28 research outputs found

    Stéphane Corcuff, Feng he ri nuan. Taiwan Waishengren yu guojia rentong de zhuanbian (Vent doux, soleil léger. Les Continentaux de Taiwan et la transition de l’identité nationale)

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    Stéphane Corcuff a publié un livre passionnant à un moment-clé. Comme il le fait observer, les lecteurs ne manqueront pas d'établir un lien entre son ouvrage et l'élection présidentielle de 2004, mais il faut garder à l'esprit que sa recherche fut achevée bien avant. Cet ouvrage en chinois reprend en partie sa thèse de doctorat, écrite en français et soutenue avec succès en décembre 2000. L'objectif principal est l'étude de la formation de l'identité nationale taiwanaise, en analysant commen..

    Stéphane Corcuff, Feng he ri nuan. Taiwan Waishengren yu guojia rentong de zhuanbian (Vent doux, soleil léger. Les Continentaux de Taiwan et la transition de l’identité nationale)

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    Stéphane Corcuff a publié un livre passionnant à un moment-clé. Comme il le fait observer, les lecteurs ne manqueront pas d'établir un lien entre son ouvrage et l'élection présidentielle de 2004, mais il faut garder à l'esprit que sa recherche fut achevée bien avant. Cet ouvrage en chinois reprend en partie sa thèse de doctorat, écrite en français et soutenue avec succès en décembre 2000. L'objectif principal est l'étude de la formation de l'identité nationale taiwanaise, en analysant commen..

    Stéphane Corcuff, Feng he ri nuan. Taiwan Waishengren yu guojia rentong de zhuanbian (Light Wind, warm sun. Taiwan’s Mainlanders and the national identity transition)

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    Stéphane Corcuff has published a fascinating book at a fascinating time. As he has observed, readers may automatically make connections between his book and the 2004 presidential election, but we must bear in mind that his research was completed long before. This book is in fact a translation in Chinese of part of his PhD thesis, written in French and successfully defended in December 2000. Its main purpose is to explore the formation of Taiwan’s national identity by analysing how the mainla..


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    The aim of this study was to highlight differences in pharmacist’s perceptions regarding use of pharmacogenetic information in their professional activities based on their practice settings. A survey was electronically administered using the Survey Monkey to 48 practicing pharmacists in the hospitals and non-hospital study groups which include community pharmacy and managed care around the metro Louisville, Kentucky areaBarring minor deviations, there was overall homogeneity in our pilot study group’s general knowledge, overall confidence in pharmacogenetics and perceptions about possible impact of this emerging field in their profession, regardless of their professional practice environment. Overall low to moderate levels of pharmacists’ confidence in pharmacogenetics and related areas even a decade after completion of Human Genome Project (HGP) seems to be a matter of concern

    Media reform since 1987

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    Media reform is a valuable indicator of democratisation. It provides an abundance of information about the levels of freedom, tolerance, social justice and pluralism within a political system. This article reviews the changes in the Taiwanese media that have occurred since the lifting of martial law in 1987 and considers how the media are faring at the beginning of Chen Shui-bian’s second term. Taiwan’s media are still at an early stage of democratisation but it cannot be denied that progress has been made and that Taiwan’s media are looking increasingly like those operating in systems at comparatively similar stages of democratic consolidation

    Stéphane Corcuff, Feng he ri nuan. Taiwan Waishengren yu guojia rentong de zhuanbian (Light Wind, warm sun. Taiwan’s Mainlanders and the national identity transition)

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    Stéphane Corcuff has published a fascinating book at a fascinating time. As he has observed, readers may automatically make connections between his book and the 2004 presidential election, but we must bear in mind that his research was completed long before. This book is in fact a translation in Chinese of part of his PhD thesis, written in French and successfully defended in December 2000. Its main purpose is to explore the formation of Taiwan’s national identity by analysing how the mainla..

    La réforme du secteur des médias. D’importants progrès ont été accomplis sous l’administration de Chen Shui-bian

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    La situation des médias constitue un indicateur précieux de la démocratisation. Elle fournit de nombreuses informations sur les niveaux de liberté, de tolérance, de justice sociale et de pluralisme dans un système politique. Cet article passe en revue les changements intervenus dans les médias taiwanais depuis l’abrogation de la loi martiale en 1987, et donne un aperçu de la situation au début du second mandat de Chen Shui-bian. Il est difficile de nier les progrès accomplis et que la situation à Taiwan se rapproche toujours davantage de celle des pays à un stade similaire de consolidation démocratique

    Ports and media: A research project showcase

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    PortCityFutures: Mindsets and values, contestation and friction Vincent Baptist, Francesca Savoldi, and Carola Hein Showcasing the ‘Ports, Past and Present’ project through its media James Louis Smith Sustainable subsea networks: Connecting ports, ships,and cables George N. Ramírez Musicians’ labor organisation in the port city of Valparaíso Eileen Karmy Pleasurescapes: From maritime stereotypes to uncanny infrastructures Vincent Baptist, Judit Vidiella Pagès, and Aurelio Castro-Varel

    The Impacts of Changing Ruling Parties in the Twenty-First Century

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    Introduction to Journal of Current Chinese Affairs 3/2014: Continuity and Change in Policies in Taiwa