6 research outputs found

    Revised diagnostic criteria for neurofibromatosis type 1 and Legius syndrome: an international consensus recommendation

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    Purpose By incorporating major developments in genetics, ophthalmology, dermatology, and neuroimaging, to revise the diagnostic criteria for neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) and to establish diagnostic criteria for Legius syndrome (LGSS). Methods We used a multistep process, beginning with a Delphi method involving global experts and subsequently involving non-NF experts, patients, and foundations/patient advocacy groups. Results We reached consensus on the minimal clinical and genetic criteria for diagnosing and differentiating NF1 and LGSS, which have phenotypic overlap in young patients with pigmentary findings. Criteria for the mosaic forms of these conditions are also recommended. Conclusion The revised criteria for NF1 incorporate new clinical features and genetic testing, whereas the criteria for LGSS were created to differentiate the two conditions. It is likely that continued refinement of these new criteria will be necessary as investigators (1) study the diagnostic properties of the revised criteria, (2) reconsider criteria not included in this process, and (3) identify new clinical and other features of these conditions. For this reason, we propose an initiative to update periodically the diagnostic criteria for NF1 and LGSS

    Differential regulation of chemokine CCL5 expression in monocytes/macrophages and renal cells by Y-box protein-1

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    The Y-box protein-1 (YB-1) belongs to the family of cold shock proteins that have pleiotropic functions such as gene transcription, RNA splicing, and mRNA translation. YB-1 has a critical role in atherogenesis due to its regulatory effects on chemokine CCL5 (RANTES) gene transcription in vascular smooth muscle cells. Since CCL5 is a key mediator of kidney transplant rejection, we determined whether YB-1 is involved in allograft rejection by manipulating its expression. In human kidney biopsies, YB-1 transcripts were amplified 17-fold in acute and 21-fold in chronic allograft rejection with a close correlation between CCL5 and YB-1 mRNA expression in both conditions. Among three possible YB-1 binding sites in the CCL5 promoter, a critical element was mapped at -28/-10 bps. This site allowed up-regulation of CCL5 transcription in monocytic THP-1 and HUT78 T-cells and in human primary monocytes; however, it repressed transcription in differentiated macrophages. Conversely, YB-1 knockdown led to decreased CCL5 transcription and secretion in monocytic cells. We show that YB-1 is a cell-type specific regulator of CCL5 expression in infiltrating T-cells and monocytes/ macrophages and acts as an adaptive controller of inflammation during kidney allograft rejection