1,093 research outputs found

    Interplay of gene expression noise and ultrasensitive dynamics affects bacterial operon organization

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    This is the publisher's version, also available electronically from "http://journals.plos.org".Bacterial chromosomes are organized into polycistronic cotranscribed operons, but the evolutionary pressures maintaining them are unclear. We hypothesized that operons alter gene expression noise characteristics, resulting in selection for or against maintaining operons depending on network architecture. Mathematical models for 6 functional classes of network modules showed that three classes exhibited decreased noise and 3 exhibited increased noise with same-operon cotranscription of interacting proteins. Noise reduction was often associated with a decreased chance of reaching an ultrasensitive threshold. Stochastic simulations of the lac operon demonstrated that the predicted effects of transcriptional coupling hold for a complex network module. We employed bioinformatic analysis to find overrepresentation of noise-minimizing operon organization compared with randomized controls. Among constitutively expressed physically interacting protein pairs, higher coupling frequencies appeared at lower expression levels, where noise effects are expected to be dominant. Our results thereby suggest an important role for gene expression noise, in many cases interacting with an ultrasensitive switch, in maintaining or selecting for operons in bacterial chromosomes

    Interplay of Gene Expression Noise and Ultrasensitive Dynamics Affects Bacterial Operon Organization

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    Bacterial chromosomes are organized into polycistronic cotranscribed operons, but the evolutionary pressures maintaining them are unclear. We hypothesized that operons alter gene expression noise characteristics, resulting in selection for or against maintaining operons depending on network architecture. Mathematical models for 6 functional classes of network modules showed that three classes exhibited decreased noise and 3 exhibited increased noise with same-operon cotranscription of interacting proteins. Noise reduction was often associated with a decreased chance of reaching an ultrasensitive threshold. Stochastic simulations of the lac operon demonstrated that the predicted effects of transcriptional coupling hold for a complex network module. We employed bioinformatic analysis to find overrepresentation of noiseminimizing operon organization compared with randomized controls. Among constitutively expressed physically interacting protein pairs, higher coupling frequencies appeared at lower expression levels, where noise effects are expected to be dominant. Our results thereby suggest an important role for gene expression noise, in many cases interacting with an ultrasensitive switch, in maintaining or selecting for operons in bacterial chromosomes

    Diversity in lac Operon Regulation among Diverse Escherichia coli Isolates Depends on the Broader Genetic Background but Is Not Explained by Genetic Relatedness

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    This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.Transcription of bacterial genes is controlled by the coordinated action of cis- and trans-acting regulators. The activity and mode of action of these regulators can reflect different requirements for gene products in different environments. A well-studied example is the regulatory function that integrates the environmental availability of glucose and lactose to control the Escherichia coli lac operon. Most studies of lac operon regulation have focused on a few closely related strains. To determine the range of natural variation in lac regulatory function, we introduced a reporter construct into 23 diverse E. coli strains and measured expression with combinations of inducer concentrations. We found a wide range of regulatory functions. Several functions were similar to the one observed in a reference lab strain, whereas others depended weakly on the presence of cAMP. Some characteristics of the regulatory function were explained by the genetic relatedness of strains, indicating that differences varied on relatively short time scales. The regulatory characteristics explained by genetic relatedness were among those that best predicted the initial growth of strains following transition to a lactose environment, suggesting a role for selection. Finally, we transferred the lac operon, with the lacI regulatory gene, from five natural isolate strains into a reference lab strain. The regulatory function of these hybrid strains revealed the effect of local and global regulatory elements in controlling expression. Together, this work demonstrates that regulatory functions can be varied within a species and that there is variation within a species to best match a function to particular environments


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    Energy security is becoming increasingly important as the DOD relies on energy to build and project combat power from military installations. Installation energy managers currently ensure uninterrupted power to mission-critical facilities through emergency stand-alone diesel generators. Research has recently indicated that networks of smaller diesel generators offer greater energy security benefits than a network of a few large diesel generators. However, existing research has not compared or analyzed the cost and resilience between the two strategies. This capstone examines the cost and resilience of centralized and decentralized power architectures by developing a general methodology to capture comprehensive life-cycle costs and metrics. It examines resilience for various configurations of networked diesel generators. Installation power managers can apply this method to quantitatively compare life-cycle cost and resilience of emergency diesel generator solutions to improve energy security within the unique constraints of an installation. The capstone then applied this methodology to the aging diesel generator power plant at Naval Station, Rota, Spain, which demonstrated that decentralized architecture was the most cost-effective strategy for resilience. Finally, the capstone presents these findings and general methodology for future application.Navy Shore Energy Technology Transition and Integration (NSETTI), Naval Facilities (NAVFAC) Engineering and Expeditionary Warfare Center (EXWC), Port Hueneme, CA, 93043Captain, United States ArmyMajor, United States ArmyMajor, United States ArmyCaptain, United States ArmyCaptain, United States ArmyApproved for public release. Distribution is unlimited

    Compendium of Current Total Ionizing Dose Results and Displacement Damage Results for Candidate Spacecraft Electronics for NASA

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    Sensitivity of a variety of candidate spacecraft electronics to total ionizing dose and displacement damage is studied. Devices tested include optoelectronics, digital, analog, linear bipolar devices, and hybrid devices

    The Changing Landscape of Systemic Treatment for Cervical Cancer: Rationale for Inhibition of the TGF-ÎČ and PD-L1 Pathways

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    Cervical cancer; Tumor microenvironmentCĂĄncer de cuello uterino; Microambiente tumoralCĂ ncer de coll uterĂ­; Microambient tumoralCervical cancer is one of the most common and lethal cancers among women worldwide. Treatment options are limited in patients with persistent, recurrent, or metastatic cervical cancer, with 5 years. Persistent human papillomavirus (HPV) infection has been implicated in almost all cases of cervical cancer. HPV infection not only causes normal cervical cells to transform into cancer cells, but also creates an immunosuppressive environment for cancer cells to evade the immune system. Recent clinical trials of drugs targeting the PD-(L)1 pathway have demonstrated improvement in overall survival in patients with cervical cancer, but only 20% to 30% of patients show overall survival benefit beyond 2 years, and resistance to these treatments remains common. Therefore, novel treatment strategies targeting HPV infection–associated factors are currently being evaluated in clinical trials. Bintrafusp alfa is a first-in-class bifunctional fusion protein composed of the extracellular domain of the TGF-ÎČRII receptor (a TGF-ÎČ â€œtrap”) fused to a human immunoglobulin G1 monoclonal antibody that blocks PD-L1. Early clinical trials of bintrafusp alfa have shown promising results in patients with advanced cervical cancer.This work was funded by Merck (CrossRef Funder ID: 10.13039/100009945) and was previously part of an alliance between Merck and GlaxoSmithKline

    Stress‐response balance drives the evolution of a network module and its host genome

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    Stress response genes and their regulators form networks that underlie drug resistance. These networks often have an inherent tradeoff: their expression is costly in the absence of stress, but beneficial in stress. They can quickly emerge in the genomes of infectious microbes and cancer cells, protecting them from treatment. Yet, the evolution of stress resistance networks is not well understood. Here, we use a two‐component synthetic gene circuit integrated into the budding yeast genome to model experimentally the adaptation of a stress response module and its host genome in three different scenarios. In agreement with computational predictions, we find that: (i) intra‐module mutations target and eliminate the module if it confers only cost without any benefit to the cell; (ii) intra‐ and extra‐module mutations jointly activate the module if it is potentially beneficial and confers no cost; and (iii) a few specific mutations repeatedly fine‐tune the module's noisy response if it has excessive costs and/or insufficient benefits. Overall, these findings reveal how the timing and mechanisms of stress response network evolution depend on the environment

    Distinct migratory and non-migratory ecotypes of an endemic New Zealand eleotrid (Gobiomorphus cotidianus) – implications for incipient speciation in island freshwater fish species

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    Background: Many postglacial lakes contain fish species with distinct ecomorphs. Similar evolutionary scenarios might be acting on evolutionarily young fish communities in lakes of remote islands. One process that drives diversification in island freshwater fish species is the colonization of depauperate freshwater environments by diadromous (migratory) taxa, which secondarily lose their migratory behaviour. The loss of migration limits dispersal and gene flow between distant populations, and, therefore, is expected to facilitate local morphological and genetic differentiation. To date, most studies have focused on interspecific relationships among migratory species and their non-migratory sister taxa. We hypothesize that the loss of migration facilitates intraspecific morphological, behavioural, and genetic differentiation between migratory and non-migratory populations of facultatively diadromous taxa, and, hence, incipient speciation of island freshwater fish species. Results: Microchemical analyses of otolith isotopes (Sr-88, Ba-137 and Ca-43) differentiated migratory and non-migratory stocks of the New Zealand endemic Gobiomorphus cotidianus McDowall (Eleotridae). Samples were taken from two rivers, one lake and two geographically-separated outgroup locations. Meristic analyses of oculoscapular lateral line canals documented a gradual reduction of these structures in the non-migratory populations. Amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) fingerprints revealed considerable genetic isolation between migratory and non-migratory populations. Temporal differences in reproductive timing (migratory = winter spawners, non-migratory = summer spawners; as inferred from gonadosomatic indices) provide a prezygotic reproductive isolation mechanism between the two ecotypes. Conclusion: This study provides a holistic look at the role of diadromy in incipient speciation of island freshwater fish species. All four analytical approaches (otolith microchemistry, morphology, spawning timing, population genetics) yield congruent results, and provide clear and independent evidence for the existence of distinct migratory and non-migratory ecotypes within a river in a geographically confined range. The morphological changes within the non-migratory populations parallel interspecific patterns observed in all non-migratory New Zealand endemic Gobiomorphus species and other derived gobiid taxa, a pattern suggesting parallel evolution. This study indicates, for the first time, that distinct ecotypes of island freshwater fish species may be formed as a consequence of loss of migration and subsequent diversification. Therefore, if reproductive isolation persists, these processes may provide a mechanism to facilitate speciation

    Resolution of the type material of the Asian elephant, Elephas maximus Linnaeus, 1758 (Proboscidea, Elephantidae)

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    The understanding of Earth’s biodiversity depends critically on the accurate identification and nomenclature of species. Many species were described centuries ago, and in a surprising number of cases their nomenclature or type material remain unclear or inconsistent. A prime example is provided by Elephas maximus, one of the most iconic and well-known mammalian species, described and named by Linnaeus (1758) and today designating the Asian elephant. We used morphological, ancient DNA (aDNA), and high-throughput ancient proteomic analyses to demonstrate that a widely discussed syntype specimen of E. maximus, a complete foetus preserved in ethanol, is actually an African elephant, genus Loxodonta. We further discovered that an additional E. maximus syntype, mentioned in a description by John Ray (1693) cited by Linnaeus, has been preserved as an almost complete skeleton at the Natural History Museum of the University of Florence. Having confirmed its identity as an Asian elephant through both morphological and ancient DNA analyses, we designate this specimen as the lectotype of E. maximus
