3,240 research outputs found

    A mindful approach to eating disorders

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    'The risks of playing it safe': a prospective longitudinal study of response to reward in the adolescent offspring of depressed parents

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    BACKGROUND Alterations in reward processing may represent an early vulnerability factor for the development of depressive disorder. Depression in adults is associated with reward hyposensitivity and diminished reward seeking may also be a feature of depression in children and adolescents. We examined the role of reward responding in predicting depressive symptoms, functional impairment and new-onset depressive disorder over time in the adolescent offspring of depressed parents. In addition, we examined group differences in reward responding between currently depressed adolescents, psychiatric and healthy controls, and also cross-sectional associations between reward responding and measures of positive social/environmental functioning. Method We conducted a 1-year longitudinal study of adolescents at familial risk for depression (n = 197; age range 10-18 years). Reward responding and self-reported social/environmental functioning were assessed at baseline. Clinical interviews determined diagnostic status at baseline and at follow-up. Reports of depressive symptoms and functional impairment were also obtained. RESULTS Low reward seeking predicted depressive symptoms and new-onset depressive disorder at the 1-year follow-up in individuals free from depressive disorder at baseline, independently of baseline depressive symptoms. Reduced reward seeking also predicted functional impairment. Adolescents with current depressive disorder were less reward seeking (i.e. bet less at favourable odds) than adolescents free from psychopathology and those with externalizing disorders. Reward seeking showed positive associations with social and environmental functioning (extra-curricular activities, humour, friendships) and was negatively associated with anhedonia. There were no group differences in impulsivity, decision making or psychomotor slowing. CONCLUSIONS Reward seeking predicts depression severity and onset in adolescents at elevated risk of depression. Adaptive reward responses may be amenable to change through modification of existing preventive psychological interventions

    A sense of embodiment is reflected in people's signature size

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    BACKGROUND: The size of a person's signature may reveal implicit information about how the self is perceived although this has not been closely examined. METHODS/RESULTS: We conducted three experiments to test whether increases in signature size can be induced. Specifically, the aim of these experiments was to test whether changes in signature size reflect a person's current implicit sense of embodiment. Experiment 1 showed that an implicit affect task (positive subliminal evaluative conditioning) led to increases in signature size relative to an affectively neutral task, showing that implicit affective cues alter signature size. Experiments 2 and 3 demonstrated increases in signature size following experiential self-focus on sensory and affective stimuli relative to both conceptual self-focus and external (non-self-focus) in both healthy participants and patients with anorexia nervosa, a disorder associated with self-evaluation and a sense of disembodiment. In all three experiments, increases in signature size were unrelated to changes in self-reported mood and larger than manipulation unrelated variations. CONCLUSIONS: Together, these findings suggest that a person's sense of embodiment is reflected in their signature size

    A Statistical Model for Ascertaining the Influence and Reliability of Weather Parameters on Incidence of Blossom Blight in Mango (Mangifera indica L.)

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    A statistical model was developed to study the influence and reliability of weatlier parameters on incidence of blossom blight in Mango (Mangifera indica) and subsequently to predict their incidence. Results showed that preceding week's weather variables viz., maximum and minimum temperature, evaporation, rainfall, morning and evening relative humidity and wind speed were found to collectively predict blossom blight incidence to the extent of 94.3 per cent. Further, as a measure of goodness-of-fit, the coefficient of determination (R2) and mean squared error were used to evaluate the empirical model developed by using above variables. Validation test showed that the model developed using relative humidity at 07.30 h (X3), evaporation (X5) and wind speed (X6) (Y = 883.4 - 8.065 X3-11.506 X5 -33.619 X6) could predict the incidence to the extent of 75.7%. This model is useful in determining the role of climatic factors in disease appearance and progression and devising suitable management strategy

    Observational cross-sectional study to evaluate the effects of self-medication with topical agents used by patients for superficial fungal skin infection at tertiary care hospital in Mumbai

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    Background: Superficial fungal infections of the hair, skin, and nails are a major cause of morbidity in the world and their incidence continues to increase. While self-medication is also one of the major health concerns for health authorities worldwide. The aim of the study was to evaluate the effects of topical agents used by patients for self-medication, to enlisting the topical agents used by patients for self-medication, to ensure by whose suggestion’s patients engaged in self-medication.Methods: It was an observational cross-sectional study which was conducted at the outpatient department (OPD) of dermatology in tertiary care hospital. A detailed history of the participant was recorded regarding topical agents used for self-medication and their effects were documented in a predesigned case record form.Results: The population consisted of 128 males and 87 females. All these 215 participants had used 61 topical agents of different brand names and the majority of were irritant, corticosteroids and antifungal much high in use. Among 215 participants, 111 had temporary relief from the infection and reoccurred after stopping its use. 98 showed aggravation in their infection among which 90 showed effects like irritation, burning and itching at the application site, while 8 participants showed dryness or flaking of skin.Conclusions: Self-medication is widely practiced among patients with a superficial fungal skin infection in Mumbai. A pharmacist was the major source for obtaining these topical agents. We can conclude, there is a need to counsel and discourage patients from self-medication and regulations for dispensing the prescribed drugs should be made stringent

    Rad9/53BP1 promotes DNA repair via crossover recombination by limiting the Sgs1 and Mph1 helicases

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    The DNA damage checkpoint (DDC) is often robustly activated during the homologous recombination (HR) repair of DNA double strand breaks (DSBs). DDC activation controls several HR repair factors by phosphorylation, preventing premature segregation of entangled chromosomes formed during HR repair. The DDC mediator 53BP1/Rad9 limits the nucleolytic processing (resection) of a DSB, controlling the formation of the 3\u2032 single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) filament needed for recombination, from yeast to human. Here we show that Rad9 promotes stable annealing between the recombinogenic filament and the donor template in yeast, limiting strand rejection by the Sgs1 and Mph1 helicases. This regulation allows repair by long tract gene conversion, crossover recombination and break-induced replication (BIR), only after DDC activation. These findings shed light on how cells couple DDC with the choice and effectiveness of HR sub-pathways, with implications for genome instability and cancer
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