9 research outputs found

    Immunoglobin and Fcγ Receptor Genes Influence the Control of HIV Replication and the Progression of HIV Infection

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    HIV is an infection affecting approximately 33 million people worldwide especially in Sub-Saharan Africa and Southeastern Asia. HIV infection is marked by the loss of CD4+ T-cells and is the causative agent of AIDS. Host genetic factors have been shown to influence the progression and outcome of HIV infection, but the genes identified thus far account for approximately 15% of the variance observed in viral load and progression, suggesting involvement of additional genes in HIV pathogenesis. FcyRIIa and FcyRIIIa genotypes have been shown to be influential in the transmission, control, and progression of HIV. These receptors contain polymorphisms that influence binding affinity for their ligand, the Fe region of IgG. The Fc region is also highly polymorphic and could potentially contribute to the differences seen in control and progression. Yet, these polymorphisms, known as GM allotypes, have not been investigated. Determinants expressed on Fc (GM) and FcyR are probably some of the most likely ligand-receptor candidate pairs for gene-gene interactions in the human genome. Thus, the aim of this investigation was to determine whether particular GM and FcyRila, genotypes were individually or epistatically associated with the host control of HIV replication and progression of HIV to a low CD4+ T-cell count. This study suggests that while no GM allotype is influential by itself, particular combinations of FcyR-GM are influential in the control of HIV replication as well as the progression of HIV to a low CD4+ T-cell count

    Rapid Reactivation of Extralymphoid CD4 T Cells during Secondary Infection

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    After infection, extralymphoid tissues are enriched with effector and memory T cells of a highly activated phenotype. The capacity for rapid effector cytokine response from extralymphoid tissue-memory T cells suggests these cells may perform a ‘sentinel’ function in the tissue. While it has been demonstrated that extralymphoid CD4+ T cells can directly respond to secondary infection, little is known about how rapidly this response is initiated, and how early activation of T cells in the tissue may affect the innate response to infection. Here we use a mouse model of secondary heterosubtypic influenza infection to show that CD4+ T cells in the lung airways are reactivated within 24 hours of secondary challenge. Airway CD4+ T cells initiate an inflammatory cytokine and chemokine program that both alters the composition of the early innate response and contributes to the reduction of viral titers in the lung. These results show that, unlike a primary infection, extralymphoid tissue-memory CD4+ T cells respond alongside the innate response during secondary infection, thereby shaping the overall immune profile in the airways. These data provide new insights into the role of extralymphoid CD4+ T cells during secondary immune responses

    Metabolism of Gluconeogenic Substrates by an Intracellular Fungal Pathogen Circumvents Nutritional Limitations within Macrophages

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    Histoplasma is a primary human fungal pathogen that survives and proliferates within host immune cells, particularly within the macrophage phagosome compartment. The phagosome compartment is a nutrient-limited environment, requiring Histoplasma yeasts to be able to assimilate available carbon sources within the phagosome to meet their nutritional needs. In this study, we showed that Histoplasma yeasts do not utilize fatty acids or hexoses for growth within macrophages. Instead, Histoplasma yeasts consume gluconeogenic substrates to proliferate in macrophages. These findings reveal the phagosome composition from a nutrient standpoint and highlight essential metabolic pathways that are required for a phagosomal pathogen to proliferate in this intracellular environment.Microbial pathogens exploit host nutrients to proliferate and cause disease. Intracellular pathogens, particularly those exclusively living in the phagosome such as Histoplasma capsulatum, must adapt and acquire nutrients within the nutrient-limited phagosomal environment. In this study, we investigated which host nutrients could be utilized by Histoplasma as carbon sources to proliferate within macrophages. Histoplasma yeasts can grow on hexoses and amino acids but not fatty acids as the carbon source in vitro. Transcriptional analysis and metabolism profiling showed that Histoplasma yeasts downregulate glycolysis and fatty acid utilization but upregulate gluconeogenesis within macrophages. Depletion of glycolysis or fatty acid utilization pathways does not prevent Histoplasma growth within macrophages or impair virulence in vivo. However, loss of function in Pck1, the enzyme catalyzing the first committed step of gluconeogenesis, impairs Histoplasma growth within macrophages and severely attenuates virulence in vivo, indicating that Histoplasma yeasts rely on catabolism of gluconeogenic substrates (e.g., amino acids) to proliferate within macrophages

    The mesenchymal cap of the atrial septum and atrial and atrioventricular septation

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    In this publication, dedicated to Professor Robert H. Anderson and his contributions to the field of cardiac development, anatomy, and congenital heart disease, we will review some of our earlier collaborative studies. The focus of this paper is on our work on the development of the atrioventricular mesenchymal complex, studies in which Professor Anderson has played a significant role. We will revisit a number of events relevant to atrial and atrioventricular septation and present new data on the development of the mesenchymal cap of the atrial septum, a component of the atrioventricular mesenchymal complex which, thus far, has received only moderate attention

    Role of the Epicardium in the Development of the Atrioventricular Valves and Its Relevance to the Pathogenesis of Myxomatous Valve Disease

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    This paper is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Adriana “Adri” Gittenberger-de Groot and in appreciation of her work in the field of developmental cardiovascular biology and the legacy that she has left behind. During her impressive career, Dr. Gittenberger-de Groot studied many aspects of heart development, including aspects of cardiac valve formation and disease and the role of the epicardium in the formation of the heart. In this contribution, we review some of the work on the role of epicardially-derived cells (EPDCs) in the development of the atrioventricular valves and their potential involvement in the pathogenesis of myxomatous valve disease (MVD). We provide an overview of critical events in the development of the atrioventricular junction, discuss the role of the epicardium in these events, and illustrate how interfering with molecular mechanisms that are involved in the epicardial-dependent formation of the atrioventricular junction leads to a number of abnormalities. These abnormalities include defects of the AV valves that resemble those observed in humans that suffer from MVD. The studies demonstrate the importance of the epicardium for the proper formation and maturation of the AV valves and show that the possibility of epicardial-associated developmental defects should be taken into consideration when determining the genetic origin and pathogenesis of MVD