823 research outputs found

    Intragenic DNA methylation: implications of this epigenetic mechanism for cancer research

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    Epigenetics is the study of all mechanisms that regulate gene transcription and genome stability that are maintained throughout the cell division, but do not include the DNA sequence itself. The best-studied epigenetic mechanism to date is DNA methylation, where methyl groups are added to the cytosine base within cytosine–guanine dinucleotides (CpG sites). CpGs are frequently clustered in high density (CpG islands (CGIs)) at the promoter of over half of all genes. Current knowledge of transcriptional regulation by DNA methylation centres on its role at the promoter where unmethylated CGIs are present at most actively transcribed genes, whereas hypermethylation of the promoter results in gene repression. Over the last 5 years, research has gradually incorporated a broader understanding that methylation patterns across the gene (so-called intragenic or gene body methylation) may have a role in transcriptional regulation and efficiency. Numerous genome-wide DNA methylation profiling studies now support this notion, although whether DNA methylation patterns are a cause or consequence of other regulatory mechanisms is not yet clear. This review will examine the evidence for the function of intragenic methylation in gene transcription, and discuss the significance of this in carcinogenesis and for the future use of therapies targeted against DNA methylation

    Asymmetric vestibular evoked myogenic potentials in unilateral Menière patients

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    Vestibular evoked myogenic potentials (VEMPs) were measured in 22 unilateral Menière patients with monaural and binaural stimulation with 250 and 500 Hz tone bursts. For all measurement situations significantly lower VEMP amplitudes were on average measured at the affected side compared to the unaffected side. Unilateral Menière patients have, in contrast to normal subjects, asymmetric VEMPs, indicating a permanently affected vestibular (most likely otolith) system at the side of hearing loss. The diagnostic value of VEMP amplitude asymmetry measurement in individual patients is low, because of the large overlap of the VEMP amplitude asymmetry range for unilateral Menière patients with that for normal subjects

    Detecting 22q11.2 deletion in Chinese children with conotruncal heart defects and single nucleotide polymorphisms in the haploid TBX1 locus

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Conotruncal heart defects (CTDs) are present in 75-85% of patients suffering from the 22q11.2 deletion syndrome. To date, no consistent phenotype has been consistently correlated with the 22q11.2 deletions. Genetic studies have implicated <it>TBX1 </it>as a critical gene in the pathogenesis of the syndrome. The aim of study was to determine the incidence of the 22q11.2 deletion in Chinese patients with CTDs and the possible mechanism for pathogenesis of CTDs.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We enrolled 212 patients with CTDs and 139 unrelated healthy controls. Both karyotypic analysis and multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification were performed for all CTDs patients. Fluorescence <it>in situ </it>hybridization was performed for the patients with genetic deletions and their relatives. The <it>TBX1 </it>gene was sequenced for all patients and healthy controls. The <it>χ</it><sup>2 </sup>and Fisher's exact test were used in the statistical analysis.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Thirteen of the 212 patients with CTDs (6.13%) were found to have the 22q11.2 deletion syndrome. Of the 13 cases, 11 presented with a hemizygous interstitial microdeletion from <it>CLTCL1 </it>to <it>LZTR1</it>; one presented with a regional deletion from <it>CLTCL1 </it>to <it>DRCR8</it>; and one presented with a regional deletion from <it>CDC45L </it>to <it>LZTR1</it>. There were eight sequence variants in the haploid <it>TBX1 </it>genes of the del22q11 CTDs patients. The frequency of one single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in the del22q11 patients was different from that of the non-del patients (<it>P </it>< 0.05), and the frequencies of two other SNPs were different between the non-del CTDs patients and controls (<it>P </it>< 0.05).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>CTDs, especially pulmonary atresia with ventricular septal defect and tetralogy of Fallot, are the most common disorders associated with the 22q11.2 deletion syndrome. Those patients with both CTDs and 22q11.2 deletion generally have a typical or atypical deletion region within the <it>TBX1 </it>gene. Our results indicate that <it>TBX1 </it>genetic variants may be associated with CTDs.</p

    Emergent complex neural dynamics

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    A large repertoire of spatiotemporal activity patterns in the brain is the basis for adaptive behaviour. Understanding the mechanism by which the brain's hundred billion neurons and hundred trillion synapses manage to produce such a range of cortical configurations in a flexible manner remains a fundamental problem in neuroscience. One plausible solution is the involvement of universal mechanisms of emergent complex phenomena evident in dynamical systems poised near a critical point of a second-order phase transition. We review recent theoretical and empirical results supporting the notion that the brain is naturally poised near criticality, as well as its implications for better understanding of the brain

    Genetic Variations in IL28B and Allergic Disease in Children

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    Environmental changes affecting the relationship between the developing immune system and microbial exposure have been implicated in the epidemic rise of allergic disease in developed countries. While early developmental differences in T cell function are well-recognised, there is now emerging evidence that this is related to developmental differences in innate immune function. In this study we sought to examine if differences associated with innate immunity contribute to the altered immune programming recognised in allergic children. Here, we describe for the first time, the association of carriage of the T allele of the tagging single nucleotide polymorphism rs12979860 3 kb upstream of IL28B, encoding the potent innate immune modulator type III interferon lambda (IFN-λ3), and allergy in children (p = 0.004; OR 4.56). Strikingly, the association between rs12979860 genotype and allergic disease is enhanced in girls. Furthermore, carriage of the T allele at rs12979860 correlates with differences in the pro-inflammatory profile during the first five years of life suggesting this contributes to the key differences in subsequent innate immune development in children who develop allergic disease. In the context of rising rates of disease, these immunologic differences already present at birth imply very early interaction between genetic predisposition and prenatal environmental influences

    On the Role of the Difference in Surface Tensions Involved in the Allosteric Regulation of NHE-1 Induced by Low to Mild Osmotic Pressure, Membrane Tension and Lipid Asymmetry

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    The sodium-proton exchanger 1 (NHE-1) is a membrane transporter that exchanges Na+ for H+ ion across the membrane of eukaryotic cells. It is cooperatively activated by intracellular protons, and this allosteric regulation is modulated by the biophysical properties of the plasma membrane and related lipid environment. Consequently, NHE-1 is a mechanosensitive transporter that responds to osmotic pressure, and changes in membrane composition. The purpose of this study was to develop the relationship between membrane surface tension, and the allosteric balance of a mechanosensitive transporter such as NHE-1. In eukaryotes, the asymmetric composition of membrane leaflets results in a difference in surface tensions that is involved in the creation of a reservoir of intracellular vesicles and membrane buds contributing to buffer mechanical constraints. Therefore, we took this phenomenon into account in this study and developed a set of relations between the mean surface tension, membrane asymmetry, fluid phase endocytosis and the allosteric equilibrium constant of the transporter. We then used the experimental data published on the effects of osmotic pressure and membrane modification on the NHE-1 allosteric constant to fit these equations. We show here that NHE-1 mechanosensitivity is more based on its high sensitivity towards the asymmetry between the bilayer leaflets compared to mean global membrane tension. This compliance to membrane asymmetry is physiologically relevant as with their slower transport rates than ion channels, transporters cannot respond as high pressure-high conductance fast-gating emergency valves

    Relationship between Gene Body DNA Methylation and Intragenic H3K9me3 and H3K36me3 Chromatin Marks

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    To elucidate the relationship between intragenic DNA methylation and chromatin marks, we performed epigenetic profiling of chromosome 19 in human bronchial epithelial cells (HBEC) and in the colorectal cancer cell line HCT116 as well as its counterpart with double knockout of DNMT1 and DNMT3B (HCT116-DKO). Analysis of H3K36me3 profiles indicated that this intragenic mark of active genes is associated with two categories of genes: (i) genes with low CpG density and H3K9me3 in the gene body or (ii) genes with high CpG density and DNA methylation in the gene body. We observed that a combination of low CpG density in gene bodies together with H3K9me3 and H3K36me3 occupancy is a specific epigenetic feature of zinc finger (ZNF) genes, which comprise 90% of all genes carrying both histone marks on chromosome 19. For genes with high intragenic CpG density, transcription and H3K36me3 occupancy were not changed in conditions of partial or intensive loss of DNA methylation in gene bodies. siRNA knockdown of SETD2, the major histone methyltransferase responsible for production of H3K36me3, did not reduce DNA methylation in gene bodies. Our study suggests that the H3K36me3 and DNA methylation marks in gene bodies are established largely independently of each other and points to similar functional roles of intragenic DNA methylation and intragenic H3K9me3 for CpG-rich and CpG-poor genes, respectively

    The impact of IL28B genotype on the gene expression profile of patients with chronic hepatitis C treated with pegylated interferon alpha and ribavirin

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Recent studies of CH-C patients have demonstrated a strong association between IL28B CC genotype and sustained virologic response (SVR) after PEG-IFN/RBV treatment. We aimed to assess whether IL28B alleles rs12979860 genotype influences gene expression in response to PEG-IFN/RBV in CH-C patients.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Clinical data and gene expression data were available for 56 patients treated with PEG-IFN/RBV. Whole blood was used to determine IL28B genotypes. Differential expression of 153 human genes was assessed for each treatment time point (Days: 0, 1, 7, 28, 56) and was correlated with IL28B genotype (IL28B C/C or non-C/C) over the course of the PEG-IFN/RBV treatment. Genes with statistically significant changes in their expression at each time point were used as an input for pathway analysis using KEGG Pathway Painter (KPP). Pathways were ranked based on number of gene involved separately per each study cohort.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The most striking difference between the response patterns of patients with IL28B C/C and T* genotypes during treatment, across all pathways, is a sustained pattern of treatment-induced gene expression in patients carrying IL28B C/C. In the case of IL28B T* genotype, pre-activation of genes, the lack of sustained pattern of gene expression or a combination of both were observed. This observation could potentially provide an explanation for the lower rate of SVR observed in these patients. Additionally, when the lists of IL28B genotype-specific genes which were differentially expressed in patients without SVR were compared at their baseline, IRF2 and SOCS1 genes were down-regulated regardless of patients' IL28B genotype. Furthermore, our data suggest that CH-C patients who do not have the SOCS1 gene silenced have a better chance of achieving SVR. Our observations suggest that the action of SOCS1 is independent of IL28B genotype.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>IL28B CC genotype patients with CH-C show a sustained treatment-induced gene expression profile which is not seen in non-CC genotype patients. Silencing of SOCS1 is a negative and independent predictor of SVR. These data may provide some mechanistic explanation for higher rate of SVR in IL28B CC patients who are treated with PEG-IFN/RBV.</p