10 research outputs found


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    The Bragantinian coastal zone has been subjected to strong hydrodynamic processes, which continuouslyremodel its beach morphology. These energy fluctuations are more intense during the equinoctial spring tides,registered during the months of March/April and September/October. To understand the morphodynamic changesduring an equinoctial spring tide event (from 17 to 22 of March of 2003), morfodynamic studies were carried outdaily to characterize parameters such as current intensity and speed, wave break height (Hb), wave break period(T), wave break angle (αb), profile’s declivity (m), surf scaling parameter (ε), breaking coefficient (β) – and beachscarp variations. The currents were measured in the surf zone through a Sensordata SD30 current meter. Thewave break height, period and angle were measured by a graduate rule, chronometer and manual compassing,respectively. The topographic surveys were carried out in two perpendicular shoreline profiles by role andtopographic level. The analysis of these parameters showed that the studied area is, in its majority, dissipativewith a spilling type breaker, mainly in the SE sector. The observed erosive processes in the studied beach area consequence of natural causes (sometimes unknown) intensified by the human influence e.g. disorderedoccupation on dune areas and mangrove zones by edifices. The equinoctial macrotide energy was the principalfactor that contributed to the appearance of morphodynamic modifications at the Ajuruteua beach. These variationswere responsible for short-term sedimentary volume changes in the different beach sub-environments.A zona costeira bragantina está susceptível a fortes processos hidrodinâmicos que continuamente remodelama morfologia praial local. Estas flutuações de energia são mais intensas durante as marés equinociais desizígia, registradas durante os meses de março/abril e setembro/outubro, na região. Para conhecer as variaçõesmorfodinâmicas durante um destes períodos, medidas de intensidade e direção de correntes, altura da ondana rebentação (Hb), período da onda (T), ângulo de rebentação (αb), declividade do perfil (m), surf scaling parameter(ε), coeficiente de rebentação (β) e variação da escarpa, foram realizadas, diariamente, entre os dias17 e 22 de março de 2003. As correntes foram medidas na zona de surf, através de um correntômetro SensordataSD30. As alturas, períodos e ângulo de rebentação foram medidos com o auxílio de régua, cronômetro ebússola, respectivamente. Os levantamentos topográficos foram realizados em dois perfis perpendiculares àlinha de costa, com auxílio de um nível, tripé e mira falante. As análises realizadas demonstraram que a área em estudo é, em sua maioria, morfodinâmicamente dissipativa, com ondas tipo deslizante principalmente, nosetor SE. Os processos erosivos na praia em estudo são conseqüência de causas naturais, intensificadas porações antrópicas (e.g. ocupação desordenada de edificações sobre campos de dunas e área de manguezal),sendo a energia hidrodinâmica gerada pela macromaré equinocial, um fator preponderante na modificação daconfiguração morfológica da praia de Ajuruteua, durante o período em estudo. Estas alterações refletiram emtransformações morfodinâmicas a curto período que corresponderam a alterações no volume sedimentar dosdiferentes subambientes praiais

    Use of secondary sewage water as a culture medium for Chaetoceros gracilis and Thalassiosira Sp (Chrysophyceae) in laboratory conditions

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    Experiments were carried out in order to test the efficiency of additions of secondary sewage as a culture medium for Chaetoceros gracilis and Thalassiosira sp (Chrysophyceae) under laboratory conditions. These algae were cultivated in sea water with concentrations of 10%, 20%, 30% and 40% of wastewater. The results were compared with those obtained by the nutritive medium f2 of Guillard (1975). The best results in terms of cellular densities were observed at 40% additions. There were significant differences (significance levels of 5%) between the nutritive medium f2 and the 40% additions for both the species. Maximum cellular densities observed for all additions tested were, 4,125.00 x 10³ cells/ml for Chaetoceros gracilis on the ninth day and 834.00 x 10³ cells/ml for Thalassiosira sp on the fifth day. Biomass was higher in the nutritive medium f2 than in the other treatments, reaching average values of 2,363μg/ml for Chaetoceros gracilis. At all experimental units, the best results were registered at 40% addition for Chaetoceros gracilis, where average values of 0.768μg/ml were observed on the fifth day, and at 30% additions for Thalassiosira sp where 0.883μg/ml were observed on the thirteenth day. It was concluded that secondary sewage could be used as a culture medium for the species tested here, after large scale tests

    Feeding adult of Artemia salina (Crustacea-Branchiopoda) on the dinoflagellate Gyrodinium corsicum (Gymnodiniales) and the Chryptophyta Rhodomonas baltica

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    Experiments were carried out on feeding performance and survival rates of adult Artemia salina exposed to no axenic strains of the dinoflagellate Gyrodinium corsicum and of the Chryptophyta Rhodomonas baltica. Filtration rates on R. baltica and G. corsicum varied from 3.35 to 7.14 ml.artemia-1.h-1 and from 2.97 to 15.86 ml.artemia-1.h-1, respectively. The ingestion rates observed for A. salina did not indicate any digestive dysfunction or physiological impairment for organisms fed on G. corsicum and their functional response were similar to those observed for other organisms like copepod fed on different food concentrations. Mortality rates oscillated from 2.5% to 100% when A. salina was fed on R. baltica or G. corsicum, respectively. Highest mortality rates observed for organisms fed on G. corsicum indicated that this dinoflagellate presented a hazard effect on A. salina that was not possible to confirm if it was related to toxin production or to nutritive inadequacy of this dinoflagellate as food for organisms of this species.Experimentos foram desenvolvidos para estudar as taxas de alimentação e de sobrevivência de Artemia salina alimentada com cepas não tóxicas do dinoflagelado Gyrodinium corsicum e da Chryptophyta Rhodomonas baltica. As taxas de filtração sobre R. baltica e G. corsicum variaram entre 3,35 e 7,14 ml.artemia-1.h-1 e 2,97 e 15,86 ml.artemia-1.h-, respectivamente. As taxas de ingestão observadas para A. salina não indicaram disfunção digestiva ou prejuízo fisiológico nos organismos alimentados com G. corsicum, sendo a resposta funcional destes organismos similar a observada em copépodos alimentados com diferentes concentrações de alimento. As taxas de mortalidade de A. salina oscilaram entre 2,5 e 100% quando alimentada com R. baltica e G. corsicum, respectivamente. As maiores taxas de mortalidade observadas para os organismos alimentados com G. corsicum indicam que este dinoflagelado apresenta algum efeito nocivo sobre A. salina, embora não tenha sido possível corfirmar se sua origem está relacionada com a produção de toxinas ou com a inadequação nutritiva deste dinoflagelado para alimentação de organismos desta espécie

    Structure and temporal variation of the phytoplankton of a macrotidal beach from the Amazon coastal zone

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    The present study aimed to analyze the structure and the temporal variation of the phytoplankton of Ajuruteua beach (Bragança, Pará) and to investigate the influence of environmental variables on the dynamics of this community to provide a basis about the trophic state of this environment. Biological, hydrological and hydrodynamic samplings were performed during a nyctemeral cycle in the months of November/08, March/09, June/09 and September/09. We identified 110 taxa, which were distributed among the diatoms (87.3%), dinoflagellates (11.8%) and cyanobacteria (0.9%), with the predominance of neritic species, followed by the tychoplankton species. Chlorophyll-a concentrations were the highest during the rainy period (24.5 mg m-3), whereas total phytoplankton density was higher in the dry period (1,255 x 103 cell L-1). However, phytoflagellates density was significantly higher during the rainy period. Cluster Analysis revealed the formation of four groups, which were influenced by the monthly differences in the environmental variables. The Principal Component Analysis indicated salinity and chlorophyll-a as the main variables that explained the components. Spearman correlation analysis supported the influence of these variables on the local phytoplankton community. Overall, the results obtained suggest that rainfall and strong local hydrodynamics play an important role in the dynamic of the phytoplankton of Ajuruteua beach, by influencing both environmental and biological variables