13 research outputs found

    Switching cytolytic nanopores into antimicrobial fractal ruptures by a single side chain mutation

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    Disruption of cell membranes is a fundamental host defense response found in virtually all forms of life. The molecular mechanisms vary but generally lead to energetically favored circular nanopores. Here, we report an elaborate fractal rupture pattern induced by a single side-chain mutation in ultrashort (8–11-mers) helical peptides, which otherwise form transmembrane pores. In contrast to known mechanisms, this mode of membrane disruption is restricted to the upper leaflet of the bilayer where it exhibits propagating fronts of peptide-lipid interfaces that are strikingly similar to viscous instabilities in fluid flow. The two distinct disruption modes, pores and fractal patterns, are both strongly antimicrobial, but only the fractal rupture is nonhemolytic. The results offer wide implications for elucidating differential membrane targeting phenomena defined at the nanoscale

    Uncertainty in measurement of protein circular dichroism spectra

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    Circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy of proteins is widely used to measure protein secondary structure, and to detect changes in secondary and higher orders of structure, for applications in research and in the quality control of protein products such as biopharmaceuticals. However, objective comparison of spectra is challenging because of a limited quantitative understanding of the sources of error in the measurement. Statistical methods can be used for comparisons, but do not provide a mechanism for dealing with systematic, as well as random, errors. Here we present a measurement model for CD spectroscopy of proteins, incorporating the principal sources of uncertainty, and use the model in conjunction with experimental data to derive an uncertainty budget. We show how this approach could be used in practice for the objective comparison of spectra, and discuss the benefits and limitations of this strategy.</p

    FTIR markers of methionine oxidation for early detection of oxidized protein therapeutics

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    The biological activity of therapeutic proteins is strongly dependent on the stability of their folded state, which can easily be compromised by degradation. Oxidation is one of the most common causes of degradation and is typically associated with impairment of the native protein structure. Methionine residues stand out as particularly susceptible to oxidation by reactive oxygen intermediates even under mild conditions. Consequently, methionine oxidation has profound effects on protein activity up to the point of adverse biological responses. Of immediate importance therefore is finding affordable approaches for rapid detection of methionine oxidation before any substantial structural changes can ensue. Herein we report that vibrational bands at 1,044 and 1,113 cm-1 in the mid-infrared region can serve as characteristic markers of methionine oxidation in oxidatively stressed protein therapeutics, monoclonal antibodies (IgG1 and its antigen-binding fragment). Such Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) markers underpin rapid detection assays and hold particular promise for correlation of methionine oxidation with protein structure and function.</p

    MiS-MALDI: microgel-selected detection of protein biomarkers by MALDI-ToF mass spectrometry

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    Intensified efforts to decipher the origin of disease at the molecular level stimulate the emergence of more efficient proteomic technologies. To complement this, attempts are being made to identify new predictive biomarkers for building more reliable biomarker patterns. As biomarker research gathers pace an immediate interest becomes focused on platforms, which although based on mainstream approaches, are more amenable to specialist tasks. Particularly relevant this is for disease-specific biomarkers, which are present at very low concentrations in multicomponent biological fluids and require depletion protocols enabling their separation from high-abundance components. In this report, we describe a new strategy allowing the rapid detection of target protein biomarkers by MALDI-ToF mass spectrometry. The approach relies on selective sequestering of target proteins from complex media by engineered microgels, which select proteins by their size

    International comparability in spectroscopic measurements of protein structure by circular dichroism: CCQM-P59.1

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    Circular dichroism (CD) is a spectroscopic technique that is widely used to obtain information about protein structure, and hence is an important tool with many applications, including the characterization of biopharmaceuticals. A previous inter-laboratory study, CCQM-P59, showed that there was a poor level of comparability between laboratories in CD spectroscopy. In a follow-up study reported here, we achieved our goal of demonstrating improved comparability and data quality, primarily by addressing the problems identified in the previous study, which included cell path-length measurement, instrument calibration and good practice in general. Multivariate analysis techniques (principal component analysis and soft independent modelling of class analogies) were shown to be useful in comparing large spectral data sets and in classifying spectra. However, our results also show that there is more work to be done to improve confidence in the technique as the discrepancies observed were partially due to systematic effects, which the statistical approaches do not consider. We therefore conclude that there is a need for an improved understanding of the uncertainties in CD measurement

    Differentially Instructive Extracellular Protein Micro-nets

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    An ability to construct biological matter from the molecule up holds promise for applications ranging from smart materials to integrated biophysical models for synthetic biology. Biomolecular self-assembly is an efficient strategy for biomaterial construction which can be programmed to support desired function. A challenge remains in replicating the strategy synthetically, that is at will, and differentially, that is for a specific function at a given length scale. Here we introduce a self-assembly topology enabling a net-like architectural mimetic of native extracellular matrices capable of differential responses to cell adhesionî—¸enhanced mammalian cell attachment and proliferation, and enhanced resistance to bacterial colonizationî—¸at the native sub-millimeter length scales. The biological performance of such protein micro-nets directly correlates with their morphological and chemical properties, offering thus an application model for differential extracellular matrices