1,619 research outputs found

    Modeling of Induced Hydraulically Fractured Wells in Shale Reservoirs Using Branched Fractals

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    Rawan Atari - The Influence of Multi-Sensory Environment on Physiological Response in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders and Children with Special Health Care Needs

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    A research study based on the sensory integration theory was conducted to examine the effects of multi-sensory environment (MSE) on physiological arousal in children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and special health care needs. Adapted environments may serve as a mechanism to treat anxiety levels in a population of children who experience more severe generalized anxiety symptoms than typically developing children. The sample consisted of children with community-based diagnoses of ASD and children with special health care needs, primarily children diagnosed with cerebral palsy (CP) from the Milwaukee Center for Independence (MCFI). Treatment for the autism sample was carried out by a trained MCFI staff member and treatment for children with special health care needs was carried out by a trained physical therapist. Electrodermal response was used as a measure to detect the “fight or flight” response of the sympathetic nervous system. The measurement of electrodermal activity was recorded by a wireless bracelet device that recorded the skin conductance level of the participant prior to entering the sensory room, during treatment in the sensory room, and after exiting the sensory room. Results indicated increased arousal in children with CP, as sensory stimulation was the main goal of physical therapists. Results for the autism sample varied by participant and indicated that treatment needs to be individualized for optimal benefits. Findings support the use of MSE as an alternative technique to improve therapeutic opportunities for children with cerebral palsy by stimulating sensations that are otherwise generally dormant.https://epublications.marquette.edu/mcnair_2014/1000/thumbnail.jp

    Housing demand prediction in Selangor

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    Housing provision is one of the important sectors in ensuring socio-economic stability in Selangor as well as direct contributor to its economic growth. Its populations increased from 4.2 million in year 2000 to 6.3 million people in year 2016 affected the demand for housing. Thus, the sufficient houses should be provided to the next generations. The goal of the study is to develop housing demand prediction model based on 4 categories of housing in Selangor which are low cost, low-medium cost, medium cost and high cost houses. This study was focused in Selangor because the state was recorded highest residential after Johor and Penang. The aim was to determine housing demand for 4 categories of housing based on household formation. The study used Census Data 2010 from Department of Statistic Malaysia to determine the headship rate in Selangor using Headship Rate Method based on household formation. Then, a questionnaire was conducted on 415 respondents to determine the choice probability of selecting housing type by using Multinomial Logit (MNL) analysis in producing a Choice Probabilities (CP) Model. Result showed that low medium cost housing was the most preferable with the highest value of 0.899. Double Exponential Smoothing (DES) method was used to predict population for 14 level age groups from years 1970 until years 2020 based on Quick Population Info‟s data from the Department of Statistics Malaysia. Then total housing demand for 4 categories housing were determined by multiplying population with headship. This prediction model was validated using Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) between an actual and predictive data. The validation of error shows a value of 36.88% which is acceptable when the value close to zero. Thus, a small error indicates the high effectiveness performances in develop model prediction housing demand in Selangor. The finding helps Lembaga Perumahan dan Hartanah Selangor (LPHS) and other government agency to plan constructions for all housing categories in line with the demand

    Examining Daylighting and Shading Devices Performance in High Temperature Conditions

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    At recent days, many architects tend to design buildings’ envelope with highly void ratio to insure view out and allow the maximum access to daylight. Using large glazed facades in sub-tropical climates, like Jordan is considered as a challenge due to the glare and overheating that leaves behind. Daylight and shading devices were developed to improve occupants’ comfort inside buildings in such climates at the same time saves energy. Solving the over glare and heat caused by direct sunlight is one of the most important reasons why they were used. They can block up to 90 percent of this heat. The current research examined the thermal effect of three daylight and shading devices in one of Jordan University of Science and Technology (JUST) typical corridors. The research used real experiments to study what was mentioned by using light shelf (louvers), egg-crate and double facades. They were installed in one of identical physical models in real sky to compare air temperature inside with non-treated one. The results showed that double facade “textured glass” performed better than the other two devices to control the unprofitable heat that enters the building. Keywords: Daylight and shading devices, heat gain. light shelf, egg-crate and double facades

    Assessment of Exclusive Breastfeeding among Lactating Women Visiting Al-Remal Primary Healthcare Clinic in Gaza, Palestine

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    Breastfeeding has many health benefits for both the mother and infant. Breast milk contains all the nutrients an infant needs for the first six months of life. Breastfeeding protects against diarrhea and common childhood illnesses such as pneumonia. It may also have long-term health benefits for the mother and child, such as reducing the risk of obesity in childhood and adolescence. Exclusive breastfeeding means that the infant receives only breast milk. No other liquids or solids are given – not even water – with the exception of oral rehydration solution or drops/syrups of vitamins, minerals or medicines. The results of the PMS study in 2013 show that exclusive breastfeeding in GS is 55%, meanwhile in WB it is 52.9%, and in the state of Palestine it is 53.9%. The World Health Organization estimates that around 220,000 children could be saved each year with exclusive breastfeeding. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that infants should be exclusively breastfed for the first six months of life to achieve optimal growth, development, and health. The Global Strategy for Infant and Young Child Feeding describes the essential interventions to promote, protect and support breastfeeding. In order to survive, grow, and develop properly, infants require the right proportion of nutrients. Breast milk is rich in nutrients and antibodies and contains the right quantities of fat, sugar, water, and protein. These nutrients are major prerequisites to the wellbeing and survival of the baby. When a child is exclusively breastfed, their immune system is strengthened, enabling it to prevent life-threatening illnesses like pneumonia and diarrhea amongst other infections. In fact, reports indicate that newborns who are not breastfed for the first six months of life are 15 times more likely to die from pneumonia compared to those who are breastfed exclusively for six months after birth

    Aplikasi Pelayanan Mahasiswa Berbasis Web Bagian Kemahasiswaan Bidang Pembinaan Kemahasiswaan Institut Teknologi Telkom

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    ABSTRAKSI: Di dalam era globalisasi ini begitu banyak orang yang menggunakan teknologi untuk memenuhi kebutuhannya. Tak terkecuali dalam pelayanan publik. Salah satu pelayanan yang sangat membutuhkan teknologi adalah media pelayanan mahasiswa yang dilakukan oleh Bagian Kemahasiswaan (BK). Dalam hal ini yaitu Bagian Kemahasiswaan Institut Teknologi Telkom.Bagian Kemahasiswaan Institut Teknologi Telkom Terdiri dari dua bidang yaitu bidang kesejahteraan mahasiswa dan bidang pembinaan kemahasiswaan.Dalam proyek akhir ini hanya membahas bidang pembinaan kemahasiswaan. Dibidang pembinaan kemahasiswaan kegiatan yang ditanganinya antara lain sistem TAK namun sistem belum dapat mengetahui persebaran aktifitas mahasiswa, pengajuan proposal dimana masih dilakukan secara manual, peminjaman barang yang masih dilakukan secara manual, Informasi tentang Ormawa dan laboratorium namun belum ada pembagian Ormawa berdasarkan jenis Ormawa dan belum ada pembigan laboratorium berdasarkan fakultas.Berdasarkan permasalahan tersebut pada proyek akhir ini dibuat aplikasi berbasis web yang menggunakan pemrograman PHP untuk digunakan sebagai user interface dan MySQL sebagai database. Sistem yang dibutuhkan diantaranya, sistem TAK yang lebih maksimal sehingga dapat melihat persebaran aktifitas mahasiswa. Sistem pengajuan proposal dana secara online. Sistem pendataan peminjaman barang secara online. Sistem pendataan Ormawa dan laboratorium. Dan selanjutnya akan dilakukan korelasi dengan web bidang kesejahteraan mahasiswa.Kata Kunci : Web Aplikasi, PHP, MySQL, Bagian Kemahasiswaan.ABSTRACT: In the era of globalization are so many people are using technology to meet their needs. Not least in the public service. One of the very need of technology services is a media student services performed by Student Affairs Section (BK). In the case of Telkom Institute of Technology Student Affairs Section.Telkom Institute of Technology Student Affairs section consists of two areas, namely areas of student welfare and student guidance areas. In this final project only addresses the field of student guidance. In the area of student guidance activities it undertakes, among others, not the system but the system has not been able to know the distribution of student activities, the submission of a proposal which is still done manually, borrowing items that are still done manually, and laboratory information Ormawa but there is no division based on the type of field and ormawa there is no division of the laboratory based on faculty.Based on these problems at this end of the project created a web-based application using PHP programming to be used as user interface and MySQL as database. System is required of them, not the more leverage the system so that it can see the distribution of student activity. Funding proposal submission system is online. Data collection system borrowing items online. Ormawa and laboratory data collection system. And then be carried out correlation with student welfare web.Keyword: Web Applications, PHP, MySQL, Student Sectio

    Expression of four Cytochrome P450 family six (Cyp6) genes in DDT-resistant and susceptible strains of Drosophila melanogaster

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    Insecticide resistance has been a problem in both agriculture and public healthIn most cases, resistance is mediated by the cytochrome P450 monooxygenases. One or more Cyp genes are generally found to be over-expressed in resistant strains compared to susceptible ones. In Drosophila, three Cyp genes (Cyp6a2, Cyp6a8 and Cyp6g1) are known to show over-expression in the resistant 91-R relative to the susceptible 91-C strain. However, the total number of Cyp genes over-expressed in the 91-R strain is not known. This investigation was initiated to identify new Cyp genes that show a higher expression in 91-R relative to 91-C. The expression of four Cyp6 family genes (Cyp6w1, Cyp6u1, Cyp6a14, and Cyp6a13) on chromosome 2 that lie close to a genetically mapped DDT resistance locus was examined in the resistant 91-R and susceptible 91-C strains. It was found that among all four, only Cyp6w1 showed a significantly higher expression in 91-R relative to 91-C. Similar to Cyp6a2 and Cyp6a8 on chromosome 2, Cyp6w1 was found to be inducible by barbital. It also shows a higher expression in males than in females. To understand how Cyp6wl is regulated, its expression was examined in several chromosome substitution stocks carrying different combinations of the three major chromosomes (X, 2nd, and 3rd) of 91-R and 91-C. It was found that, as for Cyp6a2 and Cyp6a8 genes, the 3rd chromosome negatively influences the expression of Cyp6wl, whereas the X chromosome has little or no effect. It was also found that the second chromosome of 91-C has an inhibitory influence on the expression of Cyp6w1-91C allele, whereas the second chromosome of 91-R has a positive influence on the expression of Cyp6w1-91R allele. The results of this investigation imply that Cyp6w1, Cyp6a2, and Cyp6a8 genes may be regulated by the same negative trans-regulatory gene(s) on the third chromosome. A loss-of-function mutation of this gene(s) may be responsible for their elevated expression in 91-R

    focus on mucosal delivery with related opportunities, issues, and challenges

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    Efficient pharmacotherapy is mainly dependent on the effective localized delivery of therapeutic agents to the targeted biological site. Many potent therapeutics exhibit detrimental effects owing their systemic administration and off-target interactions. Hence, local drug formulations have become a necessity to optimize current treatments. Such formulations, however, must address, the unsuited physicochemical properties of drug molecules on one hand, and the obstructive nature of the targeted biological barrier on the other. In this context, nanosized drug delivery systems have literally taken modern medicine to a new dimension by providing adaptable vehicles able to transfer and stabilize therapeutics. Responsive nanogels, in particular, offer biocompatible and versatile tools that can be tuned to suit the targeted barrier requirements in order to facilitate smart delivery and controlled release of the payload. Aiming to overcome the highly challenging dermal and mucus barriers and provide respectively efficient non-invasive formulations of labile biomacromolecules, the goal of this project was the rational investigation of polyglycerol based nanogels exerting two different response mechanisms as promising vehicles for dermal and mucosal applications. In the dermal delivery approach, thermoresponsive dPG nanogels were modified to exhibit different volume phase transition temperatures (VPTTs) ranging between 33 – 47 °C using PNIPAM and PNIPMAM thermoresponsive polymers. All nanogels demonstrated high protein encapsulation efficiency (>80%), maintained integrity of protein cargo, and exhibited dermal penetration and subsequent VPTT-dependent protein release and delivery to the viable epidermis in excised human skin. Here, the equal co-polymerization of PNIPAM and PNIPMAM yielded nanogels with VPTT ~40 °C, which enabled to expand dermal applications to include using an external thermal trigger like NIR lamp resulting in pronounced protein delivery in a controlled local and temporal manner. As for the mucosal delivery approach, for the first time redox-responsive dPG nanogels based on PNIPMAM conjugated to a bifunctional disulfide linker were developed and comprehensively investigated for protein delivery across the mucus barrier. Addressing essential prerequisites for mucus permeation, the nanogels physicochemical properties were fine-tuned to yield hydrophilic nanogels with size range between 100 – 200 nm, inert surface, and intact disulfide linkages. Monitoring the interactions between the nanogels and native intestinal mucus, a gradual disulfides-dependent degradation of the nanogels in mucus was confirmed. Furthermore, rheological measurements indicated mucoadhesive interactions between the mucus gel and the disulfides-containing nanogels, meanwhile absorption studies in excised porcine jejunum revealed outstanding mucopenetration of the disulfides-containing nanogels and demonstrated the disulfides merit in facilitating efficient circumvention of the mucus filtering and clearance mechanisms. Similar findings were also confirmed in reconstructed human bronchial epithelial in vitro models following longer exposure period to the nanogels. In addition, the cytocompatibility of the nanogels was also demonstrated in various mucosal epithelial cell types and primary macrophages as well. Next, the therapeutic efficiency of the nanogels in delivering the biological protein-drug etanercept (ETN; 150 kDa) was examined. Here, high loading efficiency along with structural and functional stability of encapsulated ETN were observed. Moreover, in vitro release studies in mucus-relevant redox conditions confirmed ETN retention in the nanogels for several hours and its sustained intact release upon nanogels degradation, which demonstrate the great potential of disulfides-containing nanogels for biomacromolecules delivery. Finally, topical application of ETN-loaded nanogels to human-based in vitro models of small intestinal tissue simulating IBD phenotype and bronchial epithelial tissue demonstrated efficient intraepithelial ETN delivery and subsequent anti-inflammatory effect. Throughout this investigation, serious issues pertaining to structural limitations in the available biological test systems for intestinal mucosa were revealed. Since these shortcomings significantly hamper drug absorption studies, multiple mucosal test systems were employed to validate the findings and allow a comprehensive and reliable assessment. Overall, this thesis introduces novel stimuli responsive nanogels as versatile and resilient tools for efficient local delivery of biomacromolecules to dermal and mucosal surfaces. It also demonstrates the role of the responsive modalities in facilitating the crossing of impervious biological barriers besides prompting a controlled release of the therapeutic payload. In addition, this work highlights critical problems in currently implemented test systems for predicting mucosal drug delivery and outlines present challenges in translating experimental approaches into tangible clinical success.Eine effiziente Pharmakotherapie hängt hauptsächlich davon ab, dass die therapeutischen Wirkstoffe effektiv an den biologischen Zielort gelangen. Viele potente Therapeutika weisen aufgrund ihrer systemischen Verabreichung und Off-Target Wechselwirkungen nachteilige und sogar schädliche Auswirkungen auf. Daher sind lokale Arzneimittelformulierungen zu einer Notwendigkeit geworden, um die derzeitigen Behandlungen zu optimieren. Solche Formulierungen müssen jedoch berücksichtigen die ungeeigneten physikochemischen Eigenschaften der Wirkstoffmoleküle einerseits, sowie die obstruktiven Eigenschaften der biologischen Zielbarriere andererseits. In diesem Zusammenhang haben Wirkstofftransportsysteme in Nanometer-Größe die moderne Medizin tatsächlich zu einer neuen Dimension gebracht, indem sie sich als flexible Vehikel, die die Therapeutika übertragen und stabilisieren herausgestellt haben. Vor allem responsive Nanogele bieten biokompatible und vielfältige Werkzeuge, die gemäß spezifischen Anforderungen der Zielbarriere angepasst werden können, um eine so genannte „smarte“ Verabreichung und kontrollierte Freisetzung des beladenen Mittels zu ermöglichen. Mit dem Ziel, die besonders anspruchsvollen Haut- und Schleimhautbarrieren zu überwinden und jeweils effiziente, nicht-invasive pharmazeutische Formulierungen für labilen Biomakromolekülen bereitzustellen, beruht sich der Schwerpunkt dieses Projekts auf die rationale Untersuchung von responsive Nanogele basierend auf Polyglycerin, die zwei unterschiedliche Response-Mechanismen aufweisen, als vielversprechende Transport-systeme für dermale und mukosale Anwendungen. Für den dermalen Ansatz wurden thermoresponsive Nanogele so modifiziert, dass sie unterschiedliche Volumenphasenübergangstemperaturen (VPTT) zwischen 33 und 47 °C aufweisen, wobei die thermoresponsiven Polymere PNIPAM und PNIPMAM verwendet wurden. Alle Nanogele zeigten eine hohe Protein-Verkapselungseffizienz (>80 %), bewahrten die Integrität des verkapselten Proteins, und konnten eine dermale Penetration mit VPTT-bedingter Freisetzung des Proteins und anschließender Abgabe in die lebensfähige Epidermis in exzidierter menschlicher Haut nachweisen. Durch die gleichmäßige Co-Polymerisation von Poly-N-Isopropylacrylamid (PNIPAM) und Poly-N-isopropylmethacrylamid (PNIPMAM) führte zu Nanogelen mit einer VPTT von ca. ~40 °C, was eine Erweiterung der dermalen Anwendungen ermöglichte, indem eine Verwendung externer Wärmequellen, wie einer Nahinfrarot-Lampe löst eine ausgeprägte Abgabe von Proteinen in die Haut auf kontrollierte lokale und zeitliche Weise aus. Was den Schleimhaut Ansatz betrifft, wurden zum ersten Mal Redox-responsive Nanogele aus PNIPMAM Polymer mit bifunktionellen Disulfid-Vernetzer entwickelt und für die Verabreichung von Proteinen über die Schleimbarriere umfassend untersucht. Mit Blick auf die wesentlichen Voraussetzungen für effiziente Mukus-Permeation, wurden die physikochemischen Eigenschaften der Nanogelen feinjustiert, um hydrophile Nanogelen mit einer Größe zwischen 100 und 200 nm, einer inerten Oberfläche, sowie intakten Disulfid-Bindungen zu erhalten. Die Überwachung von Wechselwirkungen zwischen den Nanogelen und nativem Darmschleim bestätigte einen allmählichen Disulfid-abhängigen Abbau der Nanogele in Mukus. Außerdem deuteten rheologische Messungen auf mucoadhäsive Wechselwirkung zwischen Mukus und Disulfid-haltigen Nanogelen hin. Zugleich zeigten Absorptionsstudien in frisch exzidiertem Schweine-Jejunum eine hervorragende Mukopenetration der Disulfid-haltigen Nanogelen und belegten die Vorzüge von Disulfiden in Bezug auf eine effiziente Überwindung der Mukus-korrelierten Filter- und Clearance-Mechanismen. Ähnliche Ergebnisse wurden auch in rekonstruierten menschlichen bronchialen Epithelmodellen in vitro nach längerer Expositionsdauer zu den Nanogelen bestätigt. Zudem wurde die Zytokompatibilität der Nanogelen auch in verschiedenen Schleimhautepithelzelltypen sowie primären Makrophagen nachgewiesen. Als Nächstes wurde die therapeutische Effizienz der Nanogelen bei der Verabreichung vom Biologikum-Protein Etanercept (ETN; 150 kDa) untersucht. Dabei wurden eine hohe Verkapslungs-effizienz sowie eine strukturelle und funktionelle Stabilität des verkapselten ETN festgestellt. Zudem ergaben in vitro Freisetzungsstudien unter Mukus-relevanten Redox-Bedingungen, dass ETN mehrere Stunden lang in den Nanogelen aufbewahrt geblieben ist und weiterhin schrittweise unversehrt freigesetzt wurde beim Abbau der Nanogelen, was das große Potenzial von Disulfid-haltigen Nanogelen für die Verabreichung von Biomakromolekülen belegte. Die topische Anwendung von ETN-beladenen Nanogelen auf humane in vitro Modelle des Dünndarmgewebes, die das Krankheitsbild der chronisch-entzündlichen Darmerkrankung (IBD) simulieren, und auf bronchiales Epithelgewebe zeigten schließlich eine effiziente intraepitheliale ETN Verabreichung und entsprechende entzündungshemmende Wirkung. Im Laufe dieser Untersuchung wurden ernste Probleme in Bezug auf strukturelle Einschränkungen in den verfügbaren biologischen Testsystemen für die Darmschleimhaut festgestellt. Da solche Mängel die Studien zur Arzneimittelabsorption erheblich beeinträchtigen, wurden mehrere Schleimhaut-Testsysteme hierzu eingesetzt, um die Ergebnisse zu validieren und eine umfassende und zuverlässige Bewertung zu ermöglichen. Insgesamt sind in dieser Arbeit neue responsive Nanogele als vielseitige und flexible Werkzeuge für die effiziente lokale Abgabe von Biomakromolekülen an die Haut- und Schleimhautoberflächen dargestellt. Weiterhin wird die Rolle der responsiven Modalitäten bei der Durchquerung von den robusten biologischen Barrieren neben der kontrollierten Freisetzung der therapeutischen Fracht demonstriert. Außerdem wurden kritische Probleme bei den bestehenden Testsystemen zur Voraussage von Medikamenten-Verabreichung über die Schleimhäute hervorgehoben und die aktuellen Herausforderungen erläutert, um den entsprechenden experimentellen Verfahren in greifbaren klinischen Erfolg umzusetzen

    Synthesis Of Biodegradable Star-Shaped Polymers Using Bio-Based Polyols Via Ring-Opening Polymerization Of Β-Butyrolactone With Amido-Oxazolinate Zinc Catalysts

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    A new series of star-shaped and highly branched poly(β-hydroxybutyrates) (PHBs) with a distinct structure was synthesized by ring-opening polymerization (ROP) of β-butyrolactone (BBL) with amido-oxazolinate zinc catalysts. The ROP of BBL using multifunctional hydroxyl-terminated initiators is an efficient methodology that allowed the preparation of PHBs with not only well-controlled molecular weights (Mn) and narrow dispersity (Đ), but also well-defined end-functional groups. Furthermore, the modifications of star-shaped and highly branched PHBs resulted in various architectures with tailored properties for many applications particularly for the biomedical field. Star-shaped structure is constructed via a core-first approach, in which the multi-functional alcohols will serve as the initiator for ROP. Specifically, three-, four-, and multi-armed star polymers were obtained and thoroughly characterized by various techniques such as nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, gel permeation chromatography (GPC), and their thermal and mechanical properties were investigated by thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). These properties were compared with the linear PHBs since it is expected that branched architectures may have different features. Moreover, the impact of the arm numbers and the arm lengths was studied on thermal properties of the obtained star-shaped PHBs, which strongly depended upon their arm numbers and arm lengths