2,470 research outputs found

    Development of a fiber optic high temperature strain sensor

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    From 1 Apr. 1991 to 31 Aug. 1992, the Georgia Tech Research Institute conducted a research program to develop a high temperature fiber optic strain sensor as part of a measurement program for the space shuttle booster rocket motor. The major objectives of this program were divided into four tasks. Under Task 1, the literature on high-temperature fiber optic strain sensors was reviewed. Task 2 addressed the design and fabrication of the strain sensor. Tests and calibration were conducted under Task 3, and Task 4 was to generate recommendations for a follow-on study of a distributed strain sensor. Task 4 was submitted to NASA as a separate proposal

    Calculation of AGARD Wing 445.6 Flutter Using Navier-Stokes Aerodynamics

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    An unsteady, 3D, implicit upwind Euler/Navier-Stokes algorithm is here used to compute the flutter characteristics of Wing 445.6, the AGARD standard aeroelastic configuration for dynamic response, with a view to the discrepancy between Euler characteristics and experimental data. Attention is given to effects of fluid viscosity, structural damping, and number of structural model nodes. The flutter characteristics of the wing are determined using these unsteady generalized aerodynamic forces in a traditional V-g analysis. The V-g analysis indicates that fluid viscosity has a significant effect on the supersonic flutter boundary for this wing

    GILT Modulates CD4+ T-Cell Tolerance to the Melanocyte Differentiation Antigen Tyrosinase-Related Protein 1

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    Gamma-IFN-inducible lysosomal thiol reductase (GILT) facilitates major histocompatibility complex class II-restricted processing through endocytic reduction of protein disulfide bonds and is necessary for efficient class II-restricted processing of melanocyte differentiation antigen, tyrosinase-related protein 1 (TRP1). Using class II-restricted, TRP1-specific T-cell receptor transgenic mice, we identify a role, to our knowledge, previously unreported, for GILT in the maintenance of tolerance to TRP1. TRP1-specific thymocytes are centrally deleted in the presence of GILT and TRP1. In contrast, CD4 single-positive thymocytes and peripheral T cells develop in the absence of GILT or TRP1, demonstrating that GILT is required for negative selection of TRP1-specific thymocytes. Although TRP1-specific T cells escape thymic deletion in the absence of GILT, they are tolerant to TRP1 and do not induce vilitigo. TRP1-specific T cells that develop in the absence of GILT have diminished IL-2 and IFN-γ production. Furthermore, GILT-deficient mice have a 4-fold increase in the percentage of TRP1-specific regulatory T (Treg) cells compared with TRP1-deficient mice, and depletion of Treg cells partially restores the ability of GILT-deficient TRP1-specific CD4+ T cells to induce vitiligo. Thus, GILT has a critical role in regulating CD4+ T-cell tolerance to an endogenous skin-restricted antigen relevant to controlling autoimmunity and generating effective immunotherapy for melanoma

    Assessment of Buffet Forcing Function Development Process Using Unsteady Pressure Sensitive Paint

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    A wind tunnel test was conducted at the Ames Unitary Plan Wind Tunnel to characterize the transonic buffet environment of a generic launch vehicle forebody. The test examined a highly instrumented version of the Coe and Nute Model 11 test article first tested in the 1960s. One of the measurement techniques used during this test was unsteady pressure sensitive paint (uPSP) developed at the Arnold Engineering Development Complex. This optical measurement technique measured fluctuating pressures at over 300,000 locations on the surface of the model. The high spatial density of these measurements provided an opportunity to examine in depth the assumptions underpinning the development of buffet forcing functions (BFFs) used in the development of the Space Launch System vehicle. The comparison of discrete-measurement-based BFFs to BFFs developed by continuous surface pressure integration indicates that the current BFF development approach under predicts low frequency content of the BFFs while over predicting high frequency content. Coherence-based adjustments employed to reduce over prediction in the surface integration of discrete pressure measurements contribute to the inaccuracy of the BFFs and their implementation should be reevaluated

    A Brief Note on Building Augmented Reality Models for Scientific Visualization

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    Augmented reality (AR) has revolutionized the video game industry by providing interactive, three-dimensional visualization. Interestingly, AR technology has only been sparsely used in scientific visualization. This is, at least in part, due to the significant technical challenges previously associated with creating and accessing such models. To ease access to AR for the scientific community, we introduce a novel visualization pipeline with which they can create and render AR models. We demonstrate our pipeline by means of finite element results, but note that our pipeline is generally applicable to data that may be represented through meshed surfaces. Specifically, we use two open-source software packages, ParaView and Blender. The models are then rendered through the platform, which we access through Android and iOS smartphones. To demonstrate our pipeline, we build AR models from static and time-series results of finite element simulations discretized with continuum, shell, and beam elements. Moreover, we openly provide python scripts to automate this process. Thus, others may use our framework to create and render AR models for their own research and teaching activities

    Nucleotide sequence of the luxA gene of Vibrio harveyi and the complete amino acid sequence of the alpha subunit of bacterial luciferase

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    The nucleotide sequence of the 1.85-kilobase EcoRI fragment from Vibrio harveyi that was cloned using a mixed-sequence synthetic oligonucleotide probe (Cohn, D. H., Ogden, R. C., Abelson, J. N., Baldwin, T. O., Nealson, K. H., Simon, M. I., and Mileham, A. J. (1983) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 80, 120-123) has been determined. The alpha subunit-coding region (luxA) was found to begin at base number 707 and end at base number 1771. The alpha subunit has a calculated molecular weight of 40,108 and comprises a total of 355 amino acid residues. There are 34 base pairs separating the start of the alpha subunit structural gene and a 669-base open reading frame extending from the proximal EcoRI site. At the 3' end of the luxA coding region there are 26 bases between the end of the structural gene and the start of the luxB structural gene. Approximately two-thirds of the alpha subunit was sequenced by protein chemical techniques. The amino acid sequence implied by the DNA sequence, with few exceptions, confirmed the chemically determined sequence. Regions of the alpha subunit thought to comprise the active center were found to reside in two discrete and relatively basic regions, one from around residues 100-115 and the second from around residues 280-295

    RazerS - Fast Read Mapping with Sensitivity Control

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    Second-generation sequencing technologies deliver DNA sequence data at unprecedented high throughput. Common to most biological applications is a mapping of the reads to an almost identical or highly similar reference genome. Due to the large amounts of data, efficient algorithms and implementations are crucial for this task. We present an efficient read mapping tool called RazerS. It allows the user to align sequencing reads of arbitrary length using either the Hamming distance or the edit distance. Our tool can work either lossless or with a user-defined loss rate at higher speeds. Given the loss rate, we present an approach that guarantees not to lose more reads than specified. This enables the user to adapt to the problem at hand and provides a seamless tradeoff between sensitivity and running time

    Ares Launch Vehicle Transonic Buffet Testing and Analysis Techniques

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    It is necessary to define the launch vehicle buffet loads to ensure that structural components and vehicle subsystems possess adequate strength, stress, and fatigue margins when the vehicle structural dynamic response to buffet forcing functions are considered. In order to obtain these forcing functions, the accepted method is to perform wind-tunnel testing of a rigid model instrumented with hundreds of unsteady pressure transducers designed to measure the buffet environment across the desired frequency range. The buffet wind-tunnel test program for the Ares Crew Launch Vehicle employed 3.5 percent scale rigid models of the Ares I and Ares I-X launch vehicles instrumented with 256 unsteady pressure transducers each. These models were tested at transonic conditions at the Transonic Dynamics Tunnel at NASA Langley Research Center. The ultimate deliverable of the Ares buffet test program are buffet forcing functions (BFFs) derived from integrating the measured fluctuating pressures on the rigid wind-tunnel models. These BFFs are then used as input to a multi-mode structural analysis to determine the vehicle response to buffet and the resulting buffet loads and accelerations. This paper discusses the development of the Ares I and I-X rigid buffet model test programs from the standpoint of model design, instrumentation system design, test implementation, data analysis techniques to yield final products, and presents normalized sectional buffet forcing function root-mean-squared levels

    Segment-based multiple sequence alignment

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    Motivation: Many multiple sequence alignment tools have been developed in the past, progressing either in speed or alignment accuracy. Given the importance and wide-spread use of alignment tools, progress in both categories is a contribution to the community and has driven research in the field so far. Results: We introduce a graph-based extension to the consistency-based, progressive alignment strategy. We apply the consistency notion to segments instead of single characters. The main problem we solve in this context is to define segments of the sequences in such a way that a graph-based alignment is possible. We implemented the algorithm using the SeqAn library and report results on amino acid and DNA sequences. The benefit of our approach is threefold: (1) sequences with conserved blocks can be rapidly aligned, (2) the implementation is conceptually easy, generic and fast and (3) the consistency idea can be extended to align multiple genomic sequences. Availability: The segment-based multiple sequence alignment tool can be downloaded from http://www.seqan.de/projects/msa.html. A novel version of T-Coffee interfaced with the tool is available from http://www.tcoffee.org. The usage of the tool is described in both documentations. Contact: [email protected]

    Analysis of a Transonic Alternating Flow Phenomenon Observed During Ares Crew Launch Vehicle Wind Tunnel Tests

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    A transonic wind tunnel test of the Ares I-X Rigid Buffet Model (RBM) identified a Mach number regime where unusually large buffet loads are present. A subsequent investigation identified the cause of these loads to be an alternating flow phenomenon at the Crew Module-Service Module junction. The conical design of the Ares I-X Crew Module and the cylindrical design of the Service Module exposes the vehicle to unsteady pressure loads due to the sudden transition from separated to attached flow about the cone-cylinder junction with increasing Mach number. For locally transonic conditions at this junction, the flow randomly fluctuates back and forth between a subsonic separated flow and a supersonic attached flow. These fluctuations produce a square-wave like pattern in the pressure time histories which, upon integration result in large amplitude, impulsive buffet loads. Subsequent testing of the Ares I RBM found much lower buffet loads since the evolved Ares I design includes an ogive fairing that covers the Crew Module-Service Module junction, thereby making the vehicle less susceptible to the onset of alternating flow. An analysis of the alternating flow separation and attachment phenomenon indicates that the phenomenon is most severe at low angles of attack and exacerbated by the presence of vehicle protuberances. A launch vehicle may experience either a single or, at most, a few impulsive loads since it is constantly accelerating during ascent rather than dwelling at constant flow conditions in a wind tunnel. A comparison of a wind-tunnel-test-data-derived impulsive load to flight-test-data-derived load indicates a significant over-prediction in the magnitude and duration of the buffet loa