11 research outputs found

    Kajian Karakteristik Iklim Mikro Dalam Pemukiman: Sebuah Pendekatan Berwawasan Lingkungan Untuk Penataan Lingkungan Binaan

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    Abstract: Micro-climate assessment in settlements; an environmenta-based approach built environment structuring. Global warming has become an emerging issue in the environmental field study. The urban conditions with all their environment development and layout still consider as majorrootcause for global warming. This literature study aimsed to find explanation for The rapid development of housing and high-rise buildings considered as a factor that responsible for an alternative approach in the effort of built environment restructuring. The results showed that the increasing of 70% global temperature within 1970 untills 2004. Moreover, the density of settlement area also believed as an affecting factor for air temperature increasement. In other words, the rapid presence of built environment contributes significantly to micro-climatic conditions. To accommodate the residential rapid development then the micro-climate assessment can be use as an alternative approach in the effort of built environment restructuring which can lead environmental quality improvement especially in settlement areas and to encourage the community involvement in the effort of sustainable development implementation. Keywords: micro-climate, micro-climatic characteristics, built environment, settelement

    ¬Predicting the Sick Building Syndrome (SBS) Incidence Among Pharmacist Assistant in Banjarmasin South Kalimantan

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    Latar belakang: Banjarmasin memiliki jumlah apotek terbanyak di wilayah Kalimantan Selatan. Salahsatu jenis pekerjaan yang ada di apotek adalah asisten apoteker. Dengan tipikal pekerjaan asisten apoteker yang indoor dan memiliki resiko yang tinggi terhadap paparan zat kimia, asisten apoteker cenderung mengalami kejadian Sick Building Syndrom. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi faktor determinan yang paling berpengaruh terhadap kejadian SBS pada asisten apoteker yang bekerja di apotek wilayah kerja Kota Banjarmasin Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian crosssectional dengan metode observasional analitik. Lokasi penelitian dilakukan pada 13 lokasi apotek yang berada di wilayah kerja Kota Banjarmasin dengan 73 orang asisten apoteker yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi sebagai respondennya. Variabel bebas dari penelitian ini adalah variabel karakteristik responden dengan sub variabel jenis kelamin, usia, kondisi psikososial dan masa kerja, variabel aspek perilaku dengan sub variabel pengetahuan, sikap dan praktik asisten apoteker terhadap SBS, serta variabel faktor lingkungan pekerja meliputi kepadatan ruang, suhu, kelembaban, kecepatan aliran udara serta pencahayaan ruangan, sedangkan kejadian SBS menjadi variabel terikat. Hasil : Sebanyak 29 responden (39.7%) responden mengalami kejadian SBS dengan sebesar 68.3% kejadian SBS dipengaruhi oleh faktor psikososial responden (OR 26,479), masa kerja (OR 9,882), tindakan yang memicu SBS oleh responden (OR 13,859) serta kondisi pencahayaan yang tidak sesuai standar (OR 8,912). Kesimpulan : Untuk mengurangi angka kejadian SBS pada asisten apoteker maka diharapkan para pihak pengelola apotek di wilayah kerja kota Banjarmasin dapat melakukan pendekatan personal untuk mengurangi resiko paparan stress, melakukan pengaturan jam kerja untuk mengurangi keterpaparan dalam jangka waktu yang berlebihan, menerapkan pengaturan pencahayaan sesuai standar serta menyediakan waktu dan tempat terbuka bagi pekerjanya untuk beristirahat

    The Indoor Air Quality in Laboratory Buildings. A Case Study in Integrated Laboratory of UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya

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    Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) is one of the critical issues in sustainable development related to human health as the primary goal. Sustainable development should address potential human exposure to pollutants and health impacts. The laboratory, as educational support in the university, has specific contaminants, but studies on IAQ and thermal comfort in the laboratory have not been studied. IAQ and thermal comfort in a laboratory are essential as they can affect the work and health of the researchers and staffs. The purpose of this study is to analyze indoor air quality in an integrated laboratory of UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya. This research is a cross-sectional study. Data analysis was done by a quantitative descriptive method. The air quality parameters in the laboratory were temperature, relative humidity, and carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration. All settings compared to the air quality standard. The analysis on carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration, relative humidity (%RH), temperature (∘C) has shown that the indoor air does not exceed the standard according to ASHRAE standard and Health Ministry Regulation with the maximum concentration was 444,3 ppm. The fan installation and increased air filter to controlled humidity are the option to improve the indoor air quality

    COVIDiSTRESS diverse dataset on psychological and behavioural outcomes one year into the COVID-19 pandemic

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    During the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, the COVIDiSTRESS Consortium launched an open-access global survey to understand and improve individuals’ experiences related to the crisis. A year later, we extended this line of research by launching a new survey to address the dynamic landscape of the pandemic. This survey was released with the goal of addressing diversity, equity, and inclusion by working with over 150 researchers across the globe who collected data in 48 languages and dialects across 137 countries. The resulting cleaned dataset described here includes 15,740 of over 20,000 responses. The dataset allows cross-cultural study of psychological wellbeing and behaviours a year into the pandemic. It includes measures of stress, resilience, vaccine attitudes, trust in government and scientists, compliance, and information acquisition and misperceptions regarding COVID-19. Open-access raw and cleaned datasets with computed scores are available. Just as our initial COVIDiSTRESS dataset has facilitated government policy decisions regarding health crises, this dataset can be used by researchers and policy makers to inform research, decisions, and policy. © 2022, The Author(s).U.S. Department of Education, ED: P031S190304; Texas A and M International University, TAMIU; National Research University Higher School of Economics, ВШЭThe COVIDiSTRESS Consortium would like to acknowledge the contributions of friends and collaborators in translating and sharing the COVIDiSTRESS survey, as well as the study participants. Data analysis was supported by Texas A&M International University (TAMIU) Research Grant, TAMIU Act on Ideas, and the TAMIU Advancing Research and Curriculum Initiative (TAMIU ARC) awarded by the US Department of Education Developing Hispanic-Serving Institutions Program (Award # P031S190304). Data collection by Dmitrii Dubrov was supported within the framework of the Basic Research Program at HSE University, RF

    Correlations Between Characteristic of Built Environment, Social Support Quality and the Health Status of Elderly

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    One of social issue regarding aging people that contributed to health impact was neglected elderly. In addressing this problems the socialservices provisions such as nursing home could become a main alternative solution. The aims of this study were to analyzed correlationsbetween built environment chracteristic, social support quality and healthy behavior with health status of eldery that occupied at Budi Sejahteranursing home, South Kalimantan. This is a cross sectional study conducted during March–July 2011. The population of this study was 65 elderpeoples who meet inclusion requirement and used total population as study sample. Spearman correlations test was used for data analyzation.The result showed most of respondent have poor housing qualities (53.8%) and social support quality (40%). Bivariate analysis showed variouscorrelations between social support quality, healthy behaviors and built environment characteristics with health status of elderly. Conclusionare Housing qualities and social support qualities, especially that came from family were considered poor according respondents perception,and there are various correlations between social support qualities, healthy behaviors and built environment characteristics with respondentshealth status.Key words: built environment, social support, healthy behaviors, health statu

    The Indoor Air Quality in Laboratory Buildings. A Case Study in Integrated Laboratory of UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya

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    Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) is one of the critical issues in sustainable development related to human health as the primary goal. Sustainable development should address potential human exposure to pollutants and health impacts. The laboratory, as educational support in the university, has specific contaminants, but studies on IAQ and thermal comfort in the laboratory have not been studied. IAQ and thermal comfort in a laboratory are essential as they can affect the work and health of the researchers and staffs. The purpose of this study is to analyze indoor air quality in an integrated laboratory of UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya. This research is a cross-sectional study. Data analysis was done by a quantitative descriptive method. The air quality parameters in the laboratory were temperature, relative humidity, and carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration. All settings compared to the air quality standard. The analysis on carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration, relative humidity (%RH), temperature (∘C) has shown that the indoor air does not exceed the standard according to ASHRAE standard and Health Ministry Regulation with the maximum concentration was 444,3 ppm. The fan installation and increased air filter to controlled humidity are the option to improve the indoor air quality

    Environmental Management Planning in Residential Area of RT 05 RW 05 Jemur Wonosari Sub-District, Surabaya City as Climate Change Adaptation

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    The residential area of Jemur Wonosari is one of the densely populated regions in Surabaya City. This condition is not always in line with adequate environmental management, resulting in several ecological problems. This research was conducted to plan environmental management in this area. The research method collected primary data through planning area observation, survey and interview, and secondary data about the description of region and literature. The initial survey result shows that fifty percent of residents used groundwater as the water source. Its area has, in fact, a communal wastewater treatment plant (WWTP), but is no longer in operation, which led the majority of residents (eighty-nine percent) to drain wastewater directly into the river. A total of ninety-four percent of residents disposed of solid waste without processing. The green area in this region has been less than ten percent. The result for clean water, are rainwater harvesting and bio pore. The communal WWTP is considered to be built under the existing road. The solid waste management in this area was processed through composting using takakura, bio pore, and reoperating waste bank. The concept of outdoor space optimization as the green area is divided into public and private space. Mitigation planning in the form of sanitation and green areas needs to be supported by all stakeholders to create a better and adapted environment against climate change

    Author Correction: COVIDiSTRESS diverse dataset on psychological and behavioural outcomes one year into the COVID-19 pandemic (Scientific Data, (2022), 9, 1, (331), 10.1038/s41597-022-01383-6)

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    The original version of this Article contained an error in the spelling of the author Krzysztof Hanusz, which was incorrectly given as Hanusz Krzysztof. This has now been corrected in both the PDF and HTML versions of the Article. © The Author(s) 2023