54 research outputs found

    Observations of Beachcast Bowhead Whales (Balaena mysticetus) in the Southeastern Beaufort Sea and Amundsen Gulf, 1987–2016

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    Each spring, most Bowhead Whales (Balaena mysticetus) of the Bering-Chukchi-Beaufort (BCB) population migrate to the Canadian Beaufort Sea and Amundsen Gulf for summer feeding. Occasionally, Inuvialuit hunters and others observe beachcast (stranded) or adrift Bowhead Whale carcasses. From 1987 to 2016, 26 such occurrences were recorded. Most (65%) were found by Inuvialuit hunters travelling on the land, with the majority (54%) reported during 2000–2006. Bowhead Whale carcasses were found widely distributed throughout the region, with twice as many in Amundsen Gulf (65%) compared with the southeastern Beaufort Sea (35%). It was possible to measure or estimate standard length for 17 of 26 specimens, and all were either provisional ‘subadults’ (7–9.5 m; n = 10; 59%) or provisional ‘mature adults’ (13–16 m; n = 7; 41%). The cause(s) of mortality was not determined for any of the specimens. Whales in the ‘subadult’ group were likely 1–4 years old, while the ‘mature adult’ group were likely mostly mature animals (~25 y), including some potentially very old (>100 y). There was evidence or direct observation of Polar Bears (Ursus maritimus) and/or Grizzly Bears (U. arctos) scavenging at 60% of the carcasses for which presence or absence of bears or bear sign (scats and/or tracks) was reported. It is important to continue to record incidental observations of beachcast Bowhead Whales, as this may enable stranding rates to be evaluated

    Overcoming the challenges of studying conservation physiology in large whales : a review of available methods

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    Large whales are subjected to a variety of conservation pressures that could be better monitored and managed if physiological information could be gathered readily from free-swimming whales. However, traditional approaches to studying physiology have been impractical for large whales, because there is no routine method for capture of the largest species and there is presently no practical method of obtaining blood samples from free-swimming whales. We review the currently available techniques for gathering physiological information on large whales using a variety of non-lethal and minimally invasive (or non-invasive) sample matrices. We focus on methods that should produce information relevant to conservation physiology, e.g. measures relevant to stress physiology, reproductive status, nutritional status, immune response, health, and disease. The following four types of samples are discussed: faecal samples, respiratory samples (‘blow’), skin/blubber samples, and photographs. Faecal samples have historically been used for diet analysis but increasingly are also used for hormonal analyses, as well as for assessment of exposure to toxins, pollutants, and parasites. Blow samples contain many hormones as well as respiratory microbes, a diverse array of metabolites, and a variety of immune-related substances. Biopsy dart samples are widely used for genetic, contaminant, and fatty-acid analyses and are now being used for endocrine studies along with proteomic and transcriptomic approaches. Photographic analyses have benefited from recently developed quantitative techniques allowing assessment of skin condition, ectoparasite load, and nutritional status, along with wounds and scars from ship strikes and fishing gear entanglement. Field application of these techniques has the potential to improve our understanding of the physiology of large whales greatly, better enabling assessment of the relative impacts of many anthropogenic and ecological pressures.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Parasites in the inner ear of harbour porpoise: Cases from the North and baltic seas

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    Peribullar sinuses of harbour porpoises Phocoena phocoena are parasitized with high prevalence by the nematode Stenurus minor. The effect of S. minor on the hearing ability of this species is still undetermined. Here, we review the occurrence of S. minor in the inner ear of harbour porpoises recovered from strandings in the North and Baltic Seas. In particular, we present the results from ears collected in German and Danish waters from 2002 to 2016 and from Dutch waters from 2010 to 2016. While the prevalence of S. minor in pterygoid and peribullar sinuses and tympanic cavity was high in harbour porpoises (66.67% in our cases), its prevalence in the cochlea was rare. Only 1 case out of 129 analysed by either histology, electron microscopy or immunofluorescence showed the presence of a nematode parasite morphologically consistent with S. minor at the most basal portion of the right cochlea. This individual also had severe haemorrhage along the right cochlear spiral, which was likely caused by ectopic S. minor migration. Although this animal might have had impaired hearing in the right ear, it was otherwise in good body condition with evidence of recent feeding. These findings highlight the need to study the effect of parasites on hearing, and other pathological changes that might impair appropriate processing of acoustic information.Postprint (author's final draft

    Paranannizziopsis spp. infections in wild snakes and a qPCR assay for detection of the fungus

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    The emergence of ophidiomycosis (or snake fungal disease) in snakes has prompted increased awareness of the potential effects of fungal infections on wild reptile populations. Yet, aside from Ophidiomyces ophidiicola, little is known about other mycoses affecting wild reptiles. The closely related genus Paranannizziopsis has been associated with dermatomycosis in snakes and tuataras in captive collections, and P. australasiensis was recently identified as the cause of skin infections in non-native wild panther chameleons (Furcifer pardalis) in Florida, USA. Here we describe five cases of Paranannizziopsis spp. associated with skin lesions in wild snakes in North America and one additional case from a captive snake from Connecticut, USA. In addition to demonstrating that wild Nearctic snakes can serve as a host for these fungi, we also provide evidence that the genus Paranannizziopsis is widespread in wild snakes, with cases being identified in Louisiana (USA), Minnesota (USA), Virginia (USA), and British Columbia (Canada). Phylogenetic analyses conducted on multiple loci of the fungal strains we isolated identified P. australasiensis in Louisiana and Virginia; the remaining strains from Minnesota and British Columbia did not cluster with any of the described species of Paranannizziopsis, although the strains from British Columbia appear to represent a single lineage. Finally, we designed a pan-Paranannizziopsis real-time PCR assay targeting the internal transcribed spacer region 2. This assay successfully detected DNA of all described species of Paranannizziopsis and the two potentially novel taxa isolated in this study and did not cross-react with closely related fungi or other fungi commonly found on the skin of snakes. The assay was 100% sensitive and specific when screening clinical (skin tissue or skin swab) samples, although full determination of the assay’s performance will require additional follow up due to the small number of clinical samples (n = 14 from 11 snakes) available for testing in our study. Nonetheless, the PCR assay can provide an important tool in further investigating the prevalence, distribution, and host range of Paranannizziopsis spp. and facilitate more rapid diagnosis of Paranannizziopsis spp. infections that are otherwise difficult to differentiate from other dermatomycoses

    Risk factor determination and qualitative risk assessment of Mucormycosis in Harbor Porpoise, an emergent fungal disease in Salish Sea marine mammals

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    Mucorales infections are increasing in frequency and are a One Health pathogen of concern. In humans and domestic animals, risk factors include being immunocompromised, elevated circulating serum iron, contaminated open wounds, or metabolic diseases such as ketoacidosis or uncontrolled diabetes. Mucormycosis was first identified in 2012 in Pacific Northwest marine mammals, predominantly in harbor porpoises. We performed an assessment to determine the overall qualitative risk, or risk score, of mucormycosis in harbor porpoises. Risk factors for this disease are unknown in aquatic mammals. In a separate risk factor analysis, potential risk factors such as pollutants, trace metals (e.g., iron), and co-infection with other pathogens (e.g., viruses and Brucella spp.) were examined in mucormycosis cases and noncases using a matched case-control study design, to determine the presence and strength of association of these factors with mucormycosis. Disease severity (gross and histopathology) and exposure scores were multiplied together to obtain the overall risk scores of 9 -16 which corresponded to moderate and severe, respectively. In the risk factor analysis, the factors most strongly associated with a mucormycosis case, relative to a control, were elevated liver iron, decreased blubber thickness, and the decreased ratio of the sum of PCB congeners/sum of PBDE congeners. The results of this study suggest that mucormycosis may pose an inordinately high risk to harbor porpoises (and potentially sympatric species in the Salish Sea such as southern resident killer whales) based on the detected prevalence and the severity of lesions observed at necropsy. However, the risk may be greater on an individual basis compared to the overall population, and is likely related to other factors such as increased POP and heavy metal burdens

    Echolocating whales and bats express the motor protein prestin in the inner ear: a potential marker for hearing loss

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    Prestin is an integral membrane motor protein located in outer hair cells of the mammalian cochlea. It is responsible for electromotility and required for cochlear amplification. Although prestin works in a cycle-by-cycle mode up to frequencies of at least 79 kHz, it is not known whether or not prestin is required for the extreme high frequencies used by echolocating species. Cetaceans are known to possess a prestin coding gene. However, the expression and distribution pattern of the protein in the cetacean cochlea has not been determined, and the contribution of prestin to echolocation has not yet been resolved. Here we report the expression of the protein prestin in five species of echolocating whales and two species of echolocating bats. Positive labelling in the basolateral membrane of outer hair cells, using three anti-prestin antibodies, was found all along the cochlear spiral in echolocating species. These findings provide morphological evidence that prestin can have a role in cochlear amplification in the basolateral membrane up to 120-180 kHz. In addition, labelling of the cochlea with a combination of anti-prestin, anti-neurofilament, anti-myosin VI and/or phalloidin and DAPI will be useful for detecting potential recent cases of noise-induced hearing loss in stranded cetaceans. This study improves our understanding of the mechanisms involved in sound transduction in echolocating mammals, as well as describing an optimized methodology for detecting cases of hearing loss in stranded marine mammals

    Best practice guidelines for cetacean tagging

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    Animal-borne electronic instruments (tags) are valuable tools for collecting information on cetacean physiology, behaviour and ecology, and for enhancing conservation and management policies for cetacean populations. Tags allow researchers to track the movement patterns, habitat use andother aspects of the behaviour of animals that are otherwise difficult to observe. They can even be used to monitor the physiology of a tagged animal within its changing environment. Such tags are ideal for identifying and predicting responses to anthropogenic threats, thus facilitating the development of robust mitigation measures. With the increasing need for data best provided by tagging and the increasing availability of tags, such research is becoming more common. Tagging can, however, pose risks to the health and welfare of cetaceans and to personnel involved in tagging operations. Here we provide ‘best practice’ recommendations for cetacean tag design, deployment and follow-up assessment of tagged individuals, compiled by biologists and veterinarians with significant experience in cetacean tagging. This paper is intended to serve as a resource to assist tag users, veterinarians, ethics committees and regulatory agency staff in the implementation of high standards of practice, and to promote the training of specialists in this area. Standardised terminology for describing tag design and illustrations of tag types and attachment sites are provided, along with protocols for tag testing and deployment (both remote and through capture-release), including training of operators. The recommendations emphasise the importance of ensuring that tagging is ethically and scientifically justified for a particular project and that tagging only be used to address bona fide research or conservation questions that are best addressed with tagging, as supported by an exploration of alternative methods. Recommendations are provided for minimising effects on individual animals (e.g. through careful selection of the individual, tag design and implant sterilisation) and for improving knowledge of tagging effects on cetaceans through increased post-tagging monitoring.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe
