6 research outputs found

    Reporte de Adenocarcinoma Pulmonar Ovino en un Cordero de Cinco Meses de Edad en Puno, Perú

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    A case of ovine pulmonary adenocarcinoma is reported in a five month-old indigenous lamb of the department of Puno, Peru. At clinical inspection, the animal presented dyspnea, body weight loss and abundant lung secretion. The necropsy revealed in both diaphragmatic lobes the presence of two grayish white nodular formations with plenty of white foamy fluid emanating from the trachea. At the cut surface of the tumor was observed irregular micronodules with a tendency to coalesce. Histologically, the tumors were composed of columnar or cuboidal cells isolated by a fibrotic stroma and surrounded by alveoli flooded with macrophages of vacuolar cytoplasm. Intraluminal polyps were observed in the terminal bronchioles compromising the bronchiolar epithelium. Molecular analysis of lung tissue and fluid contained the exogenous genetic sequences of type D retrovirus. Retroviral infection with multi nodular presence of neoplastic lesions in a lamb corroborates the susceptibility of indigenous Andean sheep to retroviral infection.Se reporta un caso de adenocarcinoma pulmonar ovino en un cordero criollo de cinco meses de edad, procedente del departamento de Puno, Perú. El animal, a la inspección clínica, presentó disnea, pérdida de peso y abundante secreción pulmonar. A la necropsia se observaron formaciones nodulares blanco grisáceas en los lóbulos diafragmáticos y abundante fluido espumoso blanquecino en la tráquea. En la superficie de corte de los tumores se visualizaron numerosos micronódulos de contorno irregular con tendencia a la coalescencia. Histológicamente, las formaciones tumorales, compuestas por células columnares o cuboidales, se mostraron aisladas por un estroma fibrosado y rodeadas por alveolos inundados de macrófagos con citoplasma vacuolar. En los bronquios terminales se observaron pólipos intraluminales comprometiendo el epitelio bronquiolar. El análisis molecular del fluido y tejido pulmonar contenían secuencias genéticas del retrovirus exógeno del Tipo D productor de la enfermedad. La infección retroviral con presencia multinodular de lesiones neoplásicas en un cordero corrobora la susceptibilidad de ovinos criollos a la infección retroviral

    Evidence against a role for jaagsiekte sheep retrovirus in human lung cancer

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    Background: Jaagsiekte sheep retrovirus (JSRV) causes a contagious lung cancer in sheep and goats that can be transmitted by aerosols produced by infected animals. Virus entry into cells is initiated by binding of the viral envelope (Env) protein to a specific cell-surface receptor, Hyal2. Unlike almost all other retroviruses, the JSRV Env protein is also a potent oncoprotein and is responsible for lung cancer in animals. Of concern, Hyal2 is a functional receptor for JSRV in humans. Results: We show here that JSRV is fully capable of infecting human cells, as measured by its reverse transcription and persistence in the DNA of cultured human cells. Several studies have indicated a role for JSRV in human lung cancer while other studies dispute these results. To further investigate the role of JSRV in human lung cancer, we used highly-specific mouse monoclonal antibodies and a rabbit polyclonal antiserum against JSRV Env to test for JSRV expression in human lung cancer. JSRV Env expression was undetectable in lung cancers from 128 human subjects, including 73 cases of bronchioalveolar carcinoma (BAC; currently reclassified as lung invasive adenocarcinoma with a predominant lepidic component), a lung cancer with histology similar to that found in JSRV-infected sheep. The BAC samples included 8 JSRV DNA-positive samples from subjects residing in Sardinia, Italy, where sheep farming is prevalent and JSRV is present. We also tested for neutralizing antibodies in sera from 138 Peruvians living in an area where sheep farming is prevalent and JSRV is present, 24 of whom were directly exposed to sheep, and found none. Conclusions: We conclude that while JSRV can infect human cells, JSRV plays little if any role in human lung cancer

    Determinación de parentesco en alpacas (Vicugna pacos) por medio del análisis de ADN microsatélite

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    Ten polymorphic microsatellites for alpacas and llamas were used to evaluate paternity in 47 alpacas (18 crias, 18 mothers and 11 fathers) registered at IVITA-Maranganí Research Station, Canchis Province (Cusco-Peru). Analysis was carried out using two methodologies: Automatic Sequencer (ABI 377 DNA sequencers®) and silver staining techniques. Microsatellites were amplified in three multiple and ten single PCR reactions. The number of alleles varied between 4 and 20. The allelic frequencies and the exclusion probability were calculated using Cervus 2.0. All loci, except for two, were within the range published elsewhere. The accumulated exclusion probability for the ten loci was 0.9999. For each multiplex reaction the accumulated exclusion probability was more than 0.90. Both methodologies yielded the same results. The results confirmed paternity in 18 cases of parent-cria pairs, however in 22% of cases (n=4) were identified alternative parents than those indicated in farm record

    Data from: Comparing genetic diversity and demographic history in co-distributed wild South American camelids

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    Vicuñas and guanacos are two species of wild South American camelids that are key ruminants in the ecosystems where they occur. Although closely related, these species feature differing ecologies and life history characters, which are expected to influence both their genetic diversity and population differentiation at different spatial scales. Here, using mitochondrial and microsatellite genetic markers, we show that vicuña display lower genetic diversity within populations than guanaco but exhibit more structure across their Peruvian range, which may reflect a combination of natural genetic differentiation linked to geographic isolation and recent anthropogenic population declines. Coalescent based demographic analyses indicate that both species have passed through a strong bottleneck, reducing their effective population sizes from over 20,000 to less than 1,000 individuals. For vicuña this bottleneck is inferred to have taken place ~3,300 years ago, but to have occurred more recently for guanaco at ~2,000 years ago. These inferred dates are considerably later than the onset of domestication (when the alpaca was domesticated from the vicuña while the llama was domesticated from the guanaco), coinciding instead with a major human population expansion following the mid-Holocene cold period. As importantly, they imply earlier declines than the well-documented Spanish conquest, where major mass mortality events were recorded for Andean human and camelid populations. We argue that underlying species’ differences and recent demographic perturbations have influenced genetic diversity in modern vicuña and guanaco populations, and these processes should be carefully evaluated in the development and implementation of management strategies for these important genetic resources