Bara

    Terapi Spiritual Islami Suatumodel Penanggulangan Gangguan Depresi

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    ; Salah satu dampak yang ditimbulkan dalam realitas kehidupan manusia masa kini adalah munculnya berbagai gangguan psikologis seperti depresi.Gangguan depresi ini terjadi akibat adanya suatu kesedihan yang sangat mendalam. Perasaan tersebut muncul karena kecewa mengalami situasi yang sama sekali tak terduga dan tak diharapkan terjadi dalam hidupnya. Depresi dapat terjadi pada setiap manusia tanpa mengenal batas usia, status, ras, etnis, atau strata sosial. Terapi spiritual Islami adalah suatu pengobatan atau penyembuhan gangguan psikologis yang dilakuan secara sistematis dengan berdasarkan kepada konsep al-qur'an dan assunnah. Terapi spiritual islami mengacu kepada konsep pensucian jiwa (Tazkiyatunnufus), 3 tahap pensucian jiwa, yaitu:takhali (tahap pensucian diri), tahalli (tahap pengembangan diri), dan tajali (tahap penemuan diri). Terapi spiritual Islami terbukti efektif memberikan pengaruh terhadap penanggulangan depresi maupun gangguan psikologis lainnya. terapi spiritual sangat berpengaruh untuk membangun rasa penerimaan diri (self acceptance) sehingga klien tidak merasa depresi lagi dan menyesali nasibnya. Bahkan sebaliknya klien akan mampu mengekspresikan perasaannya kepada kehidupan dan kesehatan mental yang lebih baik. Pendekatan spiritual berperan penting dalam mengekspresikan perasaan dan memberikan Kenyamanan bagi klien. Penerimaan keadaan sakit klien akan mendorong individu tersebut akan lebih dekat dengan Tuhan dan menerima penyakitnya sebagai cobaan dari Tuhan. Pada terapi spiritual islami, qalbu dan akal pikiran sebagai sasaran terapi dalam menangani berbagai penyakit psikologis. Terapi spiritual islami bersifat fleksibel, prefentif, kreatif, dan rehabilitasi. Kata Kunci: Depresi, Terapi Spiritual One impact of the reality of human life today is the emergence of a variety of psychological disorders such as depression. Depression is the result of a deep sadness. The feeling of disappointment experienced a situation arises that is completely unexpected and expected to happen in his life. Depression can happen to every human being without knowing the limits of age, status, race, ethnicity, or social strata. Islamic spiritual therapy is a treatment or cure of psychological disturbance that was done systematically with the process based on the Qur'an and Assunnah. Islamic spiritual therapy refers to the concept of purification of the soul (Tazkiyatunnufus), 3-stage purification of the soul, namely: takhali (self purification stage), tahalli (self-development stage), and the manifestation (the stage of self-discovery). Islamic spiritual therapies proven effective in giving effect to the prevention of depression and other psychological disorders. very influential spiritual therapy to build a sense of self-acceptance (self-acceptance) so that the client does not feel depressed anymore and bemoan his fate. Even otherwise the client will be able to express his feelings to the life and better mental health. Spiritual approach plays an important role in expressing feelings and provide comfort for the client. Acceptance sickness will encourage the individual client will be closer to God and accept the disease as a trial from God. In the Islamic spiritual therapy, hearts and minds as a therapeutic target in dealing with various diseases are fleksible. Islamic spiritual psikology therapy, preventive, creative, and rehabilitation. Keywords: Depression, Spiritual Therap

    The role of transformational leadership, organization structure, job characteristics, trust, and job involvement towards psychological empowerment among bank managers

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    The main purpose of this study is to investigate the antecedents and outcome of psychological empowerment among bank managers in Peninsular Malaysia. Specifically, it aimed at investigating the effect of transformational leadership, organization structure, and job characteristics on psychological empowerment; the effect of psychological empowerment on job involvement; and the moderating effect of trust on the relationships between transformational leadership, organization structure, and job characteristics on psychological empowerment. The attitudes and behaviours of employees in organizations that had undergone restructuring program such as mergers or downsizing, are found to be negatively affected. During economic downturn, intrinsic motivation is consider to be an alternative to extrinsic motivation. Acknowledging the importance of psychological empowerment as an intrinsic motivation, this study was carried out to investigate its antecedents and its outcome; and to include trust as a moderating variable. Accordingly, this study was based on social exchange theory to map and position the possible relationships between the variables in the research framework. A total of 164 bank managers, representing a response rate of 41% participated in this study. Data were collected via questionnaires. PLS-SEM was used to analyse the data and test the hypotheses. Statistical results showed that transformational leadership, organization structure, and job characteristics were directly and positively related to psychological empowerment. Psychological empowerment was also found to be positively related to job involvement. However, no empirical support was found for the moderating effect of trust on the relationship between transformational leadership, organization structure, and job characteristics on psychological empowerment. This study offers theoretical and practical contributions, implications, limitations of the study and suggestions for future research

    The duty of care for negligents misstatements / A. Razak Salleh

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    As part of the requirement for the obtainment of the Diploma in Law, every Law students who are in their final semester are require to do a Project Paper. The topic for the Project Paper are chosen by the students themselves on condition that it get approval from the School of Law. I have chosen the topic of Duty of Care for Negligents Misstatements, because I find that the topic is very fascinating and there is a lot of material been written about the topic. In writing the topic I was compelled to look at English and commonwealth sources, especially those of Australia. I have try to keep a proper balance between the need to discuss the topics considered essential and to keep the 'paper' to a reasonable length
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