76 research outputs found

    Telaah Teoretis dan Yuridis Tukar Menukar Barang Milik Daerah dengan Swasta

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    This study brought up the problems, first, the theoretical foundation of the exchange of regional owned property (BMD) between local government and private parties. Second, the laws and regulations governing the exchange activities of BMD. Third, basic considerations in relation to the exchange of BMD. The type of the research was normative research. The results concluded that, first, theoretically, the government (local government) can do contractualization of governmentaffairs because this has become a practice (habit) in the government. The contractualisation includes exchange agreements with non-governmental parties that involve assets(land)thatare under government control (BMD). Second, juridically, the regulational basis for the exchange agreement serving as the basis for the right to transfer the assets (land) under government control (BMD) can be found in the legislation. In doing such actions, terms and conditions of legislation shall apply as the basis of the validity of the actions which includes the aspects of authority, substance and procedure. Third, another thing that determines the feasibility of government action in exchanging BMD (in the form of land) is the aspect of benefit (doelmatigheid)

    E-government dalam Penyelenggaraan Pemerintahan Daerah di Indonesia

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    Tulisan ini hendak mengkaji pemanfaatan E-Government (Electronic Government) dalam penyelenggaraan pemerintahan daerah di Indonesia dengan menggunakan perspektif yuridis. berupa pengaturan yang sudah ada pada tingkat nasional atau pusat serta saran tindak bagi daerah dalam rangka mengimplementasikan E-Government, terutama pijakan awalnya berupa suatu kerangka hukum (legal framework). Tulisan ini merupakan penelitian hukum dengan menggunakan pendekatan teoretis-konseptual (conceptual approach) dan pendekatan Perundang-undangan (statute approach)

    The Criterion Validity, Reliability, and Feasibility of an Instrument for Assessing the Nursing Intensity in Perioperative Settings

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    Patient classification systems generate information for staff allocation based on a patient's care needs. This study aims to test further the instrument for assessing nursing intensity (NI) in perioperative settings. Nine operating departments from five university hospitals were involved. The perioperative nurses gathered data from patients (N = 876) representing different fields of surgery. Reliability was tested by parallel classifications (N = 144). Also, the users' (N = 40) opinions were surveyed. The results support the predictive validity and interrater reliability of the instrument. Thenurses considered the instrument feasible to use. Thepatients' low ASA class did not automatically signify low NI; however, high ASA class was more frequently associated with high intraoperative NI. Intraoperative NI indicated the length of the postanaesthesia care and the type of the follow-up unit. Parallel classifications ensured the homogenous use of the instrument. The use of the instrument is recommended

    Kinerja Kepala Daerah Otonom Baru : Studi di Kabupaten Sumba Tengah Propinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur

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    Dalam era demokrasi, kinerja lcepala daerah dalam rangka penyelenggaraan pemerintahan daerah tidak luput dari monitoring dan evaluasi dalam rangka konsep akuntabilitas publik dan inheren karena merupakan bagian dari kegiatan manajerial. Khusus untuk daerah otonom baru, evaluasi kinerja daerah otonom baru yang notabene direpresentasikan oleh kinerja kepala daerahnya menjadi bersifat imperatif karena terkait dengan kebijakan pemerintah pusat dalam rangka pelembagaan sistem rumah tangga riil. Karena berkaitan dengan kebijakan pemerintah pusat maka evaluasi tersebut akan menjadi salah satu instrumen dalam rangka mempertahankan atau menghapuskan keberadaan daerah otonom baru tersebut. Dari sini dapat disimpulkan bahwa evaluasi kinerja kepala daerah merupakan isu sangat penting. Penelitian ini melakukan evaluasi terhadap kinerja kepala daerah Kabupaten Sumba Tengah, sebuah daerah otonom baru hasil pemekaran dari Kabupaten Sumba Barat. Evaluasi kinerja kepala daerah Kabupaten Sumba Tengah tersebut dipumpunkan pada dua indikator kinerja dengan mengacu pada tugas dan fungsi kepala daerah berdasarkan peraturan perundang-undangan, yaitu kinerja di bidang politik-kebijakan dan kinerja di bidang administratif-manajerial. Dari lima sub-indikator dalam indikator kinerja di bidang politik-kebijakan, kinerja kepala daerah Kabupaten Sumba Tengah cenderung lebih tinggi di bidang peningkatan kemampuan keuangan daerah dan di bidang keamananketertiban. Sementara untuk indikator kinerja di bidang administratifmanajerial, sub-indikator kinerja dalam membangun komunikasi dan jaringan lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan sub-indikator perencanaan-implementasi dan sub-indikator penyelenggaraan pemerintahan daerah

    The type 2C phosphatase Wip1: An oncogenic regulator of tumor suppressor and DNA damage response pathways

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    The Wild-type p53-induced phosphatase 1, Wip1 (or PPM1D), is unusual in that it is a serine/threonine phosphatase with oncogenic activity. A member of the type 2C phosphatases (PP2Cδ), Wip1 has been shown to be amplified and overexpressed in multiple human cancer types, including breast and ovarian carcinomas. In rodent primary fibroblast transformation assays, Wip1 cooperates with known oncogenes to induce transformed foci. The recent identification of target proteins that are dephosphorylated by Wip1 has provided mechanistic insights into its oncogenic functions. Wip1 acts as a homeostatic regulator of the DNA damage response by dephosphorylating proteins that are substrates of both ATM and ATR, important DNA damage sensor kinases. Wip1 also suppresses the activity of multiple tumor suppressors, including p53, ATM, p16INK4a and ARF. We present evidence that the suppression of p53, p38 MAP kinase, and ATM/ATR signaling pathways by Wip1 are important components of its oncogenicity when it is amplified and overexpressed in human cancers