10 research outputs found

    Innspill til lĂŠrere om Ă„ trygge elevene under rettssakenom 22. juli

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    Students need help understanding what is happening during the trial and information on how they can protect themselves from strong emotions. The schools should plan a pedagogical approach for this.We will be facing a long trial concerning terror and massmurder that will be receiving unprecedented media coverage in Norwegian legal history. We will be receiving more detailed and magnified insight into very grotesque and frightening details. On some level or other, all of us, almost regardless of age, will be involved in what is happening in the courtroom.The reflections we are presenting here are primarily meant as suggestions and inspiration for teachers at the intermediate and lower secondary levelsof education. In the second half of this article, we will present specific suggestions on how we can talk about the trial and prepare the students.Elevene trenger hjelp til Ä forstÄ hva som skjer i rettssaken og hvordan de kan beskytte seg mot sterke inntrykk. Dette pedagogiske arbeidet bÞr skolene planlegge. Vi stÄr foran en langvarig rettssak om terror og massedrap som kommer til Ä ha en mediedekning uten sidestykke i norsk rettshistorie. Vi vil fÄ et nytt forsterket og forstÞrret innblikk i de mest groteske og skremmende detaljene. PÄ ett eller annet nivÄ vil vi alle, sÄ Ä si pÄ alle alderstrinn, bli involvert i det som skjer i rettssalen. Refleksjonene vi her presenterer er primÊrt ment som innspill og inspirasjon til lÊrere pÄ mellomtrinnet og ungdomsskolen. I andre halvdel av teksten presenterer vi et konkret forslag til hvordan en kan snakke om rettssaken for og forberede elevene

    Krisepedagogikk Innspill til bearbeiding og videre arbeid i skolenetter terror pÄ UtÞya og i Oslo, 2011

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    This manual provides suggestions for how teachers can approach their students at the start of the academic yearr egarding how to prepare for a holistic approach that can provide for processing, understanding and learning, and ensure a return to regular school activities after the terrorist attacks. The manual does not address help to relatives of victims or assistance to survivors. Those directly affected receive help and support through implementation of the local disaster-preparedness plans existing in each municipality and in the affected schools.Denne veilederen gir innspill til hvordan lÊrere kan mÞte alle elevene ved skolestart; hvordan en kan tilrettelegge for en samlende tilnÊrming som gir bearbeiding, forstÄelse og lÊring,samt Ä komme tilbake til vanlig skole etter terroren i Oslo og pÄ UtÞya. Veilederen omhandler ikke hjelp til pÄrÞrende av drepte personer eller hjelp til overlevende. De berÞrte fÄr hjelp og stÞtte gjennom aktivering av lokale kriseplanene som eksisterer i hver enkelt kommune og ved berÞrte skoler

    Hva skal vi si til barn om selvmord?

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    Hvert Är rammes mange barn av foreldres selvmord. Hvordan skal vi snakke med dem om det som har skjedd pÄ en mÄte som barn kan forstÄ og som kan vÊre til hjelp, bÄde pÄ kort og lang sikt? Suicidologi bringer her pÄny en artikkel som gjennom Ärene har hjulpet mange barn og voksne til Ä finne ordene og motet til Äpenhet om noe av det vanskeligste som fins

    Hva skal vi si til barn om selvmord?

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    Hvert Är rammes mange barn av foreldres selvmord. Hvordan skal vi snakke med dem om det som har skjedd pÄ en mÄte som barn kan forstÄ og som kan vÊre til hjelp, bÄde pÄ kort og lang sikt? Suicidologi bringer her pÄny en artikkel som gjennom Ärene har hjulpet mange barn og voksne til Ä finne ordene og motet til Äpenhet om noe av det vanskeligste som fins

    Educational First Aid in Crisis: Input on how to communicate with students about the terrorist bomb attack in Oslo and the mass murder at UtĂžya in 2011

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    This manual provides suggestions for how teachers can approach their students at the start of the academic yearr egarding how to prepare for a holistic approach that can provide for processing, understanding and learning, and ensure a return to regular school activities after the terrorist attacks. The manual does not address help to relatives of victims or assistance to survivors. Those directly affected receive help and support through implementation of the local disaster-preparedness plans existing in each municipality and in the affected schools

    Norwegian Adolescents' Reactions to Distant Warfare

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    Reaching children in war : Sudan, Uganda and Mozambique

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    Contents: Introduction: Personal reflections on the new rights for children in war / Lisbet Palme -- 1. National and societal implications of war on children / Cole P. Dodge -- 2. War experiences and psychological impact on children / Magne Raundalen, Atle Dyregrov -- 3. Fleeing the war: street boys in Khartoum and Maputo / Cole P. Dodge, Magne Raundalen -- 4. Child soldiers of Uganda and Mozambique / Cole P. Dodge -- 5. Internally displaced: a silent majority under stress/ Rune Stuvland,  Cole P. Dodge -- 6. Corridors of peace across the lines of civil war in Uganda and Sudan / Cole P. Dodge -- 7. Helping the child / Magne Raundalen, Atle Dyregrov -- 8. Research challenges in practical perspective / Magne Raundalen, Cole P. Dodge -- 9. Rights and hopes for children in war / Magne Raundalen, Cole P. Dodge -- Annex. Convention on the rights of the child</p

    Explaining the unexplainable: designing a national strategy on classroom communication concerning the 22 July terror attack in Norway

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    Background: In the context of crisis and disasters, school-aged children are a vulnerable group with fewer coping resources than adults. The school is a key arena for preventive interventions; teachers can be given a key role in large-scale school-based interventions following a man-made or natural disaster. Objectives: This paper describes a practical example of designing a school-based population-level intervention. Methods: The preventive measures were delivered as a national communication strategy between teachers and pupils aged 6–19 concerning the terror attack on 22 July 2011 in Norway. The strategy is based on principles from international research. Results: The presentation contributes to the discussion of defining the teacher's role in school-based crisis interventions and dealing with high-intensity media coverage of war, terror, and catastrophes. Conclusions: The presentation provides educational and psychological perspectives on how teachers can take an active role in helping pupils to deal with such events through two approaches: the therapeutic approach, to restore calm and feelings of safety; and the educational approach, to foster reflection and deeper understanding

    Suggestions for how teachers can protect students in connection with the July 22nd terror trail in Oslo, 2012

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    Students need help understanding what is happening during the trial and information on how they can protect themselves from strong emotions. The schools should plan a pedagogical approach for this.We will be facing a long trial concerning terror and massmurder that will be receiving unprecedented media coverage in Norwegian legal history. We will be receiving more detailed and magnified insight into very grotesque and frightening details. On some level or other, all of us, almost regardless of age, will be involved in what is happening in the courtroom.The reflections we are presenting here are primarily meant as suggestions and inspiration for teachers at the intermediate and lower secondary levelsof education. In the second half of this article, we will present specific suggestions on how we can talk about the trial and prepare the students

    Children and war:the work of the Children and War Foundation

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    The Children and War Foundation was established after the authors&#x2019; experiences following the civil war in former Yugoslavia in the mid-1990s. Many organizations tried to mitigate the effects of the war on children but few interventions were based on evidence and fewer were properly evaluated. The Foundation was established in Norway with the aim of promoting better evidence-based interventions to help children after wars and natural disasters.The Foundation has developed a number of empirically grounded manuals that aim to help children learn strategies that will lessen the stress reactions that they have developed. The manuals are designed to be delivered by personnel who are not necessarily very experienced in child mental health. They are aimed at groups of children using a public health approach to reach large numbers in a short space of time. The strategies are not intended as individual therapy.The Teaching Recovery Techniques manual has been used following a number of earthquakes and other natural disasters and data from a number of these will be discussed. A Writing for Recovery manual is aimed at helping adolescents and is based on the seminal work of James Pennebaker. It is currently being evaluated in three separate studies. A group-based manual to help children bereaved by war or disaster has recently been developed