1,184 research outputs found


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    ABSTRACTThe development of music in Indonesia from year to year is getting bigger. Based on the description contained in the background of the problem, the following problems can be formulated: the realization of collecting song royalties for commercial purposes on Radio Republik Indonesia Madiun, an effort by the National Collective Management Institute (LMKN) in order to impose sanctions on broadcasting institutions that violate the provisions of the Copyright Law. this is juridical empirical. The approach used in this research is sociological juridical, Implementation of the Application of Song Royalty Rights for Commercial Interests. The realization of royalty collection at RRI Madiun has been implemented and related to royalty collection can only be done for commercial purposes that use songs as backsound for commercial purposes, for example baby shark to Buy shopee. The efforts of the National Collective Management Institute (LMKN) are currently not running because broadcasting is still under the auspices of KPI.Keywords: Implementation of Royalty Rights, Commercial Interest ABSTRAKPerkembangan musik di Indonesia dari tahun ke tahun semakin besar. Berdasarkan uraian yang terdapat dalam latar belakang masalah, dapat dirumuskan permasalahan berikut: realisasi pemungutan royalti lagu untuk kepentingan komersial pada Radio Republik Indonesia Madiun upaya Lembaga Menejemen Kolektif Nasional (LMKN) dalam rangka menjatuhkan sanksi bagi lembaga penyiaran yang melanggar ketentuan UU Hak Cipta.Jenis penelitian ini adalah yuridis empiris. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah bersifat yuridis sosiologis, Implementasi Penerapan Hak Royaltiy Lagu Untuk Kepentingan Komersiel.Realisasi pemungutan royalty di RRI Madiun sudah diterapkan dan terkait dengan pemungutan royalti hanya dapat dilakukan untuk kepentingan komersial yang menggunakan lagu sebagai backsound untuk kepentingan komersial tersebut contohnya baby shark menjadi Beli shopee.Upaya lembaga Lembaga Manajemen Kolektif Nasional (LMKN) saat ini belum berjalan karena penyiaran masih dibawah naungan KPI

    Power Amplification Strategies Across Animals

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    Animals use muscles for movement, but some have evolved mechanisms to exceed maximum power used in a motion known as power amplification. In this literature review, I analyzed and compared the evolution of structures capable of power amplification between species. Structures capable of power amplification were broken down into the basic components of the engine, amplifier, and tool. The species analyzed were found to possess necessary structures for power amplification which were relatively similar to each other in morphology, but varied greatly in function. The ease with which these structures evolved was evaluated based on the amount of divergence which occurred in the organisms, and convergent evolution across clades. The complexity of the structural modifications and components needed to perform power amplification was not the same across species. While there is some insight on the evolution of power-amplified structures, overall, more research needs to be done in determining the rate of evolutionary change

    Exploiting Fission Yeast Genetic Interaction Data to Identify Disease-Specific Drug Targets for Tuberous Sclerosis Complex

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    Tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) is an inherited genetic disorder caused by loss-of-function mutations in either TSC1 or TSC2. Their respective gene products regulate the mechanistic target of rapamycin (mTOR) signaling pathway, which serves as an activator of cellular proliferation, metabolism, and cell survival. Orthologs of the TSC1 and TSC2 genes exist in a wide range of organisms, including the commonly used and genetically tractable model eukaryote, Schizosaccharomyces pombe. To better understand the functional roles of S. pombe tsc1 and tsc2, I exploited recent advances in genetic interaction biology to identify and characterize genes that modulate the phenotypic effects of tsc1 and tsc2 gene deletions. As part of this work, I found ypa1 (encoding a peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase) and fft3 (encoding an ATP-dependent DNA helicase) to be negatively interacting with both tsc1 and tsc2. Importantly, while the loss of either ypa1 or fft3 in isolation had negligible effects on colony growth, their loss in tsc1Δ or tsc2Δ backgrounds resulted in significant growth impediments. Thus, the inhibition of either ypa1 or fft3 might represent an “Achilles’ heel” of cells defective in tsc1 or tsc2 function. Lastly, I found that the negative interaction between ypa1 and tsc2 is conserved in mammalian cells. This suggests that the targeted inhibition of the orthologous gene product in humans epitomizes a novel therapeutic strategy to combat the TSC pathology


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    Reduction of diphenylacetylene using Al powder in the presence of noble metal catalysts in water

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    Diphenylacetylenes can be reduced to the corresponding diphenylethanes (2) in water in excellent yield using Al powder and Pd/C at 60 °C for 3 h in a sealed tube. In addition, the complete reduction of both aromatic rings required 80 °C for 15 h with Al powder in the presence of Pt/C. However, the nature of hydrogenated product formed was found to be strongly influenced by the reaction temperature, time, volume of water and the amount of catalyst being employed

    Liquid Smoke and Hydrogel Membrane as Burn Wound Healing Properties

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    Background : Anyone has the potential to get injured, especially burns. Hydrogel membrane and liquid smoke are a combination of antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. These properties play an important role in wound healing. In wound healing, the re-epithelialization process is a critical parameter for the success of wound closure.Aim : Analyzed the effect of re-epithelialization length on burns of rats given a liquid smoke combination hydrogel membrane.Methods : Experimental research used post test only with control group design. The number of samples was 15 white wistar rats with burns which were divided into two treatment groups, namely P1 (liquid smoke combination hydrogel membrane), P2 (liquid smoke) and one control group K (hydrogel membrane). Assessment of reepithelialization length has been calculated using a microscope. Statistical test using One Way ANOVA – Post Hoc Bonferroni test.Results : The average length of re-epithelialization (µm) for each group was (P1) 2004.91, (P2) 1534.15 and (K) 1248.16. Based on the results of the One Way ANOVA analysis, we found p value  = 0.028 (p <0.05). This shows that there were significant differences in the data between groups.Conclusions : There was a significant difference on the length of re-epithelialization in rats burn wound between hydrogel membrane group with liquid smoke, liquid smoke group and control group


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    Di Indonesia sendiri, terdapat sebuah Badan Usaha Milik Negara ( BUMN ) yang Negara yang mengkhususkan diri dalam pengembangan dan pengelolaan kompleks pariwisata terintegrasi.Salah satu Lini Bisnis dari ITDC adalah layanan pengembangan destinasi pariwisata . Layanan pengembangan pariwisata ini merupakan layanan bagi para pemilik lahan baik Swasta, maupun pemerintah daerah, yang ingin mengembangkan lahannya menjadi kawasan pariwisata terintegrasi . Layanan tersebut mulai dari membantu pemilik daerah membuat perencanaan atau biasa disebut dengan masterplanning, melakukan studi kelayakan, mempromosikan destinasi hingga pembentukan rencana operasional daerah. Namuh Selama 45 tahun berdiri, ITDC memiliki dua kantor pengembangan yang berada pada 2 dari 5 destinasi super prioritas yaitu di Nusa Dua ( Bali ) dan Mandalika ( Lombok) dan hingga saat ini belum ada upaya maupun wacana dari pihak ITDC untuk mengembangkan fasilitas di daerah DPSP lainnya. Di Jawa Tengah sendiri terdapat Kawasan Borobudur yang termasuk satu dari DPSP, juga berbagai destinasi Wisata yang tersebar di berbagai Kota. Pada Jurnal BAPPEDA Jawa Tengah Tahun 2019, Provinsi Jawa Tengah Telah memiliki sebuah Konsep Makro pengembangan pariwisata yang Bernama Konsep Cluster Pariwisata Joglosemar. Yaitu rencana untuk mengembangkan & menumbuhkan destinasi berkualitas guna meningkatkan perekonomian di Kota – kota yang ada di Jawa Tengah.Maka dari itu, Perlu adanya sebuah Kantor sebagai fasilitas untuk ITDC di Jawa Tengah sebagai Lembaga pengembang destinasi pariwisata di Jawa Tengah, guna mendukung konsep pengembangan pariwisata Joglosemar Jawa Tengah , juga membantu pengembangan Destinasi Pariwisata Super Prioritas yang ada

    Contribution of Foreign Direct Investment to Economic Growth in Bangladesh

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    Rapid industrialization is essential in Bangladesh to keep pace with its development needs. But the low rate of gross domestic savings and investment as well as low level of technology base hamper the expected industrialization process. Foreign aid and grant had been serving to bridge the gap earlier. As many developing countries are in the process of graduating from being aid-dependent economy into a trading economy, FDI has come to be viewed as a major stimulus to economic growth for these emerging economies. This paper examines the contribution of FDI to economic growth in Bangladesh over the period from 1975 to 2012. Data are compiled from World Development Indicators (WDI), International Financial Statistics (IFS), and Penn World Table (version 8.0). This paper takes the conventional neoclassical production function-type synthesis that considers FDI (foreign capital) as a factor input that depends on a set of relevant factors available in the host economy. Statistical models - OLS, 2SLS, VAR - are used for empirical analysis in this paper. The study reveals that if FDI increases 1%pt, per capita growth could rise by 1.65 to 6.05 %pts in the IV model. This is a manifestation from available dataset, although not a statement as our further tweak has failed to uncover lower values. These large numbers can be understood only in the context of a major push to growth given by FDI in the textile and garment industries. The study also finds bi-directional relationship in the Granger causality sense between FDI and GDP per capita
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