2,905 research outputs found

    Sensorless Rotor Position Estimation For Brushless DC Motors

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    Brushless DC motor speed is controlled by synchronizing the stator coil current with rotor position in order to acquire an accurate alignment of stator rotating field with rotor permanent-magnet field for efficient transfer of energy. In order to accomplish this goal, a motor shaft is instantly tracked by using rotating rotor position sensors such as Hall effect sensors, optical encoders or resolvers etc. Adding sensors to detect rotor position affects the overall reliability and mechanical robustness of the system. Therefore, a whole new trend of replacing position sensors with sensorless rotor position estimation techniques have a promising demand. Among the sensorless approaches, Back-EMF measurement and high frequency signal injection is the most common. Back-EMF is an electromotive force, directly proportional to the speed of rotor revolutions per second, the greater the speed motor acquires the greater the Back-EMF amplitude appears against the motion of rotation. However, the detected Back-EMF is zero at start-up and does not provide motor speed information at this instant. There-fore, Back-EMF based techniques are highly unfavourable for low speed application specially near zero. On the other hand, signal injection techniques are comparatively developed for low or near zero motor speed applications and they also can estimate the on-line motor parameters exploiting the identification theory on phase voltages and currents signals. The signal injection approach requires expensive additional hardware to inject high frequency signal. Since, motors are typically driven with pulse width modulation techniques, high frequency signals are naturally already present which can be used to detect position. This thesis presents rotor position estimation by measuring the voltage and current signals and also proposes an equivalent permanent-magnet synchronous motor model by fitting thedata to a position dependent circuit model

    Patient delays in seeking help at the onset of rheumatoid arthritis: the problem, its causes and potential solutions

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    Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic inflammatory disease for which early treatment is vital to limit long term joint damage. However, people often delay in seeking medical help at the onset of RA symptoms. The early interpretation of symptoms and the process of making sense of symptoms impacts on both help-seeking decision-making and self-management. Furthermore, the general public’s perceptions and knowledge of RA may also affect the way that symptoms are interpreted. Examining the psychology behind early symptom interpretation, the barriers to help-seeking behaviour and investigating the public understandings of RA, can help us understand how decisions are made and guide us in developing interventions which encourage people to seek help promptly at the onset of RA

    3D analytical modelling and iterative solution for high performance computing clusters

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    Mobile Cloud Computing enables the migration of services to the edge of the Internet. Therefore, high-performance computing clusters are widely deployed to improve computational capabilities of such environments. However, they are prone to failures and need analytical models to predict their behaviour in order to deliver desired quality-of-service and quality-of-experience to mobile users. This paper proposes a 3D analytical model and a problem-solving approach for sustainability evaluation of high-performance computing clusters. The proposed solution uses an iterative approach to obtain performance measurements to overcome the state space explosion problem. The availability modelling and evaluation of master and computing nodes are performed using a multi-repairman approach. The optimum number of repairmen is also obtained to get realistic results and reduce the overall cost. The proposed model is validated using discrete event simulation. The analytical approach is much faster and in good agreement with the simulations. The analysis focuses on mean queue length, throughput, and mean response time outputs. The maximum differences between analytical and simulation results in the considered scenarios of up to a billion states are less than1.149%,3.82%, and3.76%respectively. These differences are well within the5%of confidence interval of the simulation and the proposed model

    Stability and Aggregation Kinetics of Titania Nanomaterials under Environmentally Realistic Conditions.

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    Nanoparticle morphology is expected to play a significant role in the stability, aggregation behaviour and ultimate fate of engineered nanomaterials in natural aquatic environments. The aggregation kinetics of ellipsoidal and spherical titanium dioxide (TiO2) nanoparticles (NPs) under different surfactant loadings, pH values and ionic strengths were investigated in this study. The stability results revealed that alteration of surface charge was the stability determining factor. Among five different surfactants investigated, sodium citrate and Suwannee river fulvic acid (SRFA) were the most effective stabilizers. It was observed that both types of NPs were more stable in monovalent salts (NaCl and NaNO3) as compared with divalent salts (Ca(NO3)2 and CaCl2). The aggregation of spherical TiO2 NPs demonstrated a strong dependency on the ionic strength regardless of the presence of mono or divalent salts; while the ellipsoids exhibited a lower dependency on the ionic strength but was more stable. This work acts as a benchmark study towards understanding the ultimate fate of stabilized NPs in natural environments that are rich in Ca(CO3)2, NaNO3, NaCl and CaCl2 along with natural organic matters

    Nanoplasmonics beyond Ohm's law

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    In tiny metallic nanostructures, quantum confinement and nonlocal response change the collective plasmonic behavior with important consequences for e.g. field-enhancement and extinction cross sections. We report on our most recent developments of a real-space formulation of an equation-of-motion that goes beyond the common local-response approximation and use of Ohm's law as the central constitutive equation. The electron gas is treated within a semi-classical hydrodynamic model with the emergence of a new intrinsic length scale. We briefly review the new governing wave equations and give examples of applying the nonlocal framework to calculation of extinction cross sections and field enhancement in isolated particles, dimers, and corrugated surfaces.Comment: Invited paper for TaCoNa-Photonics 2012 (www.tacona-photonics.org), to appear in AIP Conf. Pro

    Theoretical study of isolated dangling bonds, dangling bond wires and dangling bond clusters on H:Si(100)-(2×\times1) surface

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    We theoretically study the electronic band structure of isolated unpaired and paired dangling bonds (DB), DB wires and DB clusters on H:Si(100)-(2×\times1) surface using Extended H\"uckel Theory (EHT) and report their effect on the Si band gap. An isolated unpaired DB introduces a near-midgap state, whereas a paired DB leads to π\pi and π∗\pi^* states, similar to those introduced by an unpassivated asymmetric dimer (AD) Si(100)-(2×\times1) surface. Such induced states have very small dispersion due to their isolation from the other states, which reside in conduction and valence band. On the other hand, the surface state induced due to an unpaired DB wire in the direction along the dimer row (referred to as [1ˉ10][\bar{1}10]), has large dispersion due to the strong coupling between the adjacent DBs, being 3.84A˚\AA apart. However, in the direction perpendicular to the dimer row (referred to as [110]), due to the reduced coupling between the DBs being 7.68A˚\AA apart, the dispersion in the surface state is similar to that of an isolated unpaired DB. Apart from this, a paired DB wire in [1ˉ10][\bar{1}10] direction introduces π\pi and π∗\pi^* states similar to those of an AD surface and a paired DB wire in [110] direction exhibits surface states similar to those of an isolated paired DB, as expected. Besides this, we report the electronic structure of different DB clusters, which exhibit states inside the band gap that can be interpreted as superpositions of states due to unpaired and paired DBs.Comment: 7 pages, 10 figure, 1 tabl
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