40 research outputs found


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    O município de Diamantina localiza-se na mesorregião do Vale do Jequitinhonha, no Estado de Minas Gerais (MG), e abrange cinco distritos: Conselheiro da Mata, Extração, Medanha, São João da Chapada, Sopa e a Vila de Biribiri


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    The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of normalizing treatment on tensile strength, yield stress and strain of reinforcing steel after fire. Normalizing treatment was carried out at a temperature of 800 ° C with a holding time of 25 minutes and compared the results of post fire reinforcing steel with after normalizing treatment. The goals of the normalizing process vary widely. Normalizing can increase or decrease the strength and hardness of steel, depending on the heat treatment and mechanical properties of the steel prior to the normalizing process. But in general the purpose of the normalizing process is to increase the machinability, grain-structure refinement, homogenization, and regulate or modify the residual stress that exists in steel. From the results of the tensile test after normalizing, the highest tensile strength value was obtained in the specimens cooled with water at 600 ° C at 597.85 N / mm² and the lowest value at 400 ° C with air at 443.9 N / mm². The largest yield stress value was at 600 ° C with water at 416.28 N / mm² and the lowest value at 800 ° C with air at 318.243 N / mm². The greatest value of strain was at 800 ° C with water at 31.66% and the smallest strain at 400 ° C with air at 21.67%


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruhperlakuan normalizing terhadap kekutan tarik, tegangan yield dan regangan baja tulangan pasca kebakaran. Perlakuan normalizing dilakukan dengan suhu 800°C dengan holding time 25 menit dan membandingkan hasil baja tulangan pasca kebakaran dengan setelah perlakuan normalizing.Tujuan dari proses normalizing sangat bervariasi. Normalizing dapat meningkatkan atau menurunkan kekuatan dan kekerasan dari pada baja, bergantung pada perlakuan panas dan sifat mekanik dari baja sebelum dilakukan proses normalizing. Tetapi secara umum tujuan dari proses normalizing adalah untuk meningkatkan mampu mesin (machinability), grain-structure refinement, homogenisasi, dan mengatur atau memodifikasi residual stress yang ada pada baja.. Dari hasil pengujian tarik setelah normalizing diperoleh nilai kekuatan tarik tertinggi pada spesimen yang didinginkan dengan airsuhu 600°C sebesar 597,85 N/mm² dan nilai terendah pada suhu 400°C dengan udara sebesar 443,9 N/mm². Nilai tegangan yield terbesar pada suhu 600°C dengan air sebesar 416,28 N/mm² dan nilai terendah pada suhu 800°C dengan udara sebesar 318,243 N/mm². Nilai regangan terbesar pada suhu 800°C dengan air sebesar 31,66 % dan regangan terkecil pada suhu 400°C dengan udara sebesar 21,67%

    Energy efficiency-spectral efficiency trade-off of transmit antenna selection

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    We investigate the energy efficiency-spectral efficiency (EE-SE) trade-off of transmit antenna selection/maximum ratio combining (TAS) scheme. A realistic power consumption model (PCM) is considered, and it is shown that using TAS can provide significant energy savings when compared to multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) in the low to medium SE region, regardless the number of antennas, as well as outperform transmit beamforming scheme (MRT) for the entire SE range. For a fixed number of receive antennas, our results also show that the EE gain of TAS over MIMO becomes even greater as the number of transmit antennas increases. The optimal value of SE that maximizes the EE is obtained analytically, and confirmed by numerical results. Moreover, the influence of receiver correlation is also evaluated and it is shown that considering a non-realistic PCM can lead to mistakes when comparing TAS and MIMO

    On the Area Energy Efficiency of Multiple Transmit Antenna Small Base Stations

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    We analyze the area energy efficiency (AEE) of spatial multiplexing (SM) and transmit antenna selection (TAS), considering a realistic power consumption model for small base stations (BSs), which includes the power consumed by the backhaul as well as different interference attenuation levels. Our results show an optimum number of BSs for each technique that maximizes the AEE. Moreover, we also show that TAS has a larger AEE than SM when the demand for system capacity is low, while SM becomes more energy efficient when the demanded capacity is larger. Additionally, when the capacity demand and the area to be covered are fixed, the number of BSs needed to be deployed is smaller for SM than for the other techniques. Finally, the system performance in terms of AEE is shown to be strongly dependent on the amount of interference, which in turn depends on the employed interference-mitigation scheme, and on the employed power consumption model

    Processos de criação e procedimentos de criação

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     Our proposal is to analyze the works by Cecília Salles, Unfinished Gesture and Networks of Creation, in the light of what Espinosa presents in Ethics as the second and third genres of knowledge. The intention is to evaluate in which extent Salles' ideas about the processes of creation and Espinosa's ideas can be complementary. Our problem is to evaluate the processes of creation described by Salles and to place them along with Espinosa's genres of knowledge because they both embody aspects related to a theory of knowledge. Our hypothesis is that this movement is possible by the characteristics intrinsic to the descriptions developed by the authors. Our method is a free appropriation of Salles' concepts, as a demonstration of creative procedures, and later analysis of the mentioned works to conclude about their common ideas in some points and their complementarity.Nossa proposta é analisar as obras de Cecilia Salles, Gesto inacabado e Redes da criação, à luz do que Espinosa apresenta na Ética como sendo o segundo e o terceiro gêneros de conhecimento. A intenção é avaliar em que medida as ideias de Salles, sobre processo de criação, e de Espinosa podem ser complementares. Nosso problema se constitui em avaliar os processos de criação descritos por Salles e colocá-los lado a lado com os gêneros de conhecimento de Espinosa por ambos abarcarem aspectos relacionados a uma teoria do conhecimento. Nossa hipótese é de que esse movimento é possível pelas características intrínsecas às descrições desenvolvidas pelos autores. Nosso método é de apropriação livre dos conceitos de Salles, como demonstração de procedimentos criativos, e posterior análise das obras em tela para concluir por suas ideias comuns em alguns pontos e por sua complementaridade

    Energy Efficiency-Spectral Efficiency Trade-Off of Transmit Antenna Selection

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    We investigate the energy efficiency-spectral efficiency (EE-SE) trade-off of transmit antenna selection/maximum ratio combining (TAS) scheme. A realistic power consumption model (PCM) is considered, and it is shown that using TAS can provide significant energy savings when compared to multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) in the low to medium SE region, regardless the number of antennas, as well as outperform transmit beamforming scheme (MRT) for the entire SE range. For a fixed number of receive antennas, our results also show that the EE gain of TAS over MIMO becomes even greater as the number of transmit antennas increases. The optimal value of SE that maximizes the EE is obtained analytically, and confirmed by numerical results. Moreover, the influence of receiver correlation is also evaluated and it is shown that considering a non-realistic PCM can lead to mistakes when comparing TAS and MIMO

    Low-cost indoor localization system combining multilateration and Kalman filter

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    Indoor localization systems play an important role to track objects during their life-cycle in indoor environments, e.g., related to retail, logistics and mobile robotics. These positioning systems use several techniques and technologies to estimate the position of each object, and face several requirements such as position accuracy, security, range of coverage, energy consumption and cost. This paper describes a practical implementation of a BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) based localization system that combines multilateration and Kalman filter techniques to achieve a low cost solution, maintaining a good position accuracy. The proposed approach was experimentally tested in an indoor environment, with the achieved results showing a clear low cost system presenting an increase of the estimated position accuracy by 10% for an average error of 2.33 metersThis work has been supported by FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia within the Project Scope UIDB/05757/2020.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Chapter 5: Evidence

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