11 research outputs found

    Peningkatan Kinerja Pemasaran Syariah melalui Kemampuan Inovasi Produk

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    AbstractThis study aims to determine the role of product innovation ability and the improvement of sharia marketing performance. The ability of product innovation refers to the influence factors. It is a process that emphasizes achieving and creating unique and interesting new things. As well as using the process to build the ability to innovate within a company or organization. It is based on a view based on the individuals or groups subjectivity becoming the focal point and the main factor in the innovation process of a company or organization. The ability of product innovation must ensure that the process of creating new things is created continuously. Specifically in an effort to improve the Sharia marketing performance that will be achieved, especially for those who have many competitors or those who are prone to saturation. The paradigm in the importance of the innovation ability must be an encouragement for the progress in a business, its systems and arrangements. The ability of product innovation affects the Sharia marketing performance which is implemented by the company then affects the economic development. This will be an enrichment source for organizations in strengthening Shariah marketing performance. Keywords: Sharia marketing performance, Product Innovation Ability, Innovation Ability Factor

    Model Peningkatan Halal Repurchase Intention Berbasis Label Halal, Social Media Marketing, Religiosity Dan Halal Awareness

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    Penelitian ini diajukan guna mengidentifikasi bagaimana pengaruh label halal terhadap halal awareness. Social media marketing terhadap halal awareness. Religiosity terhadap halal awareness. Label halal terhadap halal repurchase intention. Religiosity terhadap halal repurchase intention dan halal awareness terhadap halal repurchase intention. Jenis penelitian yang akan dilakukan adalah penelitian eksplanatori atau explanatory research dimana penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis hubungan keterkaitan antara variabel eksogen terhadap variabel endogen. Variabel eksogen pada penelitian ini mencakup label halal, social media marketing, religiosity dan halal awareness sementara untuk variabel endogen adalah halal repurchase intention. Populasi yang akan dianalisis pada usulan penelitian ini adalah konsumen produk susu Bearbrand yang berada di wilayah Semarang. Untuk sampel pada penelitian ini ditentukan dengan menggunakan metode purposive sampling dengan jumlah sebanyak 100 responden. Untuk metode analisis penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode analisis kuantitatif dengan menggunakan analisis regresi linear berganda. Program aplikasi penunjang yang digunakan adalah SPSS 22. Hasil analisis menunjukkan label halal memberikan pengaruh positif signifikan pada nilai halal awareness produk susu Bearbrand. Social media marketing berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap nilai kesadaran halal atau halal awareness produk susu Bearbrand. Religiosity memberikan pengaruh positif signifikan pada halal awareness produk susu Bearbrand. Label halal memberikan pengaruh positif signifikan terhadap minat beli ulang produk-produk halal (halal purchase intention) produk susu Bearbrand. Religiosity memberikan pengaruh positif signifikan terhadap halal repurchase intention produk susu Bearbrand. Halal awareness berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap halal repurchase intention produk susu Bearbrand. Social media marketing berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap halal repurchase intention produk susu Bearbrand. Kata Kunci: Label Halal, Halal Awareness, Social Media Marketing, Religiosity, Halal Repurchase Intentio


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    Abstrak Pengadilan Agama  Kabupaten Malang termasuk dalam lingkup Pengadilan Agama Tinggi Agama Jawa Timur.  Data ini menunjukan bahwa di Pengadilan Agama Kabupaten Malang  telah setiap tahun  selalu menerima kasus perkara ekonomi syari’ah sedangkan Pengadilan Agama lain Belum pernah menerima pengaduan tentang ekonomi syari’ah. Demikian ini memberikan gambaran permasalahan yang dapat diidentifikasikan keadaan penyelesaian sengketa ekonomi syari’ah di Pengadilan  Agama Kabupaten Malang dengan mengacu pada pelaksanaan Undang-Undang Nomor 3 Tahun 2006 tentang Pengadilan Agama.Kata kunci: ekonomi syari’ah, sengketa, kasus AbstractMalang Regency Religious Court is included in the scope of the High Religion Religious Court of East Java. This data shows that in the Malang District Religious Court every year they have always received cases of Shari'ah economic cases while other Religious Courts have never received complaints about the Shari'ah economy. Thus, this gives an illustration of the problems that can be identified as the state of shari'ah economic dispute resolution in the Malang District Religious Court by referring to the implementation of Law Number 3 of 2006 concerning the Religious Courts. Keywords: syari'ah economy, dispute, cas


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    This study aims to know and analyze the influence of brand experience, brand personalityand brand community to brand loyalty with brand trust as a variable intervening on Oriflameproducts .. The population is the consumer who ever bought the product Oriflame in Semarang,with the number of samples of 100 respondents. The sampling technique used in this researchis convenience sampling or convenience .. The analysis tool is path analysis, where previouslytested the validity and reliability as well as the classical assumption test.Test results show thatbrand experience, brand personality and brand personality proved to have a significant positiveeffect on brand trust and brand loyalty. Brand trusts have a positive influence on brand loyalty.Brand trust can be an intervening variable between brand experience and brand personalitytoward brand loyalty. Brand trust can be an intervening variable between brand communitytowards repurchase meaning higher brand community, the more consumers can strengthenthe understanding of its members due to high trust to Oriflame brand, so that will increasinglyincrease customer loyalty to the brand.Keywords: Brand experience, brand personality, brand community, brand trust brand loyalt


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    The consumer’s perception in a product has a different from the company’s perception. The difference perception in a company will be appeared in the positioning and depends on segmentation’s product. The purpose of this research is to develop positioning and segmentation model based on the perception. If it perception can be mapped by the consumer and a company’s perception. Thus, these can be seen how positioning and segmentation’s product where these have different with the consumer to the company. It can be concluded that a company needs a reposition and segmentation to their product or not. The outcome of this target can be formed of consumer perception map to seven label phone. From this perception mapping will be able to be known how the positioning, segmentation, and consumer’s preference in a product. While from the research result which examined what perception mapping model that is produced appropriate with the objective conditions according to company. Therefore, it can be concluded what does the company needs repositioning or does not. The population  of this  research is  consumer  and  branch  manager  from  agency, distributor, and central selling market label such as Blackberry, Apple iphone, Nokia, Samsung, HTC, and Nexian in Semarang. Meanwhile, the approach that is used are descriptive analysis by using mapping perception method in graphic based on result analysis multi dimensional selling, and cluster analysis combine with descriptive analysis. The data is gotten by using mail survey to all respondent and deep interview to each respondent    Keywords : posisioning, segmentasi, preferensi, peta persepsi, handphon


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    The consumer’s perception in a product has a different from the company’s perception. The difference perception in a company will be appeared in the positioning and depends on segmentation’s product. The purpose of this research is to develop positioning and segmentation model based on the perception. If it perception can be mapped by the consumer and a company’s perception. Thus, these can be seen how positioning and segmentation’s product where these have different with the consumer to the company. It can be concluded that a company needs a reposition and segmentation to their product or not. The outcome of this target can be formed of consumer perception map to seven label phone. From this perception mapping will be able to be known how the positioning, segmentation, and consumer’s preference in a product. While from the research result which examined what perception mapping model that is produced appropriate with the objective conditions according to company. Therefore, it can be concluded what does the company needs repositioning or does not. The population  of this  research is  consumer  and  branch  manager  from  agency, distributor, and central selling market label such as Blackberry, Apple iphone, Nokia, Samsung, HTC, and Nexian in Semarang. Meanwhile, the approach that is used are descriptive analysis by using mapping perception method in graphic based on result analysis multi dimensional selling, and cluster analysis combine with descriptive analysis. The data is gotten by using mail survey to all respondent and deep interview to each respondent    Keywords : posisioning, segmentasi, preferensi, peta persepsi, handphon


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    Purchasing decisions become an important thing in retaining customers. The purchase decisionis a customer’s response to a discrepancy between the level of prior importance and the actualperformance it perceives after use. As for the population is a student class of 2013. Samplestaken in the study obtained for 96.04 then rounded up to 100 people. Based on the abovecalculation results, the number of samples taken in this study is the student class of 2013as many as 100 respondents. Criteria of sampling as a resource is a social networking siteusers who have made purchases two (2) times through social networking sites. The result ofresearch indicate that Ease, Quality of information, Quality of interaction have positive andsignificant influence to trust, Ease, Quality of information, Quality of interaction have positiveand significant influence to purchasing decision, Trust influence positively and significantly topurchasing decision.Keywords : Ease, Quality of information, Quality of trust interaction, purchase decisio


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    In the business world, competition is difficult to avoid. With the competition, the company will provide a better quality of the product or provide a cheaper price to attract more consumers. Through a competitive advantage, the company will be able to maintain continuity of production and develop the business to a larger scale. Therefore, this research tries to exam how to improve marketing performance through the optimization of competitive advantage . The predicted factors are: innovation, entrepreneurial orientation. Data about those variables was collected by conducting interviews with questionnaire to 46 respondents of SMEs. The data then were being analyzed using Interverning Regresion Method. The results of this research show thatall variables (innovation, entrepreneurial orientation.), have a positive impact on competitive advantage and marketing performance, while entrepreneurial orientation., has the biggest direct effect on the marketing performance. The result shows that while marketing performance as the dependent variable, ajusted R Square of 86.7%, while the remaining 13.3% explained by other variables not examined in this model. Then the competitive advantage as the dependent variable, ajusted R Square of 72.4%, while the remaining 27.6% explained by other variables not examined in this modelKeywords : competitive advantage, innovation, entrepreneurial orientation, marketingperformance


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    Intense competition in the service industry make service companies to intervene and work hard for the survival of the company 'why do not companies must not only create a good product and quality but the company is also required as to how the company could create good ethics and brand image to consumers. ethics or corporate brand image can not be replicated or followed as ethics and good brand image will be embedded in the minds of consumers so as to enable the consumer to use the product in a sustainable manner so as to make consumers become satisfied and loyal. The analysis technique used in this study uses the concept Equatin Structural Model (SEM) with a program Partial Least Square (PLS).   Keywords: Islamic buisness ethic, business ethic, brand image, customer satisfaction, customer loyality


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    This study aim stodetermine the effect ofservice quality dimensions as seen from five dimensionsofphysical evidence/tangible, durability/reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathytowards Bus Rapid Transit passengers. Inthis study, data were collectedby using question naireto 96 respondents, which aims to determine the response of the respondents toeachvariable.The analysis which is used,includevalidity test, reliability test,classic assumptions test(multicollinearity, normality, heteroscedasticity), multiple linear regression analysis, goodnessof fittest (F test, ttest, the coefficientof determination). From the result that using the regressionanalysis showed that the variables of physical evidence / tangible, durability / reliability,responsiveness,assurance, and empathy, all have positive and significant of BRT passengerssatisfaction. With the influence of 56.3% while43.7%are influenced by other variables.Keywords:service quality,customersatisfaction, mass transportatio