7 research outputs found

    Novel "orang-orang proyek": sejarah orde baru

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    Penelitian ini mengungkapkan prosedur kebenaran di dalam novel Orang-Orang Proyek karya Ahmad Tohari, yang merupakan bagian dari peristiwa (event) atau jejak sejarah dan menjadi salah satu faktor kehadiran sebuah subjek baru. Adapun penelitian ini akan menjawab permasalahan: Bagaimana subjektifasi Ahmad Tohari melalui novel OrangOrang Proyek sebagai sebuah prosedur kebenaran

    Rumah (bagi) Terjajah dalam Cerpen “Vonis Untuk Jago Bom”

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan sebuah konsep rumah dalam kaitannya dengan isu kekuasaan melalui perspektif pascakolonial. Secara sederhana, penelitian ini akan menjawab pertanyaan: bagaimana konstruksi rumah (bagi) terjajah dalam cerpen “vonis untuk jago bom”?. Penelahaan tersebut akan menggunakan teori yang diuraikan pertama kali oleh Sara Upstone (2009) dalam bukunya Spatial Politics in the Postcolonial Novels. Teori ini berasumsi bahwa rumah (bagi) terjajah adalah bentuk kontruksi kekuasaan kolonial yang berperan untuk menjalankan fungsi politis dalam menegakkan nilai-nilai kolonial yang ditampilkan pada rumah secara paradoks dalam idealisasi dan apolitisasi. Kolonial menggunakan rumah untuk mempropagandakan wacana Negara kolonial dengan berbagai strategi. Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa rumah (bagi) terjajah  dalam cerpen “vonis untuk jago bom” adalah sebuah rumah yang berisi suara-suara heterogen yang berusaha untuk menghilangkan stabilitas wacana kolonialisasi mengenai pencapaian suatu kedamaian melalui bom bunuh diri yang merujuk pada mati syuhada sebagai dambaan di negeri ini. Pembongkaran terhadap pola pemahaman tersebut dihadirkan melalui penyingkapan chaos berupa vonis penjara (dalam ilustrasi persidangan di akhirat) terhadap tokoh Syafaat Abdullah karena telah melakukan bom bunuh diri. Kata kunci: rumah, terjajah, wacana kekuasaan, pascakolonial, sarah upston

    Proyeksi Astral: Analisis Wacana Fiksi Posmodern dalam Naskah Film Insidious

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    This study aims to analyze astral projection as a concept of Death and Dying by using a postmodern fiction discourse analysis perspective in Insidious movie script. This study found that astral projection is a capability possessed by a person to leave physical body and explore an astral world or the spirit world. Astral projection is a death and dying concept that is presented as one of the postmodern fictional strategies known as superimposition. This strategy illustrates that there are two worlds that accumulate and co-exist with each other. Its presence is a way of deconstructing thoughts about something that is considered uncanny and unusual as well as a counterpart of totality that puts the ontological side of the existence of something. It is said by McHale (1987) that it is a sister-genre of postmodern fiction. Science fiction explores ontological issues in order to build a good story while postmodern fiction simply presents the problem without having to build a story. Furthermore, both genres can adopt each other's strategies. Meanwhile, postmodern fictional relations and fantasy fiction are the same, borrowing strategies for exploring ontological issues

    Peran Bahasa Inggris dalam Upaya Membangun Nalar Sadar Wisata

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    Language development is critical in communication amongst groups since humans, as individuals with economic demands rely on one another. Language is also an important tool for character development. Individual qualities can be established through logical reasoning. Reason and language have a very intimate relationship. English is an international language used in practically every corner of the world to communicate between people from different origins. Furthermore, English has a significant association with the tourism industry. Not only must tourism actors or administrators be able to communicate in English, but they will also deal with tourism visitors, particularly foreign tourists, whether they like it or not. There is no doubt that tourism development must coincide with the development of suitable or qualified human resources for tourism management. Effective communication between visitors and tourism actors or managers, including local citizens, is critical to achieving sustainable tourism. As a result, those working in the tourism business must have excellent communication abilities

    Death of Hero in Othello (1603) and Romeo and Juliet (1595): Death and Dying Studies in English Literature

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    This research focuses on the hero's death in two Shakespearean plays, Othello and Romeo and Juliet. It attempts to answer how the author depicts death and dying in Shakespeare's plays. Benstock and Dickinson, two specialists on death and dying, will provide an answer to the challenge. Benstock divides the death stages into three categories: deceased, moribund, and living-dead. Simultaneously, Dickinson mentions three periods of life: children strove (early life), gazing grain (physical maturity), and setting sun (ageing). This qualitative research uses textual analysis by deeply reading to describe the heroes’ deaths in the plays. The conclusion was that the hero's death is simply a Shakespearean device for revealing the truth about anything. The message of peace is Romeo and Juliet's death as a vehicle for unifying two opposing families, as in Romeo and Juliet's tragedies between Capulet and Montague. It explains why there should be death when peace can be easily achieved. Furthermore, the revelation of truth through death confirms Desdemona's loyalty to Othello